Hot Twilight

By anonymous

Published on Aug 28, 2013


Hot Twilight Ch. 01 by SapphoLust (c)

The new day was exceedingly moist. It was one of those intense steamy weeks in August with intermittent rain separated by hours upon hours of dense heat and humidity. The kind of weather that permanently wore down the insides of all air conditioners that kept the city by the river barely functioning under the intense dampness. A curtain of early morning fog hung like a wet, gray shroud over the canyons of high rise apartment buildings that housed the sleeping executives and office workers.

The after hours crowds had long dispersed into cabs, leaving only the hungry and drug addicted prostitutes to strut and prance down around the deserted, filthy avenues that would soon come alive with heavy traffic. The air was thick with the damp dust of despair for all those lingering about or leaving the clubs as the cabdriver pulled up to the young woman wearing a tight miniskirt. He instinctively thought she was a working girl, but after she entered the late model cab and gave an address in an exclusive neighborhood, he thought again about how attractive she was, as he spied her in his rear view mirror.

Darla Hammond wore her skimpy black mini with her racy fishnet stockings, which made her look very sexy but she smelled like a mix of cigarette smoke and sandalwood from her own fragrance. She had gone to the after hours club to lure a lusty looking woman, similar to the type she was scouting for an erotic thriller that was going to be cast in a few weeks. She had hoped to meet at least one woman who was interested in having a romp back at her place but changed her mind when all the women she was interested in were seriously involved with drugs. She had lost her last lover, Dominique, to cocaine and vowed never to get involved again with a drug- addicted person.

Darla was an attractive woman of 36 with a gorgeous figure, radiant dark brown hair and an easy- going manner, that many men couldn't resist when they hit on her. She always wore clothes that featured her well-toned legs. Darla had danced for a living and had migrated into the casting business after going back to school and studying filmmaking.

As she watched the sleeping city fly by as the cab headed home, Darla knew she only had a few hours to catch some sleep before she was due at a commercial casting session in the early afternoon. Luckily, it was the only appointment she had scheduled for the next day. It should be a piece of cake day, she thought while she noticed the sexy streetwalkers, through the steam vents in the street. Dominique had been one of those women. The seductive streetwalker kept her real feelings covered by a veneer of feminine determination and anxiety while she poured drugs into her system. Dominique's God- given, well sculpted figure and sharp mind made her very attractive to Darla who took her in and then fell in love with her, only to have her heart broken that icy winter morning when she found out that she had overdosed and died.

Upon entering her luxury apartment, Darla threw off her clothes and headed for the shower. The voluptuous woman soaped herself up quickly and lathered her ample breasts with the warm water which felt so good after such a busy day in the torrid heat and humidity. The lovely casting director kneaded her nipples into a taut wet state as she fingered her engorged clitoris. She instinctively recalled how Dominique had taken her so many lovely times on the bed and had fucked her with that strap on until wave upon wave of orgasmic ecstasy overtook her mind and she held her lover close. Many times she'd pull Dom close to her as they'd rub their tits together, their bodies becoming one. Darla missed her terribly and not just sexually; she also had been her best friend. Tears mingled with the spray of the shower as Darla's orgasm streamed through her body. Her body trembled in the shower as she experienced the euphoric recall of her lost lover's sensations. Darla left the shower for the bedroom where she continued to masturbate to the memories of her lost love, Dominique.

She awoke to the sounds of the city in full swing and knew she had to move quickly to get downtown to that new client's session. The fact that there would be many luscious women, auditioning for the few jobs available for a new swim suit commercial ad, would help assuage the lack of sleep she had put herself through for the day. Darla took one peak out the window and knew the weather hadn't changed.

She opted for another skimpy cotton mini and selected a matching sleeveless top from her abundant wardrobe. It was just too damn hot and sticky to wear a bra today, she thought to herself, but she threw one into her bag just in case. She added just the right amount of makeup and fragrance. In a few gulps she downed an instant cappuccino and a piece of toast, and headed off to the steamy streets to find a cab.

Darla wasn't a native of her current metropolitan home, but she had developed the skills to survive and knew how brash she had to be sometimes to get a cab in a hurry. As she left the cavernous apartment lobby she pulled out two quarters for the weekly industry newspaper which she needed to read later. She headed to the newsstand and threw down the two bits and reached down for the multi-colored newspaper.

"Whoa!" The sound came from the old newspaper vendor as she paused for an instant.

"Wouldja look at that!" He said looking down into his wooden tray that held the coins.

"Both of your quarters are stand-in' up on their narrow ends, like wheels on a train! I don't think that ever happen'd here b'fore. Gonna be a big day for you babe!" The old geezer said to the young woman.

"Gee I hope so, I could use a break from this heat already," Darla said, mistaking what he'd said about the coins for a remark about the weather. She headed off to find a cab, obviously not impressed by the numismatic importance of the coins' position in his dirty tray.

A man exited a cab a few feet away from the door and Darla ran for it, and stepped right in front of another middle aged woman holding a large black bag. The woman was surprised but only sneered and just stood there as Darla opened the door.

"Hey, are you heading downtown?" Darla asked the woman, shocking her further, looking directly into her well made up eyes. "Do you want to share this cab with me?" Darla offered the woman, while she noticed her exceptionally attractive appearance.

"That would be very kind of you!" The woman said, and she walked over and began to enter the cab as Darla held it open the door. As the middle-aged woman got in the cab, Darla caught the scent of her seductive fragrance.

Suddenly, a loud sound something like the hissing sound of a high pressure steam pipe mixed with a high whine infiltrated Darla's consciousness. She wobbled a bit with dizziness and put her hand up to her head to check if the sound was coming from outside her head. It wasn't. Darla got her balance back and entered the cab, without letting on that she was in some discomfort. The ringing subsided a bit but was still there in the back of her head. The taxi pulled away and headed downtown.

A short man of medium build, with dark hair and thick eyebrows, dressed in a grey baggy suit, a garment from the late 1950's and smoking a cigarette, walked out from behind the newsstand and said, "Witness one Darla Hammond, an attractive young casting agent, a woman who has been emotionally hurt earlier in life. Darla thinks she's just taken a cab ride down town to work, but instead has just taken a two coin toss into another journey, a journey of lust, intrigue and hot sex into the... " Suddenly a jet of steam emanated from the street just by the man and he just disappeared into thin air.

"I'm going to West 12th Street and 7th Avenue," The older woman told the driver promptly.

"We'll both get out there," Darla injected to the driver, who nodded to both of them in his mirror.

"I'm Adreana, and thanks for offering to share, it's so hard to get a cab at this hour."

"Hi, I'm Darla Hammond, sorry I kinda got in front of you there," as she sat back and looked at the woman next to her. Darla was instantly taken by the older, attractive woman and wanted to improve the perception Andreana must have of her as a pushy bitch. Darla hiked up her mini skirt a bit to show more of her luscious thigh, to see if there was any visible reaction in the sweet Italian woman's countenance.

Adreana was in her early forties, with lush, shoulder length auburn hair. The divorcee was in great shape from daily exercise and didn't look a day over 35. Her 38C chest size always caught men's glances but she didn't care about men any longer. After her attempted rape, a few years ago, when she pummeled the dumb fuck then hit him over the head and almost killed him, she found herself only attracted to younger, sexier women. She also loved wearing short skirts and her spike heels in the summer. The older woman had noticed Darla leaving the same building before and assumed they shared the same residence.

'I wonder if she screams when she comes?' thought Adreana, eyeing Darla's hot body.

"Huh..did you say something to me?" Darla was puzzled.

"No, honey are you ok?" The svelte Italian woman crossed her shapely legs and looked at her riding companion.

'God, her arms are so alluring, I wish we had time to be together right now, this young woman is so ready for a pussy pounding,' thought Adreana.

"I must be hearing things today," Darla was confused but very aroused by the sultry, attractive woman.

"Its gonna be another hot steamy one," said Adreana who looked out the window at the crowded street as the cab crawled downtown through the crowded traffic.

The two women made small talk on the way downtown but Darla caught the eye of the driver in the rear view for an instant.

'I'd give anything to see these two hot babes fuck each other, then I'd love to shoot my wad over their luscious tits!'

Darla knew she wasn't imagining these voices, they were so clear and obvious. She figured out that something must be letting her hear other people's thoughts if they make even a second of eye contact with her. She was open to most experiences and this one was enabling her to see her life options in advance.

Adreana told her about her healing arts business and was heading off to minister to a beautiful actress who was in need of stress and pain relief.

'I'd could spend ages massaging this woman's breasts and then suck on her clit until she screams in pleasure,' the older woman thought.

Darla couldn't help but get extremely aroused by being able to listen to this luscious woman's thoughts about her and her excitement was become visible. Darla noticed Adreana's shoes and made a compliment, to distract herself.

'I'd love to fuck her with my new strap on while wearing these shoes!'

'Then I'd ask her to take off my black thong with her teeth and give me a good pussy licking until I came all over her face!' Thought Adreana.

"Adreana, I couldn't help but notice, you've got such beautiful body, are you married?" Darla asked, while looked directly into the sultry woman's dark brown eyes.

"No, no ring here, and I'm very available if you catch my drift. You've got a great body too Darla," The older woman responded, eyeing Darla's exposed legs.

Darla watched as Adreana placed her hand on her exposed thigh and pushed up her skirt to feel her pussy mound, through the thin fabric of her panties. They instinctively kissed and it was exceptionally passionate. The younger casting director countered by placing her hand on Adreana's firm breast and rubbed her nipple underneath the material of her bra. "Ummnnnn, don't stop now," whispered Adreana as they kissed again.

The lusty older woman found her wet labia and wanted to lick her juices right there but had to be satisfied with a quick feel and finger fuck, which almost made Darla come. For a few seconds, they left the space of that cab and went to a place where pure love, not just lust existed. They looked into one another's eyes, both women realizing that this had to be continued later that night or tomorrow at the latest. The cab driver pulled into the intersection they had given him earlier, and turned around in his seat to observe Darla as she covered herself up.

"We're here ladies!" the driver said excitedly. He had been watching with lust as they kissed and fondled one another in his rented cab.

Darla pulled down her skirt and fumbled for her money as Adreana paid the driver. The gorgeous older woman pulled one of her cards out for Darla. The casting agent noticed the erotic art of a nude woman on the back of Adreana's card and smiled.

"Its not me, just one of my hobbies, taking nude photos." Adreana smiled to her as they exited the cab, and stood next to each other. They both wanted to forget work and head back and make passionate love for the rest of the day.

Darla leaned forward and kissed Adreana's lips again, without any care who might be watching or getting off by two women showing serious affection in public.

"Take my photo later, Adreana." Darla said in coarse whisper.

"That sounds so good to me now, I don't know how I'm gonna get through this day," The older woman said smiling, really meaning what she had just said.

"Here's my number, call me later on my cell, I've gotta go or I'll be late," Darla said, as she handed her card to the lascivious older woman.

"I can do a drinks later too," Adreana said letting Darla's hand go as they went their own ways for the day.

"That would be great! I will call you later, good luck with your client!" Darla said, she noticed Adreana walk away, her lovely figure in silhouette as the morning sun was in her eyes. Darla looked at the card and noticed that they were in fact neighbors in the same building. Fancy that, she thought. Maybe this is the start of something good after all.

In the elevator up to the casting studio there were a few guys looking at her she looked down for a minute then when it got quiet, she mistakenly made eye contact with a young black man.

"Shit, what I wouldn't do to just be with some of that hot pussy and give her my hot tongue for a long minute." Darla took in all of his ego ramblings, sexual thoughts. It turned her off, more than on, but it was intriguing that she could hear any person's thoughts if she made eye contact first.

Darla walked into the casting studio and found her chair waiting. She looked down at the call sheet but didn't recognize any of the names on it. It was still early and the cameraman was setting up the camera to record the auditions for the client's review. After introducing herself to the client's rep and the camera guy, she excused herself and went off to the ladies lounge to freshen up and get her composure back. Darla didn't realize that Tia and Yolanda were there for another casting session for a hot porn feature.

These two hot women were always getting picked for those kind of jobs and could keep doing their drugs and still manage to work. Darla wouldn't hire them on her jobs because of the drugs, but she was still attracted to Tia in a bad way.

When Darla entered the ladies room, Yolanda, a light skinned beauty of African and Hispanic heritage, with straight black hair and a lovely set of natural 38D knockers was leaning against the wall as Tia, an Italian and Greek goddess, was licking her pussy. Tia and Darla had been casual lovers for a time last year until they had a falling out and then Yolanda came into Tia's life. Darla figured they were getting warmed up for the lesbian scenes which would prevail in any kind of flick these women would be selected for.

The dressing room/ ladies room was large and the two lovers were in the back alcove away from the stalls. Darla entered and went directly to a stall and went to pee. It was only a few seconds later when she heard their voices; the moans grew louder as Tia sucked hard on Yolanda's large clit. Tia was on her knees, her ample tits exposed while she slurped and finger fucked her hot Latin lover.

Darla became extremely aroused when she heard the two women and wanted desperately to find out who it was and join them. Instead, she flushed the toilet and played innocent. She left the stall for the dressing mirror and heard the two women quiet down, as they separated and got into their stuff together.

"Hi Darla, do you have a casting session today, you're not doing our porn date are you?" Tia asked matter of factly as she watched her former lover in the mirror.

"Oh Tia, I should've known it was you getting off in there, motioning to Yolanda who was tidying up herself for the session.

Tia walked up to Darla as she was checking her make up in the huge wall sized mirror. Tia's lightly tanned breasts were still exposed and Darla spotted Yolanda's cum juices on her perfectly round, shapely tits. Darla was still infatuated with the lusty super model and could've been easily seduced by Tia's warm affectionate nature, and her luscious body. She still wanted to have as much sex with her as she could, but could not let her convictions about drugs be violated. She knew Yolanda smoked crack and had even shown up to an audition stoned.

"Having some fun before work?" Darla asked, smiling into the mirror at her former lover. "Hey, it's cool with me, don't let me stop you!" Darla added quickly before Tia could even reply.

"You haven't changed one bit Darla." Tia said feeling Darla's jealousy raging around her head.

"I guess I can't get you out of my head that easily, Tia, you're too good a lover to forget," Darla said, licking her lips after applying a last coat of lip gloss. The casting director gazed into the refection of Tia's seductive eyes as she saw Yolanda in the back tidying herself up.

"Yolanda is good to me ya know, she really is," Tia said in a whisper. She didn't want her current lover thinking she was talking about her.

"Yeah, whatever," Darla answered without affect.

Yolanda walked up to the two of them and offered her greetings to the casting director. Yolanda looked at Darla carefully, almost as if she were undressing Darla with her eyes.

'She's got a great figure on her, I'd love to fuck those sweet cheeks with my tongue any day!' Darla picked up Yolanda's thoughts right away.

'Hmmm, yeah, I wonder if she spurts like Tia when she comes?' Yolanda mused to herself looking at Darla as she pressed her nice round tits together. Yolanda was not really into a woman who came like a man and had told Tia as much recently.

Tia had mixed reactions to her sopping wet orgasms. She had become so sensitive to how a lover would react when she flooded their faces with her fluids. Yolanda and she had only been lovers for a few weeks and already it was becoming an issue.

Darla sauntered up to Tia and fondled her beautiful tits , tweaking her nipples to a nice erection through the soft cotton fabric to stimulate her former lover's interests as Yolanda looked on.

"Oh shit, I bet Darla's tongue lasts longer than Yo's any day but I still miss her kisses too, I wonder if she has met anyone yet," Tia thought to herself not knowing those thoughts were echoing in Darla's mind as she had them.

"Tia, I've just met someone recently but I still miss you, I just can't deal with the drugs anymore, but I want you to be careful okay,"

"Fuck off, you corporate slut!" Yolanda interjected in disgust, as she reacted jealously to Tia's affection for her former lover.

"That's it, I'm outta here," Darla said as she turned around and left the two women who were stunned by her attitude.

As Darla walked away she could hear Yolanda raising her voice to TIa. Darla hoped that Tia wouldn't take any shit from that stupid druggie for much longer, but she knew she was powerless over trying to change anyone's mind, except her own.

Darla was hurt and felt dejected for the rest of her morning. But she was still very aroused and feeling exceptionally cagey. She was happy when the auditions were over and she could get out of the studio and find something to do for a few hours. Report Story

Just as she was leaving the studio her cell phone rang. It was her good friend Janet who was a therapist. Janet invited her to meet for some lunch and Darla gladly accepted the invite.

Janet was a stunningly beautiful woman from the Philippines, with a fine husband and a great career. Her coffee colored smooth skin was highlighted by her straight brown hair that came down to he muscular, yet feminine shoulders. Janet hid her natural beauty under flowing blouses but she loved tight pants which always showed her panty lines. She didn't care if a guy could see that she was wearing a thong or not, and mostly she was!

She and Darla had met years ago in college and now found themselves in the same strange city. Their friendship blossomed and Janet frequently made time to listen to her good friend and offer her advice. Janet was thirty, with a firm figure which she kept up by working out and Darla unconsciously wanted to meet someone as beautiful as she was, with the same type of positive disposition and solid career. Maybe Adreana was that person, Darla thought, but she'd have to wait and see how that turned out later in the day.

Darla and Janet hugged each other affectionately outside the place they decided to meet for lunch. Janet had always accepted the fact that Darla was lesbian but had always been not so secretly attracted to her.

The therapist listened to Darla's excitement about meeting Adreana earlier in the day and was hopeful the woman would turn out to be a good relationship for her. While Darla spoke about her meeting earlier in the day, Janet's cell rang.

"Oh darn, my next appointment just cancelled," Janet said as she looked at the text she had just received on her phone.

"That client is going to have to pay for it anyway, we can take our time and head back to my office and chat in private for awhile. I don't have another appointment 'till the early evening,"Jenna suggested.

"I'd like that, Janet, tell me how's it going with Ed?" Darla asked. Ed was a workaholic and frequently was out of town and seemed to take her for granted in his life.

"Oh, not so good really, I'm getting tired of him not being around," Janet offered.

There was an uncomfortable moment between the two women and Darla looked up at her friend and picked up Janet's secret thoughts.

"Oh I wish I had the courage to kiss Darla, She's so beautifiul, but I bet I'm not her type," thought the attractive Pacific Islander.

After the meal, they casually walked back to Janet' s office. It was a modest two room space in a high rise with its own bathroom, which was good. Jenna didn't use a receptionist she just told her clients to be on time and wait in the small waiting room.

Darla excused herself and went to use the bathroom to freshen up and decided to remove her thong panties as they were soaked anyway from all the arousal she had earlier. She secretly hoped that Janet would make a pass at her and realize how much they were both attracted to one another.

Janet and Darla sat in her opulently decorated office as Darla decided to sit back on the couch while her friend pulled up a chair as they chatted about their lives.

Darla leaned back and put one of her legs up, which gave Janet a good view of her dark pubic hairs on her mound.

"You're not wearing panties, Darla!"

"Oh, really, yes. I guess I took them off, it was so hot today,"

Janet approached her friend lounging on her office couch and knelt down next to her and planted a kiss on her lips. The two women embraced quickly. Darla threw her arms around Janet and pulled her into her bosom.

After a long tongue kiss where Darla fondled Janet's breasts through her bra, the women separated quickly.

"Oh my God!" I'm so sorry Darla. I'm married and I'm SO turned on by you all the time, I wish I knew what to do, but I don't," the therapist said, embarrased by her need for affection.

"You know I love you Janet, we don't have to do anything, I think its so cool that you could kiss me finally."

Janet took a step back and undressed quickly. Darla followed her lead and the two women embraced again nude on the leather couch. Janet's warm brown skin smelled so luxurious to Darla as the casting director went down on her long time friend and parted her thighs deliberately. She fingered Janet's moist labia and plied apart her lips and was so aroused by her firm thighs and heaving swollen breasts. Janet had elongated conical nipples that were so stiff and irresistible to Darla's tongue.

"Oh suck me Darla, I've always wanted your tongue on my clit, suck me good!"

And she did. Darla loved her taste and took her time with her good friend. She finger fucked Janet 's sweet pussy and licked her clit simultaneously. Janet forced her hips off the couch and smothered her pelvis into Darla's mouth.

Darla lapped up her wetness and grabbed her sweet ass while she continued to slurp away at her swollen love bud.

"Don't stop, Don't stop, unnnghhh, yes yes YES, comminnnghhhhahhhHHHH,"

The hot young therapist's love juices flowed freely down Darla's mouth as she drank in her first lesbian orgasm of her life.

Darla and Janet made love for another few more hours until they cleaned themselves up and knew they'd have to continue this another time. Their relationship had take a new direction, but Darla knew she need more in her life. She still wanted to meet Adreana later that night and be taken by the older woman once again.

END part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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