How do you like them apples

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jun 16, 2001



Ok, here's a short I just finished. I'm starting on the next part of NUYLM tomorrow so don't yell at me. ::grin::


Dedication: To Brian, I love you baby!

Disclaimer: This is all true, the little voices in my head said so. The doctor told me not to listen to them, but why would they lie to me? Ha! Not true, all fiction. I don't know Nsync or their sexual preferences.

JC ran from his kitchen to answer the insistent pounding on the front door. He threw the door open, only to have Justin's closed hand connect with his forehead. "Jesus Justin, why the hell are you banging on my door like that in the middle of the night?" JC asked, rubbing his forehead. Justin immediately pushed JC's hand away, inspecting the injury on his own. "Josh, I'm so sorry. Are you ok? Does it hurt very much?" He asked, lightly prodding at the red spot. JC gently shoved Justin's hand off his head. "It's fine. Now why are you here, it's almost midnight." "I wasn't tired. I wanted to see if you wanted to do something." Justin said, still trying to check JC's wounded head. "Justin, it's fine, knock it off." JC ordered, swatting at Justin's hand once again. Justin smiled sheepishly at JC. "Can I come in or do I have to stand out here all night?" JC sighed, stepping aside so Justin could enter. "Yeah, come on in." "Thanks" Justin grinned, lightly patting JC's stomach as he passed him in the doorway. JC led the way into the living room. He took a seat on black leather sofa in front of the entertainment center. Justin plopped down next to JC; so close a hand would barely fit between the two. JC looked at Justin oddly. Justin had been acting weird the past few weeks. Constantly finding any excuse he could to touch JC, his hair specifically. Always staring at him, JC was afraid that he'd developed a nasty wart or something. "Justin, did you want this spot? I can move if you wanna sit here." JC offered, beginning to rise from the sofa. Justin grabbed JC's arm, pulling him back down gently. "No, I'm fine here. You stay where you are." He said, keeping his hold on JC's arm in case he decided to get up again. JC gave an exasperated sigh when Justin just seemed to move closer to him. "Did you want to watch a movie, or were we just going to sit here and stare at our reflections in the television screen?" He asked, trying to dislodge his arm from Justin's grasp. "Sure, let's watch something." Justin said, leaning into JC's side and caressing the arm he was still holding. JC looked down at his arm and then back up at Justin. "Umm, you're gonna have to let go of me if I'm going to put something in." JC suggested, trying once again to free himself. Justin smiled sheepishly as he released JC. "Sorry" He mumbled, embarrassed that he'd forgotten to let go. JC chuckled as he rose from the sofa. "What do you wanna watch?" "I don't care. Whatever you wanna watch." Justin said, his eyes never leaving JC. JC looked through the DVD collection, before returning to the sofa without putting anything in. He sat at the opposite end from Justin, remote in hand. Justin moved down beside JC, sitting just as close as he had been. He rested one arm on the back of the sofa, twisting his fingers in the hair at the nape of JC's neck. JC squirmed, pressing his side against the end of the sofa. Justin moved closer, his fingers finding JC's hair once again. "Justin, stop it!" JC nearly shouted, swatting at Justin's hand. Justin moved his arm from the back of the sofa. He crossed his arms, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout that only he could get away with. "You want something to drink?" JC asked, ignoring Justin's pout. "Do you have any apple juice?" Justin queried; realizing that JC wasn't going to acknowledge his pouting. JC stopped in the doorway, eyeing Justin curiously. "Apple juice? Since when do you drink apple juice?" Justin shrugged; "I've always liked apple juice." He replied, flipped through the channels on the television. "Hmm, I've never seen you drink it." JC said, heading toward the kitchen to get their drinks. Justin continued changing channels, trying to find something to watch. He noticed a small throw pillow at the other end of the sofa; that appeared to have been indented by a head. He then saw a book lying on the table at the end of the sofa. He knew JC liked to lay on the sofa and read quietly. He picked up the pillow, bringing it up to his face. He inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of apples from JC's hair, burying his nose in the pillow the way he longed to do with his hair. Justin moaned, the smell of JC on the pillow was unbelievably erotic. JC watched Justin from the door. He wondered what Justin found so fascinating about a throw pillow, obviously it didn't smell bad because Justin looked like he was trying to inhale it. "What are you doing Justin?" JC asked, grinning at the startled expression on his friend's face. "I was just trying to find something to watch." Justin said, holding up the remote. JC handed Justin his juice. "No, I meant what were you doing with the pillow." Justin laid the pillow in his lap, hiding the hardness that had developed. He ran his fingers slowly over the pillow, wishing it were JC's hair instead. "Just smelling it." He stated, as if it were a normal thing to be doing. JC chuckled lightly; "I could tell you were smelling it. But why were you?" He inquired amusement evident in his eyes. "It smells like you." Justin answered, turning back to the television. JC snatched the pillow away from Justin. "You were smelling this pillow, because it smells like me?" He asked, waving the pillow in Justin's face. Justin smacked JC's hand, to stop him from hitting his face again with the pillow. "Yes" He said. "Why do you wanna smell it if it smells like me?" JC asked, sniffing the pillow himself to see what Justin was talking about. He didn't know what was so great about it; all he smelled was his shampoo. Justin licked his lips lasciviously and grinned at JC. "Because it fucking makes me hornier than hell." He said, looking down at the obvious tent in his jeans. JC jerked back away from Justin. Nearly falling off of the sofa. Justin reached out to steady him. JC jerked away. "Don't touch me! I think you better leave Justin." He suggested, scooting further down on the sofa. Justin shrugged nonchalantly. "Fine, I'll see you in the morning. We're having breakfast at my place." He informed his flustered friend, as he picked up the throw pillow heading for the door. "Umm Justin, that's my pillow." JC hesitantly said. Justin turned to JC with a smirk. "I either take the pillow or I stay here and smell you." "Ye . . . yeah . . . just . . . take the pillow." JC stuttered, nervously. Justin flashed JC a mischievous smile and headed for the door. "Thanks" He shouted, over his shoulder. JC stared in astonishment at the door Justin had just exited. He was seriously beginning to think he was having some bizarre dream and would wake up any minute. He fell asleep on the sofa, still contemplating Justin's behavior.

Justin answered the door, smiling broadly. "Morning guys!" He said, greeting Joey, Lance, and Chris.

"Since when are you so cheery in the morning?" Chris asked, eyeing Justin suspiciously.

Justin frowned at Chris, looking behind him at Joey and Lance. "Where's Josh?"

Lance pushed Chris out of the way and headed for the kitchen. "No clue. His car was still in the drive when Joey and I drove by."

"Maybe Bobbee stayed the night." Joey suggested, not noticing the glare he received from Justin.

Justin yanked open a cabinet door, grabbing a bowl for his cereal. "She wasn 't there last night."

Chris interrupted before Joey could respond. "Jesus Justin, who the hell did your shopping?" He asked, moving things around in the refrigerator.

Justin ignored Chris, and went about fixing his cereal before the rest of his breakfast grew cold.

"Geez Justin, are you hungry? What all do you have there?" Lance asked, laughing and pointing at Justin's plate.

Justin began naming everything he had as he pointed it out. "Apple cinnamon waffles, applesauce, apple juice, apple jacks, and that's an apple."

"I can see everything you have there smart ass. Why do you have all of that apple shit?" Lance queried.

Chris slammed a cabinet door. "You think that's bad; you should look in the refrigerator and cabinets." He said, turning from the cabinet in disgust.

Joey curious as to what Chris was talking about went over to the refrigerator. "Holy shit, apple juice, applesauce, apple butter, apple jelly, apple cinnamon yogurt, apples, even apple tea." He then opened the freezer. "Apple cinnamon waffles, frozen apple pie, everything's apple." He stated, in complete shock.

Lance looked worriedly at Justin. Justin, unconcerned by his friend's stares continued eating. JC came in the back door as Chris resumed his search for food.

Chris seeing that JC had bags nearly pounced on him. "Please tell me you brought food."

JC laughed. "Of course, Justin never has food."

"I've got food." Justin argued, as he walked over to JC and hugged him from behind.

Justin squeezed JC tightly to him, rubbing his nose in the back of JC's hair and inhaling deeply.

JC squirmed against Justin's hold. "Justin, stop it."

Justin licked the back of JC's neck, and then released him. JC inhaled sharply and quickly retreated to the other side of the kitchen.

Lance grinned at JC's discomfiture. He'd guessed a few weeks ago that Justin had a thing for JC. Justin had hidden it well up until now.

"What's wrong with the food Justin has?" JC asked, looking at Chris as he shuffled through the bags JC had brought.

Chris groaned Joey and Lance chuckled. "Every fucking thing that's edible in this kitchen is something apple."

JC groaned, realizing that last night wasn't the first time Justin thought about him like that.

Justin grinned, patting the chair next to him. "Come sit down and eat Josh."

JC sat warily in the chair that Justin had indicated. He began to fill his plate from the food he'd brought that Chris had sat out on the table.

Joey excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Justin scooted his chair closer to JC. His left hand drifted up to the nape of JC's neck, twisting into his hair and feeling the softness. Justin felt JC tense up, he stilled his hand resting it on JC's neck calming him.

"So, what are we doing today?" Lance asked, as he rinsed his dishes in the sink.

"Shopping" Chris and Justin shouted at the same time.

JC and Lance chuckled as Justin smacked Chris in the head. Chris shoved Justin and he fell into JC. JC grabbed Justin to keep from falling; they both ended up on the floor. JC groaned as Justin landed on top of him. Justin raised the top half of his body, looking down on his friend's face. JC eyes were closed. Justin began running his fingers through JC's hair, feeling for a head injury. Not finding anything he moved his hands to JC's face and slowly traced them down his neck. JC kept his eyes closed, biting his bottom lip. Justin raised the top half of his body further, pressing his crotch into JC's. He brought his hands down to JC's chest, caressing more than feeling for injuries. As Justin's hardness became evident, JC moaned. Chris cleared his throat. JC's eyes popped open, he quickly shoved Justin off of him.

"I'm fine." JC said, as Justin reached out for him.

Justin opened his mouth to speak. Joey walked back into the kitchen, a stunned look on his face. He stopped behind Lance, gently stroking his back.

"Justin, are you feeling ok?" Joey inquired, frowning worriedly at Justin.

Justin, who had been staring at JC, turned to look at Joey. "I'm fine Joe. Why?"

"You know you can tell us anything, right Justin?" Joey pressed on, sure that there was something wrong with his young friend.

Justin sighed in exasperation, "I know that Joey."

Lance grew concerned by Joey's questioning of Justin. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, turning to place an arm around Joey.

"Have you guys looked around this house lately?" Joey asked, looking from Lance to Chris and then JC.

Justin stood up glaring at Joey. "You got a problem with my fucking house Joey?"

JC placed a hand on Justin's arm, pulling him back down on to his chair. He kept his hold on Justin's arm, afraid that he was going to jump across the table after Joey.

"Why don't you tell us what the problem is Joey." JC suggested, squeezing Justin's arm as he began to open his mouth.

Joey glanced cautiously at Justin before answering. "He's got apples everywhere. Apple candles and potpourri in every room. Damn, he's even got apple rugs and curtains all over. There's a fucking apple shower curtain in the bathroom!"

JC groaned, crossing his arms on the table and dropping his head onto them.

"What's up with this apple obsession J?" Lance asked, looking at Justin sympathetically.

Chris snickered, "It'll pass it's just a phase. Remember he went through that thing where this place looked and smelled like a whorehouse when he first started dating Britney."

"So who's he interested in now? I can't see Britney into something as wholesome as apples." Joey grinned, mischievously.

JC kept his head down, praying that he wouldn't be mentioned.

Justin stood quickly from his chair, knocking it over as he moved. "Fuck you all!" He shouted, heading for the door.

The four remaining men looked at each other as they heard Justin's bedroom door slam.

"Somebody go find out what that was about." Chris said, clearing away the left over food from their breakfast.

Joey and Lance looked at each other.

JC stood, looking at his friends with disgust. "Christ, it's my problem I'll deal with it." He said, storming out of the room.

Lance grinned knowingly at his departing friend's back.

JC banged on Justin's bedroom door, after finding it was locked. "Justin, open the door." "Go away!" Justin shouted, through the locked door. JC remembered that the bedroom beside Justin's shared the same bathroom. He hurried to the other bedroom and into the bathroom. He prayed that Justin hadn't thought to lock the door. He turned the knob quietly. The door opened. JC saw Justin lying on the bed, face up staring at the ceiling. He looked as if it were all he could do not to cry. JC slowly made his way over to the bed. JC eased down onto the bed next to Justin. "Justin, what's going on with you?" He asked, reaching out and stroking his friend's cheek with the back of his hand. Justin turned his face into the touch. "I want you." He stated, looking into JC's eyes. JC sighed, "Why?" He asked, turning his hand over to cup Justin's cheek in his palm. "You're the most beautiful person I know." Justin stated, earnestly. JC stroked Justin's cheek with his thumb. "So, you want me because I'm good looking?" Justin sat up, reaching out to touch JC's face. "It's not just the way you look. I mean yeah, you're beautiful on the outside, but you're beautiful in here too." Justin said, tapping JC on the chest with one finger. JC groaned, pulling Justin into a tight embrace. "God Justin. Why do you do this to me?" "Do what?" Justin asked, muffled by JC shoulder. JC stroked the back of Justin's neck. "Make me want you." "It's not wrong Josh, it can't be." Justin proclaimed, kissing JC's neck softly. JC snaked his hand under Justin's shirt, stroking the strong smooth back beneath. "Justin, I'm with Bobbee." He said, his actions contrary to his words as he caressed further up Justin's back. "So dump her, she's a gold digging fame seeking bitch anyway." Justin growled, biting gently at JC's throat. JC pulled back from Justin slightly, letting his tongue trail across Justin' s cheek. His mouth resting at the corner of Justin's, his tongue peeking out and gently touching Justin's bottom lip. Justin turned his head, capturing JC's lips with his. JC's tongue probed Justin's lips. Their tongue's met, dancing together. Justin's hand slipped between them, reaching for the buttons on JC's shirt, quickly unfastening them. He yanked JC's shirt off his shoulders, dragging it down and off of his arms. JC grasped the hem of Justin's shirt, breaking the kiss long enough to pull the shirt over his head. JC kissed down Justin's neck, gently sucking and biting. His left hand finding a nipple, pinching softly. He traced Justin's chest with his tongue, taking the other nipple into his mouth. Nipping at the tight bud, his hand stroking the smooth taut skin. Justin reached down, pulling JC up. Justin thrust his hands into JC's wild hair, pulling his face up to meet up to meet his own. "God, your hair drives me fucking wild." He growled, knotting his fists in JC's mane. JC's lips molded Justin's, fitting perfectly together. Justin sucked JC's tongue into his mouth, one hand sliding down JC's back, cupping his ass, the other gripping JC's hair. JC's tongue licked over the roof of his mouth. Justin moaned, wrapping his legs around JC's thighs, thrusting against him. JC pulled away, his tongue running slowly down Justin's body, stopping to pull at the waistband of his jeans with his teeth. Justin pushed JC off of him. "Take your pants off." He ordered, caressing the bulge in his own pants. "Christ, quit touching yourself." JC groaned, fumbling with the button on his jeans. Justin chuckled, as he began unfastening his own pants. "Shit" JC cursed, tripping as he tried stepping out of his jeans. Justin lay on the bed, squirming out of his. Justin's breath caught as JC crawled naked onto the bed. "So fucking beautiful." Justin mumbled, pulling JC on top of him. Justin's lips covered JC's. His left hand inched between their bodies, reaching down and encircling JC's erection. He squeezed gently, loving the feel of JC in his hand. JC moaned, pulling Justin's hand away from him. "Stop, it won't last much longer if you don't." He panted. JC kissed across Justin's cheekbone, sucking and nibbling on his earlobe. Justin pushed JC's head down to his chest. JC encircled a nipple with his tongue, gently scraping it with his teeth until it hardened to a point. He sucked the budded flesh into his mouth. Justin inhaled deeply, burying his hands in JC's hair. JC drew away, biting softly as he teased the other one between his fingers. Kissing his way down Justin's torso, JC paused to slowly run his lips over his ribs. Justin shivered as JC's tongue found it's way to his navel, tenderly probing the indentation. He gently took Justin's cock into his hand, stroking it lightly as he bathed Justin's navel with his tongue. Justin weaved his fingers through the softness of JC's hair. JC licked his way down to Justin's hip. He ran his nose from the base of Justin 's hardened penis to the head. His tongue gently touched the head, lightly probing the slit. Slowly running kisses down the hardened shaft, he lapped at Justin's balls with his tongue. His tongue wet and hot, trailed down the smooth patch of skin behind Justin's balls. He gently stroked the cleft of Justin's ass with his tongue. He kissed Justin's left cheek before pulling away; he carefully turned the younger man over onto his stomach. "So so pretty." JC whispered, running a finger over the curve of Justin's ass. His tongue laved Justin's perineum once again. JC spread Justin's cheeks tenderly. He lightly blew on Justin's wrinkled pucker. His tongue flicked gently over the opening. Justin moaned. JC ran his finger over the tight bud of Justin's hole. His tongue touched it once more, gently applying pressure he pushed tongue into Justin's ass. Justin squirmed, thrusting his cock against the bed. JC's tongue explored tasting and fucking Justin's tight hole. JC, so turned on by what he was doing to Justin, thrust his hard cock into the mattress. He squeezed Justin's balls lightly as Justin reached under himself and began stroking his own erection. JC fucked Justin's hole with his tongue a few minutes more. He turned Justin back over. They kissed, tongues exploring, Justin tasting himself on JC's tongue. JC shifted slightly off of Justin, his hand returned to Justin's ass. Justin's legs spread eagerly. JC's fingers spread Justin's cheeks apart. His finger feathered over the tight opening. Justin's right hand drifted to JC's cock, stroking it. JC slowly pushed one finger into Justin. He moved the finger around, feeling how hot and tight Justin was. JC began moving his finger in and out. Justin moaned into JC's mouth. JC encouraged by Justin's moans tenderly slipped a second finger in beside the first. He fucked Justin with his fingers as Justin's stroking on his cock increased. Justin broke this kiss. He looked into JC's eyes. "I want you to fuck me. I wanna feel you inside me." He whispered, breathlessly. JC carefully removed his fingers from Justin's ass. Reaching over, he grabbed a bottle of lotion off of the table beside the bed. He put some on his fingers and rubbed it into Justin's hole. He then lubed himself. JC moved over on top of Justin. Justin's legs parted, inviting JC into the v they made. Their lips met again as Justin's hands found their way into JC's hair. JC's cock probed at the cleft of Justin's ass. Justin wrapped his legs around JC's hips. JC's cock touched the wrinkled pucker. Justin hissed in pain as the head entered his tight hole. JC stopped, waiting for Justin's pain to ease. JC buried his face in Justin's neck. "I'm sorry baby. Do you want me to stop?" He asked, kissing and tasting the sweat at the base of Justin's throat. Justin caressed JC's back with both hands. "No, don't stop. Don't ever stop." He emphatically replied, raising his hips, trying to take more of JC into him. JC slowly slid a couple more inches in, watching Justin's face for discomfort. Justin smiled, pressing his lips to JC's. JC slid the rest of the way in. He paused for a moment, to allow Justin to get used to the feel of him. Justin arched into JC, encouraging him to continue. They moved perfectly in sync, JC's cock moving in and out of Justin's body. His stomach squeezing Justin's erection between their bodies. Justin came first, arching his back and cumming on their stomachs. JC came as Justin's ass spasmed, squeezing his cock. JC rested his head in the curve of Justin's neck. He slowly softened and slipped from Justin's body. "JC, your cell phone was ringing. It's Bobbee." Chris shouted, through the locked bedroom door. "Damn" JC swore, under his breath. "I'll be right there." He yelled to Chris. JC sat up, breaking the embrace. He sat on the edge of the bed and began to dress, not seeing the sadness in Justin's eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JC and Justin emerged from the bedroom fully dressed. They headed toward the noise coming from the living room. Joey and Lance were wrestling for the television remote. Chris was talking to Bobbee on JC's phone. JC took the phone from Chris. He stepped into the hallway for some privacy. Justin sat gently on the sofa beside his wrestling friends. "What's the matter Justin?" Lance asked, noticing the sadness on his friend' s face. Justin sighed, leaning into Lance. Lance wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder. They sat together, Justin not talking and Lance holding him. JC reemerged after about ten minutes. A frown coming to his face, as he saw Joey and Chris trying to hook up the playstation and Justin in Lance's arms. Lance released Justin as JC approached, excusing himself to go to the bathroom. JC sat beside Justin, stroking his back. "Are you ok?" He asked, wishing Justin would look at him. "I thought that was what I wanted, but it wasn't." Justin whispered, wrapping his arms around himself and resting his head on his knees. JC's chest tightened at Justin's words. "What is it you want then?" He quietly asked, afraid of the answer. "I want what he has." Justin stated, pointing at Joey. "You want Lance?" JC shouted in disbelief, drawing the attention of Chris, Joey and Lance as he entered the room. Justin chuckled lightly at the shock on JC's face. "No, I want what they have. I want it with you." He said, his eyes glued to the floor, afraid to look at JC. JC lifted Justin's chin, cupping his cheek with the other hand. "You can have that Justin. We can have that. I just broke up with Bobbee." Justin threw himself into JC's arms, pressing his mouth to the older mans. JC was just getting into the kiss when Justin broke it. He pulled out of JC' s arms, jumping up from the sofa. "Where are you going?" JC asked, confusion written all over his face. "To get rid of all of that apple shit. I've got the real thing now; I don't need it anymore." He grinned, running from the room. Joey, Lance, Chris, and JC looked at each other and began to laugh. The End

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