Hot Freshman Kid

By Steve Storyman

Published on Mar 5, 2005


Hot Freshman Kid - Chapter 5

by Steve Storyman (text only) Copyright 2005 Steve Storyman March 4, 2005

DISCLAIMER: This story is for adults only. If it is not legal for you to read erotic stories, or you are not of legal age either where you reside or are accessing this page, or are offended by male to male sex or incest, then do not read this story. Other standard disclaimers apply. _________________________________________________________________

NOTICE: Names and places used in this story are entirely

fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons or

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Thanks to each of you who wrote to me. Hope I hear from all of you soon.

Steve Storyman (text only)

I'll reply to all substantial. (If you have a privacy issue and would prefer that I don't write back, please tell me.) _____________________________________________________________


NOW SIX STORIES _____________________________________________________________

Mark Wrent, 17 Kyle Connolly, 14 _________________________


"You feel so good in me! I feel full!"

"So sweet, Kyle," I said, withdrawing six inches and thrusting back into him faster than before.

"Wait," he shouted.

"Hurt?" I asked, frightened and numbed out of my mind with the thought of ruining our lovemaking or injuring him.

"No--I'm right there, and . . . I wanna come when you do."

"Oh, you will, baby--you will." _______________________________


"No, wait! I'm gonna . . . ohh . . . cum right now!" Kyle shouted.

"Oh, God," I said, my body frozen in mid-stroke. I didn't dare move. I needed to cum so bad, I thought I'd go crazy.

"Hurry! Pull out!"

"Kyle--no!" I said--but, incredibly, I pulled my aching penis from his nice warm hole. My balls hurt so much, I screamed, but Kyle moaned at the same time.

"Errrrhhh, urrrrrghhh," he said, holding his pulsating dick straight up for me--now a dark red, ready to shoot.

I grabbed his arms and held them down at his sides while my lips slid down the hot thing, already soaked with pre-cum. His cock throbbed fantastically.

But I stayed with my lips against his pubes, his hungry hardon trapped in my unmoving mouth.

"Uhhh, UHHHH!"

I thought I might make him wait, just a little bit.

But Kyle was too desperate. He bucked his hips, bouncing the bed violently up and down as he pumped his cock through my lips, the in and out motions jolting my head. His pubic bone slammed repeatedly into my chin.

"Yaaawrraaaahhhhhhhhhh!" he shouted initially, firing his sweet cum in my mouth.

"Mmmmm, mmmmm!" I moaned with his cock firmly gripped with my tongue and lips.

And Kyle shot more furiously, the rapid sprays of his seed stinging as they shot in--and again I used my tongue to taste him and shield my throat from the onslaught.

He had finished coming, but my potent boy moaned, squirmed, twisted, heaved his chest, and continued to buck his hips, feeding my mouth with the erotic sensations of his hard shaft sliding desperately in and out.

I had swallowed him eagerly--the same amount of his seed as all his other orgasms. This was incredible. Now I knew he could easily come five times in a row, maybe more.

I looked down at my dick and saw the pre-cum flowing out of it like never before--continuous streams of it. I was in bad pain-- from my balls to my chest. I was out of breath almost as much as Kyle was.

"Ohh, oh!" he finally said, "That was so good, Mark. You don't know how exciting you are." His little smile thrilled me.

"Oh, yeah, baby, I'm so glad," I said, rubbing his chest, grinning back at him.

"Mmmm. I'm so relaxed now. I could lie here forever."

"My balls are killing me--my cock is throbbing. I'm ready to come, baby."

"Can you wait a little longer?"

"No, I can't, Kyle. I can't wait."

"You, CAN'T?" he said, sitting up, his eyes suddenly fearful, yet there was a vestige of his sensuous smile. He crawled backwards, spider-like, pulling with his hands, pushing with his feet, dragging his little butt along until his back slapped against the headboard.

"No, I can't! I want you NOW. I'm going to HAVE you now. I'm going to fuck you like you asked me!"

I grabbed his legs and pulled his body down the bed, jerking it quickly into position.

"Are you angry?"

"My dick is!" I said, adding lube to my cock, and yanking his legs off the bed, up into the air where I wanted them, my hands shaking badly. "You asked for--"

"Will you make love to me?"

"I'll make love to you, Kyle," I said, nearly shouting now, "but I'm going to FUCK you, too!"

I slapped more lube against his hot little hairless ass. I leaned over, grabbed his arms, pulled them straight up over his head, and pinned them down--and shoved my thick cock into him in one massive thrust. "Ohhh, yeah! Fuck, yeah!" I yelled.

He was trying to say something, but I was hammering the back of his little tunnel so fast and hard, his voice stopped each time I slammed in.

"Urf, uh, wha, ourf, uh, uh."

I wanted to be gentle, but I was pounding the shit out of him. My dick never felt so good as it slid all the way in and out of tight, hot Kyle. His virgin hole yielded real good now, but he was still damn tight. The better it felt, the harder I plowed into him.

"Shit! I NEED you!" I screamed.

"Oh, Mark, YEAH!"

I got close. I knew I wouldn't last long, but I slowed down anyway. I decided to push in even more, to stretch him good, but my balls slapped too hard against him.


"Mark, yes, YES!" he shouted, not knowing I'd yelled in pain.

"I love you, but you fuckin MADE me do this to you! AH! Unnngh! I'm comin!"

"Mark, it's so good, oh, uh, uh, Mark! I'm coming with you!"

And I shot my guts into him. All the pain and heat and sweat of the past hours just fired all the excess cum I had into his smooth little ass. I shot so hard, I felt the cum streaming out at the tip of my cock, stinging as it went.

"Oooooh, ahhh---oh, yeah!"

Kyle's cum shot up between us, hitting my chin and nose. When I lifted my head, he shot on the wall over the headboard. I let myself down on him, and pumped out the rest of my load with short, quick jabs of my hips.

"Ahh, uh, uh, uh, uh!" he yelled, as it hit me in a quick flash-- I had just broken new ground, had anal sex for the first time. But I was focused on Kyle--on what I'd done with him--TO him.

"There! Now you've been fucked!" I was way out of breath, but I had to get those words out. I couldn't believe I'd said that, and I couldn't believe how easy and natural it was to do this-- even if I had done it too hard.

"Oh, yeah, I've . . . been fucked. And it felt . . . so good," Kyle said between breaths, nearly cooing.


"Oh, yeah! You made love to me, too."

"I wanted to, but I don't think I did."

"You did Mark, I feel very loved and wanted. You said you needed me, and you don't know how good that made me feel--makes me feel. I'll never forget that."

"Kyle," I said, "you liked it, didn't you."


"It's what you wanted. That's why you did all this." My cock stayed hard and throbbed inside him.


"Fuck!" I said, feeling outsmarted, but loving him for it.

"Ohhh, Mark," Kyle said sweetly, wrapping his little arms around me.

"Why didn't you just ask me to pound the shit outta you?"

"I needed you to do it on your own. I wanted you to want me."

"Fuck--if I'd wanted you any worse, you'd have a hole all the way through you."

That made Kyle giggle.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were that dangerous," Kyle said, grinning--not as if he were gloating or grinning at himself, but at me--proud, somehow.

"Yeah? I got a feeling you like me dangerous."


I thought for a long time how good I was feeling just then. A new kind of satisfaction I didn't know existed. But I didn't know why exactly--except I knew I'd come better than ever in my whole life. Yes, he maneuvered me a little, but in the end, he liked me--accepted me and everything I did.

"Kyle . . . do you . . . need me, too?" Somehow I got the courage to ask him.

"Yeah--really bad," he said, gripping me tight in a hug.

"Oh, God, Kyle. You'll never get rid of me, now."

I slid my arms under him, and hugged back. I loved him, he excited me--but I couldn't believe I was staying hard. I pulled up on his shoulder blades and our chests squeezed together--the pressure of his chest against mine inflaming me. My dick throbbed so eagerly just then.

"I felt that," he said very sensually.

"Yeah, it wants you again," I said. I lowered my head to his, our noses sliding nicely past each other, and I kissed him. It was a breathy, chest-expanding kiss. It thrilled him, and his body came up to meet mine, pressing into me.

"God, that was good!"

"Mmm, yeah Kyle!"

"I'll bet you'll be ready again in a little while," he said.

"Yeah. Fuck, now I can wait!" My whole body felt relieved, but my dick wouldn't go down.

"Mmm. Don't wait too long."

"Why, you horny again?"

"No, I just like the feel of you in me."

"Oooo, yeah!"

"And you still ARE in me."

"Can you feel that?" I said, as I made my dick bounce.

"Yes--ohhhh, that's good. You're so hot, Mark. But I changed my mind, I think we should wait."

"Wait, huh? Besides my cock in you, I love the feel of you against me. And your nipples," I said, sliding my thumbs over his hard nubs, . . . "and your lips," I said, licking his mouth, and sliding my lips against his. YOU'RE the hot one."

"I'm glad you think so," he said, with his little wry grin. His whole body vibrated now.

"I think so. Come on, get horny so you can fuck ME again," I said, starting to pull my hard dick out slowly, giving him a sly grin.

"No--don't pull out," he said desperately.

"Okay," I said. "Should I go back in slow, or shove it in hard?"


"Bullshit," I said, slamming it into him.

"Ohhh, yeah! How'd you know?"

"I got you figured out."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well, do it slow now."

"Okay, sweet baby."

"Ooooo, oooo! What are you doing?"

"I'm doing what you want, I'm fucking you again--making love, like you wanted. You don't want to wait," I said, pumping in and out a few times. Then I pulled out of him as far as I dared, the tip poised at his tight entrance.


"Are you sure you want it?" I said, wiggling the head of my cock just inside his little ring.

"Please, please, go in!"

"Go in?"

"Come on, Mark--please! I need you."

"I need you, too! I love you, you little shit."

"I love you, too--you big hunk."

"Kyle, mmmm."

"Ohhhhh, yeah," he said, as something long, hot, and hard began to slowly sink into him.

More? --Steve (Please scroll down for a list of my stories) (text only) Comments welcome. I'll reply to all substantial.

STEVE STORYMAN'S STORIES AT: (Approximate Age Ranges represent current and future characters)


** updated the most recently

  1. hot-little-brother-series 11 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Incest/Athletics

A slim 18 y/o athlete wants his 16 y/o brother; caring;

some football & locker room fun; no long game-scenes.

Kevin & Josh. (Ages 15-22)

  1. i-wanted-my-big-brother 6 CHAPTERS SO FAR **

Nifty Incest

A hot 15 y/o admires and pursues his brother--a sexy,

17 y/o high-school quarterback; caring; no sports scenes.

Chad and Adam. (Ages 15-19)

  1. hot-teen-brian 4 CHAPTERS SO FAR

Nifty Adult-Youth

A cute, smooth 17 y/o and some of his older friends

discover a liking for younger guys; hot fun; all


Goes deep into Brian's thoughts.

Brian, Peter, Matt & friends.

(Ages 10-32; Most action: 13 to 19)

  1. boys-joys-and-sorrows-at-sex-ed-school 5 CHAPTERS SO FAR **

Nifty Adult-Youth

Teens trained for mutual sex; some spank, paddling, etc;

no cruelty; some orgasm-delay teasing; flogging;

individual and classroom/group punishment scenes;

all consensual; group and couple's sexual scenes.

(Ages 13-35; Most action: ages 13-20)

  1. hot-freshman-kid 5 CHAPTERS SO FAR **

Nifty High-School

A good-looking high school senior, 17, becomes fascinated

with a cute freshman, 14; story of discovery; tender;

caring; depicts several aspects of high-school life as it

relates to their friendship.

Mark and Kyle.

  1. hot-night-with-a-nice-kid 1 CHAPTER - (More to come?)

Nifty College

A good-looking 24-year-old college student

finds a hot guy at a local area college hangout--

a teen club for 18 and 19 year-olds.

Alan and Peter. (text only)

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