Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on May 1, 2021


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read this type of story, or if you're offended by material such as this, then please find something else to read.

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Finally, I can be reached at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who would like to contact me about anything related to the story.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 20


October was upon us now, and we had a few nice days with a lot of sun, as well as a few warm days. Kyley and I enjoyed our time together at school, and though we didn't enjoy homework all that much, we at least loved having each other there which helped it go by a little easier. As for the adoption issue, that was coming along really well, and it was looking like Kyley was going to be set to start living with us by the end of the month.

At this point he was spending most of his weekends with us, and I would spend a weekend up at Michael and Josh's place with him, but I knew that he was really enjoying being with me at my house. He loved the close atmosphere we had, and I knew that he really had come to love my parents, sister and Alex. I was really happy to see that!

Finally towards the end of the month, the papers were signed and Kyley was officially a part of our family and of our household now. This occurred on a sunny Thursday. When Michael and Josh helped him pack the last of his stuff, they both held him for a long moment, and I saw that Michael was really going to miss him.

Once everything was packed, our mom and dad helped Kyley get it out to the van, and I stood there with Michael and Josh for a moment.

"I really am glad that you came in to Kyley's life Milen," Michael said as we hugged for a long moment. "I really did worry about what would happen to him once he got older, as well as when he officially did become an adult. There was only so much we could do, and I didn't ever want to see him live in some institution for the rest of his life.

You helped with making sure that that didn't happen, and I really believe you're good for him, as well as is the rest of your family."

"Thank you Michael," I said holding him as tightly as he was holding me. "He's been really good for me as well. I wasn't sure how I'd really do with going through the world as a gay teenager, then as an adult who's gay. I knew I had Alex, my sister and our parents, but I still worried, and I did want to have a close best friend, possibly have that best friend become a romantic partner as well. I just wasn't sure if that would happen, but it has! I've found that with Kyley, and I truly am grateful he's in my life not only as my boyfriend, but as my best friend as well. He really is amazing, loving and caring towards me. He's also caring and loving towards our parents and sister too, and that makes me love him even more!"

"I'm glad you guys have each other, and the life that you're building together," Josh said. "I'm truly happy for you all, and I can't wait to see that get stronger between all of you."

"Thanks," I replied. "I feel the same way."

"So do I," Michael agreed.

Once we shared another hug, we all three went out to the van, and once we all hugged again, I got in beside Kyley, and once belted in we left to return home. It was one of the happiest days of my life thus far!

Once back home, we got Kyley's clothes put away in the other side of my closet and there was a dresser next to mine where he put his socks and boxers as well as some sleep clothes. Once that was done, we sat down beside one another, and after sharing a long hug, I held him and looked deeply in to his eyes.

"I'm really happy everything went well," I began. "This truly is the happiest day of my life, and I think we're going to have many more wonderful days with each other."

"I agree," he said.

"Would you like to call Todor and Nathan so we can give them the good news?" I asked.

"I'd love that," he said, but moved towards the door.

Our parents had to leave once we got home so they could finish up some work at the hospital, and Elena was out with friends, so it was just Kyley and I. Once he closed the door, he locked it then came over to where I was sitting.

"The phone is over on the table I usually keep it on, by the bed," I told him pointing to it.

He gave me a look as if to say: "I know where it is.", then he smiled and sat back down beside me and then he leaned in planting a long kiss on the side of my neck.

"Oh, I get it now," I said smiling.

This was one hint he'd give me when he wanted to make love.

I turned to him, and he pressed his lips to mine, and we made out for several long minutes. Once we came up for air, he began helping me off with my clothes. I did likewise, and once naked we got on the bed, and he moved me so that I was flat on my back.

I went to ask him what he had in mind, but he lightly pressed a finger to my lips, and I relaxed, and let him take over.

He eased himself down on top of me, and he gave me lots of warm and long kisses all over my face, lips and all over my neck! It felt so good, then he took my arms and lifted them so they were stretched out above my head.

I figured I knew what he wanted, and was surprised when he acted on it. He hadn't done it yet, but I knew he was interested. He began kissing the inner side of my upper arms, and he pressed his nose to first one armpit then the other. I figured that I still had a little deodorant that would last, but I didn't think he'd care if it was all sweated away.

I knew that Kyley loved how I smelled after I finished working out, and despite me letting him know that I was really soaked especially the first couple of times he'd stand or sit really close to me, he smiled and stayed where he was. I didn't mind if he did, and the last time I finished working out, he sat close to me when I removed my shirt just before getting a shower, and he moved a little closer than he had done before. I smiled and told him that if he was okay with being that close to me, then I was fine with it.

Now Kyley was inhaling my smell, and I could tell he really loved it. After several minutes of this, he moved to my nipples where he sucked, and then kissed them several times. This really drove me crazy, and I moaned loudly!

Soon though he was covering all of my body in long wet kisses, then his mouth was sliding up and down my hot throbbing cock! I loved it when he sucked me, and it was only getting better and better!

I lay there enjoying the wetness all over my shaft, and then moaned louder as his hot, wet sucking mouth took each of my balls in and sucked for a long time on them!

"Oh yeah Kyley!" I yelled. "That feels so fucking amazing!"

He then went back to sucking my cock, and I was thrusting softly in and out of his hot wet mouth. It went on like that for several minutes, then I felt my shaft get harder in his mouth. At this point, I didn't need to tell him I was ready to come, as he knew by this point what the hardening of my shaft meant, and he was ready for my cream! I let loose within a few more seconds of his sucking, and my cock exploded in his mouth! He swallowed, and I fell even more in love with how it felt when he swallowed my cum!

Once I recovered, Kyley lay back and I sucked him to a powerful orgasm as well. His cock was getting more thicker now, and was a little longer. I loved how the hair above his shaft was getting more filled out now, and his balls were a little bigger at this point as well. He also had a little more hair on them then before, and I enjoyed the changes!

Once we kissed a couple more times after I swallowed his offering, I complemented him on the changes to his cock and balls.

"I'm really glad you like them!" he responded smiling.

"Me too," I answered.

We talked a little more about how glad we were that everything went well with him coming to live with us, and then we showered and had a snack before our parents and sister got home.

We enjoyed one another's company for the rest of the evening, then once in bed, I held my lover and best friend in my arms.

"I love you so much Kyley," I said kissing him softly. "I love you more and more every day. You treat me so nice, and that makes me fall in love with you deeper as the days go by. I never want to spend my life without you in it."

"I feel the same way," he replied. "I love you more as the days go by too, and I love your kindness, compassion and your deep caring that you have for me. You're such a good friend, and I love how you're there to listen when I need and want to talk. I also love how you're there when I need to have those moments where I need to let my feelings out about something that's bothering me. You also make me laugh. I love that about you as well."

"The same goes for me as well," I answered, "You make me laugh as well, and you always listen when I have a problem I'm going through, but you also are there to have fun with as well."

"Yeah, and it's always easy to have fun with you too," he responded.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he replied.

We shared several kisses, then after we made love one more time, we fell asleep for the rest of the evening.

I felt so safe with us wrapped in one another's arms, and I never wanted to be away from Kyley.



The phone rang as Nathan and I sat down on the bed on that dark and rainy Friday afternoon once back home from school. It was Milen, and he was letting me know that the adoption had been finalized for Kyley to come and live with him and his family.

"That's really amazing news!" I said.

I then put the phone on speaker phone so Nathan could join in on the call.

"I'm so happy for you both!" Nathan said and smiled widely!

"We're all really happy as well," Milen replied.

"Absolutely!" Kyley added.

"Would you both like to get together with Nathan and I to have lunch possibly sometime tomorrow if you're able to?" I asked. "It could be like a small celebration of the good news."

"I'd love that!" Kyley responded.

"So would I!" Milen added. "We can check with our family in just a moment, and will let you know!"

"That would be really nice!" Nathan answered.

"Good!" I answered. "I'll check with our dad and see what he says."

I went to check with dad, and he agreed that we all could get together, and after Milen got back on the line letting us know that his family was good with it as well, we finished the call and everything was set. It would be really nice to see our friends again the next day!

Author's Notes

I realize that this was a long time in posting. I had to move out of my apartment and in to another apartment building so that they could do renovations on my apartment, and they included several other apartments in the process. I was able to move out of the building they moved me to, and was able to get moved back here in the Middle of February.

I had them do this, because the apartment building that they moved me to didn't have shit when it came to meeting my accessibility needs. The shower wasn't physically set up for my disability needs. I have a prosthetic leg on the left side of my body, and because of how it's manufactured, I can't under any circumstances get it wet so I don't have it on in the shower. So I need a shower chair when in the shower, as well as the kind of grab bars on the inside of the shower such as like the bars one sees in the public restrooms.

So I didn't have those at the building they moved me to, and our apartment manager as an Ableist Bitch to put it bluntly who doesn't give even 3 fucks about following the American's With Disabilities Act. So after getting an attorney involved I got moved back here in the middle of February as I said. They moved me to a studio apartment down in the basement until my original apartment was finished.

Finally my original apartment was finished at the end of March, and I got moved back in about two weeks ago. Long story short though, writing has been difficult through all of this and this whole experience has really fucked up my anxiety. So I'm only now starting to get back in to a good head space again. So having said that, I'll be doing more writing and posting now so you all will see more chapters coming soon.

It's good to be back home, and it's definitely good to be writing again! So everyone have a good day, and I'll see you all in Chapter 21.

Next: Chapter 21

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