House of Bastian

By Bastian Ward

Published on Feb 18, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else Thanks.

CHAPTER 4 To Bear My Brand

So life seems to have settled into its strange new way now. I inspect Leo's chastity device weekly, sometimes I let him cum and sometimes not. Last week I edged him for almost an hour then put the chastity device back on him. I left him bawling his eyes out begging for release. He gave me dirty looks for two days, and barely spoke to me as well.

Mitch was still being spanked 2-3 times a week, and I figured 2 guys out of all the guys who were currently in the house, and the guys who had moved on from here. I guess I was grateful that more of the guys didn't have a kink side.

But have you ever heard the saying, 'don't speak to soon'. For some unfathomable reason I decided to check Mitch's chastity device early. So I set off to find him. But it appeared as though he wasn't home. So I asked the guys to tell him I wanted him when he got back.

An hour or so there was a knock on my office door. I looked up and there was Mitch at long last. "Um, you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah. Sorry I didn't know you were going out today. Have a good time?"

"Um, yeah."

"Is something wrong?"

"Um, no I, um. If it's nothing important, Bastian, um, there's somethings I have to do."

"Sure, I won't keep you. Just join me in the garage for a minute."



Somewhat reluctantly Mitch followed me into the garage.

"Fuck. You started this. Not me. I don't get it. You're the one who begged me to cage you in the first place. But it can finish right now. I don't care. Now fucken strip."


"I said, STRIP. And I mean NOW boy," I growled.

Seemingly reluctantly Mitch slowly stripped. He dropped his pants and my eyes are instantly drawn to his left buttock. "What the fuck is that?"

"Um, what? My butt?"

"What have you done to yourself? Are you injured? What happened?" I asked solicitously.

"No, no, um I'm Ok. I didn't hurt myself."

"Then why is there a dirty great big dressing on your butt then?"

"Well," said Mitch as he slowly peeled the dressing on. Revealing a very red angry mark underneath.

"It looks like you burnt yourself," I said as I leaned down for a better look.

"Well, technically I was burnt by someone else. It's scarification."

"It's what?"

"Scarification. I had a design burnt onto my butt."

"What on earth possessed you to do that," I asked.

He hung his head. "I just wanted a way to feel I belong?"

"Belong where??"

"Not where, Sir. But to whom, Sir."

"What? I don't understand. Who do you want to belong to that much, that you're willing to get branded?"

"Um, to you, Sir."

"But, you don't belong to me. You don't belong to anyone but yourself. I thought I taught you all that. I haven't made any decisions on your behalf. Well.

Oh, sure. I have rules, but that's to get you guys used to 'good' rules. Over the years you guys have always had input into the rules and they have been changed accordingly.

Oh my god." I said as the enormity of what he had done slowly sunk in."I never wanted this."

"But, Bastian. This is something I chose to do. I wanted to do this. Like my chastity device, it's not there for anyone else to know about. Only you, me, and Mitch know about that.

This is just for me. So that every time I see it or feel it I know what it means. What it represents to me! That's why I had it done."

"Get dressed. I can't do this now," I said, and walked out.

Leo and I didn't cross paths again until we all had dinner. And every time I looked at him, all I could see was that dirty great scare on his butt. And what it could mean.


A couple of days later he was due to have his chastity device cleaned and checked. I called him in to the garage.

He striped and assumed the position. I removed the device and cleaned it. I checked him for any skin irritation, and as usual found nothing amiss. I replaced the device and snapped the lock closed.

"Um, Sir," he began, "um, aren't you gunna say anythin' to me, Sir?"

I looked up at him. I reached out and turned him by his hips, so I could get a look at his butt cheek. It still looked red and angry, but I thought I could work out a, rather elaborate capitol 'B' an apostrophe. A small 's', and a small 'b'. "So, what's it supposed to stand for anyway?"

"Um, it reads, 'B's b'. It stands for, um Bastian's boy, Sir.

It doesn't mean that I 'belong' to you, Sir. It just means that I, like all the guys who pass through here. We all think of ourselves as your boys, Sir. I just wanted something permanent to remember you by. That's all, Sir. I didn't mean it to cause any offence. I think of it more as an honour to bear to it, Sir."

I didn't know what to think, or say. So I just left.

Over the next couple of weeks I gradually got used to the idea. I didn't like the idea of him being branded, but I guess I could understand the sentiment behind it. And I guess it was starting it grow on me. I just hope that none of the other guys decide to get it done. Too much responsibility for me.


Monday night rolled around again. We had a great meal. We conducted all of the usual business, and at the conclusion of all of that. I had work to do, but first I had to go to the loo.

When I had finished in the loo, I was walking back through the house and was suddenly struck by the fact that the place seemed empty. I went back to the dining room and all the boys were still sitting there, with their eyes down cast. The room was deathly quiet. As I was just about to ask what was going on I saw a shopping bag at my place, and I could clearly see the logo from the leather shop in Collingwood.

It stopped me in my tracks. I hung my head, and thought for a minute. When I finally got my thoughts under control, I told the boys to remain in their seats until I got back.

I went to the office and printed out a new sign.

When I got back to the dining room I told Leo to strip. Which he did instantly. Now go stand over there where we can all see you, I said pointing at a spot away from the table. When he had stood on the spot I indicated, I walked around the table and took my seat. "So, boys. What's this all about?"

No one answered me. I had another think, rubbed my nose.

"Ok," I said, "this is how I see it. All of you.

ALL of you. Are here, ultimately at on my largess.

Sure you were met by someone else who lives, or lived in the house. BUT, all of you, live here, study, and improve yourselves on my largess.

Yes, some of you work, but how were any of you in any kind of position to do that from where you all came from." I put my hand up. "Now, I'm not looking for thanks or anything. I've done all of this because I've wanted to.

I was abused as a child. I had no one to help me out. But through hard work I made something of myself. I earnt enough to build this house, and I have enough money that I can do anything I want to. I always promised myself, that if I was ever in a position to help someone else out of that situation. I always would, and I have.

Now to date. With you guys. I've actually helped 28 guys off the street, and given you all a hand up.

And. This." I said as I picked up the bag, and dropped it back on to the table. "This, is how you repay me!

The 'Leo' situation, wasn't something I asked for.

I've never tried to physically interfere with any of you.

You all know that.

I never put any of you in any kind of situation that might have embarrassed you.

Never talked about anything that concerned you alone, in front of anyone else.

Never spent time tryin' to check any of you out.

Never burst in on any of you in the shower by 'accident'.

None of that. Fuck, what I'm trying to say is, that I'm not gay. And you're here because I just wanted to help you out. To give you the help I missed out on.

And, I've got to say I'm feeling really disappointed by this." I said as I picked up the bag again.

"Now, if you boys are going to persist in 'this', then there are some new rules that we are going to implement immediately. All boys who want to be 'caged' will now dress accordingly.' I said pointing at Leo. "Everyone look at Leo?" no one made a move, so I slapped the table with my hand, "NOW!"

When they all turned to look at Leo, I told Leo to 'display'. He stood there naked before everyone, with his hands locked behind his neck. It was totally obvious that there was not a hair on his body from the neck down. Also everyone could plainly see his chastity device. It made his formally huge dick look like a small grub, resting on top of his huge sack with what looked like two enormous eggs hanging in the bottom.

I told the boys that from now on those boys who decide they wanted to be caged will be dressed accordingly, the outer clothing rule still applies if we have visitors. Otherwise that is how you will remained 'dressed' from the minute you're caged."

I told Leo to take his seat.

It would seem that 'suddenly', some of you have decided you have a bent for a particular kink. I don't know how you all found out about Leo, I know how Mitch found out. I'm curious to know if anyone knows of Mitch's particular 'kink'.

So let's have a show of hands. Who knows Mitch likes to be spanked?"

No one moved for a minute or two. I was just about to draw breath to say something else, when Leo put up his hand. Which I wasn't surprised by, but then slowly one by one the rest of the boys put up their hands.

I wasn't too surprised, I must confess.

So then I offered the boys a chance to remove, or ask to have removed,form the bag anything they may now have changed their minds about. I did explain that this didn't have to be a lasting 'change of mind', of course, but seeing as I now had upped the ante. I felt it was only fair to offer them the chance to pull out now.

As no one made a move to do that. I turned the new sign over and it said, 'dungeon'. I explained to the guys that from now on, unless they had a damn good reason, none of this would be done in secret anymore. I asked them if anyone had a problem with that, and nobody said anything.

So I handed the bag to Leo, and told them to take from the bag anything that belongs to them. When they had finished, there were 3 cages, and I did hope they had the forethought to buy the right size. Of course there was Stewie our cross-dresser. Two had nothing in front of them, but I wasn't stupid enough to think they didn't have a particular kink.

One of the two remaining was Spence, of course. He was just such an angry person that everyone tip toed around, figuratively speaking of course. And fuck, I had really hoped he wasn't a closet homophobe. Or we could all be fuck, both figuratively, and literally.

Just because the boys like kink, doesn't mean they're gay. It's one of the reasons I don't want the boys talking about this stuff out side of the house, just in case someone might get the wrong idea. It's also why I haven't wanted them talking about this stuff with the 'old' boys, the guys who have already passed through the house.

Oh, if I had only known.

I did tell the boys, that as far as I was concerned, no one kink is any better or worse than another kink. So, as always no one person, or group of people get to lord it over another.

As far as I was concerned, the only 'top dog' in this house was me. I called the shots in this house. No one gets to boss anyone else around. Kink or no kink. Also obviously the clothing rule has gone right out the window, except for having outside clothes close at hand at all times. Never has the towel on furniture rule going to be so strictly enforced.

So again I restated to the guys what the motivation was for rescuing them off the streets.To try and give them a better life. To offer them the chance to improve themselves both physically and mentally. To offer them a chance to be better educated if they wanted to be. Then when they thought they were ready, to move on and make a better life for themselves.

But, it doesn't finish there, I wasn't going to wash my hands of them when they did decide to leave because I also wanted them to think of this as their home. To always remember that at least someone, out there loves them for who they are, and not what they could get out of them. To try to give you back your life so you could live it the way it could have been, if you had all been shown the love you deserved. If you had been able to live your life free of abuse.

I hoped that this way, as long as I was able. I wanted them to know there was always a home to come back to.

I guess, in all the years I have been doing 'this' I never thought of your sexuality. I think I naively thought that everyone would be 'straight' if given the chance. I'm trying to readjust my thinking around that, though.

I asked them if they had anything else they wanted to say or talk about. When no one said anything I told them to put the stuff back into the bag, and left the boys to clean up.

I now had a lot to think about. And I found myself asking the question, 'how the FUCK did I get myself into these situations,' again.

Because I could think of no reason to put it off anymore. Friday after dinner, I looked down the table, and said, "OK boys. This is it. All of you boys who want to become a caged boy.

I want to see in the garage at 9:00am tomorrow. Showered, in the hottest shower you can stand. Girt only in a towel. Standing on the line.

This is the time for you to really decide if it is what you want to do. Nobody," I said, "is going to think of you any differently if you do or don't decide to go through with it.

Is that understood?"

Everyone nodded their understanding, and we all went on and did our own thing. Each one of us lost in our own thoughts.

Saturday morning I headed down to the garage and found three guys waiting for me. All freshly showered. All wearing towels. And all holding their razor and chastity device.

The rest of the household, who weren't working, or busy doing other things, were milling around waiting for the show to start.

I grabbed the bowl and the can of shaving cr?me off the bench and placed the bowl on the stool. "Ok. Who wants to go first?"

Dan, came and stood in front of me. He dropped his towel, and assumed the 'position'. "I'll go first, Sir," he said.

So with the other boys crowding around me. I proceeded to lather up his pits and chest, not that he had a lot of hair, but still. I guess we were putting on a show after all.

I shaved him down to his groin. I took my seat and grabbed hold of his cock.

Mind you he was rather small, in comparison to the Leo, and Mitch. It's funny how when the first cocks you see are huge. It seems almost a letdown when you are 'slapped in the face', so to speak with a guy with an average size penis. He was circumcised to boot, which made it look that much smaller again.

So I shaved his groin, taking care not to nick anything. I then spun him around. Told him to bend over and shaved his arse and very tight hole. I finished shaving the backs of his arms and legs, and called out, "Next."

Steve presented himself before me. Dropped his towel to the floor and assumed the 'position'. I preceded to shave him as well. When I had finished shaving him, there was only Alex left.

When I finished shaving Alex, I asked him for his chastity device. Which he handed to me. I dutifully washed it. Ensured it was dry. Then I asked him if this was really what he wanted. Or did he just want to be shaved?

He assured me that he wanted to join Leo in being a caged boy. Even his cock was showing that it seemed to like the idea as well. Only I kind of think that if it really knew what was going to happen to it, it may have tried to leave.

So after working his nuts and sack through the backing ring, I grabbed the head of his cock, and gave it a good squeeze, making it deflate. Then worked it through the backing ring as well. Having lubed up the sheath I worked it onto the shaft of his cock. I then handed Alex the lock, and he dutifully locked it into place.

With much cheering from the assembly.

I called Dan forth and went through the same process with him. I was a bit concerned that the chastity device may have fallen off his little dick. But no. It stayed put, and he was able to lock it in place.

So then we came to Steve, and while it was nowhere near as big as Leos', I am afraid that Leos' is the cock I would always measure the other boys by; it was impressive none the less. The skin of his ball bag was a lot softer texture to the other guys, as well. I fitted him with his chastity device and held the lock out to him, just like I had done to the other guys. But he didn't take it.

He just stood there and looked at it.

I waited.

The boys fell silent and watched him.

Leo came up and gave him a gentle hug, and said, "Its Ok man, if you can't do it. I did this because it was something I had to do. I really wanted to do it.

But none of us will think any different of you whether you do it or not."

He stepped back into the crowd.

Steve reached out his hand and took the lock from me. He secured his chastity device with it, and the guys all cheered him.

I waited for the noise to die down, and then I reminded the boys to be back here at 5:00pm; so I could take them off and check them all.

Now, we have four caged cocks in the house. One cross-dresser. One possible homophobe, although I really hope not! And two I don't know the bent of yet. Fuck, me!

At 5:00pm, I found our dungeon full of people, again. I asked the caged boys how there day went, and all of them agreed that thinking about wearing a chastity device and actually wearing a chastity device; are two entirely different things.

Dan complained that it was so heavy. He didn't know how Leo has worn his for as long as he has. He really admires him, for wearing it for so long. The boy does have balls? Um, I was talking figuratively." He said as the guys all started to laugh.

Although he did go on to say that his dick 'felt' bigger.

I told him that I thought it may have been just because he had more weight down there today. I asked them all how they liked being the only guys walking around the house in the buff. Again there was some mixed responses, but they figured if Leo could do it, he has walked around the house naked ever since the infamous meeting, then so could they.

"So, guys. Who wants theirs off first?"

Alex stepped forward. "If it's Ok with everyone. I'd really like to get the bloody thing off my cock. Man, I have never been so horny. I've done nothing but think about sex all day. It's a wonder I didn't just cum, even with the chastity device on. I just thought it would spontaneously erupt." He said.

There was some murmured agreement from some of the other guys.

"Ok, then. Come over here and assume the 'position'," I said as I took the keys out of my pocket and sat on the stool. Alex stood in front of me in the 'position'.

I removed the chastity device and checked his groin for any broken skin or pressure areas, but couldn't find any. Although there was a red mark on the back of his scrotum, and as I ran my finger over it. Alex said it was sore. But I don't think it was from the device per se, I just don't think I'd got that bit of skin flat in the backing ring. I promised I would take more care next time. As I had told all the guys about sitting down to pee, and then blotting with toilet paper afterwards. The shaft didn't smell too bad.

I washed the device and ensured it was perfectly dry. Then I grabbed hold of his boner and began to slow fist him. He was a bit shy about being wanked off in front of everyone, but as they all started to shout encouragement, and to egg him on. It wasn't long before his cock was rock hard. I did slow fist him, as I kind of enjoyed doing that. The tease. Trying to draw it out for as long as possible.

Then his cock erupted with cum shooting over my shoulder, before landing on the floor. Much to the delight of the crowd.

"4mins and 35secs," called out Graham.

"What!" I turned to him surprised. "Where you timing?"

"Why not?" He exclaimed.

Before I could say anything else.

Mitch piped up and said, "1455 mm!"

"What are you talking about," I asked as I turned to find him?"

"That's how far he shot his first load!" He exclaimed.

"What? So now it's a competition?" I asked.

"YEAH!" Chorused all the guys.

I think they all started to lay bets after that.

Next up was Dan, the man with the little dick. He stood on the line, and assumed the 'position'. "Alright, boy. So how was your day?"

"It was great, Sir. It's the first time I've had a bit of weight down there. I can't wait to wear it all the time, sir."

"OK, Ok. Stop skiting. Let's get off with it!"

"That was so lame, Bastian. So lame."

"Hey, I had to try."

I took the chastity device off, and checked him for any skin damage or pressure areas. But he was fine.

I slow stroked his cock until his knees started to buckle and he shot his load of cum.

"Fuck me!" said Mitch.

"What's wrong?" asked Alex, "didn't he make a metre?"

"No," exclaimed Mitch, "he shot over 2050mm!"

Everyone cheered and patted him on the back.

"But he was a bit premature at 2mins even" said Graham.

When the hubbub died down. I called Steve to present. His chastity device was a bit smelly, so I reminded him to make sure he blotted when he had finished peeing. I checked his skin for any breaks or pressure areas, but again I couldn't find any. Then it was his turn to perform for the group. And perform he did.

He gyrated his hips. He fucked my hand. He seemed to take forever, in fact I was just about to think he would never cum, when his cock erupted and shot out globs and globs of long ropey strings of cum. Then the stats were announced.

It took him a whopping 4mins and 34secs to actually cum. When he did. He shot for an amazing 2455mm, and he got me in the shoulder to boot.

So we went and ate. Then we all went and did whatever we had planned for the evening.

Sunday was just the usual. I slept in till late. Read the paper in the backyard. Had lunch with any of the boys who were home. Although I still wasn't used to so many naked bodies, as the boys who were going to be caged had elected to be nude from now on just like Leo.

I had my afternoon nap, or 'GrandpaNap' as the guys call it. I was woken later by a lot of raised voices downstairs. I jumped out of bed. Pulled some clothes on and went downstairs. To find two sets of guys facing off.

A little background is needed here: Every Sunday night we have a roast and someone gets a DVD. Not just me and the guys in the house, but the guys who used to live in the house. Some Sundays the house can be quite crowded, as there are 20 guys who have passed through the house previously, and with the eight currently in residency. Means there can be a lot of people for Sunday roast.

So when I came downstairs there was one group of current house mates 8 in total, and for some reason there were all of the previous 20 guys. I walked into the middle of the two groups. Held up my hands for silence.

"Hey, Bastian," said Nat, "what the fuck is going on. Why are those guys naked?and what the fuck is that?" He says, pointing a Leos' chastity device.

"Ok. Everyone just calm down." I said. "Alright. Alright. Look, I'm sorry. Things have happened in the past month or so. That I just didn't think would end up the way they have.

He's wearing a chastity device," I said pointing at Leo.

"It's a what?"

"It's a chastity device! Look if you blokes want to know what's going on. Then please, just shut the fuck up until I'm finished. OK!"

There were a few grumblings from the 'outside' group, but they all agreed to be quiet and listen.

"OK. As I said. It's a chastity device. For whatever reason Leo came to me with a problem, and the solution we came up with was a chastity device. Now. Because of things beyond my control, one of the other housemates found out about it. Which led to another, somewhat awkward situation.

Which we don't have to go into right now.

The other guys in the house found out about it, and this week some of the guys elected to try chastity as well. Um. As to the fact that they are shaved. Um. To wear the chastity device it is better if they are trimmed to begin with, and for whatever reason Leo elected to be shaved. So we shaved his groin.

Then there were some other 'things', he wanted to try.

There was some external input that I was trying to avoid, um, which encouraged Leo to elect to shave some more of his body. Then just for the hell of it, um, I decided to shave the rest.

Ok. Now that was as far as it was supposed to go. But as seems par for the course, in this place at the moment.

The rest of the guys found out last week. On Monday they confessed to knowing and some of the guys, um wanted to try chastity as well. Um. I tried to discourage the guys by telling them they would have to be shaved as well, and that didn't seem to be much of a deterrent. So I tried to up the ante, by telling all the guys that they would have to naked as well.

Which probably wasn't, fair on Leo. Um. But look at us now. We have naked guys in the house, because all the guys who want to be 'caged', including the guy who is 'caged'. Agreed to the condition.

I just don't know how this thing just blew up in my face.

You all know, I hope, that I'm not gay.

I didn't want any of this to happen.

I just don't know how it all just got away from me so fast."

There was dead silence, as I slid down into seat.

Oli broke free from the pack. "Look. Bastian. Every one of us knows you aren't gay. Ok. None of us ever thought any different.

I promise you." He said.

There were murmurs of agreement from all the guys.

"Actually," continued Oli, "I want to make a confession?"

I just looked up at him. "What?"

"Um. I have a 'kink', myself!

Um, I have often fantasised about trying chastity myself?"

"Oh. Fuck me!" I said. "I don't believe this! Can this get any worse??"

"Um. Leo. Is it?" he asked. "Um. Can I ask, um, why did you want to try?.chastity?"

And before I could intercede, Leo told all and sundry, that he masturbated too much. Which elicited sounds of derision from the 'old boys'. Leo went on to say that that was all he could think about. It seemed to him, that as soon as he cum. He just started to think about it again.

He told them that he had a discussion with me, and I told the guys that I eventually suggested the chastity device. Thinking. That they didn't exist.

Which everyone thought was funny, except for me.

So he found one on the internet, and in fact he found a shop, here in Melbourne that sells them. So we went and checked them out. And one thing led to another? and Leo ended up a 'caged' male. And that is how we ended up in this mess.

A lot of the 'old boys' were saying that they thought Leo was great for coming up with the solution, and for obviously having the balls to wear it. Which inspired Leo to model it for the 'old boys'. Who then asked him questions? And wanted to check it out. Leo said they could. So Leo ended up being groped by about 15 guys.

So the 'old boys' talked amongst themselves and some decided that they always liked being naked, and didn't have a problem with the current house mates being naked. Some of the 'old boys' then stripped. Much to the approval of all the guys, and I ended up being surrounded by a lot of naked guys.

Wondering again 'how the fuck did everything go south, so quick?'

So after that was all settled, and everyone who wanted to had checked Leos' chastity device, and I think more that one of them hefted his nuts as well.

I cooked. I like to give the guys Sunday nights off.

Some went and got a DVD. And the rest of them got some sheets out and put them over the couches and on the floor, because there were so many people who were now naked. It was decided that it was too complicated for them to remember towels. So someone had come up with the great idea of using the sheets instead.

I suddenly became aware of some of the guys taking photos, of the naked guys and of the chastity device. I got the guys together and gave them the low down, that if they swapped the photos. That they then could be arrested for making and distributing porn.

It's called sexting. Which, in turn could then get them listed on the sex offenders register, and into a whole lot of trouble.

So I made sure they deleted all the photos, and got them all to promise me that they wouldn't take those kinds of photos again.

By then the roast was ready. We all helped ourselves. Found a seat somewhere and ate. During the meal lots of conversations going on.

Everyone jumped in and helped with the clean-up, and then we settled in to watch the DVD.

Everyone reminded me, rather loudly, that they didn't get a horror one, because I am such a baby that I don't like horror.

I didn't mind a bit of good hearted ribbing. I told them to all shut the fuck up. And to just get on with the movie.

While the DVD was loading up, I looked around the room. There were naked guys sitting on the couch, mingled in with clothed guys.

There were naked guys laying on, or sitting on the floor, mingling in with clothed guys.

And there were naked guys getting stuff out of the kitchen to eat or drink.

So began the new regime in the house.

On Tuesday, Oli dropped in for a visit. I told him I was glad to see him, and asked him what he was doing here during the week. He said he wanted to have a chat. So we got a drink. Sat at the dining room table, and I asked him what he wanted. We made small talk. He was getting married and the relationship was doing great. The plans for the wedding were rocking along OK.

"Um. Bastian," Oli began, "you know that Suzi doesn't want to have sex before marriage?"

"Yeah," I interjected, "how is that going for you??" I smiled.

"Not good! That's why Sunday night was so interesting for me?"

"Oh, no," I said. As Oli put a chastity device on the table. "I don't believe this!"

"Um..." said Oli, as he leaned forward, "I want to try a chastity device?."

"Oh. Why??"

"Because I want to show her that I'm committed to this relationship. And I'm serious about this."

"You know. I'm tired of arguing with you guys! I've just had it, up to here," I said indicating over my head.

"Ok. If you want to wear a chastity device. I'm tired of banging my head against a brick wall.

Ok! You want to wear a chastity device who am I to try and stop you. Any of you.

Come on then," I said as I stood up.

"Where are we going?"

I got out a clean towel and told him to have a hot shower and to meet me in the garage. Only wearing the towel. While he was in the shower, I got a bowl of water, a razor, and the can of shaving cr?me was still on the bench. I'm thinking I'm just going to leave a bag of razors down here as well. It's goin' to be a hell of a lot easier in the long run.

When he had finished his shower he came down to the garage. He remarked about the sign on the door and the changes we made to the garage.

I told him to shut, the fuck, up and stand on the line with his hands locked behind his neck. I told him to look straight ahead, and not to speak unless he was spoken understood. I asked him if he understood.

"Sir, yes, Sir," he said.

I undid his towel and let it drop it to the floor. His cock sprang to attention. I grabbed the clippers and trimmed the hair on his chest and pits. I worked my way down to his navel. I sat on the stool. I grabbed hold of his cock, and pulled down while I started to trim his pubic area. While I was trimming him, I probably played with his cock a bit more than necessary, as he started to moan and gyrate his hips a bit.

I let go of his cock and told him to hold it, while I did his nuts.

I told him to turn around and bend over. I ran the clippers over his arse, and into the cleft. Taking care of his hole of course. While I was doing his arse I noticed that between his legs was very hairy as well. So I trimmed that as well.

I told him to stand up, while I grabbed a new razor. I spread shaving cr?me all over his chest and pits and started to shave him. I shaved down to his navel, then sat down. While I shaved his pubic area I grabbed hold of his cock again, and of course I played with it again. By the time I had finished shaving his pubic hair he was leaking a lot.

I told him to hold his cock again so I could shave his nuts.

I told him to bend over while I shaved his arse and cleft, and finished up with the space between the tops of his thighs.

I told him to stand up and face me. I grabbed hold of his rock hard cock and edged him a couple of times, before I let him eventually cum.

He collapsed to the floor. I told him to clean up the floor. Get dressed and go home. I told him I wanted him here at 8:00am, the next day. Standing naked on the line with his hands behind his neck. Waiting for me.

I went on to tell him that I would then apply the chastity device for the day. So he then could join the rest of the guys on Saturday, for the second day of trying the chastity device.

I left him to it.


The following morning I found Oli waiting for me as instructed. He had put the chastity device on the bench.

I ignored him completely while I checked and washed his chastity device. When I was happy with it. I eventually turned my attention to Oli. I didn't talk to him, I just sat down and worked his nuts and sack into the backing ring. Which, predictably, caused him to have a raging hard on. I grabbed the head of his cock and squeezed it until it deflated. I worked it through the backing ring. Applied the sheath and locked it all into place.

He went to put on his clothes.I asked him what he thought he was doing.He said he was getting dressed.I told him to shut the fuck up. That all caged males spend their first two days naked here in the house. Just in case there was a problem. Told him to enjoy it, and that I expected him to be waiting for me at 5:00pm, on the line. And left him to it.

I did run into him from time to time during the day. We had lunch together. He explored the dungeon. Played some games on the x-box, until 5:00pm.

I went into the dungeon, and found him waiting for me. Standing on the line with his hands clasped behind his neck. I asked him how he was feeling, and he said he was glad I was taking the chastity device off.

I removed the device and checked his skin for any breaks or pressure areas. Not finding any, I told him he was free to go home now.

"What about this?" he asked me, indicating his raging hard on.

So I asked him what he expected me to do about it. He wanted to know if I was going to get him to cum again. But I told him no. He couldn't believe it. He just stood there and looked at me.

Please? He asked me. And I refused again, stating that I had things to do.

He continued to stand there and look at me.

"Please, Sir. Please, can you make me cum, Sir?"

Again I turned him down, stating I was busy.

He started to cry, as he continued to beg me for release.

"OK," I said, "if you want me to make you cum, then you need to lean over the top of the bench."

When he was leaning over the top of the bench, I told him to spread his legs wide. I picked up the paddle and told him I was going to spank his arse until he'd cum. I told him he had better hurry as I was not going to be gentle, and I warned him that if he moved from this position at all, then this was over.

With that I started to paddle his arse. I paddled his arse for a full two minutes. Wack, wack, wack, wack, until he shot his load under the bench.

I grabbed the chair and sat down a little bit behind him. I reached out and pulled him into my lap and held him until he stopped crying. When he'd finished crying I asked him how he felt.

"I'm Ok, Sir.Thank you, Sir," he said.

I told him to go home and think about what happened here today. If he decided that this is what he really wanted, then I expected to see him back here on Saturday at 8:00am ready to be caged with the other guys. I told him to keep the day free, and that he would be sleeping overnight. I told him to clean up the mess and then he could go.

He thanked me again, and I left him to it.

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