Hotel Voyage

By Mark Wright

Published on Jan 14, 2021


Hotel Voyage (the celebrity diaries)

disclaimer: the boring part! all the celebrities featured in this chapter and any forthcoming chapters are all real but the actions that take place, and the sexuality in which I have portrayed them are all fictional and thus these words are the ramblings of an undersexed amateur author whose word's should not be taken all that seriously. no copyright infringement intended.

Working as a receptionist in a hotel is shit, let's be honest, it sucks.

the pay is crap, most of the staff are pompous idiots who are noses are so far shoved up their arses they should smell their kidneys, and the cliental that the hotel attracts are, for the most part, all stuck up celebrity wankers who let their fame go to their probably quite small heads.

you can only get called a "bellend" so many times before you start to think that it might well be true.

hotel voyage is a six-star hotel bang in the middle of London that caters to the very upper-class people. a normal room in this hotel costs £1,200 a night. it's fucking ludicrous, to be honest with you. yes, the rooms are quite large and we use only the finest Egyptian cotton sheets, and the showers are made with actual fucking gold but come on? I don't even earn that money in wages a month.

so the wages are shit.

the tips- they are not.

on a good week, I can go home with £3,000 in tips. one lady once tipped me fucking £5,000 just for taking her suitcase to her bleeding car! more money than sense these rich folk I'm telling you. that money did pay some of my rent though- so thank you Mrs rogers wherever the fuck you are right now.

and the benefits are not too bad I guess. I live rent-free in the hotel but I still pay rent for my tiny studio apartment flat in central London that I have slept in a total of 6 times since starting working here 2 years ago. I can't afford to sell it because job security working in a hotel is fucking shit- if I suddenly got the chop (which I've seen more times then I've wanted) then it's only so long you can live on generous tips.

and you know, sometimes I get a bit more than money. let me just say those posh, uptight hunks sure know how to have a good fucking time (i still remember that one time a posh banker fucked me as I serving a rich old lady- how we got away with that I don't know). I wish I got his name because his cock was seriously amazing. and his wife gave the most generous tips!

but this story isn't about how life in a hotel work (okay, it is a little bit like that) but this story is mainly about the celebrity clients who come into the hotel and I have sex with.

I and the concierge Marcus (a very posh but quick-witted old man) have a deal going on. most of the celebrity clients go to him for simple requests (drugs, prostitutes, etc). 9 times out of 10 the male celebrity guests want the company of a female companion but occasionally they want a male companion and that's where I come in.

Marcus came up to me one Friday night as we shared a cigarette before our night shift and said "you're pretty fit for a lad ain't ya?" and the question made me piss myself because old Marcus does have a way with words.

I just shrugged. "okay, I have three questions for you, and you have to answer," he said to me after inhaling a pull of his cigarette.

"do you want to earn some extra money?" he asked

I thought about it for a moment. "of course" I replied.

he nodded and then spoke again. "I know you like sex- I have the room next door to you for christ sake- but do you want to earn a bit of dosh for doing what you so very much love?"

I honestly had no idea where this was going. I guess he was asking me if I wanted to get paid to have sex (honestly, I had a great body and a pretty big dick and I had considered porn a few times but the thought of getting in front of a camera was pretty daunting. and the one time I did pluck up the courage to step into an audition room the director of the porno was the husband of a guy I once had sex with- he said "fuck no" as I walked in the room and well that was that). "I mean who wouldn't love to get paid for a good fucking session?"

Marcus groaned. "you young people honestly" he countered "and finally, this is the big one, can you be discreet?"

I shrugged. "sure". I took a look drag of my cigarette. honestly working in a hotel was daunting- long hours, zero sympathies from the bosses. cigarettes and working out on my break were my only vices- honest!

"I'm going to level with you Shane because I think your fucking awesome" he spoke quietly but firmly "I've got a fantastic opportunity for you. loads of male celebrity clients have been requesting the company of a decent young man for the night and honestly? I can snap one up like that" he snapped his finger "but recently I've been thinking- why search when I have a good-looking guy who spends time on his appearance and his body and loves- for lack of a better word- getting pounded?"

I think I knew where this was going. "if you're asking me to become the playboy of hot male celebrities, most of whom are in the closet and probably have more money then fucking sense.. "

I could see Marcus start to frown. he was expecting rejection. well, he wasn't getting it.

"Sign me the fuck up now" I winked and he finally smiled. "fantastic, fantastic"

Marcus took a long drag of his cigarette before dumping it on the floor. "you start tonight, we have a filthy rich good-looking film star checking in tonight and he wants company"

I grinned and took a final drag of my cigarette before dogging it out on the wall and putting it in the large ashtray provided. "and does he have a name?"

Marcus just grinned. "of course," he said "he goes by the name of Chris Evans"

holy shit, he wasn't kidding when he said big names.

later that night I getting ready in my room, I wasn't nervous- I didn't do nerves. I was kind of excited actually- it's not very often you get to have sex with a super hot celebrity (that kind of things only happen in dreams, and being a young, single lad who didn't get laid of often as you'd think- this happened a lot). I had just got out of the shower and was admiring myself in the mirror.

I had a decent body and a great, hard six-pack got from the hours I spent working out. My body was somewhat hairy, I often shaved but I didn't in a while (mainly due to laziness!). My arms were thick and muscular as were my thighs (a lot of guys skipped legs day but that was one my favourites!) and I had a decent arse. My cock was big and thick (I once measured, mainly for my peace of mind, and I'm just shy of 9 inches). My pubes were trimmed but not completely bare. I had two tattoos- " Non-Tibi soli, Semper ego amo te" which was Latin for "you are not alone, I will always love you" which was the last words were my grandmother said to me before she passed away- written down my chest, and a snake down the right side of my chest. My hair could do with a cut, but I would style it somewhat before I meet with Chris.

I got dressed into a sensible, tight-fitting blue Ben Sherman shirt and put on some skinny jeans on top of my bulge enhancing one size too small for me white Calvin Klein boxer shorts. I sprayed some right guard deodorant on and then added a touch of Creed Aventus aftershave (this was very expensive aftershave that was a "gift" from a pop singer who left it in his room after he left). I didn't take anything with me- Marcus had told me that Chris would have condoms etc and I just needed to take my sexy self. I was due to be working on reception that night but Marcus had told me that the boss had already given the go-ahead for me to do this ("He's not particularly happy because he doesn't like to have Laura on reception but he will do anything for extra money so he agreed to the whole "renting out Shane to the rich Hollywood men thing" so you don't have to worry about that" Marcus had told me before he let me get ready.

I was told that Chris was staying in the second of four executive suites we provide. It's a small apartment and cost about £4,000 a night. Marcus had told me that Chris was in London for two nights to promote his latest movie and he had plans with his girlfriend on his second night. Chris had a girlfriend. Hey, I'm not judging! He's not the first "straight" guy I've had sex with and I very much doubt he will be the last.

I took the lift up the executive suite floor, which was floor five, and checked myself in the lift mirror. My hair looked good. I popped a mint in my mouth before I exited the lift. I walked the two minutes to the second executive suite and braced myself before knocking on the door.

"Come in" the gruff voice spoke just seconds after my hand had left the door. I put my card onto the reader and the card accepted before I pushed the door open. Walking into the suite, I closed the door behind me. Turning around I could smell the faint whiff of cigarette smoke and expensive aftershave. Chris was sitting on the bed, a tumbler of whiskey in his hand. He was fully dressed but his hair was messy (clearly wasn't as worried as me!).

"Hello, Chris" I spoke and cringed. How fucking formal! He laughed and stood up. "Do you want a glass of whiskey?" he asked friendly "or a cigarette?"

"Yes" I replied, before adding "Too both"

He grinned. "Good lad"

"You know you're not meant to smoke these apartments?" I laughed "But rules were meant to be broken I guess".

He laughed and offered me a cigarette. I took it and he lit it for me. He then proceeded to pour me a generous amount of whiskey.

We sat on the bed, smoking and drinking. The conversation was good but if a little dry. He told me he was in town promoting a movie that he didn't particularly like "It paid for the extension of my house though so I guess it's only right I promote the damn thing". He then spoke about his girlfriend who was "one of the best and craziest people I know and so open-minded". I took a final drag off of the cigarette and he took it out of my hands and then put it out in the ashtray.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

"Of course" I replied because duh.

"I wasn't expecting someone so.. hot? I mean I knew you'd be attractive but your like ripped and shit, I guess I was expecting a twink or something". I laughed but wasn't sure if I was laughing at that, or the fact that Chris Evans knew what a fucking twink was. "I'm very happy with who Marcus has provided for me".

Chris came closer to me on the bed and I let him take control. He opened his mouth and kissed me. The kiss started slow and tender, his tongue gently exploring it's new surroundings of my mouth before he deepened the kiss and starting moaning gently when my tongue invaded his mouth. The kiss lasted about five minutes, My cock was already semi-stiff from the fact I was kissing The Chris Evans. "You are a sensational kisser" he replied.

He looked at me for a moment, he seemed to be lost in his world, so I decided to take control. "I'm not sure how to play this" he admitted, "I kind of want you to take control but I kinda want to be in control too".

"Let me take control and see how it feels" I replied, "If you don't like, or you want to take control back, then just tell me and you wish is my command". He nodded at that. "Stand up and let me take off your shirt".

I walked over to Chris and kissed gently on the lips. He recripateted the kiss and I began undoing the buttons off his shirt. When the buttons were all undone, I pushed Chris onto the bed and he leaned on the said bed with his arms. I joined him on the bed and he took his shirt off, throwing it somewhere in the room. His body was ripped but not as ripped as mine, and he was hairier than me. I pushed him further onto the bed and began kissing down his solid chest. I got to his right nipple and gently sucked on it for a moment. I eyed Chris who was watching me intently and open-mouthed. I gently bit down on the nipple inciting a straight-to-the-cock groan from Chris. He seemed to be enjoying this so I bit down harder on his nipple and he moaned louder. "Fuck!" he groaned. He was palming at the bulge in his pants as I bit even harder onto his nipple before I abandoned it and moved onto the left nipple. "I'm gonna suck ya cock" I told Chris who simply said, "Oh God yes please".

I moved further down his body and kissed around his naval area. I got to his trousers and unzipped his jeans (which were more expensive than anything in my closet, and probably more expensive than my whole closet altogether!). I pulled out his cock from the zipper (he wasn't wearing underwear which was fucking hot by the way) and palmed it for a moment. His dick was shorter then mine at a rough guess I'd say he was about 6 or 7 inches, but he was much thicker. Sometimes lads girth is more important! He continued to eye me as I held onto his dick. "Later I'm gonna have this dick inside me," I said to Chris as I gently wanked his cock. He grinned devilishly at that. "Honestly, the thought of your dick inside me Chris is making me hard".

"Dude" was all he could say as if he had lost the ability to talk. I continued to palm his generous helping of cock before I leaned down and licked around the head of his cock. His head falls back onto the bed as I continued to tease his prick with my lips, tonging all around the head of the mushroom. His cock was rock stiff. I teased him for a little bit longer before wrapping my lips around the head of his cock. I slowly took his cock down my throat and he groaned with delight. His cock was so thick I nearly struggled to fit it all in my mouth. I sucked on his prick for a good few seconds, slowly but surely, as I got used to the thickness in my mouth. Inch by inch I teased his pulsating cock. I took the cock out of my mouth and wiped my mouth to get rid of spit that had piled up. Then I took a deep breath before I took the whole cock in my mouth, deep throating this fine specimen of a man. He loved that if the noises he was making were any indication. His cock was hitting the back of my throat and yes, I was gagging but you'd have to have the mouth of a fucking legend not to choke on the thickness of Chris. Chris was gripping the bed as I deep throated his cock, whilst my right hand was roaming Chris's hairy body until it found his left nipple. I pulled it hard and he groaned louder. He began thrusting, fucking my throat. His grip on the bed was getting tighter as the Hollywood hunks cock was hitting the back of my throat. One of his hands found it's way onto my head and he pushed my head further down onto his cock and I nearly choked in the process. His thrusting was getting faster and his groaning was getting more frequent and breathy. "Gonna cum in your mouth" he stated. And he did. He gripped for dear life onto the bed as his seed emptied into my mouth. I swallowed some but the cum kept coming. I spat some onto his bare chest until his cock left my mouth. He lay still, his semi-hard cock resting on his hairy chest. I licked up his chest and got some of his still warm cum and put in my mouth before I leaned down and Chris grabbed my head and pulled me into a frenzied snog- taking his cum from my mouth.

He lay spent on the bed and I stood up. "Give me two minutes to catch my breath" Chris spoke, "Then take off your clothes and lay on the bed, I wanna tongue your hole".

I stripped my Ben Sherman shirt off and let it slip to the floor. I pulled down my jeans and boxers, letting my semi-erect cock out of the tightness of the boxers. Chris was sat on a chair, his cock deflating as he took of a shot of whiskey and downed it. He looked at body apprectivaetly, and I saw him lick his lips as he looked at nakedness. I took a seat on the bed and quickly lay down in the same spot that Chris had just vacated, and I played with my hardening cock as Chris stood up from the seat. He knelt on the floor and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed and I lifted my legs in the air exposing my arse to him. I was somewhat looking forward to the rimming as it wasn't something I had done very often, and it was even rarer to have had it done to me. "Your arsehole looks so good, I can't wait to fuck it" Chris spoke- his gravelly voice went straight to cock which get even harder. "Do you want me to tongue fuck your tight hole?" he asked?

"Do it" I replied as I gently wanked my still stiffening cock. "I can't wait to fill your tongue inside me".

He growled and fuck me if it were not the sexiest noise I'd heard in a while.

It was only a few seconds before I could feel the tongue of Hollywood hunk Chris Evans licking at the entrance of my hole. His tongue felt amazing, he started slowly, licking around the hypersensitive area around my hole, before sticking his tongue in my hole. Chris knew what he was doing- he didn't just stick his tongue straight into my hole, he was making patterns with his tongue (I swear I felt him making a star with his tongue, it may not have been- but whatever it was it felt fucking amazing). I groaned as he alternated between the wider, flat part os his tongue before mixing it up and using his narrower, probing tip. It felt sensational, this guy knew what he was doing and he loved rimming arse. He stopped his tongue for a moment before blowing on my arsehole- I'd never had that done before and my God it felt amazing- it went straight to my cock and made me jerk my cock that little bit harder. He paused, drew the breath out and then dived back in with his tongue. Captain America was 100% a cock tease and I was loving it.

He was focusing on all areas of my are- he went from the hole to the taint then back to the hole before pulling out and blowing softly inside my widening hole. It was mind-numbingly sensitive but it felt amazing being licked this. Chris' stubble was teasing my hole and it felt brilliant- I would never let another man shave his face again after this.

It wasn't long before Chris began getting harder and faster with his tongue- going as deep as his tongue could go. I was letting out loud groans of encouragement to show how much I was bloody loving this. He soon added a finger inside my hole, and the combined sensation of the tongue and the finger was making me groan louder. His finger was teasing my prostate and it wasn't long before I grabbed a pillow because it was overwhelming but awesome.

Soon he had abandoned his tongue and had stuck a second finger inside me. He was finger fucking my hole. "Your hole is perfect" he groaned. His fingers felt amazing in me. I continued to wank my cock and I knew it wouldn't be long before I came.

"Need you to fuck me now or I'm gonna bust" I warned as my strokes got more rapid on my rock hard 9 inches.

Chris got on the bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard. His cock was rock hard- he loved going to town on my bum. "Do you want me to fuck you hard?"

"Don't go gentle on me Daddy- fuck me until the bed breaks". I have no idea why Daddy slipped out of my mouth- but after saying it Chris had a dirty, shit-eating grin on his face which meant he liked it.

"Daddy gonna fuck your hole as you'd never been fucked before" he promised.

I stood up on the bed and sat down on Chris's impressive length. It took a moment or to adjust to the size and thickness of the cock- but Chris supported me by holding me up as I got comfortable (it wasn't very comfortable but it felt amazing). When I got used to the feel I began riding on his cock. Chris worked for his hands down the length of my body. "Your body is amazing" he commented I stopped riding. "One day I wanna worship that body that you've worked hard for".

Chris didn't warn me before he plunged deep into my hole but I let out a loud groan and a "fuck" that I'm pretty sure would have been heard in Australia. He picked up the pace and was soon frantically fucking my arse. As he pounded into me he grabbed onto my cock which was standing to attention in front of him. He wanked me hard and fucked me harder. Soon the bed was shaking as his pounding got harder and faster still- I was beginning to become overwhelmed by the sheer thickness of his cock and the build-up of what I was sure would be a pretty impressive orgasm. "Make me cum Daddy" I spoke dirtly and he groaned again.

"Fuck" I groaned as his cock continued to hit my prostate and his hands worked its way down the shaft of my cock. It wasn't long before the familiar feeling of the imminent orgasm was dawning but Chris continued to pick up the pace and was now frantically fucking into my hole. Both of us began to sweat and this was a fuck for the record books. "Gonna shoot" I warned as Chris let go of my cock but my cock came anyway- spurting out a copious amount of cum onto Chris's sweaty abs. His thrusting got more high speed as he recommenced his grip on my cock which had begun cumming again. Chris's abs were completely covered in my cum. He did one hard thrust into my hole and I came again- this time the cumshot hit Chris straight in the face. He didn't even blink though, just wiped some of the cum away from his eye.

When Chris stopped fucking me, I lay next to him on the bed but grabbed onto his hard cock. He laid back as he blew out his second load of the night- his warm cum mixing up with mine which absorbed into Chris's hairy chest.

We both lay there on the bed for a few moments, both spent. I went to get up off the bed but he pulled me back down and kissed me passionately. It wasn't as aggressive as earlier.

After kissing, he got up from the bed and grabbed a towel from the floor. He wiped himself down with it.

"I just got dicked from Captain America" I laughed to myself and Chris chuckled.

"You sir are amazing" Chris spoke. "I'm back in London in a few weeks- I was going to be checking into another hotel but I think I am going to reconsider that booking".

"Will you let me fuck you next time?" I asked but I didn't care. After tonight, he could fuck me as often as he wanted.

He shrugged. "Been a while but for you,yeah" he spoke. He then looked at my cock. "I have never taken one as big as that though so be gentle with me".

I laughed. "I'll go gentle on you Daddy".

"And you never know" Chris spoke as he sat down on a chair and pulled out a cigarette. "I may just bring a friend next time".

The next day I woke to Marcus banging on my door. "How was last night?" he asked before I'd even had a chance to close the door behind him.

"My arse hurts" I spoke honestly

Next: Chapter 2

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