
By Jay Dee

Published on Mar 21, 2023


Disclaimer: I own all the rights to this original work and give license to the Nifty archive. Copyright 2013. All characters are fictional, any coincidences to living people are entirely coincidental.

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Home Part Six

The day after He fucked me in the men's room at the mall, the man called me Home in His office at 8 a.m. School started shortly after that but this time, there was no internal debate. I knew where I belonged, so I went to Him. I arrive before His receptionist, a minor blessing. Once in His office, I strip and approach Him humbly. He is sitting at his desk, fully clothed again in a suit. He barely looks toward my direction, before He rolls back his desk chair, opening up my entrance Home. I crawl underneath. Since the last time I was here, He had installed a stainless steel D-ring on the back panel under the desk, the curve of the ring was heavy-duty thick and glistened even in the darkness. Attached to the ring is a leash about four-feet-long and punctuated by a thin leather collar.

My body freezes when I see the leash hanging under the desk as I contemplate what is going on. It's obvious, but I need the pause because my body is trying to tell me to run. I can leave. I can be dressed in a few seconds and still make it to school on time. But my dick is rock hard. My heart is pounding against my breast plate.

"Welcome Home," he says, cheerfully.

I put the collar around my neck. It's thick, dark leather and cold against my skin. He reaches over and fastens the buckle. The collar is secure but he keeps fiddling with the mechanism until I hear an unmistakable click. I reach up to finger the small padlock that is threaded through a latch in the collar. I am locked here.

I miss the entire day of school and instead spend it naked, under His desk, nuzzling my face in His exposed crotch, worshiping his dry, smelly feet. He never acknowledges me outside of pushing His feet in my face, notifying me that it's time to clean them with my tongue. At other times, He grabs me by the hair and pulls me into his crotch until I take His massive cock into my mouth. But for most of the morning, I simply adore His cock and balls. I touch it, sniff it, lick it. It is at the center of all my attention every second.

It must be lunchtime, He gets dressed and leaves without saying a word. I stare up at Him hopefully but He flips the light switch and walks out, leaving me alone, locked under the desk. His office has large windows but they are covered with huge vertical blinds. Only a few rays of light sparkle into the room and bounce off the white walls, otherwise I am in total darkness. Despite being naked for hours, I grab my cock for the first time since I got here as if it could provide me company, and I wait.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I am sure it is at least a couple of hours. Even if I was not lying naked on a bare floor, the darkness makes me feel all the more lonely and useless. I never let go of my cock once, holding it in hopes it will make me feel more human. Suddenly, the door swings open and the room is suddenly saturated in light. My heart is racing and it's like my entire soul brightens with hope. I can't see anything but the back wall so I remain silent, just in case. Then I hear the unmistakable chime of His belt buckle swinging open. My breath comes heavy as I anticipate the whisper of his pants sliding off his fat, hairy legs.

Then they appear in front of the desk, pale legs covered in coarse, dark hairs. His master cock swings between both legs like a serpentine pendulum. My cock jumps and I reflexively lick my lips. He sits and pulls his chair to the desk. As usual, he says nothing. But he does place a bottle of water on the floor next to the desk. I drink it all in a few deep swallows and divert my attention where it belongs.

"Oh, sir," I whisper as I see Home before me. I open my mouth and taste My Master. I suck His cock as a means to express my gratitude for His mere presence. He makes a phone call. He taps the computer keyboard. My space is cramped and I have to tilt my head at a severe angle so I can fully slide his massive cock through my lips. I am so happy that he is here that I don't stop sucking. I think an hour passes and I have no intention of taking my mouth off the monster dick.

His phone buzzes, he answers and quickly says, "Let them in." The door swings open and I loosen my mouth's grip. Just as I start to pull back, He grabs the back of my head and pulls me on His cock. I know my place, so I continue sucking.

"Hey, man!"

There is another man entering the room. The fat man greets back, "Hey guys." Shit, there's more than one man here.

I am immediately terrified because there is no way they won't notice the naked teenager under the table sucking the Man's cock. But I have commands. The Man explains to His guests that he just got back into town a couple of days ago. His wife is fine. His kids are fine. Together, they banter for about five minutes. The conversation is peppered with loud, thundering laughter, enough to make His balls bounce between his legs. One of His guests belches loudly. Finally, the men say they have to go. One has to pick up his wife, the other says he has to get to the gym. They both confirm with Him that they are still on for the next weekend. The fat man confirms.

The men talk more shit as they get up to leave. My cock is even harder than the fat man and leaking pre-cum. Finally the men leave. As soon as the door closes, the fat man pulls Himself out from the desk and unlocks my collar from the leash. He pulls me by the collar and bends me over the desk. With the tenderness of a machine, he slides into my asshole and starts fucking with a furious rhythm. My asshole is still tremendously sore from the fucking he gave me in the mall men's room yesterday. I know the receptionist is behind the door so I once again try to stifle the screams that are building up in my chest. Instead, I bite down on my forearm and sob with high-pitched whimpers. He comes within minutes, shooting a needle of semen into my guts and pumps more and more inside of me. I am simultaneously glad, but regretful that this is the shortest fuck session we've ever had.

He pulls out immediately and without saying a word, grabs my collar and shoves me to my knees.

"Clean my dick," he says pulling me on the monster cock. I don't hesitate and relish sucking on the massive tool. As I'm going down on Him, He then locks my collar to the leash once again.

"Feed yourself," He says as He sits back and goes back to work. I am initially confused by His command until I notice my wet asshole and I remember his strict rule: His semen is not allowed to waste away and die in my asshole. It must be swallowed and digested into my body. Laying on my back on the bare floor and locked under His desk, I rub my asshole with my fingers as I squeeze out a load onto my fingertips before licking it off eagerly, like a child tasting honey. I insert my finger and when I pull it out, it unleashes a spurt of semen that I gather to eat. I moan with each taste of the salty, acrid semen.

While he was fucking me, I noticed the clock on the wall. It's 3:45. School ended 45 minutes ago. On any other day, I would be stretching out, preparing for basketball practice which starts at 4. Today, I lie back and take one of His feet into my mouth.

Today is Friday. I am fully dressed. The fat man is letting me go to school today. I told him yesterday, as he unlocked my collar, that I couldn't miss much more "work." He made me beg before He said I could have the day. He even said He would try to give me most of my days, although He made no promises. He did have a condition, though. And as soon as I got home, even before I took a shower, I asked my mom if I could stay at a friend's house this weekend. Standing there, in the kitchen, I could still taste in my mouth the cum I ate from my own asshole an hour ago when I talked to her.

I felt a pang of guilt when she immediately agreed. She trusted me so deeply. She had no idea that her high school basketball star son has turned into a groveling cock slave. She probably thought that smell that emanated from my body was from a heavy workout at basketball practice and not from spending the day being locked up, sucking dick, licking feet and getting assfucked. Who knows what was going to happen over this weekend.

I pack a bag with only one change of clothes, the clothes I'll be wearing when I come home on Sunday. On campus, I am reluctant to approach my friends. I left them in such a hurry and with no explanation the other day when I got the call to go Home at the mall. They haven't seen me since. When I do catch up with them, I explain dismissively that everything is ok. I tell them that I just had to take care of some things. I don't think they believe me. But they know I won't say much else and so, for now, they leave it be.

It's a normal school day except for my raging boner that haunts me almost nonstop. I have to wear a cup and jock strap in practice to help keep it contained. I have to take some shit from coach for missing practice yesterday. He warns me that the season starts with our first game in two weeks and blah blah, discipline, blah blah, teamwork ... all I can do is nod my head while I try like hell to picture his hairy nut sack swinging between his thighs.

I get to His hotel immediately after practice. He gave me a key yesterday, so I go right inside and strip, as per His commands. Naked, in the dark room, I climb into bed. He said I'd know what to do, and sure enough, there is a leach with a collar lying over the pillows. The leash leads behind the head of the mattress and under the headboard where I assume it is attached to another D-ring or a bedpost leg. I fasten the collar around my neck and hesitate for a couple of contemplative minutes before I click the padlock. The lock sounds heavy and permanent.

My dick is rock fucking hard. Partly because of His cold sheets against my body. But mostly it's because of the anticipation of what is in store. I slowly stroke my dick, moving the thick foreskin over the head. A bead of precum develops from the tip and I sweep it with my fingertip before licking it off. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Based on the days I served Him at His office, I knew he gets off of work at about 5. I assumed he would be back a little after that. But it's now dark, several hours have passed and there is no sign. So, I lie back, waiting for Him. I'm not particularly tired, but in the complete darkness, I start to drift off anyway.

I smell beer before anything else. I wake up again on my stomach, crushed. I struggle to breath. The only air I do inhale is thick with beer and His rotting breath. From behind me, He wraps an arm around my neck. I feel the monster cock stab into my asshole, lubricated only with His vile spit. He fucks me with a hard, fast, but sloppy rhythm. I manage to keep composure for about 20 seconds before I start whimpering. After the first minute I am openly sobbing, tears pooling on the pillow, at the pain that is shooting from my asshole to every nerve in my body. For 30 minutes, He fucks my ass with full velocity, creating a deep clapping fuck-rhythm in the darkness. He never changes position, He never says a word. He just masturbates with my asshole.

He unleashes a load into me. He stabs into me harder as the master cock convulses, emptying His balls. Another deep stab. Then another. Finally, He pulls out and rolls over onto His back. I'm restricted by the leash and can't reach Home. He makes no effort to move. Instead, I reach over His huge round belly and grip the master cock with my fist and wipe it clean. I clean off my ass sludge and cum off my hand with my tongue before cleaning His cock again. He's already asleep. I feed myself the load He left for me in my asshole before falling asleep.

When I wake up again, there is daylight filtering into the room. There is also a massive cock tracing my sleeping lips. My eyes are squinting tight at the light even though it is eclipsed by His bulbous body. I open my mouth as a reflex and He seizes the opening and shoves Himself into my mouth. My morning eyes are barely opening and He is already fucking my face with deep, slow strokes. His cock stinks and His balls are sweaty emitting a thick musk that is spreading all over my chin. Unlike the late night fuck session, He is groaning through each exhale. My mouth is stretched to the limit with the corners of my lips straining each time he thrusts deep. I can fit a little more than half of the gigantic organ into my mouth before it stops at my throat. He pushes harder and harder with each thrust, trying to open my throat completely.

"Fucking ... take it ..." He says through gasps. This goes on for a while, at least half an hour, maybe even twice that. My throat is taking a beating and it hurts more and more. I want this to stop, but I want His cock in my mouth.

Finally, as if completely frustrated, He pulls out and grabs my leash, pulling me to the side of the bed. He places me on my back with my head hanging over the edge.

"You are going to learn to take this fucking cock."

He shoves it into my mouth with a raping thrust. I choke but He doesn't relent. My throat is gurgling and my chest heaves as I try to force out a cough that is stifled by His dick. I force myself to breathe through my nose, and focus on my throat. I stretch my neck. It's getting harder to breath. He doesn't release the pressure on my throat. I choke again, my chest convulses for air. He keeps pressing the fat cockhead against my tonsils. Finally, I give in, out of desperation—a fight or flight response. I literally make a swallowing motion, like I am forcing down a chunk of unchewed food into my throat. All of a sudden, He slides into my face, His balls hang over my eyes. My nose breaths in nothing but musky ballsweat.

"Yeeeeaaaah," He says, imitating a horrible porn scene. "That's a good girl."

He slaps my cheek lightly but, compounded with the lump literally in my throat and what feels like an air bubble in my chest cavity, it echoes in my skull.

"Now you have two fully-functioning pussies."

He slides out completely and a load of saliva spills out following his cockhead and covers my face. Then He slides back in until His balls bury my nose. He starts slow, with these new deep thrusts, then picks up the pace, eventually rough fucking my face, His balls slapping me with significant force. The experience is new and frightening. It's unpleasant, but triumphant. I start to moan out of reflex. It's hard to breath. There is pain and it feels unnatural each time His cockhead wedges my throat open. I don't even realize that I am reaching around, grabbing His asscheeks, trying to pull Him even deeper into my mouth.

Meanwhile, my cock is pulsating. With this new skill, I feel like I belong. I am accomplished. I have a use. I am lost in sex. I have no idea how much time has passed. I just know that I now have another hole to fully serve Him. Then I feel the sharp spurt, warm and pungent, He shoots while balls deep into my mouth. It makes me choke violently and I feel cum in the back of my nose. He pushes deep into my head. His balls convulse over my face pumping His seed where it belongs, inside of me.

He is finished. He pulls out of my mouth and I lie there, triumphant, traumatized. He grabs one of my ankles and pulls my leg to the foot of the bed, making room for Himself to lie back down. He unlocks my collar and is asleep in minutes. I use this time to take a shit. I clean myself out in the shower. Then I go Home on His sleeping, stinking body. He sleeps throughout the morning, and I spend it buried in his crotch, mostly sucking His dick. At one point, shortly after He fucked my mouth, he grasps my head tight and pulls me onto his cock. In my mouth, there is a spasm of heat. There is a taste, it's flat, acrid and pungent. I choke and feel fluid everywhere and when I cough it jolts into my nasal cavity and the thick taste is everywhere, stinging my nose, my eyes and my throat. Holy shit, it even feels like there is a sharp pain in my ears. It takes me this long and this flood of senses to realize he is pissing in my mouth. Reflexively, I try to pull off His cock but his grip tightens aggressively. I choke again and it feels like the motion floods my entire skull with piss. With no option left, I swallow deep, then again. I chug His piss until He loosens His grip and His bladder is empty. The entire experience was revolting, but appropriate. Now that I am back to aimlessly sucking His dick, I know it was my duty to drink everything His body wants to feed me. It was my pleasure.

He doesn't let me take my mouth off His dick for the entire morning. It's flaccid the entire time. There is nothing sexual about this prolonged blowjob. He keeps my mouth on His cock purely as a feeling of comfort.

Comfort for the both of us.

We spend the day like that. He is naked the entire time, even when he orders and pays for food that afternoon. I am never outside the immediate vicinity of His cock or His feet, even when he pays the delivery guy, though I was kneeling behind the door. I'm not sure the delivery guy saw the naked teenager, fixating on the fat, bald man's gigantic swinging dick. It doesn't matter. He spends the rest of the day on the couch. The television is on, but he spends most of the day on his phone. I spend it kneeling in front of Him, sucking cock, licking balls and worshipping His feet.

Through the edges of the curtain, I can see that the light outside is dimming. He checks the time, 6:30. He sighs, before pushing me away from His crotch and talks to the kitchen. I admit, His body is disgusting, there is a thick, dark patch of hair on his lower back, just above his pale flabby ass. His shoulders are also hairy, but I watch Him walk away longingly, wanting a part of Him inside me.

About 20 minutes later, the room is lit with a slice of light from the bathroom. I look for Him hopefully. He is thankfully still naked. He opens the closet, and for a moment I fear He is going to get dressed, meaning He is planning to leave. But He only pulls out the cumrag, His t-shirt that is caked in dried semen. I smile, knowing that he has regularly used that as a gag for me. He also has in His hand a bottle of lube that He places on the bureau next to the bed. He climbs onto the bed, resting his back on the headboard.

"Home." He says this with a sinister grin. The word pours out of His mouth almost unnaturally cheerful.

I rush Home. My face diving in between both of His fat thighs and I suck His flaccid dick. He wraps the collar around my neck and I find security in the sound of the lock clicking shut. It seems like an otherwise unremarkable night. I knew how it would wind up: I would suck His cock until He fucked me into the mattress. It is a routine, but one that I am more than happy with. If my mouth weren't filled with flaccid cockflesh, I would have smiled.

What is not routine is my heartbeat, which suddenly thuds three successive times, an abrupt and unpleasant rhythm. It's loud and rattles against the walls. Within a second, I realize this doesn't make sense, it isn't my heartbeat. It's worse. It's the fucking door! Someone is knocking at the door. I pull off of His dick reflexively to look at the door as it knocks again, three quick beats. Suddenly it's dark. It stinks. It's stale sperm. He has wrapped the cum rag of a t-shirt around the top of my head above my nose and ties it on the back, at the base of my skull. I'm blindfolded.

"It's open." He yells at the door, simultaneously pulling my face back to His cock. My heart is beating a riot. Every muscle in my arms and legs is tensed and shivering. The door opens and doesn't immediately close. This is a small room, whoever is at the door opened it to see a skinny naked teenager on all fours hesitantly sucking the flaccid albeit gigantic cock of a fat, bald, ugly man.

"Hi." This new voice sounds sheepish, masculine and old. I try to picture what he looks like, the curiosity is like torture. "I guess this is the right place?"

"Yeah," says the fat man. He slaps my back with his palm, a surprising and firm jolt that makes me jump and whimper. "Come in. Check it out."

The door closes. I hear the whisper of cautious footsteps on the carpet. His cock starts to stiffen in my mouth. I suck even harder. There is a cold hand on my back that makes me shiver with surprise. My cock jumps from completely soft, hanging low between my legs, to rockhard digging into my flat stomach.

"Beautiful," the new man whispers. "Just like your ad said."

The cold hand caresses my back, around the lean sides of my stomach and grabs my dick. I let out a slow whimper at the sensation. I feel another hand on my ass, first caressing a butt cheek, then soft fingers tracing my ass crack, down my taint and finally cupping my balls. I can't see him, but someone is jacking me off with one hand and lovingly cupping my balls the other. I realize now, that despite all the sex I have had in the past few weeks, this is the first time anyone, other than myself, has touched my cock. My body jumps again when I first feel beard stubble on my butt cheeks then a tongue on my asshole, another first. Sucking the fat man's dick, I exhale through my nose a loud moan.

"You better get to it," the fat man says. I feel His body shift toward the side of the bed, then it shifts again, suddenly forward. I imagine that he reached for the lube on the bureau and tossed it to whomever it was that had his face buried in my butt. "There were a quite few people who answered the ad.

"You're just the first."

Next: Chapter 7

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