Hollyoaks Hotties

By Mike McKenzie

Published on Sep 10, 2010


"Time please ladies and gentlemen!" yelled Rhys Ashworth as he attempted to clear The Dog of its last few customers so he could get home.

He was working on the bar tonight with Riley Costello, eldest son of the new owners Carl and Heidi. The parents had gone away for a long weekend and his 3 siblings were doing their own thing tonight so Riley would have the place to himself once he'd got rid of the customers and Rhys. Riley started fantasising about shoving a porno in the DVD player and having a long slow wank. He smiled as the last few customers left the pub.

"You may as well head off if you like mate, I'll finish up here" said Riley to Rhys, hoping he'd act on the suggestion.

Rhys nodded, "sound mate, see you later!" and ran out of the door without hesitation.

Riley cleared the last few glasses off the tables (to prevent a bollocking from his folks in the morning) and practically sprinted upstairs. Changing into a tight white vest and blue and white striped pyjama bottoms he whipped out a DVD from his stash and settled down in the living room for a private masturbation session. He was already hard before he'd even touched his cock, fishing his warm rod from inside his pyjamas, Riley moaned and started jerking along to the hot scenes and sounds on the TV.

Riley was so engrossed that he didn't hear or see his younger brother Seth emerge from his bedroom, also dressed in his pyjama set. The 15 year old watched Riley for a few moments before letting out a purposely loud cough. Riley jumped out his skin and removed his hand from his large cock.

"SHIT!!" he screamed, glaring at Seth. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to enjoy the show" Seth grinned. "I couldn't be arsed going to my mate's tonight so decided to make the most of mum and dad being away, seems you had the same idea" he winked at his older brother.

As Seth joined Riley on the sofa, the two began to kiss passionately and softly as Riley groped Seth's erection through his cloth pyjama bottoms. The two brothers had been involved sexually for almost a year now and had an almost nightly ritual of having sex - Seth being the youngest had naturally become the bottom and willingly let his brother pound his arse from behind while he bit into his pillow to suppress the moans. As the pair began to intensify their activity, they were suddenly startled by a loud shout from downstairs.

"Riley?? You there mate?" shouted the voice.

"FUCK!!" Riley whispered, throwing Seth off him and frantically tucking his raging hard-on back into his pyjamas; "I forgot to lock the door!". He grabbed his dressing gown from his bedroom to try and conceal the growth and ran downstairs.

"Sorry mate", said Rhys who stood by the bar looking a little embarrassed to find Riley in his bed clothes. "I've lost my key and nobody's in at my flat - think I might've left it upstairs here earlier when I was looking through your CDs, mind if I have a look?"

Without really waiting for a response, Rhys had started to climb the stairs to the pub flat. Riley panicked and called out; "Rhys, hold on mate you sure it's not down here?". But it was too late, he'd already made his way into the flat. Riley's heart pounded as he burst through the door, but the relief sunk in as he found Seth had gone and the TV was switched off.

"Nah it's gotta be here somewhere, where did I put it down..." Rhys pondered as he walked around the flat.

Riley was still desperately horny and on edge, so Seth coming out of his room didn't help matters.

"Alright mate" said Seth to Rhys who wasn't really paying attention.

"Yeah not bad, you haven't seen my key have ya?" Rhys said, his eyes frantically scanning the room.

"No, let me help look through" said Seth as he bent over to look behind the sofa.

By chance, Rhys looked over at that exact time and was taken aback by the gorgeous sight that greeted him. Rhys was shocked to be turned on by the young blonde's firm pert arse that protruded from under his pyjamas. As Seth searched his butt wiggled slightly and Rhys couldn't tear his eyes away.

"No sign sorry" said Riley appearing from his bedroom.

"Nope me either" replied Seth. Both boys shrugged and Rhys looked disappointed.

"Shit... where am I gonna sleep tonight?" he muttered.

"You can stay here, it's only us two!" Seth spoke enthusiastically. Secretly, he'd had a crush on Rhys since he noticed him a few weeks ago so he was only too happy to have him around.

Riley was a bit put out, he wanted to shag the arse off his brother tonight but he caught the glint in Seth's eye and decided to let him have his way. "Yeah that's fine, sleep on our couch if you like" he sighed.

"Aww nice one lads, ain't got any pyjamas like you two though!" he grinned as he threw a subtle look in the direction of Seth's shapely arse once again.

"Right well make yourself at home" said Riley, "I'm gonna go and lock that front door."

Seth made his way back to his bedroom, but made sure he left it open a crack so he could peer as Rhys as he undressed. He marvelled in his slim but toned torso, little pert bum and full package as he stood in just his white boxer shorts. Seth was slowly tugging his cock as he watched the display but quickly dived into bed as he saw Riley re-appear.

Riley was also greeted by the vision of Rhys in just his underwear and found himself instantly turned on. He'd always thought Rhys was fit but was too busy shagging his brother to act on it... Riley didn't think Rhys had an interest in guys anyway, so he'd just have to look and not touch with this one. Riley made his way back to his room throwing a quick "goodnight" in Rhys' direction and the lights went out across the flat.

2 hours later and Rhys was still awake. He couldn't shake the image of Seth's arse from his brain and he couldn't cope with that same arse being a few yards down the hall, begging to be played with. Rhys was shocked, he was into girls but for some reason this boy had an effect on him. Fuck it, he thought, he had to satisfy this urge once and for all. Slowly and quietly he crept into Seth's room to find him in bed lying on his side facing away from the door. Rhys crept up to the bed and softly pulled the covers back before sliding his boxers down his slim legs and kicking them across the room so he could have full access to the boy. Seth was still clothed in his pyjamas which hugged his skin perfectly. Rhys slipped in behind him, now sporting an 8 inch boner and leaking precum all over the sheets. He tentatively slipped his arm around the boy and ground his cock against his arse. God it felt incredible, the supple buttocks providing him with cushion to grind inbetween. Seth began to stir and mumbled something incomprehensible.

"What did you say?" Rhys whispered nervously.

"You took your time" Seth repeated as he pushed his arse back against Rhys' cock. Rhys felt himself tremor with excitement and his cock spewed more precum as he realised the kid had been waiting for this!

"Wow, you horny fucker" he whispered as he licked Seth's ear; "you ready to take him cock?" "Give it to me baby, but keep the noise down remember?" Seth groaned.

Seth reached behind himself to pull his pyjama pants over his arse, giving Rhys room to enter. Rhys grabbed Seth in a bear hug and pried his cheeks open, searching with his long fingers for the prize. He touched his hole and felt it contract against his fingers. Rhys wiggled a few inside and found them easily accommodated. This felt so weird to Rhys who had been exclusively pussy until now, but he loved it all the same. He couldn't hold back and began to feed his cock into the hot moist hole - inch by inch he slipped it in slow and felt Seth slide back and forth to help him as he grunted into his pillow.

Rhys was in heaven, the velvet sensation wrapped around his dick was amazing. Seth was loving the fuck he was being dealt, it was slow and forceful but he couldn't help think something wasn't quite right, it felt... different. He opened his eyes and turned his head slightly to look at his brother, only to find he wasn't being taken by his brother - it was Rhys. Seth gasped out loud in shock and pleasure as Rhys smiled at him and then both of them yelled in shock as the bedroom door flung open.

"What the fuck!?" Riley shouted.

Rhys panicked and pulled out of Seth but Seth grabbed him and held him down on the bed.

"Please Riley, don't be mad! I thought it was you fucking me!" Seth cried, almost in tears at being caught sleeping with another man and still getting over the surprise.

"What?! This is weird, you shag your brother?" Rhys said, looking at Riley in horror.

"Yeah and so do you now by the look of things. And what of it... you wouldn't understand Rhys. Unless you wanna understand?" Riley continued. He quickly weighed up the situation, there was no use getting upset over this, both him and his brother obviously had a thing for Rhys and now Rhys was in bed with Seth.

"What d'ya mean?" Rhys said, still in shock.

"I think he means do you want to join us for a bro-on-bro experience?" Seth said, caressing Rhys' chest and kissing his neck.

"Ohh I'm not sure... it feels so wrong" Rhys panted as Seth now jacked his rigid cock; "but god this feels so good, so fuck it, let's do it!" Rhys gasped.

Riley quickly stripped of his vest and pyjama pants, throwing them at Seth who sniffed the crotch and licked at the area where they'd rested against his brother's arse. Riley was a sight for sore eyes in the buff, ripped muscles and big thighs topped off a smooth torso and donkey dick which hung against low heavy balls. As Riley stared at a naked Rhys and Seth's abused arse he quickly hardened to his full 10 inches. Rhys felt a pang on inadequacy as Riley strutted to the bed but this soon faded into pure lust as Riley lay on top of Rhys and began to kiss him forcefully.

Seth meanwhile stripped of his clothes and positioned himself arse up in the middle of the bed. Riley removed himself from on top of Rhys and told Rhys to lie down under Seth. Seth quickly gripped Rhys' cock and inserted it back into his soft hole, causing Rhys to moan out loud against Seth's also groaning mouth. As they tongued, Riley mounted Seth and Rhys felt a strange sensation. Quickly he realised that another cock was forcing itself alongside his - oh my god, him and Riley were both going to shag Seth at the same time! Rhys shuddered in pleasure as he felt Riley's monster cock rub against his own and intensify the friction between him and Seth's cunt. Seth was cringing and crying hot tears but at the same time felt immense pleasure as he was stretched beyond his wildest dreams. As Rhys lay there and enjoyed the sensations, Riley started to expertly ride Seth as he usually did, with vigour and force at the highest speed possible. The trio began to moan and cry out loud as their sweat slickened the movements. Seth was the first to cum after a few moments, he shrieked and bit into Rhys's neck as he unloaded a volley of teen spunk onto Rhys's chest which caused them to slip easier against each other. He was closely followed by Riley who slammed as he spurt rope after rope of boiling sperm up his brother's used hole and felt is drip back out against at he mashed it onto Rhys's beautiful cock.

Riley slipped out immediately and let Seth's hole clamp against Rhys's penis. He had an idea - he shuffled down the bed and raised Rhys's legs exposing his smooth sweaty pink hole, before Rhys could react he started lapping and sucking at it. Rhys could hardly believe the feelings he was experiencing from his and felt his orgasm build as Seth rode his cock like his life depended on it. Rhys gripped Seth's nipples and tweaked them hard as he came up the hole, feeling his cum gush up and dribble back out, mixed with Riley's.

Seth collapsed on top and Riley took one last lick as Rhys's arse as he joined the other two in a messy heap on the bed. The three of them lay there completely silent, breathing heavily and wondering just what lay ahead for them in Hollyoaks village.

Thanks for reading and for the continued feedback, please email your thoughts and suggestions, I love to discuss the erotica with you.

Next: Chapter 3

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