Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on May 16, 2021


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Bunny on a Boat" Chapter 13 - Fins in the Water --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in June 2018, after the Avengers: Infinity War premiere.

Shoutouts to those who advocated for the boat story, to Stucky and drillpsyche for asking for some Evans + Seb action, and to Andrew B for the teasing-through-the-speedos idea.


Chris tried not to laugh as he watched Tom return from the land of slumber. He'd woken up first, relaxing with the rocking motion of the boat, smell of fresh salty sea air, and the warmth from the sun as he let Seb and Tom continue enjoying napping. At some point in his sleep, Tom had rolled over and wrapped his arm over Chris' midsection. Slowly, the slim fingers began twitching as their owner returned to life, the tousled locks of hair shaking a little as his head began to shift around. He gave up and let out a chuckle as Tom's eyes blinked open, confused for a moment as the younger man realized they weren't sleeping in the cabin. The groggy haze in his eyes cleared up as the day's earlier events flooded into his mind...and his cock stiffened against Evans' thigh.

"Well, well, well...look who finally woke up."

"Mmm..." Tom shut his eyes and burrowed his face against Chris' chest, both in an attempt to finish waking up and also trying to get a horny reaction out of the big stud.

"How're you feeling?"

Tom tilted his face up to look at Evans, his eyebrows knitted together before one rose up as a silent question. The other eyebrow rose up when Chris' big palm patted Tom's rear. "Oh...I'm..." He winced a little as he shifted his legs, his hole twitching. "I'm, uh...okay. Just haven't done..." He glanced over his shoulder at his own backside, then turning back to give Evans a little grin. "...haven't done that before."

"No?" Tom shook his head, lazily tracing his fingertips through the hair on the big broad chest. Evans' hand rose up to Tom's head, his own fingers raking through his friend's hair. "Well, you took it like a little stallion." Tom's grin grew into a big smile, prompting Chris to have a big silly grin as well, unable to not respond to Tom's enthusiasm.

"We'll probably give your, uh, `assets' a rest for the day. Chance to recover a bit." He laughed again as Tom pouted, his lower lip sticking out while glowering. "Don't worry, little bunny. You've still got another hole..." His hand slid down, his finger tracing Tom's bottom lip. "...and two hands. And creativity. And...mmmmm..." He was cut off as Tom's lips wrapped around his finger and began sucking on it, that cute puppy dog expression turning into one of devilish mischief as Tom reached up and took hold of Chris' hand, extending a second finger which soon disappeared between those two pink puffy lips.

The sheet covering Chris' lower half quickly rose up as his manhood responded to Tom's tongue. The cover slid down, exposing the thick rock-hard cock for a moment before a hand wrapped around it, giving a gentle squeeze. Chris' eyes flicked up, finding Seb awake, his face buried against Tom's neck as he blindly tugged on Evans' member.

"Damn - don't you two get enough?"

"No." The pair responded at the same time, both tones muffled - Tom with his mouth wrapped around Chris' digits and Seb not looking up from that little spot where Tom's neck met his shoulder.

Laughing, Chris swatted Tom on his ass. Tom hissed, wind whistling around Chris' two fingers. "Okay, you definitely need a break. Into the water."

"Awww." Tom pulled away, his lower lip pinned against Chris' index finger. Evans had to resist the urge to slide it back in.

"Now." He lifted an eyebrow, doing his best to look stern under the circumstances. What he got in response was Tom lifting up an eyebrow again.

"Fiiiiiine daaaaad." Those cute lips parted as Tom stuck his tongue out, making a childish face for a moment before smirking as he ran his tongue up Evans' two fingers. He felt his cock throb in Seb's grip. Suddenly Tom was up, scampering across the boat deck, his hard dick bouncing with each step. Reaching the edge, he stuck his arms out and dove off, disappearing from view, followed by the sound of a loud splash.

Chris looked down at Seb's hand and then back up to his friend's blue eyes, still half-shrouded with sleep. "You too."

Seb blinked away the last of the cobwebs while smirking. "Fiiiiine daaaaad." He laughed as Chris pushed him away.

"I'm not your daddy."

Seb was still laughing as he sat up. "Sometimes. Hawaii?" He managed to wink before dodging a flying pillow.

"You're as bad as he is." Chris laughed as he reached for another pillow, only to find it snatched away before he could get hold of it.

"Oh. I'm not that bad."

"Close enough."

Seb looked up as if he were doing math in his head. "Maybe. Sometimes. Dad." He descended into laughter as Evans put on his stern look again, a finger pointing at Seb.

"You. Water. Now."

"Wait. Did he jump in without a swimsuit?"

"As if you somehow missed that hot little ass running across the deck?"

"Is that...wise?" Seb glanced out across the water, turning to look back as Chris began laughing again.

"If you're worried about paparazzi...splashing around in the water naked is the least of our worries at this point. We've given them quite the show. Besides, there's no one else in sight on the horizon."

Seb nodded, realizing that Evans had a good point. Grinning, he pulled himself up and then reached over to tousle Chris' hair. "You're such a smart daddy." He ran off before Evans could respond, leaping off into the water.

"He is as bad as the other one." Chris' grumbling was undermined by the goofy grin he was wearing - the only thing he was wearing - shaking his head and stepping across the deck and tucking into a cannonball as he jumped over the edge.

The guys splashed around in the water for a while, teasing each other and relaxing. The day's antics had left them a little worn out, prompting some surprise when Chris didn't try to initiate a swimming race for once.

"Ooh. Whose turn is it to make dinner?" Chris reached down, rubbing his growling stomach.

"Me and Tom. Like you didn't know that." Seb splashed water at Chris.

"You're hungry already?"

Chris turned to Tom, both eyebrows up. "Already? Child, it's 5 o'clock - your nap was a little longer than you think it was." Tom blushed a little at the idea of the nap...and the intense sex that had worn him out. "Kinda like how you both lost track of time this morning." The blush deepened. "And while you got stuffed, some of us worked up an appetite." The blush went from pink to red...and seemed to be contagious as even Seb's cheeks got a little pink. "And by the time you and Seb get done fooling around in the kitchen and actually make dinner, it'll be like...8 o'clock. If we're lucky." Both men's cheeks had gone from pink to red. Chris grinned from ear to ear, looking back and forth between the other two. "So...what's for dinner?"

"Damn - someone's hangry." Seb chuckled as he began swimming towards the ladder, tilting his head for Tom to follow. The trio made their way up. Reaching the top, Tom reached down to the pile of discarded swimwear, picking up a dark pink piece of fabric that he stepped into.

"Wait - are those yours or mine?"

Tom looked over, doing his best to try and look innocent. "Hmm?" He looked down in the direction of Chris' pointing finger, to the salmon-colored speedo. One size too big, it was hanging low on his hips.

"Hand `em over, skippy. No way I'm fitting into yours." Chris held out the baby blue speedo that Tom had started the day with.

"Come and get them." Tom started to dash past Evans, forgetting just how long those big arms were. Reaching out, Evans easily snagged Tom's arm, swinging him back where he landed against Evans' body. Facing away, he felt every inch of Chris' nude form pressed against his backside...especially his favorite part which was wedged against his ass.

"Seb?" Chris looked over with a wink, looking down at the speedos. Grinning, Seb came over and knelt down, taking the blue speedo from Chris' outstretched foot. "Give me a hand getting those on?"

"Are they going to fit?" Seb stepped around, opening them up and getting Chris' left foot and then right foot into the leg holes, slowly sliding them up.

"We'll see."

Seb tugged the waistband up, covering Chris' rear. The fabric was stretched out over the globes of his beefy ass, looking like it might give way at any moment. He saw Chris' foot move forward, catching the remaining swimsuit and sliding it backward on the deck. Seb picked it up, pulling the grey speedo onto himself, letting go of the waistband as he returned to face the other two, sitting down on the lounger to see what Evans was up to.

"I thought we were supposed to get dinner ready?" Seb grinned as he leaned back, spreading his legs for a little show.

"Sometimes..." Evans rested his palm against Tom's chest, right below his throat, slowly sliding it down. "...it's nice to have dessert first."

"Just sometimes?"

"Just sometimes." Chris licked up Tom's neck to his ear lobe, earning a shiver from the twunk. "Aren't you hungry, Sebastian?"

Lifting himself back up, Seb closed the distance, brushing his fingertips across Tom's chest. "I think I might have worked up a little appetite today, yeah." His thumb and index finger closed on one of Tom's nipples, squeezing the nub. Tom's eyelids fluttered as a light moan rattled out of his throat. Seb's other hand copied the motion on Tom's left nipple, both sets of fingers turning at the same time. The little moan sound grew into a loud groan as Tom's back arched. Chris' hand pressed to his stomach kept him from moving forward too far, moving further down as his tongue kept gliding up and down Tom's neck, teasing.

"You didn't get enough at breakfast?"

Glancing up, Seb's eyes met Chris' gaze as he tweaked at Tom's nipple. "Apparently not."

"It's not nice to steal another man's clothes, little buddy. Do you know why?"

"Ohhh..." Tom sighed as fingers dove under the waistband, flicking at the base of his cock. "Why?"

"You could make a mess."

"Really? What kind of mess?" Tom arched his back again, grinding against the hard mound behind him.

"Well, based on what I've seen so far...a really big, really sticky mess." The hand slid back out, reaching down to cup Tom's manhood through the spandex material. The extra fabric gave enough room that the pink speedo had space to create a nice tent. Wrapping his fingers around Tom's pole, Chris began slowly moving his wrist back and forth. "A hot mess."

"Oh fuu..." Tom was cut off mid-moan as Seb slid two fingers into his mouth. He quickly clamped down, sucking hard on the digits. The Winter Soldier's other hand continued teasing Tom's chest, tugging at his nipples, each caress pulling out another, louder moan. Chris continued rubbing his crotch against Tom's backside, jerking Tom's cock through his speedo. A large pink spot appeared, growing larger and larger as Tom began leaking like crazy, writhing between the two men's bodies.

"See, you're making a mess already. Tsk tsk tsk." Tom looked down before leaning his head back against Chris' shoulder, his eyes rolling back in his head as the big paw squeezed his nuts.


"It's okay." Chris turned Tom around, pressing his hand against Tom's shoulder to drop the British stud down to his knees. "Having the same problem." Tom stared forward - the blue speedo was stretched obscenely, the already-tight fabric struggling to hold itself together while trying to contain Evans' large cock, visibly throbbing with his pulse. The baby blue color was pulled so taut that it was nearly translucent...except for a huge dark blue circle where Chris' cock head threatened to rip through the speedo.

"I can take care of that." Tom glanced up, somehow looking both submissive and mischievous at the same time, taking hold of the waistband of Chris' swimsuit.

"Ah ah...no, that stays on." Tom only had a brief moment to look confused before he found his face mashed against Chris' hard member. His mouth went to the head, sucking on it, tasting Evans' nectar as it continued seeping through the spandex. Each drop encouraged Tom to suck harder and faster, trying to get more. His hands roamed over Chris' legs as he worked his mouth over the bigger man's crotch, hungry for more.

A hand pushed against the back of Tom's head as Seb settled in from behind, grinding his crotch into Tom's rear. Tom's body moved in a wave, his hips rising and falling against Seb's groin as his neck pivoted to work on Chris' mushroom and shaft, still encased in the speedo.

"Tom...mmmm." Chris bit his lip, suppressing a moan. "Are you going to make a mess?" He watched as Tom's large brown eyes looked down at Chris' crotch and back up. Unable to pull away with Seb's hand at his neck, he simply nodded, a muffled "mmhmm" sound vibrating against Chris' package.

"Aww, that's a bad little bunny. It's not nice to make...a...mess...fuuuuuck." Evans' banter was cut off as his balls erupted, his cock spasming as it shot into Tom's speedo. He watched as Tom latched his lips around the meaty head, sucking to pull the cum through the spandex and into his hungry mouth, swallowing every drop with a happy moan. After several thick shots, Chris' manhood quieted down, spent. Tom's fingers dug into his hips, sucking fervently at the sweet juices still trapped inside.

Tom found his efforts suddenly stopped as he was pulled back up to his feet and spun around, Chris' mouth rumbling in his ear. "Looks like you were hungry after all. Seb too." Tom's eyes were closed but he felt a mouth press into his groin, teasing him. "Bad bad little bunny, making a mess...and about to make another one." His fingers grazed along Tom's rod, still trapped inside the speedo. "Let's see if we can do better this time." Chris' thumb pressed down, his fingers curling at the bottom of the speedo, causing Tom's cock to pop out of the leg hole. It stood straight out, the head a dark flushed pink-red color, precum already pulsing out of the tip. Opening his eyes, Tom saw the end of his cock disappear into Seb's mouth, the lips suckling gently. Chris' hand was running back and forth, working Tom's shaft. "I think Sebastian is appreciating the idea of dessert before dinner. What do you think?"

"Uh huh." The words came out of Tom's mouth in a panting breath.

"You want to feed him dessert?"

"Uh...uh huh."

"Let's see if you make less of a mess this time." Chris tugged back on Tom's hip, removing his cock from Seb's mouth. Chris gripped the base, pointing the end of Tom's pole toward Seb's open mouth, pulling on Tom's meat. "Don't make a mess, bunny." Teeth nipped at Tom's earlobe, sending him over the edge. He cried out as he came, feeling his cock pulse in Chris' grip. Eyes closed, his vision went blinding white as his body shook within Evans' embrace. Shot after shot fired away, closing the short distance to disappear down Seb's throat.

"Damn - do you always cum this much?"

Tom's chest rose and fell in huge breaths, trying to recover. "Um...yeah?"

"Fucking hot. Check that out - you only missed one spot." Tom looked down to see Seb swallowing the last shot of cum, a small amount glistening on his stubbled cheek. Swiping it with his finger, Seb stood up and slid the digit into Chris' mouth, giving him a taste.

"Good boy. Almost no mess this time." Chris' hand petted Tom's chest. "Oh - but it looks like Seb's close. Should we give him a hand?"

"Yeah." Tom licked his lips while staring into Seb's eyes.

"Or something else?"

"Something else." Tom grinned, his teeth shining in the sunlight, as his eyes raked down Seb's body to the tent in the grey speedos.

"Yeah, you're going to be a good boy and help him out?"

"Yes." Tom licked his lips again...and then his lower jaw dropped in surprise as Chris slapped his ass.

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir."

"Good boy." Tom felt Chris' hand meet his shoulder and dropped down to his knees on his own. "Damn - very good boy." Tom sensed Evans kneeling down, the bearded mouth nestling against his ear. "Let's help Seb out." Looking up, Tom kept Seb's gaze as he pulled the speedo down just far enough that the Romanian hunk's cock sprang free, bobbing in the air for a second before Tom's mouth was on it.

"You're going to take care of him?"

"Mmhmm." Tom moaned around the dick in his mouth. A hand swatted his ass. He let Seb's meat free just long enough to pull away and say "Sorry. Yes sir."

"And you're not going to make any mess this time?"

"No sir." The words were followed by the sound of Tom slurping on Seb's pole.

"Fuck. Someone's well trained." A hand ran down Tom's spine, appreciating the tight muscles. "There's a little bar back in Boston you might like. Seb, you know the one."

"Yeah." Seb swallowed, both from Tom's efforts and memories prompted by Chris' words.

"Get you a little leather harness. That'd be cute as hell. Right Seb?" Wind whistled through Seb's bared teeth. He closed his eyes in an attempt to block out Chris' banter but that just had the effect of him picturing Chris' description. "Yeah, a harness that comes across his chest. Cute little jockstrap. Some wrist cuffs? That'd be hot, right Seb? Seb?"

"Yeah. It'd be...mmmm." Seb bit into his lower lip, trying to hold back.

"Take him to that one room in the back." Chris kept going with the tease, looking up to see Seb's eyebrows furrowed down deeply, his fingers buried in Tom's hair. "Tie him up." Seb's jaw clenched. "Grab one of the paddles. Smack his little ass."

"Aw fuuuuuuuuuuck." Seb's biceps bulged as he pulled down on Tom's head.

Tom lightly gagged as he found all of Seb's length impaled down his throat, throbbing as it fired away. He counted five shots before the grip on his head relented enough for him to pull back a little. The rest of Seb's load splattered against his tongue and the back of his throat, greedily swallowed down. As the hard rod began to deflate, Tom kept sucking, pulling to get the last of Seb's seed.

Fingers curled into Tom's hair and tugged back, his mouth covered by Chris' lips, a tongue lashing into his mouth. Tom moaned - the taste of Seb's cum, the feel of Chris' oral assault, and the images of this Boston bar all had his head spinning with lust.

Chris finally pulled away, planting small kisses along Tom's jaw. "He tastes sweet, doesn't he?"

"Uh huh...ow!" A playful swat on his rear. "Yes sir."

"Makes for a good dessert. My good little bunny - no mess at all this time."

Tom responded by leaning in for another kiss. He pushed his torso back, bringing Evans backward with him. Blindly feeling around, he found Chris' hand and took hold of it, planting it flat against his own chest, guiding it south to grope down Tom's body, until both of their hands were playing with Tom's crotch, his cock already beginning to swell back up. He moaned into Chris' mouth, grinding his hips back into the bigger man.

Chris pulled away again, chuckling. "Someone's hungry." He pulled back, grinning as Tom tried to go in for another kiss. "Good - hopefully that means you two will cook faster." He stood up, bringing Tom with him, a playful but slightly-disappointed look on the younger man's face. "Stick that tongue out again, young man, and I'll make you use it."

Carefully peeling off the blue pair, Chris handed his speedo back over to Tom. Tom pulled off the pink pair and handed them. "Promise?"

Chris laughed. "You don't stop, do you?" His laughter ended as Tom stepped forward, trailing a finger down Chris' chest and abs.

"Do you want me to stop?" He looked up with a flirty look.

"No, I want you to start..." Chris' voice was low and husky.

"Start what?" Tom ran his fingers up and down Chris' happy trail.

"Start dinner." Seb bit his lip again, this time to contain a laugh instead of a moan. Tom stood there, his mouth open, trying to think of a witty response. Failing, he exhaled with exaggerated exasperation, turning and making his way down the stairs to the kitchen, just shaking his head.

"That was awful."

"Awfully good." Chris laughed as Seb just closed his eyes and shook his head, heading towards the stairs.

"Nope. Nope. Too many bad jokes. Alright, I'm going to go help him with dinner."

"Just dinner?"

Seb glared at Chris over his shoulder. "Dinner. And you're not taking him to that bar."

Settling down in the lounger, Chris looked over with both eyebrows raised high. "I'm not?"

"No, you're not."

Smirking, Chris crossed his arms behind his head, relaxing. "Yes. I am. It'll be fun."

Seb stopped and turned, resting his hands on his hips. His mouth opened and then closed, realizing that trying to talk Chris out of this idea was useless. "Fine. But I'm going too."

"You've got a deal. I'll wait until all three of us can go. Me. Tom. You." He watched as Seb nodded and turned, disappearing downstairs. Opening a beer, Chris took a long swig. Swallowing, he let out a satisfied sigh.

"Seb...you make it too easy sometimes." Grinning, he looked out at the sea as he raised the can back up to his lips.

Down below, Tom and Seb set about making dinner.

"You okay?"

"Hmm?" Tom looked up, only half aware of whatever Seb had just said.

"Tom. That's like the fifth time you spaced out."

"I uh..." Tom stammered, trying to think of an excuse. `Chris' cum in my speedo is distracting me' seemed dumb even if it was the truth. Rubbing the corner of his eye, he shook his head. "Err, I'm just still a little knackered from today. Probably just too much sun."

Seb's lips pushed together, trying to contain a laugh. "Just too much sun? Nothing else?" He grinned as Tom blushed.

"Well, maybe a little too much something else as well." Tom returned the grin, relishing how the day had unfolded so far and the comfort he felt around these two. "So...a question."

Looking up from the pot he was stirring, Seb raised an eyebrow. "So...an answer. Maybe."


The corner of Seb's mouth pulled up into a little knowing smirk, his attention turning back to the pot. "Is an island in the Pacific." He had to suppress another laugh as Tom's face fell, not getting the information he was curious about. Making a sound of irritation, Tom leaned back against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes. It's an island in the Pacific. That sounds familiar from school." One eyebrow went up, curious. "What happened in Hawaii?" Seeing the gleeful glint in Seb's eye, he cut the other man off before he could speak. "On you and Chris' trip. Not some history lesson or something else."

Closing his mouth with whatever humorous response he had cooked up, Seb grinned. "The air conditioner went out."

"Yes. You guys already mentioned that part."

"And we slept in the same bed but decided to go without clothes because it was so hot in the room."

"And that part."

"And things took an interesting turn."

Tom closed his eyes and shook his head, letting a breath out through his nose. `These two...' He couldn't help but grin as he reopened his eyes. "Okay. Figured that." Still leaning against the counter, he placed his palms against it and slid them out, figuring an open physical invitation might get Seb talking more. "What kind of interesting turn."

"A very interesting turn." Setting the spoon to the side, Seb put the lid on the pot. "Okay, that's got awhile to go. Maybe enough time for a little story." He tapped the stove's buttons, setting a timer.


Seb had to bite back another laugh at Tom's enthusiastic response, as the younger man sensed progress...and quickly composed himself and tried to look innocent. Stepping closer, Seb ran his fingers along Tom's shoulder. "You know...I could tell you...or I could show you." The visible twitch in Tom's speedo gave away which option Tom preferred. "Oh...that might not be a good idea."

"Huh? Why not?"

A hand slid down Tom's back, reaching his rear and caressing it. "How's...things?" Seb decided that Tom blushing had to be one of the cutest things on the planet.

"Um...probably not up for...show and tell?" One of Tom's eyes squinted closed, both at his own pun and mentally trying to gauge if he was up for more playtime just yet after having two cocks in his hole at once.

"That's a shame." Lips played at the base of Tom's neck, working their way up. He could feel the smaller man's body reacting against his own, pulling closer, a pair of hands running along Seb's sides. A tongue traced the outer edge of Tom's ear, causing his toes to curl. "I could kiss it and make it better." He didn't need Tom to answer - the little gasp and his fingers twitching against Seb's ribs was response enough. Taking hold of Tom's hips, he turned the other man around, planting a kiss on his neck, right below his hair. Another one landed an inch farther down, and then another, and another. Slowly, but not too slowly, Seb worked his way down, until he was on his knees and pulling down the blue swimsuit to reveal that perky round rump he'd gotten to know so well during the trip. His lips planted another kiss, right at the top of the cleft between Tom's cheeks...and stayed there. Parting his mouth, his tongue emerged and slid up and down. One of Tom's legs jerked up on its own and Seb took hold of it, applying a little force to spread the two muscular thighs apart. His mouth worked further down, pressing in to bury his face in Tom's rear, licking his way south until he reached his target. Feeling the little knot of flesh, he planted his tongue flat and ran it up, hearing a giant moan.

Sliding his hands up, he gripped the two globes and spread them. His tongue flicked down and then flattened again, taking a stronger and slower lap up. Tom pressed his palms against the counter and arched his back, pushing against Seb's face. Seb's tongue wiggled around, his head pivoting to put in extra work as his fingers squeezed at the meat of Tom's haunches. Half of his effort was appreciating the musculature of Tom's ass...the other half was trying to reign in Tom's riding his face.

When Seb stiffened his tongue and pushed it through Tom's ring, he heard another cry and felt fingers reach back to clench his hair, pulling him against Tom's ass. The tongue dove back and forth several times before pulling out to torture Tom again, lapping up and down Tom's crack. And then he was standing up again. Tom spun around, bewildered at the sudden change, panting for breath. His eyes had a wild look as he stared for a moment before driving forward and latching his mouth to Seb's. One hand snaked up and around to the back of the other man's scalp, holding him in place so he couldn't get away again, their mouths wrestling. Seb leaned forward, pinning Tom against the counter. Their hands were all over, exploring and grabbing...and then the timer went off.

Tom tried to hold Seb in place but the taller man managed to wiggle free. "Sorry - don't want dinner to burn." Tom's eyebrows pulled up in the middle, a look of anguish. "I'm serious. There's things I'd much rather do right now." Bright blue eyes slowly travelled up and down Tom's body. "A lot of things." Between the earnest look in Seb's eyes and the hidden promise of many things to come, Tom's heart skipped a beat and the shock of the suddenly broken embrace faded away, replaced with a big smile that stretched from ear to ear. Getting everything together, they loaded up two trays and turned to make their way back up to the deck. As Seb cleared the doorway, Tom stopped.


"What's up?" Seb's voice came through the door, getting further away as he neared the steps.

Tom stood there, calling out into the hallway. "You didn't say anything about Hawaii!"

"Oops!" A faint chuckle reached Tom's ears. He stuck out his lip and let out a big breath, the blast of air ruffling his hair.

Arriving on the deck and putting down his tray, Tom watched as Seb went about setting the table, the complete picture of innocence as if he hadn't just dodged Tom's questions and distracted him with an amazing rimming. Throughout dinner, he tried to bring up Hawaii...and each time the other two dodged the question with vague or nonsensical answers. The sun had set and the moon was glowing brightly as Tom finally gave up...for now.

"You two suck."

"And sometimes swallow." Chris grinned behind his beer can as Tom attempted a glare. "Okay...not sometimes. Usually. Among other things. Seb here has quite the talented mouth." One of his eyebrows went up with curiosity as he saw both men suddenly blush. He wasn't quite sure what happened in the kitchen but his mind started conjuring up theories. Wrapping up dinner, the guys headed downstairs.

Chris secured everything and then cleared the table before making his way to the cabin. He found Tom lounging at the foot of the bed with a book, the sound of the shower running.

"How're you enjoying the trip?"

Keeping his eyes on his book, Tom managed not to grin. "It's alright."

"Just alright."


"You're a little ass." Chris sat down in the chair, laughing.

His laugh got louder as Tom glanced down over his own shoulder and then met Chris' gaze. "It's not little."

"No," Chris managed between fits of laughter. "It's definitely not little."

"I do a lot of squats."

"I noticed."

"Hey! Gym squats. Not...those...type of squats."

"You're cute when you blush." Tom glared at Chris, his blush only deepening. "Don't forget, it's your turn for breakfast tomorrow. So no lollygagging in bed for half an hour with Sebastian." Tom's eye roll brought on another set of laughter.

"I don't lollygag."

Shaking his head slightly, both of Chris' eyebrows rose, trying to keep his composure. "You don't gag. You do lollygag. Especially when...oh hi, Sebastian." Seb entered the room. "We were just talking about you."

"No we weren't." Tom's look of confusion set Chris into another round of laughter, bordering on giggling.

"Yes, we were." His head tilted towards the bathroom door. "Go shower. You smell of sweat and...other bodily fluids." The look on Tom's face was priceless as he tried to figure out what Chris was talking about and think of a retort to his bad pun. Instead, he got up for the bathroom, the sound of the shower starting up again.

"So what were you two talking about?"

"You - the kid just didn't realize it. How was dinner?"

Seb leaned back against the pillows, his turn to be confused by Chris. "You were there. You ate it."

The other man looked up at the ceiling for a moment before looking back into Seb's eyes. "Okay...how was making dinner?" As Seb blushed, Chris' mouth stretched into a wicked grin.

"It was...stirring and chopping. The usual."

"So why did Tom come upstairs looking flustered with a raging boner?"

"Ahhh. I wondered what gave it away."

Chris leaned back in the chair. "SO...how was dinner?" His eyes crinkled with more laughter as he watched Seb slowly lick his lip.

"It was...delicious."

"Since he was pitching a tent, going to assume your mouth was occupied somewhere else."

"I'm not telling."

"I wasn't asking. I was making an educated guess." Seb's eyes narrowed in a joking glare. "And since you're not denying it, that's a very solid educated guess." Chris folded his arms, satisfied with himself. "Especially since you're still not saying anything. Cat got your tongue?"

"Oh my god." Seb groaned at the awful joke, reaching for another pillow.

"Don't you dare." Rising up, Chris dashed for the bathroom. Peeling off the speedo, he slipped into the shower stall, surprising Tom.


"Thought I'd give you a hand. Or two." Lathering up the soap in his hands, Chris began running them along the lean body.

Tom laughed. "Hey, I already soaped up."

"Well, you've been pretty dirty today, so it wouldn't hurt."


"Uh huh."

"Oh - and you and Seb were...not dirty?"

The question just earned another wink. "Didn't say we weren't. Speaking of which." His hand reached Tom's rear, moving in a circle to build up a heavy set of suds...and getting some small sounds of pleasure from his friend. "Actually, trying to dodge Sebastian's flying pillows."

"Telling more bad jokes?"

"Never." Turning Tom around, Chris watched as the suds rinsed away under the water. "Alright, you're good."

"I can be bad." Tom's hand ran down Chris' arm.

"Yes. And I still owe you a spanking. But this thing only has so much warm water. Bye." Tom opened his mouth and then closed it, smiling. "What?"


Chris watched as Tom stepped out of the shower, not quite believing him. He heard the sound of Tom brushing his teeth...and then the toilet flush. The shower water suddenly went ice cold. "Hey!!! Oh dammit!" With such a small shower, there was nowhere to get away, forcing Chris to grit his teeth and endure the frigid temperature until it went back up to normal. Opening the shower curtain, he found Tom standing at the sink, brushing his teeth, trying to look innocent.

"Young man..."

Spitting into the sink, Tom looked back up, his lip coated with white foam. The sight sent a little jolt down to Chris' nether regions. "Yes, `dad'? That spanking you keep threatening?"

Running his tongue over his teeth, Chris just made a loud `tsk' sound. Picking up his own toothbrush, the two men silently looking at each other in the mirror while they brushed. Tom noticed Chris' eyes look down slightly, lingering at Tom's shoulder. Leaning down, he spat again and rinsed out his mouth.

"You okay?"

Chris spat into the sink, pointing his toothbrush at Tom's shoulder. "Might want to get that looked at." He watched as Tom tilted his head, looking in the mirror. Catching sight of the teeth marks in his shoulder, his eyes got wide. "When did you...?" His free hand rose up, lightly tracing over the indentions.

"Oh no, not moi. Looks like your butt wasn't the only thing our friend was munching on." The look of Tom's mouth opening and closing was perfect. The shorter man disappeared into the bedroom. Chris watched the door, listening to the conversation in the other room.

"Hey Seb, are you related to Zayn Malik?"


"Nevermind. What the...?" Chris guessed that Tom was pointing to his shoulder.

"Oh...sorry about that."

"No you're not."

"You're right." He could just picture Seb's shit-eating grin. "I'm not. But I'll apologize anyway."

"I'm going to get you back."

"You promise?"

Chris stood there, listening but hearing nothing. He closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly as he grinned to himself. `Oh my god...these two...'

"Hey, get a room you two."

"We are in a room." Seb lifted his mouth from Tom's ear only long enough to speak, quickly dropping his lips back down to the warm flesh. Both men were naked, Tom's rear end being kneaded by Seb's hands as they made out.

Climbing onto the foot of the bed, Chris paused, admiring the sight of the two naked studs. "At least you didn't call me an asshole this time. Must've gotten enough of that body part today."

"Never." Tom's voice came out as a murmur, his face pressed into Seb's shoulder.

"Well, yours needs a rest, young man, after what we put it through today." He leaned down, planting a kiss on the back of Tom's thigh. "Which, you took like a champ." Taking hold of a slim muscled leg, he turned the young British stud over. Tom folded his hands behind his head, wearing nothing but a satisfied smirk as his cock stuck straight up in the air.


"Actually, yes." He nuzzled his beard against Tom's inner thigh, tickling it. "Which, you probably deserve an award." He moved up, his lips grazing at Tom's hip.

"A spanking?"

"You deserve that too." He continued crawling forward until his face was hovering over Tom's. "But, I had something else in mind." Chris' face dropped down to harass Tom's neck. Reaching out blindly, he got hold of Seb and tugged him over, maneuvering his friend's face against the other side of Tom's neck.

"Oh fuck."

"Tomorrow. After you've rested." A lick down Tom's neck. "And recovered." The two men moved in unison, glancing out of the corner of their eyes whenever they sensed movement so that they could copy whatever the other was doing. Tom groaned as two mouths moved down and out across his collarbone, licking and nibbling at it. They kept moving out, sucking at his biceps, worshiping the work he'd been putting into the muscles of his arms...and then further out until his fingers were being sucked on, causing his toes to curl. He thought he might cum again when the two men latched their lips to his nipples, teasing the nubs with their teeth. Just when he thought he might go over the edge, their mouths disappeared and began tickling his ribs with their tongues...and then over his abs, along his hips, and down his thighs...completely ignoring his throbbing cock. Reaching his calves, they worked their way back up, two tongues lapping at his balls, Tom's legs squirming with pleasure but pinned down by two broad hands.

His head rolled back with a loud moan as finally one of the mouths descended down his pole, sucking hard on the way back up. The other mouth, he guessed Chris' due to the soft feel of a beard, wandered all over his body, licking at his ribs, his chest, along the edge of his armpit, up his neck...and then back down, finding new spots to tend to. Chris' mouth replaced Seb's, a loud slurping sound hitting Tom's ears as it was Seb's turn to take an oral exploration of Tom's body.

Seb's mouth worked back down, replacing Chris' again. As those precious lips bobbed up and down his pole, Tom felt his legs lifted up and a tongue lapping at the space between his legs. "Oh god..." he moaned, gripping the sheets with both hands. A finger ran across his hole, teasing it, as its owner's tongue continued working underneath his balls. His legs were lowered back down and then that tongue was working over both of his balls, popping them inside a mouth one at a time and sucking on them. Tom's legs scooted back and forth...and then went rigid as a pair of lips suckled at the base of his dick, working up, up, up...meeting the other man's mouth and making out at the end of his cock, two tongues playing with his head and foreskin, someone's hand tugging on his meat.

"Fuck!" His eyes squinted tight as his balls began their release, jizz splashing out into Chris and Seb's mouths as they continued lapping away at his member.

Quaking, Tom let out a long shuddering breath. Opening his eyes finally, he saw Chris and Seb kissing. Chris' hand was still wrapped at the base of Tom's cock, gently squeezing more juices from it. The bearded man caught Tom's gaze and winked. "How was that?" he asked as he turned to lick the tip of Tom's rod clean.

"You got some in your beard."

Gripping Chris' chin, Seb turned his friend's face left and right. "Oh, he's right - you do." Leaning forward, Seb ran his tongue along the corner of Chris' mouth, licking it clean. His tongue continued moving, getting another spot at Chris' jaw. Shifting his weight, he continued until he was tackling Chris' neck, his body hovering over the beefy man's form. Looking up at Tom, he kept moving down, tracing his tongue along Chris' spine.

"Seb...what're you...ohhh..." Chris' eyelids fluttered as Seb's mouth worked his lower back. And then reached the rise of his ass, parting it with his hands so his tongue could continue its journey. "Fuck...Seb...you're..." Now it was his turn to grip the sheets. "Fucking evil."

Tom watched, amused, as this big beefy stud turned into putty under Seb's fingers and mouth. Arms resting against the mattress, Chris lifted his hips so that Seb could work even more magic. Eyes closed, his mouth opened and closed with sighs of ecstasy.

"He's good?" He squeezed his eyes open, coming mostly back to reality at the sound of Tom's voice. Croaking out a sound, Chris swallowed and tried again.

"He's the bessss..ooof..." His eyes rolled back in his head. "...the best. Oh fuck." Chris' bold blue eyes went wide as he found himself flipped over onto his back. Out of familiarity, he gripped his legs, holding them up as Seb hungrily ate away at his hole. "Seb...fuck...oh fuck...god dammit Stan. I fucking hate....fuuuuuuuuck."

Pulling up, Seb took hold of Chris' ankles and rested them on his shoulders. Spitting in his palm, he rubbed the head of his own cock and pressed it to Chris' entrance, nudging forward and began opening up America's ass. Looking at Tom, he glanced at the bedside drawer. Getting the message, Tom quickly got the lube and tossed it over, entranced by the show. Seb lubed up his cock and pushed forward again. Knowing just how Chris liked it, he didn't stop but kept slowly sinking inside, inch by inch. Bottoming out, he pulled back and then thrust back inside, picking up speed.

"You should see him in a harness." Tom swallowed, looking up to see Seb wink. "It's pretty hot." He rammed forward, burying himself all the way in Chris' hole. His hips rolled back and forth, his midsection moving in a wave as his dick dove in and out, balls slapping against Evans' round ass. He could see the wheels of Tom's mind turning, trying to picture Chris and Seb in leather gear. The Spider-man actor's hand dropped to his crotch, absentmindedly playing with himself as he watched the two muscular studs go at it.

"Come here." In another person's voice, the words might be a command...but from Seb's mouth it was a request and a suggestion. Eager and curious, Tom got up on his knees and shuffled forward. "Closer." He nudged forward, his knees bumping into Chris' broad shoulders. "Closer." A stubbled cheek stretched with a one-sided grin. Tilting his head, Tom spread his legs and managed to get even closer until his knees were on either side of Chris' elbows. Seb's hand caressed the back of Tom's scalp...and then took hold of his neck and pulled down gently, pushing Tom's body downward. Sensing what Seb was up to, Chris reached up and grabbed Tom's hips, pulling him all the way down.

Tom sucked air through his teeth as he felt a beard, a pair of lips, and a tongue work against his hole. Closing his eyes, he gulped and then gasped. Fingers dug roughly at his thighs - this wasn't a gentle rimming. Instead, Chris was feasting on Tom's ass like it was his last meal. The pressure at his neck changed and began pushing Tom forward and down until he found himself face-to-dick with Evans' cock. Opening wide, he took the thick member into his mouth and began sucking wildly at it, moaning as Chris' efforts sent shivers up his spine. Just a couple inches away, he watched as Seb's rod pistoned in and out between Evans' thick thighs. His own cock began filling out again, pressing against Chris' chest.

Chris moaned between Tom's cheeks. Every time he got close to cumming, Seb slowed down. He guessed that his buddy was getting Tom to slow down too, since they were timing the power of their thrusts and sucking, slowing down at the same time and then working up speed again. After the fifth round of edging, he couldn't take it anymore. Slamming his head back against the mattress, he called out towards the ceiling.

"Fuck, Seb...quit fucking around."

"Not enjoying it?"

"You know what I mean."

Dammit, he could hear the grin in his friend's voice. "I don't know, Chris. Tell me what you want."

"You know what I want."

"You gotta tell me. Not a lot of blood going to my brain right now."

Chris shook his head. `We need to have a talk about our bad jokes someday,' he thought...and then grinned, knowing that wasn't ever going to happen.

"The same thing I want anytime you eat my ass."

"You...gotta..tell...me." Seb's thrusts were slower, punctuating his words, teasing his old friend.

"God dammit, Seb. Flood my hole. Fill me up. Fucker."

Tom's eyes went wide, somehow not ever picturing those words rolling out of Chris' mouth, especially with such hunger and need. He watched as Seb began slamming his hips against Chris' thighs, loud smacking sounds ringing in his ears.

Between Seb's pounding and Tom's sucking, Evans lost it. Clenching Tom's ass cheeks, he moaned against the round buns, his cries of pleasure vibrating against Tom's hole. As cum flooded his mouth, Tom began shooting all over Chris' chest, his pole jerking in the air as it fired away.

And still Seb was ramming Evans' back door. His balls spent, Tom began lifting himself back up. On some level, he felt Chris' broad hands clutching at his rear cheeks, still eating his ass as it pushed down from his tilting up. His mouth worked against Seb's abs and chest and neck, until he reached that mouth, the same one that had worked him over in the kitchen. His teeth pulled at Seb's lower lip, eliciting a growl. He felt his hair get gripped, pulling him into a deep kiss, sharing the taste of Evans' seed. For a moment, everything else in the universe disappeared - Seb's fingers, tongue, and lips were the only things that were present in this new realm of existence.

Slowly, everything else began fading back into reality - Chris' mouth at his rear, those firm fingers digging into his backside, the mattress beneath his knees, the moon coming through the window. The three men formed a triangle of pleasure with their bodies - and anything outside the cabin didn't matter in that moment.

Tilting his head, Tom let out a growl of his own, pulling away slightly with Seb's lower lip between his teeth again, chewing on it, their eyes locked together. Releasing his teeth, Tom turned and sank them into Seb's shoulder, matching the stud's earlier work on Tom's shoulder. He felt Seb's hand at the back of his head, pushing down, and he bit down even harder. The sensation rocketed down Seb's spine and into his groin - his cock began blasting Chris' insides as he yelled out in a state of lustful bliss. Tom sucked at the meat of Seb's shoulder, those fingers digging against his scalp, encouraging him on. Somewhere off in the distance, he heard Chris groaning with pleasure.

Seb was the first to start collapsing, his forehead bumping gently against Tom's. The two went down together, landing on the mattress on either side of Chris' body. The three lay there, panting, regaining their breath.

"Maybe little buddy here won't be the only one limping off the boat." Chris wore a crooked grin, his fingers rubbing the inside of Tom's calf.

"Can we hire someone with stretchers to just carry us?"

Chris leaned his head back to look at Tom. "Don't get lazy on us. Ow!" He laughed as Tom kicked him a second time.

"Lazy? After what you pulled this afternoon?"



"How did I wind up on a boat with two guys who never stop talking?" Seb laughed as both of the other guys turned and smacked him for his comment.

Exhausted, the trio crawled up and slumped down, their heads plopping down against the pillows. Since he'd cuddled up with Chris the night before, Tom turned to his left and wrapped his arms and legs across Seb's body. He felt Chris turn to spoon against his backside, lifting up a little, his chest rumbling as he spoke.

"Good night Seb...what the fuck?" Seb looked over and Tom turned his head, wondering what was going on. Reaching over, Chris flicked his finger at Seb's shoulder. "Damn. I'm sleeping with one eye open."

"Huh?" Looking over, both Tom and Seb found Chris' fingertip and their eyes went wide.

"Oops." Tom glanced up at Seb's face, looking sheepish.

"Oh damn." Seb reached up, tracing over the teeth marks that Tom had left, a purple spot already emerging within the oval shape.

"Were you trying to suck the life out of him?"

Seb ignored Chris' comment, still tracing the teeth marks. "Wow."

"Impressed? I think we invited a cannibal onto the boat."

"Like you haven't eaten your share of man meat. What?" Seb looked over at both guys, finding them both staring at him.

"I mean...I tell bad jokes, but damn."

"Yeah." Tom nodded, agreeing with Chris.

"Whatever." Seb rolled his eyes with a grin. "Chris' jokes are much worse. Much much worse."

"Not that bad."

"Were they worse in Hawaii? Ow, hey!" Tom laughed as the two guys rolled in towards him, squeezing him.

"Alright, knock it off. Tomorrow's the last full day at sea. Let's try to get some sleep and enjoy it."

Tom turned a little to look over his shoulder. "You didn't enjoy today?"

"Mmm. Always try to make tomorrow better than today. Also, you face that way sleeping from now on. I don't think I trust that mouth of yours anymore." Chris gave a gentle push as Tom playfully bit his teeth together. "Good night Seb."

"Night, America's ass." He chuckled at the sound of Chris shaking his head against the pillow.

"Good night bunny." He wrapped an arm over Tom's shoulder.

Tom pulled Chris' hand up to his mouth, giving a little kiss to the back of the big man's hand. "Night Chris." Leaning forward, he planted a tender kiss against Seb's shoulder. "Good night Seb." He felt Seb's hand land on his own, taking hold of it, their fingers lacing together.

"Good night...Tom."

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

Follow me on Instagram @redcheshire

Website: bit.ly/red_cheshire

If you enjoyed the story, have feedback, or want to share ideas, it would be great to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

Find me on Instagram @redcheshire

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/suckered-by-a-jonas-brother/

"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/more-than-once-upon-a-time/

"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2") http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/on-the-set-of-neighbors

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/exploring-kirks-frontiers

"The College Bet" http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/the-college-bet

Next: Chapter 14

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