Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Oct 3, 2022


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - "Pushing Buttons" (Part of the "Quarantine Frustration" story arc) --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story takes place in May and June 2020.

The "Quarantine Frustration" story arc begins in April 2020 and ends in September 2020.

Thank you to Robert for suggestions that found their way into this chapter. Thanks as always to Patrick for helping with proof-reading and editing.

This chapter was intended to be longer...but the writing has been slower this past few months, so I wanted to get something out. And 11 pages ain't bad. ;)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 1 - EARLY MAY 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tom Holland stared at his phone, his other hand absentmindedly groping his crotch. "Daaaaaaamn," he muttered, licking his lips. He tapped the picture closed, returning to the text conversation with Chris Evans.

[Chris E] Was watching that upside-down shirt video of yours. For about the hundredth time. ;)

Tom quickly brought the picture back up. It was an up-close black and white image of Chris' cock. It looked like the Captain America actor had taken it from low down on his stomach, the thick appendage rising up out of his underwear, hovering above the meaty thigh. It was an angle that Tom was very familiar with - the one he saw whenever the pair rolled into a 69 and the smaller man was on top. His mouth watered, almost able to taste it. Hell, he had a small urge to lick the phone.

Closing his eyes, Tom let out a long breath through his nose, irritated at yet another day stuck in the house. And as hot as the picture was...it reminded him that any dick other than his own was currently out of reach due to the global pandemic.

"Argh!" His fingers clenched around the phone's edges as he let out a frustrated growl. Looking back at the photo, it wasn't just the dick he wanted. Hell, he'd settle for nuzzling his face along the thick leg that was visible in the background. Shit, he'd suck Evans toes if the stud was here right now and asked him to.

Squeezing out the last bit of lube from a bottle he kept tucked under his pillow, Tom tossed it into the trash can, making a note to order some more online.

Fuck,' he thought. He'd already gone through a couple of regular sized bottles, switched to the bulk-sized bottle...and still ran out. And it's only been two months. Maybe I should order a bucket.' The idea caused him to chuckle - it'd be difficult to hide that.

Slathering the clear liquid along his shaft, he began stroking it, making a quick video that he fired off to Evans.

[Tom] Looking at your photo...for the hundredth time.

He got back a wink and devil emoji...and then the phone dinged as another text came in, this time with an attachment. The thick member appeared on his screen, that bear-paw of a hand wrapped around it, slowly working up and down. The hand stopped, squeezing the shaft, shaking the large head towards the camera. Tom's jaw clenched, wanting so desperately to run his tongue around the prominent flared edge of Evans' bellend, then over the slit to capture the hunk's sweet nectar.

Sighing in both pleasure and frustration, Tom continued stroking his meat, capturing another video and sending it as a reply.

Grinning, he sent the same video to Sebastian Stan.

[Tom] Hey, Seb. What's up? ;)

He watched as three dots appeared and then disappeared...and then reappeared again.

[Seb] More than the roof, by the looks of it.

[Tom] Heading out on a boat any time soon?

His grin returned, bigger this time, as fond memories of the trip with Chris and Seb came to mind. `Hell, has it been two years already??' The corner of his mouth tugged down a little as another memory came to mind. Hanging out with Seb after the Ace Con convention, their naked bodies tangled up together...the evening becoming less romantic when the older man made it clear that he wanted to remain just friends. And that had worked for a while until it became clear that Seb and Jake didn't get along.

Tom shook his head in an attempt to dispel the memories and the unpleasant emotions that came with them. Pulling up Chris' video, his partially deflated cock roared back to life.

"Man, would love it if you were here right now." He stroked slower as he spoke, capturing his words and cock on film. Hitting the red button to end the video, he sent it off separately to Chris and Seb...and then to Jake, wondering how his boyfriend would respond.

He soon got a message back from Evans - opening the attachment, there was a video of the large dick, the head an angry deep reddish-purple color, precum leaking out from the tip.

[Chris E] I'd tear that ass of yours up right now if you were.

[Tom] Holy crap - you're about to blow.

[Chris E] Been edging for like the last two hours. Not much else to do, stuck in the house. Been looking at the stuff you've sent the last few weeks. ;)

The phone dinged again, this time a photo from Seb. Blue boxer-briefs with a big bulge, his fingers gripping the mound, accompanied with a devil emoji.

He went back and forth with the two hunks, trading pictures and videos, taunting them with descriptions of what he wanted to do with them.

The screen filled with an incoming video call from Seb. Curious, he tapped the green button to accept it.

"Hey Seb!"

"Got tired of tapping all those buttons. And wanted to see you." Those bright blue eyes crinkled as Seb smiled.

"Awww. Wait - you wanted to see me? Or this?" Tom tapped the button to flip to the rear camera, his cock appearing on screen.

"Oh. That's good too." Seb's screen flipped as well, the sight of his dick waving towards the camera causing Tom's mouth to water. "What was it you were saying again?"

"Where was...oh. I can't wait to grab those big shoulders of yours again, holding on while I ride your cock." He watched as the hand on his screen picked up the pace, fingers gliding up and down more quickly. "I love the way you stuff my hole."

"You just like the way I squeeze your hips while I'm fucking you."

"Mmmm, god, yes. I'd fucking let you do anything you wanted right now."



"How about fucking you in public?"

"Oh shit. Really?" The idea felt dangerous and incredibly hot at the same time.

"Yeah. Take you to Italy. Get you in one of those little alleyways. Early in the morning, hardly anyone around. Pull your pants down past that big butt of yours...push you up again some ancient stone wall, start drilling you."

"Oh my fucking..."

"Keep going, harder and harder, until I'm cumming in your guts."

"Fuck...fuck..." Tom was flogging his meat, his hand a blur on the screen.

"And then pull your pants up, tucking your still-hard dick back in your pants...balls boiling."

"Killing me..."

"Get you back to the hotel, push you up against the window, your bare ass pressed to the glass, and suck you dry."

"FU-mmmmph!!!!" Tom clamped his mouth shut to stifle the cry before his family heard it. His cock exploded, cum pouring down the shaft.

His muffled cries were picked up by the microphone, easily audible on Seb's end. They pushed him over the edge, his camera capturing the scene of jizz splashing in heavy ropes across his stomach.

"Oh my god...that's not fair, you know exactly what buttons to push."

"Yeah - the two on your chest and the easy one juuuuust a couple of inches inside your hole."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too." The pair laughed, teasing each other a bit more before ending the call. Snapping a photo of the mess he'd made, Tom sent it to Chris.

[Tom] How's America's dick doing?

[Chris E] Daaaamn. Nice to see that our friendly neighborhood bottom is still slinging webs.

Tom rolled his eyes, chuckling. His laughter faded as a video came in - clicking it, he watched as the thick piece of meat swelled up, throbbing as it erupted, blasts of white juices flying up into the air, making heavy splattering sounds as they landed on Evans' stomach and thighs.

[Chris E] Well, look at the mess you made.

[Tom] That I made??

[Chris E] Yep. Your fault. Should make you clean it up. With your...tongue emoji

Even though it was the fourth or fifth time he'd gotten off, Tom's manhood twitched, eager for another round as he imagined laying across those big legs, lapping up Chris' cream.

[Tom] Name the day and time.

[Chris E] Soon. fingers crossed emoji

Wiping up, Tom relaxed, scrolling through social media and messages from friends. Seeing a notification for an incoming text message from Jake caused him to smile. His mouth twitched a little - it was almost a normal message, the words `That's hot' the only indication of the kind of video Tom had sent. He responded to the content of Jake's message...and then sent the picture of his cum-covered cock and stomach.

[Tom] Thinking of you...

[Jake] Ohhh. wink

The phone rang with an incoming call - Tom's smile grew when he saw Jake's name. This time, Jake didn't try to switch to having a normal conversation, getting Tom to talk dirty while he moaned into the phone, his breathing growing heavier and heavier, until Tom heard a series of grunts and moans, followed by a gasp, picturing his man nutting all over himself, knowing that he'd been the cause of it.

The conversation turned more sweet than dirty, talking about how much they missed each other and trying to figure out a way to meet up soon.

Ending the call, Tom headed to the shower, noting that it was almost time for dinner.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PART 2 - EARLY MAY 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tom grinned cheekily as he moved around on the bed, trying to figure out the perfect position. Looking over his shoulder, he kept his eye on his phone's screen with the camera app pulled up. His lips pressed together in frustration, brow furrowing, not truly happy with any of the poses he'd tried out.

`Man, if Shawn and Nick were here...'. Their surprise underwear photoshoot sprung to mind, his mouth watering at the memories of the poses becoming more and more provocative (mostly at Mendes' prompting), until they'd wound up in a tangle of arms and legs, sucking and fucking through the night. He'd messed around with Shawn before...and Jonas more than once...but it was the first time that they'd all "hung out" together. The pouch of his underwear stretched out as the memories got his blood flow going.

`What would Shawn do?' Tom thought to himself, picturing the Canadian singer holding the phone, ready to snap a picture. Smirking, he changed his pose, almost able to hear Shawn's voice in his ear. Looking back, his grin grew wider, pleased with what he saw. Tapping the main button, he returned to his pose and waited, listening for the shutter sound. He was on his knees, facing the headboard with his legs spread apart, arms outstretched with his hands gripping the headboard, as if waiting to be mounted. Hearing the clicking sound, he checked the results, smiling wickedly as he edited the photo to black and white and played with the contrast, boosting the image's details before firing it off in a text message. Leaning back against the headboard, he fondled himself through his underwear while he waited.


`That didn't take long,' he thought...and chuckled as he heard his phone emite more notification sounds.

[MBJ] Damn baby, you know how much I love that ass.

Tom grinned at the response, feeling his cock throb within its cotton confines. Looking down, he knew he'd find a wet spot appearing.

[Duke] Yeah, but you know which part I love even more... Winston's next text message was a devil emoji.

Tom knew exactly which part of his body the beefy actor enjoyed the most. Grinning ear to ear, he returned to his earlier position, tapping the screen once more. This time he tugged down the back of his underwear, exposing his rear. As he heard the time count down, he pushed his hips back, spreading his legs even more, turning to peek over his shoulder. He groaned as the thought of Duke's cock came to mind, the thickest piece of meat he'd ever taken. Up until then, Tovey's cock had been the widest cock...but Duke was easily an inch thicker around in girth. Tom had needed a few hits of poppers as he struggled to take the monster-sized rod, breaking out in a sweat as his hole was stretched wider than ever. Later, he'd held a soda can up to Winston's meat and stared, slack-jawed, as he saw that they were nearly the same size. His hole had winced in pleasure and pain as he tried to picture something so huge spreading his cheeks...and hadn't needed to imagine it for long as Duke showed him the video he'd made as he'd speared Tom's hole.

Checking the photo, he made sure that his rosebud was visible and then sent it to the pair.

He got back an up close picture of a hand grasping a rock hard bulge, ten inches of meat threatening to tear open Michael B Jordan's underwear. Tom's toes curled as he imagined the awesome length drilling down his throat. Another message appeared - this time it was Winston. Duke wasn't messing around with teasing bulge shots. His vast flesh rod was on display, towering up from his crotch, a pearl of precum perched on the rim of his cock head.

[Duke] Someone misses you.

Tom ripped off his underwear and shoved the phone between his legs, spreading them wide to get a good shot of Duke's favorite body part, sending it off in a hurry.

[Tom] Someone misses you too.

He returned the camera between his legs, thumbing the screen over to video mode. Reaching down, he slid a finger in and out of his hole, moaning as he imagined Duke being there with him, giving his insides that gloriously intense stretching feeling. His guts had ached for a few days afterward, each twinge causing his mouth to water in pleasure.

[Duke] Fuuuck, I need back inside that hole.

[Tom] When and where? ;)

[MBJ] Hey, count me in too!

Tom grinned as another photo came in. This time, Michael's boxer-briefs were out of the way, the long slab of meat stretching across his groin, reaching almost all the way to his hip. Tom bit his lower lip, moaning as he pulled his own briefs down, fingers wrapping around his pole. He snapped a photo and then searched online for a picture of three guys going at it, two of them spit-roasting the one in the middle. Copying the picture, he sent it and the one of his dick to the pair of studs.

[Tom] The sooner the better. Reliving this.

He got back a photo from Duke of one guy riding another.

[Duke] And this. Watching you ride, taking all this dick... A series of fire emojis followed.

[Tom] Fuck, I need the two of you inside me again.


Another picture came in, of a guy with two cocks shoved up his ass at once.

[Tom] With the two of you? HELL no!

He got back laughing emojis from both guys at the same time.

The messages app was replaced by an incoming video call. Tapping the green button to accept, Tom was greeted by Jordan's broad grin, bringing a big smile to his own face.

"Hey twinkalicious."

Tom rolled his eyes, chuckling. "I am not a twink."

"Yeah okay."

Duke Winston's face appeared as he joined the call, hearing the last part of the convo. "Ehh...little ass master there is a little too bulked up now to be a twink, isn't he?"

"Yeah, see? Thank you Duke."

"He's a...what do they call it? A twunk." He and Michael started laughing, a sound which grew louder as Tom glowered at both of them.

"Twunkalicious Tom. I like it."

"How do you sign off on a facetime call again?" Tom pretended as if he were searching the screen, his finger outstretched to tap the phone. His motions came to a halt as the Jordan's face disappeared, replaced by the view of his cock. "Nevermind."

"Mmmhmm. Thought that might keep your attention."

"Know what else keeps his attention?"

"What?" Jordan and Tom spoke at the same time.

"This." Duke's camera moved...not to his dick but to his iPad, which was playing a familiar video. Tom's voice could be heard, moaning loudly. His bubble butt filled a good portion of the screen...as a super thick cock filled his hole. Duke's voice could be heard in the background, groaning words of encouragement and amazement as Tom's ass worked up and down the mighty pole.

"Fuck me, mate." Tom licked his lips as he watched the screen, fond memories springing to mind.

"I have."

"Me too." Jordan chuckled as he reached down and grabbed his rod, stroking down its length. He opened his hand up, displaying his palm to the camera. "Your mouth. Here." He curled his fingers back around the shaft and tugged down the many inches, squeezing the base before sliding his hand back up to the head.

"Your ass." Duke copied the motion, palming as much of his girth as he was able to, fingers not even close to touching as they encircled his dick. "Here." His fingers trailed down the thick cock, copying Michael's movement.

"Your cocks...umm." Tom's eyebrows scrunched up, trying to figure out how to suck on his fingers, finger his hole, and hold the camera all at the same time.

"Twunkalicious. You have a dildo?" You could hear the cocky grin in Jordan's voice, even if he couldn't see those sexy lips.

Winking, Tom lept from the bed. When he reappeared, his underwear was gone, his hard cock bobbing up and down as he moved around...and then disappeared from view, replaced by those luscious round mounds as he gave the guys a good view of his ass. Reaching back, he waved a toy in the air, the latex skin shiny with lube. He set the base of the dildo on the mattress and bent his hips. As he lowered his body, he reached back and spread his cheeks spread...two other men could see his hole appear, quivering as it neared the toy...and both of them let out long low moans of anticipation.

Tom sank down slowly but easily. The toy had a nice girth to it but wasn't as thick around as Russell Tovey's piece of meat - Holland had chosen that size specifically, worried about stretching himself out and no longer feeling that wonderful sensation of the older man's wide dick opening him up. It also helped that he'd been using the toy frequently as the quarantine progressed. What had begun as a weekly habit had turned into a way to vent his lustful feelings about every other day. He worried that he'd just wind up walking around with it shoved in his ass all day, if things didn't let up.

When he felt his ass press against the rubber balls, Tom swiveled his hips around, grinding on the pole, sighing as he wished it were the real thing. Glancing over his shoulder, he could see two large cocks being stroked, the tempo increasing as he began riding the fake cock.

"That's Duke. What about little ol' me?"

"Little?" Tom grinned, biting his lower lip.

"Alright. What about all this?" Jordan shook his cock towards the camera. "Oh fuck baby." He moaned softly as he watched Tom reveal another dildo, this one more average-sized. Lifting it up, he swirled his tongue around the head a few times before opening his mouth and sucking on it. "Fuuuuuuuuck. Yeah, that's it." Both men watched as Tom swallowed the entire seven inch length...and then began sliding it in and out of his mouth, at the same time that he was working his hips to ride the other toy. "God damn, you know how to suck a dick. I fucking miss that." Tom glanced out of the corner of his eye as he heard the slick sound of stroking quicken.

Before long, Tom turned around so that he had a better view of his phone's screen. He watched, eyes glazing over with lustful glee, as the two huge dicks got worked over. He pistoned with his knees and hips, his cock bobbing around unattended, one hand busy holding himself up and the other hand grasping the second dildo as he bobbed his mouth up and down on it.

"Remember the way he rode that thick monster cock of yours in the hotel room?"

"Remember?" Duke let out a giant laugh, his camera shaking. "Brother, I've got it on video. And if I lost that...it's seared into my mind. You know how rare it is that someone not just takes my dick...but takes it?"

Tom's lips stretched into a smile even as he sucked, remembering the way he'd held onto Winston's chest, his entire body aching as he'd mounted the stud and pushed himself down. It'd felt like he was sitting on a traffic cone. The memory was too much - grunting, his unattended dick began spraying cum all over the bedspread.

"Ohhh, I think someone has that memory seared in their mind too."

"More like seared in his ass." Michael laughed at his own joke, recalling how Tom had limped off of the bed afterward, wearing nothing but a crooked gleeful grin, drenched in sweat and cum.

Pulling the dildo out of his mouth with a loud `pop' sound, Tom tossed it to the side. "Your turn, mates." Flipping over, he stuck his ass in the air, the rubber toy still buried inside. Reaching back, he grasped it with one hand and began working his arm furiously, ramming his own guts with it, wishing it was one of the two men there.

"When this...is...all over...we're...meeting up...and..." Tom's sentence trailed off into a moan.

"Absolutely. I need that ass in my life."


Duke groaned again, both from the feeling of his balls boiling...and in pain from Jordan's bad jokes.

"Fuck me as hard as you can next time, Duke." Tom moaned, his face rocking against the mattress.

"As...as hard as I can?"

"Yeah. Let Michael hear your balls slapping against my ass."

"Oh fuck."

"Tear up my insides. Rearrange them. Make them yours."

"Oh holy fuuuck."

"Stretch my hole like no one else does...and flood it with your babies."

"Oh fuuUUCKKK MEEEE!" Duke roared, his fingers tightening around the thick shaft as it swelled and throbbed, turning into a geyser of cum, his juices pumping out and pouring down over the veiny shaft. "Fuck fuck goddddd daaaaamn fuuuuuuck." His large balls twitched as they released their load. Swallowing, he let out a long sigh. "Fuck dude. You want it, you got it. As soon as all this shit is over, I'm coming for that ass."

"What about me?" Jordan waggled his meat at the camera again.

"Shove it down my throat while Duke drills me."

"Mmm, you'd like that wouldn't you. Little cum-guzzler." Jordan growled as he watched Tom lick his lips. The Spider-Man star had revealed during their first encounter that, as much as he liked being bred...he liked having a load of cum shooting into his mouth even more. It was a fact that Jordan loved to remind Tom about...usually while sliding his ten inches down the British actor's throat, groaning as he pumped a load down into Tom's stomach.

"I would love it. Feeling that long rod of yours throb and jerk in my mouth while you shoot your cum all over my tongue, filling up my mouth. Fuck your jizz tastes so damn good. I can't get enough. The way it tastes. The way it feels, going down my throat. Hell, I'd even suck you off in public somewhere, anywhere you want, let you fuck my throat out at the park or something. Anywhere you want, just as long as I get to taste that sweet..." Tom didn't get to finish describing the essence of Jordan's god-like nectar, because the other man began shooting it all over his abs, roaring loudly as his long fuck stick pulsed in his grip.

Jordan let out a long exhale as he ran his fingertips through the trails of jizz he'd made. "Fucking little evil leprechaun..."

"Um, those are Irish. I'm English." Tom laughed as he could hear Jordan mutter the word `whatever.' He could picture the tall stud rolling his eyes, one corner of his mouth pulling up in a cocky grin, usually reaching over (or down) to ruffle Tom's hair.

"Fuck you, whatever little mischief fuckers that live in merry ol' England then." Another sigh of contented pleasure rolled out of the big chest, which came into view as Michael moved the camera so his face was showing again. "Lord, I'm holding you to that, you know. Just let me figure out a good place." Jordan's smile turned into one of wicked delight. When Tom had revealed his pleasure of swallowing cum, Jordan had returned the favor by divulging how much he enjoyed public sex - the risk of getting caught heightening the sensation. And if somehow other people were around, seeing him but unaware that a dude or a girl had their lips wrapped around his pole, sucking on it...or slowly pumping in between their legs, everyone blissfully ignorant of the situation just feet away...the thought made his balls boil with pleasure. "You know just what buttons to push."

"How are your nipples?" Tom relaxed as well, leaning his back against the pillows, his legs spread, flashing a big evil grin.

"Awww, shit, don't start that again." Both men breathed in deeply as they recalled Tom riding Jordan's cock, his mouth latched onto a perky nipple, sucking and chewing on it...earning harder thrusts of the American's hips.

"Naw. Start that shit again. And you can start with me." Duke's camera was showing his head and chest now as well, his thumb and forefinger tugging at his nip, waggling his eyebrows.

"Oooh. Yes sir." They all laughed as Tom licked his lips, eager to make Duke's wish come true.

"Alright, twunkalicious." Michael laughed as Tom's nose crinkled up again. "Oh no, that name's sticking. Wait until I tell the others."

"Aww man, no. You know Evans and Pratt can't ever drop a joke."

Jordan tilted his head, tapping a finger on his chin as if deep in thought. "Tell you what..." He stared into the camera, all seriousness...before winking and grinning again. "...find a way to convince me and these lips are sealed."

"I don't care what the bet is, I'm putting my money on twinkie." Duke's chuckle turned into a laugh as Jordan pretended to be hurt.

"Twinkie? I thought it was twunkalicious?" Tom blinked, trying to keep up with the pet names these two were tossing out.

"Naw. I like twinkies better. They're filled with cream." It was Duke's turn to lick his lips hungrily as he eyeballed Tom through the camera.

"Oooh - I like that."

"Thought you would."

"Alright, twinkielicious. You're free next week?"

"Hell yeah!" Tom nodded vigorously, like someone being offered their favorite treat in the world. Which...Michael was. Well, the next best thing anyway, since the real thing was out of reach.


The beefy hunk mirrored Tom's enthusiasm. "Hell yeah." He winked at Tom again. "Might ship you a thicker toy. Help bring back those memories." Tom's nervous but horny swallow caused another loud laugh to rumble out of Winston's broad chest.

"See you later guys. Be safe." Jordan waved at the camera, his smile more warm than lustful now.

"Later. You too." Duke gave a short friendly wave before reaching forward to tap the end-call button, a big satisfied grin on his face.

Tom stared at the mobile phone's screen as it returned to the home page, full of icons...but not his friends...or their dicks. Or their laughter. His hormones were satiated for now, but the sense of satisfied pleasure felt a little hollow. Fooling around with the guys through the phone was hot and it was fun...but it wasn't the same.

Taking a deep breath in and out, the corner of Tom's mouth pulled up into a small grin as he reached down and slowly pushed the toy back inside himself. Thinking of Duke's super-thick cock, his grin grew as an idea came to mind. Grabbing the other toy, he lubed it up and brought it downward, between his legs, slowly easing it into his hole right alongside the other one. He moaned as he felt his entrance stretch wider to accommodate the two latex rods. It felt...Tom panted as he worked the smaller toy in and out, spreading his legs, soft moans rolling out of his throat, enjoying the feeling of his guts being opened up, pretending it was for real. He murmured Duke's name out loud, again and again, in between gasping breaths as his cock hardened up again, leaking copiously as he took his toy play to another level.

His eyes were scrunched tight, his tongue darting out repeatedly to wet his lips, groaning Winston's name as his free hand clenched at the bed covers. With one last plunge of the dildo and a loud whimper, he fired off another load, coating his stomach with his own juices. As his body went limp, Tom let out one long sigh, hoping that it would be sooner rather than later before getting a chance to `play' with his friends again.

~ ~ ~ ~ TO BE CONTINUED ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

You can find all my stories at redcheshire.weebly.com

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Next: Chapter 20

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