Hollingsworth University

By moc.liamtoh@9224ecnirpc

Published on Oct 12, 2012


I could not believe this nigga was sitting here with his dick out in this dressing room. Even though it looked good, damn good, I have to resist riding this nigga dick in this dressing room. I had to sike him out like I didn't want him so bad right now.

Legacy: What you doing with that?

Ace: Damn baby! You gone leave me like this?

Legacy: If you want me to suck yo dick, I will when you stay over. But I aint finna get put out of this mall. Now put it up!

I had to get stern with him. The look on his face as he was trying to stuff his hard dick back in his jeans was hilarious and sad at the same time. I had to treat him extra special when we got home. I finished trying on everything and got everything I wanted. He insisted on paying so I didn't object. After that stunt in the dressing room I guess he figured he had to make up for it. We met all the guys in Applebee's in the mall, and we stayed in there until they closed. We kept ordering shit so that we wouldn't just be sitting there. We tipped the waiter good as hell too. His manager actually took him off his other tables and he was supposed to only pay attention to us. Ace asked for that and promised that we would tip him extra well. We all left there at about midnight and the other guys went back to they place and Ace and Trey came with me and Earl.

Ace: Damn I'm tired!

Legacy: Really? Are you REAL tired?

Ace: Aww shit! I aint never that tired.

Ben: Nasty ass niggas alw...

As Earl was talkin bout me and Ace, Trey was standing next to him and he slipped his hands in Earl's jeans. It cut him off midsentence.

Trey: Shouldn't we be excusing ourselves?

Ben: Erm, yea! Well see yall niggas in the morning!

They took off up the stairs and me and Ace made sure everything was secure in the apartment before we went to my room. I didn't really care if we fucked. I just wanted to cuddle wit my boo. That's exactly what we did. But not the jackrabbits in the next room. They fucked all night! Despite the noise, being cuddled up with Ace I managed to sleep like a baby.

I woke up the next morning at about 9am still cuddled with Ace but decided to cook everybody breakfast. I got up and put on some boxers. I went down in the kitchen and found some stuff to make some breakfast. By the time everybody got up it was about 10 and I had made pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Trey got up earlier and helped me. We were slowly becoming house husbands for our men. We all sat down for breakfast and talked about what we had going on today. I got an email from coach this morning saying he wouldn't need my help today so I decided to just chill at the house. Ace had to go to the frat house to get ready for the party tonight. Trey was Ace's LB so he was gonna be helping him out too. So I guess it was just gonna be me and my bro for the day till tonight! After we finished breakfast, the guys kissed us and they left.

Legacy: So what we gon do?

Ben J: Shit, ion know! But ion wanna be in this house all day till the party.

Just then we heard a knock at the door. Earl went to answer it while I finished cleaning up from breakfast. What I heard next shocked me.

Ben J: NELLY! Bro what that fuck you doing here!

Earl's brother Cornell, or Nelly, that's what everyone calls him. I didn't know he was coming. Nelly was a cool dude. He was a few years older than me and Earl, but he was always there for us. He was about 5'9" maybe about 215. Real fucking built, and he was a charmer. He had niggas and chicks on his dick. He was bi but all I ever seen him with is dudes mostly. Earl brought him in the kitchen and he looked me up and down. See he and I had a little fling after Earl and I graduated from high school. Earl knows about it and he wanted us to get together but Cornell is too much of a player. But other than that, he was cool.

Nelly: Good to see you Dom.

Legacy: You too Cornell.

Nelly: Haha. Why you doin that formal shit. Call me Nelly.

Legacy: I call you what ya mama named ya. Ya momma named you Cornell, right?

Nelly: Still feisty as hell. That shit is sexy on you.

Ben J: Back up off him bruh. He got a man now.

Nelly: Oh shit! I been replaced already?

Legacy: You cant be replaced when you never got the job. You only filled out the application and got an interview.

Nelly: And a 2nd and a 3rd. How many interviews a nigga gotta get before he get the job?

Legacy: Well you would have gotten it if I didn't know you were interviewing with so many other people. So I came here and gave the job to somebody else.

Nelly: Well, i cant wait to meet this nigga.

Legacy: I'll text him and see if we can bring an extra to the BGU party tonight.

Nelly: You hookin up with a frat boy? Damn Dom. That's some new shit for you.

I just then noticed that Earl had stepped out the kitchen leaving me in there with Cornell. Sneaky bitch.

Nelly: So real talk. How you been?

Legacy: Been good. Just getting used to college life.

Nelly: I hear ya.

Legacy: What about you? How life treatin you?

Nelly: You know how I do thangs! I'm a G!

Legacy: Some things never change.

After I said that, he moved so quick, I couldn't stop him. His lips connected to mine and it was good. He started lifting my shirt off and I was so into him, I didn't think about the fact, I was cheating on Ace. Luckily, Earl came in and snatched me up and pulled me in the living room and he stayed in the kitchen. I heard him cussing out Cornell. I ran up to my bathroom and splashed water on my face to snap myself out of it. I looked in the mirror and I was looking at a cheater. How can I face Ace after this? I'm a terrible liar!

For the rest of the day I made sure to avoid Cornell. He told Earl he didn't wanna go to the party so I didn't have to ask Ace could he come. I stayed in my room and thought about how I was going to tell Ace. I guess he could understand. I don't know. What I have learned is that guys don't like it when you keep things from them. So I was definitely going to tell him.

The time to go to the party was here and I had to make sure not to wear any BGU colors. So I couldn't wear any red. I decided on some blue and white striped polo's and my blue ripped skinny jeans and some blue timbs. I threw on dog tag with initials and went out into the living room and I saw Cornell sitting on the sofa. He looked back at me and went back to looking at the TV.

Nelly: You look fly.

Legacy: Thanks. (Back to the steps) Earl hurry tha fuck up!

Nelly: You know how slow his ass is. Look, can we talk?

Legacy: I'm listening.

Nelly: I wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I fucked up. But you just don't know what seeing you did to me. But I'm gonna be cool and respect yo new nigga. When you stop playing round with him, imma always be here.

Legacy: I'm not playing with him Cornell. I'm really happy with him. You need to get it through your head. I don't want you back. So you need to find someone else, cause Dominic Thomas is off the market.

He couldn't say anything and then Earl came down the steps. We went out the door and drove out to the frat house. We didn't say anything almost the entire time there. I broke the silence.

Legacy: Thank you for pulling me off of him.

Ben J: Your welcome bruh. You know back then, I woulda loved for you and him to get together cause I thought you could change him. But he ran you away before he had a chance with you. I know you happy as fuck wit Ace. I aint wanna see Nelly fuck that up.

Legacy: I appreciate it. But if you hadn't came in there when you did, I might've actually let him fuck me. That's why I am so worried. He still got that power over me Earl. I'm scared as fuck. I don't wanna hurt Ace. I really need to tell him. I don't wanna start this shit on lies.

Ben J: Well lets go to this party and let's have a good time. Don't tell him tonight. If you wanna tell him, do it tomorrow.

Legacy: Ok.

We pulled to BGU frat house and it was already crunk as hell. We walked in and there were niggas and bitches everywhere. Trey saw us and brought us to where the drinks were. We got our drinks and I asked where Ace was. Trey said he was upstairs. I made my way through the crowd and up the steps and I peeped in the different rooms and all I saw was dudes either fucking girls or getting they dicks sucked. I got to the end of the hall and the last room and looked in and it was empty, but I heard the shower in the adjacent bathroom. I peeked in and saw him in the shower through the glass door. He looked fucking sexy. That body, those tattoos, and that dick! I tiptoed across the floor and tapped on the glass.

Legacy: You need some help washing your back?

He turned around and looked at me and smiled.

Ace: Naw babe im good. Ion want you to get that sexy ass outfit messed up. Damn you look good.

Legacy: Thanks. You need me to go so you can get ready?

Ace: Naw you good. It aint like you aint seen me naked before.

We both laughed. He turned off the water and stepped out and reached for his towel. I snatched it and held it away from him.

Ace: Haha! Babe quit playin. Give me the towel! It's cold as fuck.

Legacy: I'm just admiring that body. But I guess I can see more of that later.

I handed him the towel and he just smiled at me. He wrapped it around his waist and it just hung there. I swear I wanted to snatch it off of him and take him right there. We walked into the bedroom and Trey and Earl were on the bed making out.

Ace: clears throat

They both look over and throw they hands at us.

Trey: Nigga whatever!

Ben J: Yea! Like yall wasn't having fun in there.

Legacy: Hello! Do I look wet to you?

Ben J: I don't know. Let me see your ass.

Legacy: Fuck you!

Ben J: Aint that's what he for? (pointing at Ace)

Meanwhile, Ace had stripped the towel and put his underwear on. Damn this man was sexy and he was all mine. He got dressed in his frat colors and we all went down to enjoy the party. Everybody knew Ace was gay and nobody said anything about us dancing together. I got a couple of stares from some bitter females and some tired queens but I didn't care. This was my man and I was marking my territory. I was grinding my ass on his crotch and he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

Ace: I can't wait to into you.

I turned around and looked him in his eyes.

Legacy: Why we still dancing then.

He dragged me through the crowd, pushing people out the way. We got up stairs to the bedroom and there was a dude eating a girl out while another dude was fucking the dude in the ass. Ace identified the dude fucking as Marcus Patrick.

Ace: Marcus, go to your damn room!

Marcus: Aight nigga damn. Come on yall!

They pulled up and got out. As soon as they were gone, Ace was all over me.

Ace: I want you so bad!

Legacy: Then take me.

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