Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 19, 2014


Chapter Five

I walked quickly to the campus bookstore, got the textbooks I needed, and then went to the cafeteria. I had been here a few times now, but there was always the same awkward feeling of where to sit. This time I got my tray of food, and aimed purposefully or the far left corner to where I could see Mark already seated at a small corner table.

`Mind if I sit here?" I inquired, with a silly grin, "unless you're saving this seat for someone special?"

His mouth was full, so he just nodded happily, and moved his backpack off the seat across from him. "Yeah, sure, have a seat," he began as if he was performing for an imaginary onlooker, "I'm Mark. Freshman bio major. From the boondocks, a small town you've never heard of. Smith Dorm. You?"

Playing along, I said, "Hitch. Freshman art major. Grew up in rural Upstate New York. Living in Miller Dorm." And then, adding with a sly out-of-the-corner-of-my-mouth sort of way, "And just started Anantomy 101."

He chuckled at that, and said softly, "I've got some anatomy you should check out." Then, louder, "Art major huh? That's cool. I'm hoping to get into med school."

And thus began an easy conversation, just getting to know eachother in an informal way, comparing family size, musical interests, roommates, etc. His was pretty clearly straight, talking constantly about his girlfriend back home, talking to her on his phone for two hours last night, texting her all the rest of the time... pretty usual stuff. I told him my roommate was really cool, and that "he was breaking me in to the `ways of the gays' with air quotes and all."

"So, you're not really out?" Mark asked. "Just so you know, I've been out only to a few friends for a few months, just after graduation this summer, so I understand."

"Yeah, I guess I'm not out really," I slowly said, thinking out loud. "But maybe going off to college is the right time, I don't know. I have been experiencing so many new things: coming here to college, the dorms, a roommate who's awesome, making new friends who don't wear underwear..." I smiled at him.

"Oh, that!" he blurted. "I'm a little surprised you noticed."

"I saw your ass cheeks when you turned around to team up for the class discussion groups," I confessed. "And it made me really horny!" I whispered, leaning across the table.

"It's a funny story, really," he began. You see, his mother had been on his case the pak for college three weeks ago, and he kept telling her it was under control, just to get her off his back. When the day actually arrived to put his gear in the truck and start the long drive to campus, clothes got shoved into bags very rush-rush, but the underwear drawer got completely missed.

"You mean you came to college with NO underwear at all?" I asked.

"Righto!" he grinned at me, almost daring me to believe him. "I didn't wear them very often anyhow, so I figured it would lighten the laundry duty to just not worry about it."

"I'm thinking that's a signal, right?" I asked. "Like if you're interested in guys seeing your ass, then you wear no underwear and make sure there's a few holes strategically placed in your pants?"

"Yes," he answered, "If a guy's into my ass, he'll make a move. A straight guy would be too afraid to even mention it for fear it would brand him as gay for noticing."

"Does that work for you?" I probed. "It's making me horny again, just thinking about it."

"See? It worked for you, didn't it?" he answered. "I'm into guys who are turned on by seeing my ass or noticing that I'm freeballing."

"Hey, I need to take these books back to my dorm, but I'd like to talk some more, wanna come along?" I asked, standing up. I had to adjust my swollen cock in my pants before picking up my cafeteria tray.

"Sure!" he replied, also gathering his things, licking his lips and glancing at my crotch. I waited for him so I could follow behind him. That way I could see the tiny hole and his white ass cheek peeking out.

We walked back to my dorm, dropped off the heavy bag of books, and decided to walk to Mark's dorm, so I could see where he was living. It wasn't far, just a block or so away, but it was a lot older looking, with creeky wooden stairs, and floors that undulated own the passageway defying right angles. His room was on the ground floor in the back, with a basement type window that let in a little light, but gave a view only of the cement box. His bunk bed, furniture and room was more old-fashioned, but cosy. An extra set of doors on one wall intrigued me.

"What's this?" I asked as I opened one door. I found a short passageway with wide double closets on the right side and a bathroom door on the left. On the far side of the passage was another door. "Oh, I see you share the bathroom with the next room over?"

"Yes, the guys in the next room are really great. They're both on the soccer team, and have been best friends all through high school. I think they're a little more than friends though."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, its only been one day here so far, but when I went to take my shower this morning, I found the shower running already, I was standing at the toilet dealing with my morning wood, not really paying much attention." He then told me the blow-by-blow: when he finally got his piss going, the one guy -- who is dark and really tall -- walked buck naked into the bathroom and stepped right into the shower. Mark assumed he had just turned on the shower to get it hot and had gone back to his room for something. But after a few minutes a different guy -- blonde and stocky -- stepped out dripping wet and looked a little surprised to see him standing at the sink. "He was really hung, and his cock looked a lot like it had just gotten a good workout."

"Oh," I wondered, "then they're more than roommates?"

"Well, when I finally got my turn in the shower, there was a lot of cum on the tile."

"Oh?" My dick was growing again, and I was pretty sure his was too, because he was adjusting himself again. "That's hot."

"Yes, and I added to it myself." Now his dick was definitely getting hard, and rather than pointing down into his pant leg was stretched almost all the way to his left pant's pocket. He hand went into the pocket, clearly grabbing his dick head, and he looked over at me to see if I had noticed. "Wanna see?"

I thought he meant his cock, so I nodded, but he meant the shower, so he pulled aside the curtain, and revealed the tiled tub and shower enclosure." I leaned in and took a gentle sniff, but not seeing any obvious evidence of the story, looked around again, then back at him. "It looks clear and clean to me," I pronounced.

"Oh, crap!" he exclaimed. "I bet my roommate showered after me, and rinsed down the whole mess." He leaned over and looked very closely at the one wall, "Right here was a huge gob of it." He leaned a little farther and then put out his hand to steady himself, but the tile was still wet, so his hand slipped and he tumbled suddenly into the tub.

He landed in a rather jumbled position, both arms under him and one leg angled oddly up at the side. Trying not to laugh, I stepped over to give him a hand up. "OOps!" he cried as he tried to turn over far enough to leverage himself back up and out. He ended up sitting flat in the tub with his legs both hanging out -- but not quite reaching the bathroom floor. "My backside is all wet now," he whined. I managed to help him up, and could see he was indeed wet. His ass cheek plastered now to the dark wet denim showed clearly as white as an ass could be on a white guy.

"I'll need to change out of this, eh?" he said grinning ear to ear.

"I suppose so," I said. So, he unbuckled the pants, and slid them to the floor, stepping out to reveal his toned lower body. Muscled thighs, freckled and lightly dusted in golden red hair to match his face. Even his pubes were red, but the thing that caught my attention most of all was how he'd trimmed the hair on his balls and from his upper thighs so that the only hair was a little patch just between his cock and abdomen. His long, thick cock was standing straight out, with a slight curve upwards, but bobbing lightly to his obviouly elevated heartbeat. His eyebrows invited me closer.

Licking my lips, I decided to be bold and see if this strawberry stick was as tasty as the last cock I'd had in my mouth only an hour before. I was pretty sure this wasn't going to fit in my mouth like John's dick had. It just had an imposing length and girth about it that scared me a little. But I got down on my knees and gently tasted the soft warm helmet. I took hold of his balls both in one hand, pulling them lightly down and feeling their weight, gently squeezing first one then the other as I was exploring the sensation of his dick on my tongue. It tasted a little salty, but nothing bad about that, so I took it further into my mouth, and started to suck.

Mark started to change position, sitting on the edge of the tub and pulling his shirt off. Now I could see his solid chest and six-pack abs. He was athletic looking, toned, but not overly muscled. His body looked more like a swimmer's or long-distance runner. I could tell he was enjoying the attention I was giving his knob, so I pulled it most of the way out and focused some tongue and sucking on the last inch. I knew how this would feel to me, so I alternated that with licking the whole length of his cock down to the spot where his rod joined his ball sack. Then back up to the top for some more swirling and sucking, then back down again.

"Man, that's good," he moaned gleefully. "You are good at this." I smiled, as much as one can when they have a cock in their mouth, pleased to get some positive feedback. My own juiced were beginning to flow as well, and as I knelt there I unzipped my shorts to let my now erect cock breath a little easier. I needed to balance my own weight by holding his knees, but one hand at a time could do that while the other was giving either my cock or his a gentle massage.

His hands held my head and started forcing my motion up and down a little more rhythmically, his breathing coming faster and more gutteral. I came up for air, and he laid down on the bathroom floor, pulling me to the side so that his mouth was lined up to my crotch. We both were sucking each other at the same time! It was incredible! His nose nuzzling my balls and amazingly he was munching on my balls and cock like a starving man. I gasped for air at one point, I looked down at my groin and all I could see was his chest lying above me, and his throat completely engulfing my dick. I saw his lips go down almost to the root of my penis several times, slipping back up and down repeatedly. I thought my mind would explode, it felt so good.

"Mmmm," he reminded me, wiggling his junk in my face. "Right." I whispered, and went back to servicing him. Soon we were both writhing with pleasure, moaning and twitching as we simultaneously came, with our respective cocks deeply planted in eachothers' throats.

I'm not sure to this day if it was the amazing nature of the orgasm, or just oxygen deprivation, but we both laid there stunned in exstacy for several minutes, panting and sliding against eachother's now sweaty bodies. I saw stars floating above me!

I didn't taste the cum at all, as it was shooting straight down my throat, but I could feel his pumping action, and his balls emptying their load, shooting down his long thick cock for what seemed like minutes. With out cocks starting to deflate, we separated enough to lie together on our backs on the floor, a trail of cum still dripping from the side of my mouth. That's when I got my first real taste of cum, and I must say it wasn't bad. I rolled it around on my tongue a bit before swallowing, and as I sat up I saw he was doing the same.

"Hitch," he gasped, "Are you sure you just learned this today?"

"Uh-huh," was all I could say, my mouth and tongue feeling a little abused.

"Well, I'd have to say you've got the hang of it."

"Thanks." I breathed a heavy sigh, wondering college would be like this every day!

Next: Chapter 6

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