Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Feb 20, 2018


Chapter 33

Note to fans: Sorry for the long wait for the update.

The rest of the tournament was pretty fantastic. Our team took second place when all the scores were tallied. By the end of the day, I was wishing I could be the permanent team manager. The long ride back to campus on the bus was so different from the ride the day before, because now I knew most of the guys' names, had spent the day handing them their gear, watching them sweat, strip and dress (and even cum). But the guys were generally pretty tired, so much of the bus ride back was quieter, many of the guys sleeping.

Danno and I took adjoining seats near the back of the bus, his sleepy head on my shoulder, and one of his warm hands tucked between my thighs. I fell asleep like that, and only woke when the bus driver stopped for a quick restroom break along the highway.

I untangled myself from Danno, leaving him sprawled across both our seats, and stepped down off the bus. Only a handful it seemed were going to the bathroom. It was about 1:00 a.m. so there were only a few other trucks parked in the lot. The men's room was one of those long thin rooms with horrible fluorescent lighting that blinked annoyingly, a long row of four sinks, a long row of four urinals, and three stalls. The guys ahead of me were standing at the urinals, so I stepped into a toilet stall to pee. There was graffiti all over the place. I pulled out my dick to start the flow, and glanced at the walls. I was reading some of the poetry, and chuckling to myself, when I looked a little lower down and saw a hole in the wall exactly at the height where my cock was. Right above the hole was written in bold black letters, "blow job."

I tried to focus on my peeing, but my cock began to harden, and just then, as I was shaking off the last drops of pee, I saw a shadow pass in front of the hole. Now, I knew the guys from my bus were all standing at urinals, or by now washing their hands, so if someone was in the next stall, they had been there before we all entered. The middle-of-the-night excitement began to take over, and without really thinking about it I turned partway and pushed my now almost-erect cock into the hole.

I heard a quiet gasp. I hadn't closed the partition's door, so if anyone wanted to, they could have come over and seen me pressing up against the thin wall, my pants open at the waist. I felt a warm hand take hold of my dick, and the sensation of something (probably a finger?) running gently from the base of my rod slowly up to the tip, and then my cock twitched to its full upright maximum rigidity. My eyes were closed now, so I going on the feel alone here, but the warm, wet sensation that came next was most assuredly a mouth. It started by clamping tightly on my thick mushroom-shaped dick-head, tongue swirling firmly around the top, and an intense suction that made me lean into the partition a little closer.

The mouth popped off with a very loud (to me) wet sound, and my eyes opened. I looked around quickly and realized that the other guys had all left, so I was alone in the restroom, and the bus was probably waiting for me. Then the moist warmth returned and I was getting sucked off by someone who knew exactly what they were doing. I only wished my balls would fit through the hole so he could lick them too, but my cock filled the opening completely. I tied to stay still, but the feelings were making me thrust my hips uncontrollably. I found myself fucking the wall and holding the top of the partition with both hands to stay on my feet. It wasn't long before I went weak at the knees and began to explode into the mouth on the other side of the wall with an intense orgasm. I know I made far too much noise as I moaned and bucked against the stall for a few more moments, the tight hungry mouth still receiving my juices and giving me pleasure.

When I finally pulled my cock out and stepped back from the wall, I had to sit down to catch my breath. I wiped some of the cum and saliva on some toilet paper, and glanced over at the hole. I could only see that there was a body, but before I could get my bearings on the occupant of the next stall, his cock popped through the hole, almost stabbing my in the eye. It was not as long as mine, but it was thick and curved and milk-chocolate brown. And, seeing as I has just received an amazing blow job from this person, I felt obliged.

I took the meat into my hands, felt its weight, it warmth, and saw the droplet of precum glistening from the piss-slit at the tip of the dark angry purple glans. I spread the precum down across the rest of the cock head, and lubed the tenderest most sensitive spot at the frenulum. Making small tight circles with my thumb on that spot I heard the guy moan lightly. The voice was low and trying to be quiet, but hinted at his nervousness. I felt the partition wall flex toward me slightly as he pressed into it. Two dark brown sets of fingers appeared at the top of the wall.

I took the head in my mouth, tasting it gingerly. I inhaled, and I sensed a salty, musky taste. I thought about how I would lick food off my fingers. First I would taste the food, then I just taste the skin. I sucked a little more, I tasted his precum, and it was slightly sweet. I took a deep breath, and bravely tried to deep throat the whole 7 inches. It was tricky, because it was one fat cock, but with some patience I was soon pressed almost against the wall. I felt the cock start pumping in and out, and I tried to control my gag reflex. I pulled off to get a breath, and the guy on the other side said in a quiet husky voice, "damnit, bitch! Can I come over there?"

Before I could answer, his dick disappeared from the hole. His stall door opened and with his pants down around his ankles, a 30-ish black truck driver came into my stall. He closed the door behind him, and I resumed his blow job, while holding his balls with my other hand. I tugged on his big black balls and sucked and stroked his cock for a few minutes.

The outer door opened, making a loud squeaking sound. I froze, instinctively leaned back and, just as the inner door clanked open, I put my feet up on the side walls of the stall, so that there would only be one pair of feet visible under the wall. The truck driver kept stroking himself, as my face wasn't close enough in this position. Noises of someone entering the next stall alerted us both to the possibility of being "caught."

As the newcomer cleared his throat rather dramatically and loudly, the guy I had been blowing tucked his dick into his pants, zipped up and quickly left. Puzzled, I figured keeping my feet up was pointless, since whomever was in the next stall could just look through the glory hole and see it was not vacant. I reached back, flushed the toilet, and exited the restroom as the newcomer swore under his breath.

The moment I reached the outdoors, I felt the brisk fresh air of the middle of the night wash over my hot face as I walked hurriedly towards the parking area. I stopped dead in my tracks after a few paces as I realized the bus was no longer there. Thinking at first,I had walked the wrong direction, I turned around and it hit me like a ton of bricks. They had left me behind! I had taken so long in the restroom that the bus had left without me.


Before the reader panics overmuch, I learned later that Danno had stayed asleep the entire rest stop, and when the bus driver asked if anyone was mising, no one noticed, so they left. When he woke at 3:00 a.m. upon reaching campus, he assumed I had switched to another seat, as he had stretched out and taken both seats the remainder of the bus ride home. But when I didn't get off the bus to gather my bags, and the rest of the team had stumbled in a sleepy coma-like state to their dorms, he understood I was missing. He re-boarded the bus to check again to see if I was asleep in the back rows, and not seeing me still, he gathered my backpack and duffle bag. He discovered my cellphone in the backpack, and began to wonder what had become of me.

But that tale is for another day.

Next: Chapter 34

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