
By Jay Dee

Published on Jan 31, 2023


Disclaimer: I own all the rights to this original work and give license to the Nifty archive. Copyright 2013. All characters are fictional, any coincidences to living people are entirely coincidental.

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By the time I get home, there is a cold, wet mess in the back of my shorts. During my run home, the pent up lube and discharge that was loosened during the marathon ass-fucking session seeped out of my stretched, loose hole.

My family is in the middle of dinner when I walk in. I dare not walk into the dining room, choosing instead to stand at the entrance, hoping nobody catches the whiff of ass sex from my body or semen from my breath. I'm not hungry,' I lie, I am actually starving. I have a lot of homework.' I run upstairs to my bedroom and lock the door.

I stand in front of the full-length mirror on my closet, inspecting myself as if I were looking for any noticeable changes. Any visible proof that I am no longer a virgin. My jet-black hair is tousled. I run a hand through it, tugging at handfuls. I can still feel tender areas of my scalp where the man yanked at me. My face, I look close to see if there is any proof that I was choking on cock all evening. Leaning toward the mirror, I stretch my jaw, which is sore. My mouth is—almost inexplicably considering the torment I just put it through—still the same shape. My breath still smells like a dick.

I step back. My grey t-shirt is dark around the pits and the center of my chest from my run. I peel it off, revealing my lean frame. My chest is mostly smooth, but there is the beginning of a defined crevice running down the center. There is a thin pasture of black hairs sprouting around the line and surrounding my dark nipples. The skin over my stomach is soft, but taut revealing the subtle waves of my abdominal muscles. Another light patch of hair sprouts around my belly button. Looking down, I notice my stink. There is the regular musk wafting from my armpits, but there is also something new. My body smells. It's his sweat, which dripped from his round, mustachioed face and showered me practically all over. I am saturated in his stink.

I pull down my shorts slowly, the crotch sticks to the tip of my foreskin, which is glazed in precum. The smell of cock immediately hits my nose. I inspect my underwear. Sure enough, the back is dark, moist. I dip my face toward the fabric and smell sex, the plastic scent of lube, my own traces of shit and precum. My cock starts to stiffen.

I turn around to inspect my butt. The cheeks, usually smooth and pale compared to the rest of my body, are red. I spread them apart. It's too dark to tell, so I grab my shaving mirror from my dresser and lay it on the floor. I assume the position and squat over it. My hole is a mess. It glistens in the light. It's usually a dark color, surrounded with sprouts of black pubic hair. Now it's bright red, and swollen, as if it were puckered, reaching out for a bloated kiss. I rub my fingers over it, sending dull waves of pain through my body. My cock is now at full attention, seeping even more precum. I attempt to insert a finger into my hole, but the pain is sharp, the area is so tender.

I lie back on my bed. My cock stands at its full eight inches, pointing toward my bedpost, pleading me for release. With one hand, I grab it and start rubbing the foreskin over the tip. With my other, I twist my nipple, which sends waves of pleasure everywhere, an intense transmission. I shoot my load almost instantly, the white eruption streaming thick ropes into my hair, on my pillow, even on my wall. It's one of the strongest, furthest cumshots I have ever released. Despite the impressive distance, there is a sizeable puddle lying on my chest and stomach, running off onto the bed.

Suddenly, I'm washed over with regret. The afterglow is only a flash and my world is now darker because of it. I am ashamed. I hate that I squealed for the giant pig of a man, I hate that I begged for his cock, I hate that I begged for more. I hate the faint taste of dick in my mouth.

I had anticipated this. I knew this would happen. Instead of wallowing, I continue to jack my dick. I lift up my legs and, with my free hand, I rub my asshole, releasing fresh pangs into my body. The pain is still intense, enough to eclipse my regret. I insert a finger to further awaken my sore hole and ignore my reflex to pull it out. I stretch my neck to sniff my body odor, it's pungent, but not enough. I grab my dirty, post-ass fuck underwear and cover my face like a mask. The damp patch is cold on my forehead. It's revolting, but I inhale deep.

This time, it takes what I guess is five minutes, but I shoot another load. Most of it joins the pools on my stomach and chest, but there is another spurt that lands on my cheek.

I refuse to stop. Another five, maybe even 10 minutes, and I am shooting another load, this time it seeps out of my cock and collects mostly on my stomach and pubic hair. I hold out for one more and continue to rub my dick. My forearm is cramping and my foreskin is red, but I charge through it, forcing my body to surrender. My fourth cumshot is weak and light. The accompanying orgasm is unfulfilling and I contemplate one more. But my torso is already covered completely in my cold jizz. The droplets on my cheek have rolled into my ear, but I make no move to wipe away any of it. Instead, I lay back, naked, covered in my own semen, like an animal lying in its waste. I am content with the mess I've created on my body. But I am even more proud of the sperm that is inside me, germinating somewhere in my digestive system.

I squeeze my raw, loose sphincter muscles, and relish the flashes of pain. It's like I'm proving to myself the massive milestone I've accomplished today. I'm exhausted and asleep in minutes.

I slept for 10 hours, over the blankets, naked, with the lights on, and I'm still groggy. In my drowsy haze the next morning, I instinctively grab my dick and feel my pubic hair, it's bristled from the dried cum and I'm instantly reminded of sex. I feel over my stomach. The dried semen flakes off. I reek like a cum rag.

I check my phone for the time. My heart skips a beat to see a new email message. It all but freezes to see His name.

"Home 730"

"Fuck!" It's almost 7:10.

Luckily, I'm already naked. I jump straight in the shower and get ready. This is my first shower that I can remember in which I do not jack a load. I barely make it out the door in 15 minutes and jump on my skateboard, pushing hard down the street. I have to pick up my board the last quarter mile and sprint. As I race up the concrete stairs, I pull out my phone, it's 7:32.


I make a show of my feet slamming against the concrete walkway, hoping He will notice the hustle. I reach His door and push into it. It's latched, unlike last night. I twist the knob, it's solid, locked. Annoyed that he is not prepared for the time he set aside, I knock impatiently.

I knock again.

My left hand reaches down and squeezes the length of flaccid cock. For the first time in years, I am not horny. In fact, I'm still spent from the marathon cum session I had last night. I am not sure what drove me here so desperately.

I knock again. This time, I realize something. Unlike last night, the curtain is spread wide. I peer into the open window and see Him, lying in bed uncovered and naked. He looks horrible: Bulbous belly extended from the bed like a hairy mound. His broad, barrel chest juts upward, also completely covered in dark, coarse hair. His arm facing the window is extended up, His forearm resting over his eyes. This armpit hair is clumped and swirled, saturated in sweat. I imagine a musty odor coming out of His armpit.

At once, my body tenses with apprehension and my heart lightens at the site of the masculine flesh. I might have even smiled. I tap the window, hoping to wake Him. He doesn't move at first. I tap again. And this time, His hand moves into His crotch. I'm relieved that He is awake, but it is short-lived when I realize He has no intention of getting up.

Instead, He digs into the dark space under His belly and pulls up His cock. It is as massive and glorious as I remember. He lays it on his thigh. The head is pointing directly at the window, at me, a serpent with its single eye fixated on me, taunting me. Haunting me. I can't help but lick my lips. I knock on the window. In answer, He lifts up His cock its entire length and begins to stroke it. The entire time, His left arm is still draped over his eyes so he doesn't even have to pretend that he is ignoring me.

It's clear to me now. I was late. He ordered me Home at 7:30, and I was two minutes late. He is punishing me.

I knock again.

"Please," I say. "Please, sir."

There is a flash in my mind of the kids I saw last night in the room next door. There also must be other guests in this hotel, people who can see me, holding my crotch, pleading to the window of this fat man's room. I am plagued with shame, but at the same time, I don't care. I try the door again, as if it had somehow unlocked itself. I return to the window to watch Him now fully masturbating His gigantic cock.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry I was late. Please!"

He only masturbates. I know now that I really have no desire to fuck. I have no will to cum. I barely have the sperm. But I am still completely enraptured by sex, by His cock. Last night, I was blessed by the massive tool and now I am once again kept at bay from it, separated by space, a locked door and my own ineptitude to obey His command. I can see now that I am repulsed by His body, but I am also close to breaking through this glass just to please it and to serve at the altar of this monstrous cock. I suspect He knows this, which is why He is putting on the show. I clench my asshole to prove that it is still massively sore. It is also empty, useless without Him and His massive dick stretching me beyond my limits. I know that if He would have me, I would easily suffer through more brutality and let him inside once again.

I've been standing here for almost 20 minutes, knocking sporadically, but having accepted the futility. A hotel guest walks past me. I don't even bother to look up, I don't know if the guest looked into His room to see whose attention I am trying to get. I don't care. He is jacking his cock furiously and I can only watch with regret. Suddenly, His back arches and He cums, sending a large splash into the air and on his belly. My heart is beating rapidly as I lament the wasted seed that belongs inside me.

The man finally uncovers his face from his arm and sits up. Paying no mind to me, he rises and walks across the room into the bathroom. I watch, admiring the dark patch of back hair and his pale butt cheeks.

"Shit," I say to myself. I leave, rejected and haunted.

My day is all but wasted. It's almost as if I am recovering from a major trauma. Literally not a few seconds can pass without me thinking about His cock. It doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing. Standing in line to grab breakfast and I fight the urge to punch myself in the crotch for not running two minutes faster this morning. In first hour AP English, I replayed the fuck scene in my head completely, starting from that first email message exchange. In second hour Calculus, I slowly flexed the ring of my asshole muscles repeatedly, relishing the dull waves shooting from the sore hole. Every time I closed my eyes, I could swear the light that filtered through my eyelids formed the shape of a giant erect penis.

And every few minutes, I check my phone. When I don't check it, I swear I feel it vibrate in my pants pocket. My heart skips a beat when I see the icon for a new email message. But it's always bullshit. Homecoming committee, Spanish club, study groups, absolutely nothing that matters. By fourth hour Drama, I have surrendered everything and stop pretending to care. I sit in the back of the auditorium staring at the face of my phone, rubbing my forefinger over my nipple. I am silently begging, praying for the fat, bald man to send me a message.

The only respite I have to look forward to is sixth hour, Weight Training. This is the highlight of any given day. It starts with changing in the locker room, undressing with a dozen other dudes saturated in the boner-inducing blended scent of industrial pine, deodorant, sweat and feet. But even here, my joy is ripped. It's like, the bodies are suddenly too frail, weak and hairless. Even worse, what used to be an enticing challenge to sneak a peek at any of a number of hung cocks, is now meaningless. My dick is bigger than just about everyone in this locker room. I've covertly studied the outline in grey sweatpants and I'm pretty sure my cock hangs lower and thicker than even the coach's.

I'm not sure my own dick is big enough for me anymore.

I remain haunted. The second day, nothing changes, except I continue with my normal jack-off schedule: First in bed when I wake up; the second in my room immediately after basketball practice and the third in bed, before going to sleep. The third day, I add two more jack-off sessions, one in the shower and the other before dinner. By the end of the week, I am seriously contemplating sneaking off to the locker room during lunch to spill a load in the toilet. All the while, I check my phone constantly. I curse every person who sends me a message because they are not Him.

"Home 530 dont be late"

It's been two weeks. I'm not any less haunted. I have only lost the spark of hope that flashed at every new email message prompt on my phone. Which is why I wasn't expecting anything when I opened my messages before basketball practice. Sitting bare assed on a bench in the locker room, my cock hanging down with the head resting on the cold, smooth wood, my heart skipped a beat and dick swelled when I saw His message.

It's only 4, now. I have time, too much time. My excitement is so intense during practice that I can't hide my hard-on, even under my jock. I fake a cramp so I won't rub my cock on anyone during scrimmage. Instead I hit the shower and take a long one, carefully washing my asshole, my cock throbbing the entire time.

I get to His hotel complex 15 minutes early to be safe and sit in the parking lot. At 5:25, I climb the stairs and sit on the rail. At 5:29, I walk to His door and wait a few seconds before slowly pushing it open. It shuts behind me and the dark room swallows me from the daylight. For a moment, there is no movement in the room as I walk toward the bed. Then a sliver of light slices the darkness and quickly expands. He walks out of the bathroom, naked. Even in the silhouette, I can see His elephantine cock swinging between his legs. I can even hear it as it slaps against his thick thighs.

"Why the hell are you still wearing clothes?" His voice is stern, frustrated.

I stutter. I have no idea how to respond.

"You are useless to me clothed."

Quickly, I lift my t-shirt. It's half over my head when he grabs it and pulls it off me with force before throwing it toward the front door. I pull out the end of my belt from the loop and He grabs it, yanking my pelvis toward him with a jerk as he unfastens the buckle. He pulls my jeans button open with the same force and pulls down my pants and underwear to my knees with a quick jolt.

"Get this shit off!"

His deep voice sparks fear in my heart and I struggle to yank off my shoes.


I'm naked and he immediately grabs the back of my head and pushes me to my knees. I am as happy as I have ever been. I lean over and tilt my head up as far as I can so I can reach the tip of His cock with my tongue, like a child slowly anticipating the lick of the summer's first ice cream cone. Within seconds, I wrap my lips around the thickness and slurp greedily.

It happens much faster than last time, the cockhead warms up and swells in my mouth. Once again, I am lost in time, I guess it's been five minutes and he is rock hard. It's too heavy to point upward, so it hangs down, solid right in my face.

I grab the base to point the cock toward my mouth. I concentrate on my technique, hoping to impress the fat man. The corners of my mouth stretch as I wrap my lips around my teeth and slide myself over the cock head. The skin stretches even further as I get to the shaft, sucking at the organ the entire time. The dickhead pushes into the back of my throat before I slide my lips back. The man starts thrusting his hips slowly, making sure to push even deeper into my throat. Judging by my fist wrapped around the base of His cock, I don't think I am even fitting half of it into my mouth, despite it being completely filled.

His breathing turns ragged. He pulls out the cock and I look at it with longing, hoping to get it back into my mouth. Instead, he lays the monstrous dick across my face. It's heavy. It's also longer than my face from chin to forehead. He pushes my head under his body, so the cock slides up my face and his balls hit my chin. I stick out my tongue to welcome them into my mouth. They are the size of large eggs and I pay equal respect to each one, sucking them lightly into my mouth where my tongue washes them thoroughly. The man moans and starts swinging his dick so it slaps the top of my head.

He pushes my head even further so his balls are soon resting on my nose and my mouth is working his taint. I can tell he washed, but I can still smell the sour musk of ballsweat and his asshole. It makes me eager and I push my face into His crotch with all the strength I can muster. For a second he reinforces his stance. I simultaneously fear and hope that he is going to push me into his asshole. I don't know if I can handle the thought of licking the smelly hole, but I'm also too horny not to obey.

The man backs away, letting his balls slide across my face until they are back resting under my chin. I am still on my knees and my head is craned completely so my face is point straight up. He swings his baton on my face.

"If you're going to be my hole, you will have to learn to swallow my cock completely."

His sentence is still registering in my mind, but my body immediately starts to shiver.

"Yes sir," I say, hopeful.

"I mean all the way," he says, dickslapping me again. "I'm tired of these faggots who call themselves bottoms but can't take a dick."

"Please sir."

"You are one of the few to take me entirely, but you can't swallow it." He holds my head back but slides his dick so the head is on my lips. "That only makes you half useful to me."

"Please sir." I want it so bad. "I will learn. Let me learn. Let me be your hole."

He shoves it into my mouth, holding my head so my neck stays craned at a sharp angle. I suck it as best I can and he fucks my mouth from above, using his knees to lower himself in and out. I can feel the thick cock head collide with my throat. His dick slides a little deeper at this angle, but still not anywhere near all of it will fit.


It was an abrupt command. I'm not sure if this is a punishment for not swallowing his cock but I obey and sit on the bed. He pushes me on my back and walks to the closet. From the floor, he grabs the same t-shirt, the cum rag, and throws it next to me. It looks even crustier and more stained than last time.

Back at the end of the bed, he is stroking his cock with a handful of lube.


I look at him, not understanding.

"Come on!" he says, almost yelling. "Show me my hole!"

I immediately lift my legs.

"There it is," he says. "Sweet pussy."

He rubs lube on my asshole, sticking a finger inside as if he were inspecting a clogged drain. He ignores my whimper and strained expression.

"You have no idea how fucking frustrating it is to get some fancy pants in here who can't take it."

He is finger banging me and I try to ignore the pain, which becomes difficult when he inserts a second finger.

"How can they call themselves gay and tell me to only put it in half way?" He pauses, but I know he doesn't want me to answer. "I tell them to get the fuck out."

His cockhead is pressed against my hole. Once again, I feel the pressure and it feels just as impossible as the first time. I try to quell my heavy breathing.

"So, I'm really ..." He pauses and for the first time since our initial meeting, he looks me in the eyes.

"I need to fuck."

He eyes linger for a second and I nod. "Yes, sir."

He pushes into me and immediately I moan at the stabbing pressure. I bite the back of my wrist in an effort to stifle my cries. He is moving slow and deliberate, but he still pushes inside me with no pause. My heart is beating so hard it feels like a machine separate from my body. I start sweating profusely and tears stream down my face into my ears. I want so much to ask him to stop. To take it out and give me a minute to get used to it, but I can see his face. He has no care for me, none beyond my asshole.

I feel the bristles of his pubic hair brush against my butt cheeks for only a brief moment before he pulls out, nearly all the way and pushes into me again. I can feel the inside of my asshole as it seals itself shut behind his thick cockhead. And when he pushes it inside the second time, I can feel the path split open. It hurts more the second time he thrusts into me and I scream.

He pulls out slowly again. And in, taking his time. I don't even try to hide my crying and screaming. Wasting no time, he stuffs my mouth with the cum rag and picks up his fuck rhythm. Soon he is fucking at full strength, slamming into my butt with so much force I can feel my teeth rattle. I shut my eyes and rest my head back and enjoy the tremendous force and pain. I am still moaning and crying but I relish every second. I concentrate on my asshole, every ridge of every vein on his huge dick as it slides inside of me.

He places his hands on the insides of my knees and pushes them into my body as far as they can reach. My thighs lie perfectly parallel to my stomach. He is fucking me with a jackrabbit pace but an elephants strength, his entire weight pushing himself into my butt.

Instinctively, I wrap my legs around my shoulders so my calves are resting on my shoulder blades. I put no thought into this move except that I sometimes do this at home when I want to suck my own cock. This pushes up my asshole even further outside of my buttcheeks.

"Yeah," he said short of breath. "Give me that pussy, little hole."

He gets in pushup position, balancing himself on his toes, hands and cock and fucks me even harder. His body odor wafts from his armpits and it is thick and rank. His heavy belly smashes itself onto my thighs and face with every thrust. It is pure agony and my paradise. Through the light from the bathroom, which filters between our bodies, I can perfectly see the silhouette of his cock sliding into me before it is eclipsed by his suffocating gut.

Completely enraptured in the moment, I pull the cum rag out of my mouth.

"Please, sir." I am completely out of breath and my words are stretched as I conceal moans and whimpers. "Please, fuck me, sir. Fuck me, hard.

"I just want to be your hole, sir. Please, sir. Let me be your hole."

My words are reflex. I have no control over what I am saying. I don't even know what I am begging for, but it seems appropriate.

"Please sir. Please sir, I just want to be your hole. Please ... Give it to me, sir.

"Please, fuck me like your girl." I don't know what the fuck I am saying, but the words keep coming out of my mouth. "Please, mark your territory sir. Please, please, sir, impregnate me.

"Cum inside me, sir!" I don't quite realize what I said, but I know that's exactly what I want. "Please sir! Mark your territory. Please! Cum inside me, please!"

With that, I felt it, a massive surge of heat exploding directly into my gut. The man let out a guttural moan, not unlike an animal, but did not slip his fuck rhythm. Another surge. And another. He stops fucking and lifts his head toward the ceiling. I can see my hole and his cock, while still deep inside me, has about four inches of shaft bridging our bodies. It convulses and I can feel his sperm spread inside my body, as if it were blasting out of a pump.

"Fuck yes," the man says, entirely spent.

He lowers his head and injects his cock into my ass with a hard thrust, pushing it deeper into me, as if he were trying to split me in two. I can feel him spasm his pelvic muscles, trying to release every last drop of cum into my body. He finally pulls out, an act which seems to take eternity as his cock slides itself out of my hole.

He pushes my thighs into my body.

"You're not done yet, little hole."

I'm confused, but I recognize the unspoken command, I keep my legs entwined behind my shoulders. The man turns on the light and I can directly see my asshole, swollen and puckered. His cum is bubbling out of the orifice in white suds.

"You made me cum inside the wrong pussy," he says. "Remember? My seed doesn't belong in there. That's a useless fuck hole where sperm dies. My seed is supposed to give you strength."

He is sitting next to me, next to my exposed asshole. He rubs his fingers over my puckered hole, collecting the layer of spent cum that has seeped out from it. He then reaches toward my face, my mouth.

"Take your medicine, little hole."

I am hesitant. But still bursting with sexual energy. I slowly stick out my tongue and feel a salty drip.

"Good hole."

From his fingers I smell sex, it's sharp and unpleasant. I tilt my head, reaching for more of his seed. I lick his finger, then another. Suddenly I am lapping at his entire hand, cleaning every drop of semen. He pulls back and rubs my asshole again.

"Give me some more."

The thought repulses me, but I push, the same movement as if I were taking a shit and more white suds bubble from out of me.

"That's a good girl."

Again, I lap at his fingers, eventually sucking all four completely clean.

He goes back, and I push without a command, this time a large, thick dollop seeps out of my hole. He is impressed.

"Got anymore for me?"

I can see my hole, swollen and puckered, it sinks inward then outward as I work the semen out of my system. I squeeze out an even bigger stream that starts as a pearl rising out of my hole then drips over into my buttcrack followed by about a teaspoon full of cum. He collects it all in his fingers and lifts his hand above my face.

The cum is thick and a big drop hangs from his fingers but I can't reach it. I stick out my tongue eagerly and tilt my body to give me more access but he pulls away.

"Please, sir."

"You really want this in your mouth?"

"Yes, sir. I need it. Please." I feel like I could cry. I am begging desperately, whining to be fed from my own asshole. Once again, I stick out my tongue and try to tilt my body to reach the precious fluid. "Please, sir. I need it. Please. Please."

He lowers his hand so it is just within reach of my tongue and I attack, licking eagerly, slurping and rubbing my face into his hand.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you."

I manage to squeeze out over a dozen batches of ass sludge that He feeds directly to my mouth. I eagerly lap up every drop and thank Him desperately each time. I am almost disappointed when my ass fails to produce anymore.

The man stands up with his back toward me. I take this as a sign that he is done and finally unwrap my legs, which are now stiff.

"You work tomorrow?"

"At 8:30."

"Be here at 7:30 to wake me up with your mouth pussy."

He walks to the bathroom.

"Don't be late."

I start gathering my clothes, which are in a pile by the door.

Next: Chapter 5

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