Horny Gymnasts

By Karl L

Published on Dec 15, 2010


Horny Gymnasts or Eddie's Dream Fulfilled

This is a story about high school boys having sex with each other. If this is not your cup of tea and/or if you are under 18, then don't read it -- it's as simple as that. Just remember that fantasy can be a good addition to your real life, and it is often better than real life, right?

It was 6:15 PM, and the locker room at Josiah Everett Memorial High School was almost empty. The football team had come to wash up and get dressed, and it was gone. The wrestling team had done the same. It was the gymnasts who were last, because their training session had ended late due to Charlie Webber falling from the high bar and spraining his ankle. While Coach Lambert went to get the school nurse, the other members of the team stayed with Charlie to keep him company, as he was obviously in hurt. The nurse touched and prodded Charlie's ankle, making him grunt with pain, and an ambulance was called. The team waited until he was put on a stretcher and carried out, wishing their teammate a quick recovery.

There was the usual horseplay in the showers. These were teenage boys who were athletic and active, and they all knew that they were having the time of their lives. As always, there was splashing of water and flicking of towels and a lot of yelling and carrying on. Gradually, the boys filtered out of the shower room and got dressed. After five minutes or so, only three were left, all of them letting the hot water massage their powerful shoulders and arms after a serious workout. Ben Anderson was 17 and a senior. He was the reining state champion in free exercise and had muscles on his muscles. He was a compact 5'8, had blond hair, blue eyes and a perfect smile. Eddie Jefferson was 16, a junior, and a rising star in state gymnastics circles as an all-rounder. The previous week he had missed a gold medal at the regional championships by only two points. Eddie was 5'4 and with the huge muscles that he needed for his sport. He was a fiery redhead with freckles that he didn't let anybody tease him about. The third boy, Sam Almonato, was also 16 and a junior, and his specialty was the vault. He could do a two-and-a-half double twist from the vault every time, and unlike Eddie, he did have a gold medal from the regionals. Sam was dark-haired with black eyes that betrayed his Italian heritage, 17 years old and in senior year together with Ben. He was 5'7, and just as muscular as his teammates. Ben, Eddie and Sam were good friends. They worked out together and spotted each other on the gymnastics equipment. They rode their mountain bikes together and played video games. They were superstars at school like the athletes they were. Maybe not up there with the captain of the football team, Vance Everett, great grandson of the school's founder, who was a total Adonis -- 6'2, 185 pounds of nothing but muscle, and the good looks of a movie star to boot. The whole school was buzzing about whether it would be Ben or Vance who would be made prom king in a couple of weeks. But still.

The three gymnasts dried themselves off and meandered over to their lockers. Ben plopped down on the bench and gave a big sigh. Sam looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"It's Betsy, man," Ben said. Betsy was his girlfriend. "She won't put out for nothing. She says her religion won't allow it until we're married, but who knows how long that's gonna be? She doesn't even let me touch her tits, dude!"

Sam and Eddie made sympathetic noises. They knew how prissy girls at Everett Memorial could be. It was like they were in on some kind of conspiracy.

"Man, I am so fuckin' horny, I don't know what to do," Ben continued. "I mean, I could jack off right here and now, and it wouldn't be the first fucking time today."

"Go ahead," Sam said. "It's just us here." He was kidding, but right away it was clear that his buddy Ben really needed to get his rocks off. His cock was already starting to rise and rise some more, and then it was standing straight up from his crotch. Fuck, Sam thought, that's pretty sexy. Not that he was interested in Ben or in any boy, but something about his friend sitting there with a boner between his legs was kind of making him itchy. He realized that if he didn't start thinking about algebra or something, his dick was gonna get hard, too. In fact, he could sort of feel the blood rushing from other parts of his body toward his dick, so he quickly turned away to get his clothes from his locker. He only had one leg into his jockstrap, though, when Ben said, "Dude, I think you're getting a boner, too." Sam looked down and sure enough, his cock was sticking straight out, definitely not soft. He peeked to his right and saw Eddie just standing there, naked, but there was something going on with his prick, too. It was sort of throbbing, even though it wasn't at all erect.

"Aw, fuck," Sam said, giving up. "Let's just get our nut off and forget that we ever did it, right? I mean, we're not fags, right?"

Ben already had his erection in his fist. "No way, man! It's just that sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do, right?"

Eddie looked away, knowing that he was blushing. He was a fag, a righteous fag, into the schlong that was between guys' legs ever since the age of six, when his Uncle Frank, age 27, his dad's youngest brother, had come into his bedroom at night while staying over and introduced him to how good, how totally fantastic it felt to have your little dick inside a guy's mouth. The next night, when Frank came into his room, he asked Eddie if he wouldn't like to try doing to him what he'd done to Eddie. Eddie did his best, though his uncle's penis was huge, or at least it seemed that way to him, and he had to open his mouth very, very wide to take the tip inside. He remembered how Frank had suckled on his pricklet, which was very hard again, and so he tried to do the same. A couple of times his teeth brushed against his uncle's skin, and his uncle jumped, but after a couple of minutes Eddie had the process figured out, and a couple of minutes after that he was startled when all of a sudden something warm and liquid started to come out of Uncle Frank's penis and straight into his mouth. He tried to pull back when the first spurt hit the back of his throat, but his uncle had his hands on his head and was holding him in place, so he had no choice but to swallow the stuff. After, Frank got back down between Eddie's legs, and it took only a couple of seconds before the little boy was writhing with pleasure, his PJs bunched around his ankles and for the second time in his young life his entire body feeling like it was on fire, but in a nice way. A very nice way. Uncle Frank didn't come visiting very often, he lived in a different state, but each time he came, they did it again. Frank was the only one. Eddie lived in mortal fear of anyone, especially his friends, finding out that he was a faggot, because he was sure that they would reject him. Right now he was reciting his multiplication tables at a feverish pace just to keep his dick from doing what it really, really, really wanted to do with his two best friends not just naked -- he'd seen that lots of times and learned to keep it tame -- but with hardons! Jesus, what was he gonna do?

Ben solved that problem for him. "Dude, me and Sam are gonna feel real stupid jerking off with you just standing there. Come on, it's not like anybody's ever gonna know, right? I really need to get my rocks off."

Eddie grimaced and tried to look nervous. "But what if somebody comes in?"

Sam made an impatient gesture. "Nobody's gonna come in, Jefferson. Come on, I need to get one off, too!" Sam's dick was rock hard now, a drop of pre-cum leaking out of the rocket-shaped tip. Eddie was relieved that at least he didn't have a pencil dick. It was 7.2 inches long, he'd measured, and it looked like it was just about the size of Sam's. Not like Ben's, though. Jesus, it looked like a foot-long hot dog between his legs! Eddie was dripping sweat like he had just run a marathon, and he dared give his cock a little squeeze. It responded immediately and all but jumped into a boner.

"There ya go," Sam said. "Come on, dudes, I'm ready to blast!" He leaned back against his locker and started to pump his dick with his right hand, fondling his balls with the other. Ben, on the bench, was doing the same, only he was two-fisting his huge dick. Eddie let his instincts run away with him. He straddled the bench next to Ben, one leg on each side, and took his now raging boner into his hand. He was careful not to rub too hard, because he knew he would cum in about 0.2 seconds -- Ben Anderson and Sam Almonato jerking off right there in front of his eyes. Sam with his head thrown back against the locker and his eyes screwed tight, lost in some kind of fantasy. Ben looking down at his cock like all guys sometimes do when they're masturbating. Eddie looked at one dick and the other, then the first one and then the second one. He slowly ran his fist up and down his shaft, carefully controlling the pressure. There was no way he was gonna shoot before seeing his two hot gymnast buddies jet it out. His brain was busy recording the eye candy that was gonna keep him in masturbation fantasies for about the next 20 years.

"Aw man," he heard Ben murmur. "I wish I could get somebody to suck on this thing! I get so tired just jacking off all the time."

Eddie's heart was about to pound right out of his chest, but he quietly said "Want me to do it?"

Sam's eyes flew open and his hand stopped dead on his erect cock. "What?! You wanna suck Ben's cock?"

Eddie shrugged. "I mean, he just needs it, you know? You see any girls around here?"

"Yeah, but ..." Sam sputtered. "Sucking another guy's cock is like ..." But the thought died out right there. It would be interesting to see Eddie Jefferson sucking on Ben Anderson's cock. The thought almost shocked Sam into losing his boner, but then it sort of sneaked into his brain and said "Let's take a look, yeah? Might be horny!"

Ben hadn't said anything, he was just sitting there with his huge cock in his hand, but then he more whispered than said, "Would you, dude? I mean I know it wouldn't mean anything, it's just that I am so fuckin' horny." Eddie pretended to think about it, though every single tendon in his body was tense and his brain was urging him to get busy with it, asshole -- it's not like you're gonna get a chance like this every day! So he scooted closer to Ben on the bench, took his friend's penis in his fist and bent forward. He stuck his tongue out and licked the tip of that magnificent piece of teen meat and then pulled back, scowling. He needed to keep up the pretense. Ben put his hand on the back of Eddie's head and pushed it down. "Come on, man! Come on!"

So Eddie thought back to how he had sucked Uncle Frank's dick just a few weeks before and went back to work. He squeezed the shaft of Ben's fat cock and took the first four inches into his mouth, letting his tongue lick around the cockhead. >From the corner of his eye he could see that Sam was staring at him, gap faced, his jaw hanging almost down to his muscular chest, but his fist was still on his cock, and his cock was still boned up real nice. Above him, Eddie heard Ben breathe "That's real nice, dude," and he knew he was home free at last. Uncle Frank had taught his nephew every single thing there is to know about sucking a man's penis, and Eddie took the bottom of the shaft of Ben's penis in his fist, and he lowered his head more and more until his lips hit his fist. Then he started just moving his head up and down, up and down, getting Ben's huge, beautiful fantastic dick slicker and slicker. He could hear Ben gasping with the wonderful feeling of having a hot mouth on his dick. He didn't know that when Ben had said that he wanted someone to suck it, it was partly because no one ever had. Ben had been half joking, but he was boned, and when Eddie volunteered, well fuck, dude -- when a guy's boned, he is way ready to get his rocks off. Not that Ben would have let any old guy suck him off, Eddie was almost family. The two of them had known each other since elementary school, they both got an interest in gymnastics, they both found that they were pretty damn good at it. They cheered for each other when they won, and they comforted each other -- in a completely manly way, of course -- when they lost. When Ben was in the hospital to get his appendix out at the age of 15, Eddie visited him every single day, and it was always a difficult visit, because Eddie wanted to make his great friend laugh, and Ben had stitches in his firm stomach which made laughing a bitch. But he did laugh, and fuck it if it hurt a little bit. Eddie was his buddy, his teammate.

As for Eddie, he just forgot right then and there that he was so deep in the closet that he was almost suffocating. He had boned up his dick every single time that he was with another naked man, and every single time that man was Uncle Frank. That was OK, of course, but Eddie was 16 now, and Uncle Frank was now 37. He was still way sexy, he played minor league baseball and had even played for the Boston Red Sox for half a season. That was just about as much of why Eddie was glad to suck his uncle's cock as the fact of sucking the cock itself. Sucking a pro baseball player! The fact that his dad and mom, sleeping just down the hall, had no idea about it was a special secret between uncle and nephew. Frank took him to baseball games, Frank took him out to McDonald's or Burger King or, later, Red Lobster. Eddie's dad, a professor at the local university who was on tenure track, never did anything like that. But Eddie was a high school student, and he had suffered since that night ten years back when Frank had first come into his room, looking at other naked boys starting in the third grade gym class, masturbating frantically in the school bathroom and almost getting caught by other boys or, on a few occasions, by teachers, masturbating in class through his pocket, always sitting in the back row to do it and hoping against hope that some other boy would spot him doing it and do the same. During his first year in high school, post-pubescence, falling desperately in love with every single one of his teammates on the freshman gymnastics team at Everett High, crying at night with the want of it, masturbating at night with the memory of being in the showers with them, him just as muscular as them, him just as full of life as them, him so different from them, because inside it killed him to look at all of the beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, downy, muscular, perfect, tanned mother fucking bodies that were with him in the showers every single afternoon after school. He dreamed about showers after gymnastics every night and often woke up in the morning annoyed yet again to find something sticky in his underwear (like every kid, he had stopped wearing pajamas around the age of 13). He daydreamed about showers after gymnastics every day at school, and how he maintained a something close to an A average he would never know. It was partly because his dad, the professor, had made him feel like the biggest fucking loser in the whole galaxy the one time in the seventh grade when he had come home with a C in math. It was also partly because Eddie really did his homework, really, really did his homework every afternoon and every evening, because it kept his mind off of what he really wanted to think about and what made him so desperately lonely and terrified for his future.

And now here he was, finally -- mother fucking finally sucking a cock, and it was Ben Anderson's cock! Ben Anderson the stud, who was always so fucking nice and always had a nice word to say and never for a second realized that Eddie was boiling inside every single mother fucking second he was with him. Eddie Jefferson was sucking Ben Anderson's cock. And fuck it if it meant being exorcised from everything in life that kept him sane, he was gonna give Ben Anderson the best blow job that Ben Anderson had ever had. Uncle Frank had taught Eddie a few tricks about sucking a dick. Eddie suckled on Ben's swollen cockhead. Eddie lightly tickled the little part between the head and the shaft -- the one that sort of sticks out. He didn't know what it was called, but he knew it was real nice to have that licked. Eddie slid his face up and down Ben's huge cock, his tongue licking every single millimeter of it. Eddie dropped down lower to tickle Ben's balls with his tongue. Eddie jammed his face up and down Ben's shaft as he masturbated its bottom. Ben was dead silent, he wasn't saying a thing, but his ten-inch penis was as rock hard as Eddie's had ever been, and he thought that he could hear the pounding of Ben's heart. He didn't dare look up at his teammate's face. He was afraid of what he would see there if he stopped sucking.

Still leaning against the locker, and still with sevenish inches of hard Italian cock in his fist, Sam just could not fucking believe what he was seeing. Eddie Jefferson, the stud gymnast who could do things in free exercise that he, Sam, could never do -- well fuck, dude, there he was, sucking Ben's cock! And judging from the look on Ben's face, doing a fucking good job of it, too. It never for a second occurred to Sam that Eddie might be a fag. Naw, he was a friend doing a job for a friend. But man, why was Sam's cock so hard, watching one dude sucking on another dude's knob? What the fuck was that all about? Then, like it happens with every male of the species, the dick trumped the brain, and Sam's dick took him the three steps that there were between the locker where he was leaning and the bench where Ben getting his dick sucked, and it was his dick that made him say "Dude, that looks awesome. Will you let him do me -- just a little bit?"

Ben grinned up at him and said, "Eddie, do you mind? It's so fuckin' awesome, dude, nobody has ever sucked my cock like that before," and so Eddie, without telling Ben that he would rather just keep on sucking him, sat up and turned to the other cock that had occupied his dreams for the last three years. In his dreams, the cock was always just like it was in the showers -- soft and unconcerned. But now it was on full bone. Sam just sort of stood there, and Eddie, dizzy with what he was doing, just grabbed his erect cock and took it into his mouth, releasing his hand when his nose hit Sam's dark black and curly pubic hair. He heard Sam gasp just like his uncle gasped every single time he did that. Uncle Frank's dick was just about Sam's size, it was perfect for Eddie. But a minute later, Ben yanked his hair and said "You almost had me cumming, dude, come on now, do me some more."

And so Eddie let go of Sam's cock and bent back over to where Ben's big, magnificent piece of teen meat was standing erect and glistening. He dove back down onto Ben's cock like it was the last lifesaver on earth, and a little bit of him said congrats when his nose hit Ben's pubic hair a whole ten inches down. Lord have mercy, he had Ben's entire cock inside his mouth! Eddie wasn't even thinking about his dick, but his dick was thinking about him. It was hard enough to hit a baseball right over the left field wall at Fenway, that's what it was. But Eddie didn't touch it, another little part of him was thinking that he wasn't going to cum now, he was going to take this away with him and masturbate about seventeen times just as soon as he got home. Fuck homework tonight. It was Friday anyway, he had the whole weekend. He sucked on Ben Anderson's cock like it was the only, last cock on earth, and it didn't take but a couple of minutes before Ben started groaning and moaning and saying, "That's so nice, Eddie. That's so fucking nice," and then, "Eddie, I'm gonna cum, dude. Get your mouth off it!" But Eddie didn't, and a second later, a jet of hot, salty sperm rocketed into Eddie's mouth and right down his throat, and Ben was gasping for air, every muscle in his body tight and constricted, and it wasn't just one jet, it was six or seven, every one of them hitting the back of Eddie's throat and sliding down into his gullet. Two things happened right then. Eddie felt a splash of something warm on his back, and he realized that Sam was cumming on him, and he didn't care. Another splat hit the back of his head and oozed down his neck. And Eddie's own cock, tired of a total lack of attention -- Eddie's cock said to Eddie's balls, "Let's do it," and without ever touching his dick at all, Eddie Jefferson had the best orgasm he had ever had in his life. He still had Ben's slimy softening cock in his mouth, he had sperm all over him from Sam, and he was ejaculating like he had never once ejaculated before. He didn't know where his sperm was shooting, he felt some on his pubes, he felt some on his stomach, but he didn't care. He grabbed his shaft to rub out a couple of more drops, a couple of more spurts. It was the best moment in Eddie Jefferson's 16 years of life.

And then, all of a sudden, it was over. And Eddie Jefferson, star junior gymnast on the Everett High School gymnastics team, sat back up, looked at his friends' and teammates' slick, just-cummed cocks, and tears started to roll down his cheeks. And Ben, still trembling from way, way, way the best orgasm he had ever had in his life, was instantly concerned and threw a muscular arm around Eddie's muscular shoulders.

"Dude, what's wrong? I mean, was it gross? I never thought that you would..."

And Sam chimed in, "Dude, I'm so sorry I got cum on you. I didn't mean to, really I didn't."

Eddie turned away. He couldn't stand to see his friends and teammates see him like this. It was at home in bed that Eddie Jefferson cried. But Ben wouldn't let up. He squeezed Eddie close to him and whispered "I didn't mean to shoot in your mouth dude. You should have just let go!"

And Eddie trembled and wiped his eyes in the crook of his arm and turned around to face Ben and said, "I've wanted to do that ever since like the eighth grade, dude. Ever since like the fucking eighth grade."

Ben's face grew astonished, and Eddie thought that it was all over for him. He'd have to transfer to another school, and he'd tell his parents something. He wasn't feeling challenged enough at Everett, he'd tell them. Maybe that would work. But Ben said what Eddie had never expected Ben Anderson to say: "Dude, why didn't you tell me?"

Eddie felt the tears welling up again, and he ducked his head. "What would you have thought? I mean, you fucked every single girl in school before you met Betsy." Ben didn't think it was the right time to tell Eddie that no, he had not fucked any girl in school before he met Betsy, because every girl in school was just as prissy as Betsy was, and so instead he said, "I mean, are you like ... gay?"

Eddie collapsed on the bench, putting his head in his crossed hands on his thighs. "I guess so. I mean, couldn't you tell?"

Sam chimed in: "Dude, you've still got the silver medal in all-around from this year. You're the man -- who gives a fuck if you're gay?"

Eddie didn't lift his head. "I was waiting so fucking long. So fucking, fucking long." So he told them about Uncle Frank and starting at age six and starting at age six to want to do something like that with a boy his age, and never until today getting a chance to do it, because for a teenager it was more important to be good at school and good at gymnastics, and besides, he was sure that he was the only one on the gymnastics team and probably the whole school and the whole town who felt anything like that. And when he finished telling the story, his face still muzzled in his arms, Sam, still naked, was sitting on one side of him, and Ben, still naked, was sitting on the other side of him, and they both had their arms around Eddie's shoulders, or really more his back, because he was hunched over like that. And Ben said, "Dude, if I was gay, I would want you as my boyfriend." And Sam said, "Me, too, Jefferson." And Eddie cried a few more tears, tears of absolute, unbelievable relief. And then it really was over. Without really saying much of anything, sort of embarrassed, all three of them wiped themselves off with towels, went to their lockers, and got dressed. They didn't look at each other. But when they were walking out of the locker room, their backpacks on, their smelly clothes left in the locker for the locker room boy -- a total geek -- to deal with, Ben nudged Eddie with his elbow and said, "Dude, that was awesome. Long as Betsy's not giving it up, you think you might ..." And Sam immediately piped up: "Yeah, dude. Me, too. I don't even have a girlfriend!" And for the first time in a really, really long time, Eddie Anderson grinned a totally satisfied grin.

Next: Chapter 2

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