Hotel Voyage

By Mark Wright

Published on Jan 17, 2021


Hotel Voyage - chapter 2-

Disclaimer: the boring part! all the celebrities featured in this chapter and any forthcoming chapters are all real but the actions that take place, and the sexuality in which I have portrayed them are all fictional and thus these words are the ramblings of an undersexed amateur author whose word's should not be taken all that seriously. no copyright infringement intended.

any suggestions for future pairings and/or to comment please feel free to email me at

Three days later, I was sitting in my room, laying on the bed watching a shitty soap opera on the telly, when I received a text from Marcus.

'Shane, I'm not going to be able to come and meet you before you do your thing tonight ;) but I've got some info for you.

You will be meeting 3 of the footballers in ex suite three at 10.00 pm. Then you are scheduled for a meeting with another of the guys at 2.00 pm tomorrow.

A note will be coming thru your door in the next half hour to explain who the guys are. Don't worry the bellboy will not read the message- he knows it will not be worth his time or the money he will lose should I find out.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe. M ;)'

Marcus texts are always like that- long-winded and always spelt correctly. He would not know what text type was even it slapped him in the face with a sardine.

I quickly jumped in the shower and washed all my bits- thoroughly thank you very much- and put on a pair of Armani boxer briefs- the fitting was tight and accentuated my cock and balls. I'd always been told I had a nice set of balls which I guess is nice, isn't it?

The note came through the door as I was scrolling through a text. My mother had texted wanting to meet for lunch next week. This is not good. The last time she texted me and I met with her she informed me was she pregnant.

She was 52.

I picked up the note and sat on the bed and opened it.

The note read "10.00 pm you will be meeting Kieran Trippier, Harry Maguire and Jack Butland. No other notice except to bring booze and shirt is optional."

I looked over at the door where a freshly ironed shirt was hanging. Well, I'll scrap that and wear my trackie bottoms and hoody.

"Tomorrow at 2.00 pm you will be meeting Harry Kane. He would like to bring a dildo and lube".

I didn't know much about football- I'd watch the big matches when England rarely got past the group stages, but I didn't support a team. Kane was a name I'd heard off though. He was apparently a goal machine!

The other three that I'd be meeting tonight I hadn't heard off, so I did a quick google search.

Kieran was 30 (2 years younger than me) and was married. Harry was 27 and had been with his girlfriend since 2011. Jack is engaged to his girlfriend and is also 27. They all looked pretty hot too me, so the excitement was building. Three hot guys?

After the sex session with Chris Evans, and this upcoming sex-a-thon- I was starting to realise that I was in hot demand.

And I fucking loved it!

Walking down the door., well, I wasn't nervous. Nervous would-be wrong the word. Apprehensive maybe? I was going to meet three good-looking footballers who probably earned more money in a month than I've ever seen in my miserable life. They all had girlfriends and were wanting a bit of "fun". Well, that was fine- I could do fun. These footballers all probably had massive egos as well but then thinking about it- I would probably be the same if I were in demand footballer!

I could hear the faint sound of music coming from outside the door when I arrived outside the executive suite. This was executive suite three- slightly smaller than the one that Chris Evans rented out, but by no means shabby. I held onto the Smirnoff Vodka bottle that I bought with me (a birthday present from my Mum) and knocked on the door.

A shirtless, bare-chested man answered the door. I recognised him from the quick google search I did this afternoon as Jack. He was wearing a pair of navy blue three-quarter lengths. He was hairless and tattooless but had a definite hint of a six-pack. "Hello," he said in a Bristol accent. My ex was from Bristol, so I'd recognise that accent anywhere!

He opened the door, and I could see no-one else around at the moment. The sound of Eminem rapping was playing in the background. He looked around for a moment or two then proceeded to push me up against the door and assault my lips. The kiss was rough; I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue to explore my mouth. After a few moments, he pulled away and adjusted his shorts. "Probably don't the others about that" he winked. He took my bottle of vodka and placed it on the shelf. He sat down on the bed and opened the bottle of vodka, pouring a little amount into a shot glass before telling me to "down the fucker". So I did. It burnt for a moment, but it was a taste I'd become acquainted with. It didn't bother me that much anymore (back then it would affect me so bad!).

"Not a beginner, ay" he commented as I placed the shot glass on the table in front of him.

A moment or two later, the balcony door swung upon, and the two other lads arrived. Both were also shirtless, and both had a drink in their hands. One of the lads was heavily tattoed, and the other was tall as shit. He towered above the other lad, but he was more muscular and had a hint of fuzz on his chest.

"Let the games begin!" the tattoed Kieran said as he downed his glass of black liquid. Looking at the concoctions on the table, I assumed it was Jack Daniels and Coke.

"First things first- I'm Jack," the one sitting down on the bed said, "The lanky piece of shit is Harry, and the one who looks like he has Daddy issues is Kieran."

"I've got Daddy Issues alright" the other lad replied, "Your dad still ain't called me back, and I'm devvoed". The tall lad Harry laughed at that.

Jack made a face of disgust at that. It was clear to see these three were a bunch of jokers.

"I'm Shane, I work in this hotel, and I also have daddy issues" I answered, "My daddy left me for a younger man".

"Well I'd never leave you" Jack commented, "I'd be on your dick all the time, man".

We sat down and talked for a while. I found out that Kieran and Jack had been bisexual all their lives but hidden from the public. Jack was more sexually active with men and described himself as a "total bottom". Kieran had only been with one man sexually when he was a teenager- but not for lack of wanting- but because he was happy with his girlfriend.

"I'm happy- but I could be happier" he lamented.

Harry wasn't bisexual. He said he was "straight but narrow- I'd never let a man in me, but I love dominating a man and fucking him senseless. I just love pussy too much to commit fulltime to dudes".

"Don't you guys think Shane is wearing too many clothes?" Jack commented. Kieran nodded his head.

I shrugged and took off my hoody- exposing my tanned, hairy chest.

"Shit" Kieran spoke, "I may be in love".

I found out that none of these guys had been with any of the others. "I once let Jamie Vardy fuck me in the showers though" Jack commented.

Harry stood up. "I'm paying a lot of money of this, so do you lot have qualms about letting me control the evening and deciding what happens? And I'm not talking to you Shane you have no say in the matter". It was a bit blunt and straight to the point, but it didn't bother me. They were paying a lot of money for my company.

The other two just nodded.

"Shane kiss Kieran but make it rough. I've heard he likes it when you use naughty words". Kieran just grinned at that. I made my way over to Kieran and pushed him hard against the wall. "Kiss me then, prick" I commented. Kieran leant in to kiss me, and I wrapped my right hand gently around his throat.

"Harder" Harry replied, "He missed a goal today, he needs to be punished".

I wrapped my hands harder around Kieran's throat, and he was groaning into the kiss. Jack was palming himself through his shorts- but Harry noticed and shooed his hand away.

Kieran kissed me hard and fast. I could feel the lad's excitement from the tent that rubbing against my thigh as his tongue crashed deeper into my mouth. By the end of the kiss, he was panting, and his cock was making a substantial impression through the material of its shorts.

"Jack, get on your knees and suck off Kieran" Harry demanded. Jack immediately dropped to his knees and crawled over to where Kieran was standing against the wall. Jack pulled Kieran's shorts down to his knees, and Kierans uncut cock sprung free. Jack wasted no time before he wrapped his lips around the generous head of Kieran's smallish but thick cock. "Shane, sit on the bed and open your mouth," he said. I did as he told me. "Yes master" I added because I had a feeling it would appeal to Harry ego. And from the curl of a grin on his face, I wasn't wrong!

Harry pulled his shorts down, and his cock sprang out.. and it was massive. I thought I was big, but Harry must have been approaching 10 inches. It wasn't as thick as mine though but it would still fucking sting if rammed up my bootyhole. "I'm gonna fuck your mouth and the more you gag- the harder we'll fuck you later tonight". The "we'll" was not lost on me but I'd deal with that one later on.

I looked over to where Jack was worshipping Kieran's stiff cock. Jack loved sucking dick- he looked like he was fucking born for it. I wanted Jack to go on my tool, but Harry was in charge and what he says went. Harry rammed his dick into my mouth, and I admit I did gag because I was too busy gawping at Jack's sucking skills to realise Harry was going to assault my mouth with his monster. Harry's dick was semi-erect, but I could feel it growing thicker and more prominent as he plunged it into my willing, exposed mouth. Harry pushed my head further onto his dick as he penetrated my mouth with gusto. "You're a dirty cunt ain't ya," he said as he continued to fuck my mouth.

Harrys cock grew even bigger inside my mouth, and I gagged a couple of times as my mouth got used to Harry's length. Kieran was groaning as Jack lavished his cock lovingly. "Cum in Jack's mouth" Harry ordered "And swallow the lot, cock whore" Harry urged. Kieran copied Harry by pushing Jack's head further down onto his cock. He was groaning and panting now as Jack continued to assault his cock with his awesome mouth. Harry kept his pace- fucking my mouth.

As I sucked and gagged on Harry's ludicrosiouly big dick- I watched as Kieran fell apart with gasps and groans. He was seeding inside Jack's mouth who was accepting every drop like a thirsty schoolboy. Sweat trickled down Kieran's firm chest, landing on his tattoos. Jack swallowed Kieran's seed, and Kieran collapsed onto the bed- his cock still hard as it pointed to the ceiling.

"Kieran you got 3 minutes to rest, Jack gets over here and suck us both off". Jack crawled over to us, and I could see that Jack's cock was achingly hard as it tried to escape his owner's shorts. Kieran had disappeared but the smell soon coming from the balcony confirmed he was smoking. I stood up and stood by Harry as Jack pulled down my shorts and gasped at the size of my cock. He then looked at mine, then Harrys then back to mine before saying "I must have been a very good boy or a naughty boy in a previous life" he lamented. He sucked around the tip of my cockhead, making it tingle but also pulsate with pleasure- he had a wicked good mouth on him I could tell. He then wrapped his lips around the head of my cock but didn't go much further- he used to his hand to slowly wank my cock, bringing to more the life than ever. Jack knew what he was doing- he loved it. Soon he was sucking my cock with plenty of relish- he had a zest for sucking cock. He was also damn fucking good at it.

Jack then removed his mouth from my upset cock as he gripped onto both the powerful tools in his hands- he was grinning with a shit-eating grin. He looked like a cat who was soon going to get the cream. He proceeded to wrap his lips around Harry's cock, but he didn't neglect mine as he slowly tossed it off with his left hand. He switched a couple of times until Harry decided to try and put both of our cocks into Jack's mouth. He managed to get both of our heads into his mouth, but he couldn't go much further.

Kieran returned from the balcony and stood next to me. I noticed some sweat still on his chest, so I leaned over and licked it from his chest. He looked at me strangely but then grinned. "Shane finish in Jack's mouth, I'm gonna shoot my load on Kieran".

Kieran laid down on the bed and re-pulled his shorts down. Harry then wanked his huge cock, tugging on his balls at the same time.

Jack continued to delightfully mishandle my cock with his beautiful mouth. He was a better cock sucker than me.

"Shane finger your hole whilst Jack finishes you off," Harry said bossily. Jack used his hands and his mouth to give a double sensation of pleasure as I could feel myself nearing climax. I spat on my finger and inserted it inside my trousers before carefully putting it inside my hole. The finger hit the prostate as Jack's cocksucking got more intense.

As I fingered myself, I watched as Harry came a very generous amount of cum onto Kierans beautiful and tanned, tattooed chest. Kieran just lay there as Harrys cum coated his abs. Harry's heavy breathing came to a close as he finally stopped cumming. "Eat my mess," Harry said to Kieran, who shrugged before scoping a bit up with his fingers and inserting it into his mouth.

My finger fucking got more speedy as Jack began deep throating my extremely hard cock. It wasn't long before the finger and sucking made me lose control, and I clumsily came in Jacks inviting mouth.

He swallowed it all with pride and then stood up.

Harry looked at all of us. "Quick 10-minute break, then Jack and Shane are getting fucked". Jack just shrugged. Kieran and Harry disappeared onto the balcony, and Jack sat on the bed. He looked at me. Jack was the only one who hadn't come yet. I walked over to him and slid my hands inside his shorts- he gasped as my cold hand wrapped around his thick cock. "I can't cum" Jack warned. "Harry's rules". I whispered, "What do you want?". He pondered for a moment "one day I would like to meet you without the others".

I just grinned at jack. Yeah, I was confident that would happen.

Harry and Kieron came back into the room about 5 minutes later, their eyes were puffy, and they'd been smoking weed if the smell was too believed.

Shane himself had smoked weed a couple of times, but honestly, it had done nothing for him- except leave him proper hungry. And strangely sexual.

Harry spoke "Jack's gonna get fucked by Kieron whilst I pummel big boy over there," Harry told us in a commanding voice "At some point, Kieron & I plan on fucking Shane at the same time, you got a problem with that kid?"

It was patronising as hell being spoken to like that and to be honest, and I wasn't entirely into the whole "ego football has a powertrip thing" but, you know, Harry and the guys are spending big money, so whatever they want, they will get.

"Sounds fantastic" I spoke.

Kieron walked over to Jack and sat down on the bed next to him. Kieran started to wank off Jack's hefty cock whilst Jack returned the favour. Harry came and sat next to me on the bed, and said: "Bend over lad I wanna taste that hole".

Harry went to town on my arse moment's later. He wasn't as good as Chris- he kept focusing on the same spot. Don't get me wrong- it still felt fucking amazing, but Chris worshipped the whole of my posterior whilst Harry concentrates on one thing. I guess, at the end of the day, that was where Harry was going to be. Selfish through and through. Oh well, he had a massive dick and Shane couldn't wait to feel it impale him.

On the other side of the room- on the single bed- Kieron was now sucking on Jack's dick whilst Harry continued to violate my hole with his enormous tongue. Harry replaced his tongue with two fingers, and I gasped as his fingers fully penetrated me and hit that special place in the hole. It wasn't long before Harry had entered the third finger. They were fucking my hole at a rapid pace. His digits were indeed long and talented.

Kieron now had Jack on his back, and Jack's legs were resting on Kieron's shoulders as the tattooed lad poured some lube onto Jacks hole and began fingering it gently. He could appreciate how gentle Kieron was with Jack, but I suspected that Jack would have preferred Harry's rough and ready tactics.

Harry topped up my arse with a bit more lube before telling me to bend over the bed. His large, cold hands wrapped around my naked body as he began thrusting his large appendage into my waiting arse. There was no gentle with Harry- he was fucking me already as if his life depended on it.

Kieron was sitting in the middle of the bed, holding himself up as Jack lowered himself onto Kierons thick and waiting cock. Jack let out a groan of pleasure as I watched the dick enter Jack for the first time.

Harry's pace got harder and faster; his breaths got more rapid and heavy. "You fucking love this, don't ya, you're a right fucking queer, and you love my dick ain't ya" Harry spoke crudely. "Tell me if you think you can handle Kieron and me together".

"I want ya both in me and I'm gonna suck Jack off as you fuck me" I groaned in between Harry's thunderous thrusts.

"Good lad," Harry said.

Jack got up from Kieron's hard rod and stood next to the bed- holding onto his erect cock.

Harry told me to stand up, and he laid on the bed. I crawled over near him on the bed and lay down on top of him- he quickly re-entered my hole and felt full again. Kieron worked his dick into the little space that was left- Harry's thick shaft pretty much took a lot of room- and I felt doubly full as both the dicks finally got into place. Jack stood on the bed, lowering his dick into the open, waiting gob. I had two cocks in my hole, and one cock in my mouth- I was pretty much full and boy was I fucking loving it.

Having one big dick inside you is good enough. Having two big dicks inside you- as they took turns to thrust inside your prostate was overwhelming but fucking satisfying. Having Jacks rigid cock hitting the back of your throat was also incredible- I was loving life.

I was living the fucking dream guys.

Harry thrust deep into my hole and went deeper then he'd been tonight- the thrust took me by surprise, and I chocked on Jack's cock. He wiped my sweating forehead as if telling me that it was okay. Kieron then thrust into me.

Harry told me he was going to cum. I had two dicks- bareback by the way- in my hole and Harry wrapped his big arms around my body as he emptied his second load of the night into my hole. Kieron followed suit- coming with a loud groan as his cock clashed with Harrys and both of their shipments mixed together.

Harry pushed me off and told Jack to eat my hole out. Jack quickly went to town eating Harry and Kieron's loads from my spot, his tongue perhaps going further than was required. I was not complaining.

Jack then told me to turn around, and he passionately kissed me- sharing some of the two stud's loads with me.

Harry and Kieron sat on the single bed across the room and sparked up another blunt. Jack asked if he could finish in my mouth. Who was I to deny a lad what he wants? Jack stood up next to the bed and put his dick in my mouth. I wiped some Harrys excess cum off with my finger and used that finger to penetrate Jack's hole. He groaned with delight- and on the exact time I fucked his spot for the fourth time with my finger, he let out a shuddering cry as he climaxed into my mouth. His warm, sticky cum went down a treat as I swallowed the whole lot. Kieran passed Harry the spliff as he walked over and grabbed my semi-erect cock and started violently tugging it. Jack leaned down and took a bite of my nipple and yep- that was enough to get me rock hard. It didn't take long to combine the biting and wanking to help me release my sophomore load.

Harry and Kieron got dressed, thanked me for a good night and told me that they would pay Marcus as soon they got back to the room- they were going for a walk along the pier to find something to eat. Jack lingered around for a couple of more minutes, and we passionately kissed again. He joined me for a post-fuck shower, and we spent a few more minutes making out.

He kissed me one last time before I left the room and made my way back to my hotel room.

It didn't take me long to climb into bed and pass out. It's hard fucking work being double penetrated!


Harry Kane and a dildo PLUS dirty, hot phone sex with an A-List hunk- but which one?

Next: Chapter 3

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