Hollywood Meets Bollywood

By D S

Published on Nov 27, 2010


Disclaimer: The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. If you are below 18, log off and return when you turn 18.

Bollywood meets Hollywood

Chapter 1

The sun beamed down and reflected in little pools of light in the aqua pool. The sound of people splashing around, glasses clinking and the soft pop music that wafted around, made for a perfect Hollywood afternoon. The poolside at the swanky new Four Seasons Hotel seemed right out of a Hollywood movie itself. The dark Gucci shades on Hrithik's (H) face filtered the sun but gave him a nice view of the golden people around the pool. He had noticed quite a few women giving him the look over. He noticed some men looking in his direction too! He guessed it wasn't that often they saw a muscled lightly hairy brown-skinned Indian man lounging around in his Speedos. The black fabric with gold piping and silver embellishments really accentuated his physique and revealed just the right amount of the toned muscular body. He was about 10,000 miles from home and not too many people here knew him, yet. Back home, he could never have laid on a poolside of a hotel without being mobbed or having four bodyguards hover around him. That was the price one paid for being a Bollywood star. Hrithik(H) Roshan was not a name or a face that people in or from India generally didn't recognize. But the anonymity that America provided was a relief from being under scrutiny for every second. He basked in the sun, enjoying the scenery and the tanned muscled bodies of the blond boys. Being a major star, he had hid the fact that he was attracted to men very carefully. He was married and had no affairs that the tabloids could publish. The clean cut image was an asset that had to be protected, but he could look at these gorgeous guys running around. He had had some encounters with his costars and movie colleagues back in Mumbai, but it was very hush-hush.

His meeting with this major Hollywood studio head was scheduled to be later in the evening. They were discussing a picture with a big Hollywood action star who was going to play his stepbrother from America. They were going to film the movie partly in America and the rest in India. He was here to discuss things and get a feel of the system. He would much rather have "felt" the movie star instead. Being educated in international schools in Mumbai and college in London, he spoke perfect English and was quite at ease in this environment. He was not yet informed as to who this Hollywood star was and was quite curious to find out what surprise the studio head had in mind. He had heard of the "gay Hollywood" but wasn't sure what to expect. Would the studio head be a handsome hunk? Would the Hollywood movie star be a friendly guy or be vain and self-absorbed? He let my mind drift but the sight of a guy in deep blue swim trunks caught my eye. He ogled at his physique and imagined what was hidden under the trunks. He could see him under the dark shades but he did not know who was eyeing him, and that was perfectly OK with him. The blond guy was in his 30s and had a nice built. A smooth hairless body that was sculpted with hours in the gym, was obviously not interested in men as there was a typical blond bikini clad babe lounged next to him. He caressed this girl's neck every once in a while and H envied her.

After some napping and ogling, he got off the lounge and strode back to my room, showered and headed toward the studio which was not too far from the hotel. He was ushered in to the producer's office and he saw the bikini clad blonde sitting behind a desk! She was the receptionist to the producer that he had to meet!

Chapter 2

She welcomed him to the movie company and escorted him into a meeting room so he could have a seat as the producer was running a few minutes late. She offered him a drink from the full bar in the room, and he sat down on the sofa with my scotch, waiting for the producer to arrive. His agent did a great job in setting up this meeting, and the film company was obviously eager to impress him, putting him up in the Four Season hotel, and now this meeting room with its hardwood floors, leather couches, marble tables, and even a fireplace, here in Los Angeles, go figure!

A few minutes later the door flew open and in strutted the Producer, and to his surprise it was the same blond hottie that was nibbling the receptionist neck a few hours earlier by the pool. He was followed by a couple of very young assistants, one male, one female, both no older than mid-twenties and both gorgeous in their own rights, obviously hoping to break into the business themselves which is why he assumed they had latched onto the Producer's side. As he entered the room he held out his hand and gave a firm handshake and welcomed H to the firm. "I see you already have a drink" and before he could finish his male assistance handed him a glass of his own. Hrithik was impressed at how the hot young stud was trained and how quick he was to please the Producer. He sat down on the couch, not across from him, but right next to him, slapped his hand on his knee and said "Lets chat about the movie, and your co-star, I assume you've read the script?"

"I have" H responded. "And it sounds like a great movie, but I'm curious as to who you have in mind for the co-lead".

"Well we actually have a few guys in mind, and wanted to bounce them off you. We wanted to keep it young so we were thinking Channing Tatum or Taylor Lautner. Tim here thinks Bradley Cooper would be a good fit, but I think we want to go younger than Brad, what do you think?" the Producer explained, introducing his young male assistant as Tim.

"He's not that old, and besides, he acts young for his age" Tim defended his suggestion, but made his comment with a very odd grin on his face. Tim sat on the arm of the sofa next to the Producer, placing his hand on the Producers shoulder. Obviously the two of them were very comfortable with each other. "Well I think he's too old, I like 'em much younger, like you two!" the Producer said with a smile as he raised his glass to his two assistants in a mock salute to them. Maybe I was wrong about the Producer, perhaps he was not ONLY interested in woman after all....

I welcome all suggestions/comments: ds35mm@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2: Hollywood Meets Bollywood 3 4

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