How I Subdued Duane

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 29, 2022


Well, writing that first chapter reminded me so much of those early days: how much I wanted duane in my bed and underneath me, that when I went into that bedroom, he got it even harder than I had planned. He STILL drives me crazy, on a lot of levels, but on a sexual level? Big time. If I could, I'd have him tied down with something in his mouth and something in his ass all the time. I don't know how he feels about that but, I don't really care LOL. I'M in charge. I went into the bedroom and he was moaning. The moans weren't the deep, regular ones that I usually get from him when I begin working duane over. These were high pitched: I call them "whale songs" because they remind me of that. He makes those noises when he's really ready to burst. I can get him there: over the year plus we've been "boyfriends," then "an item" and now "a couple," I've learned what buttons to push. Tonight WASN'T a "green lantern" night, but we've had plenty of those. So, I pulled the dildo out of his butt, and he moaned about that. I wasn't touching the gag. I LOVE those sounds. I looked him right in the eye. "You want me to take these off, sweetie?" I bounced the nipple clamps and his moans got louder. He shook his head yes. duane isn't a big fan of the clamps because, well, they seem to set up a direct electrical connection to his cock: put a clamp on him, he gets hard. And he WAS hard. As I bounced the clamps, his cock did too. "No, I don't think I want to yet, handsome. But know what I WANT to do? I want your ass. Am I gonna get it?" He whimpered some more. He knew the answer. There was a brief nod, and I smiled. He actually had nothing to say about it, and he knew it. I shucked my pants and picked up MY rigid dick to show him. duane has big dark eyes, and they get bigger when he sees how hard and how thick I can get. He's used to taking it, and the dildo helps make it even easier to get into him, but he's still amazed. I could see drool out of the corners of his mouth. That means he's horny. I put my hands on his calves, which is what I usually do before I get in position, but that night, I stopped to just admire him. I was in a phase where I liked him better hairy than smooth, so I hadn't shaved him. I will say that, sex after I shave duane is always SO FUCKING HOT because he HATES it. I save shaving him for when we play something where he's the defeated superhero -usually green lantern. I even have a yellow razor to assist in the scene. But that night? I guess you'd call it "Monday to Friday sex." I whispered "you are just SO FUCKING HOT" and then... I pushed into him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" came out of him and his cock began to drip. I hadn't decided whether or not he was getting off that night, but nature was taking its course, as I pushed further into him. When we first started "dating", he had some trouble taking all of me. Not anymore. Practice makes perfect. A big sigh of relief came out of him. "Does my sweet duane have an itchy man pussy?" I teased him. Somewhere along the line, I started asking if he had one of those instead of asking if he was horny. Turns out it was another good way to keep him in line: he knew he would be getting fucked, and referring to him as a pussy: I was in charge. I needed that fuck too. It had been stressful at the lab, and experiments weren't giving me good results. duane had had to work late a few nights and I missed a nightly fuck. What made it worse was that one of the days I couldn't, he was wearing an outfit that drives me totally insane with lust (remember: I told you I like geeky guys). He had on a blue button down, and a camel colored cardigan sweater (cashmere. THANK GOD I had broken him of the polyester blends), and a pair of skinny black corduroys. When he put on his glasses with that outfit, I SWEAR there were mornings he almost didn't get out of the house. I remember, as I kissed him goodbye I whispered "You're gonna get it tonight you sexy beast." He had answered "I hope so," and then he got caught with a late meeting with a collector and I had to redo a set of experiments. Too tired for anything other than take out, all I could do was dream of what I would do LATER that week. I played with the clamps as I pounded him. I got such a kick out of seeing that big dick - I called it my "trophy cock" since most men would have killed to have it in them - bouncing up and down as I cupped his ass cheeks. More pre-cum was dripping. I could also see, from his face, that duane was trying NOT to shoot because... I had made the decision NOT to cage my sub. I didn't because I thought it would be much more fun to leave control to him. I simply explained to duane that he was not to shoot unless he had my permission and if he did, there were plenty of ways to punish him. Devious, huh? I mean, with a cage, you know he won't, but now... whether he gets an 11 inch dildo, an hour with tit clamps, or something else, is with him. I began to crest. I could feel it. "OH GODDAMN IT DUANE WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU DO TO ME?" I saw the little smile behind the gag. It showed in his eyes. He knew EXACTLY what he did to me. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" came out of him as I came into him. DAMN that man could drain me better than anyone I had ever fucked in the past. I'm so glad I went to that party that night. That first date, with lots of kissing and no sex, well, it led to a second date, with lots of both.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To say I obsessed about duane after that first date was an understatement. It took all my will power not to call him while he was riding home (at the time, he lived outside of the city. I visited once and decided he was moving in with me), and to wait an extra day. I was going to call him three days after the first date to set up a second one. Then he called me. After I picked up the phone, I heard that deep voice, and one word. "Hello." He wasn't trying to be sexy he just... was. My cock got hard when I heard his voice, and I began thinking about his hot ass. "Hey sexy. You surprised me. I usually make the first move." There was a pause "Well, I don't know if this is a move, I just...." His voice had changed from sexy to a little shaky. Sweet boy wasn't used to someone being as direct as I am. "How about you plan on spending the weekend?" I asked, and the hemming and hawing began. "Look if you'd rather not, that's fine. I just wanted to ask because I'm free right now, but if you don't to, I'll make other plans." Later, duane told me that when I invited him for the weekend, he had unzipped his pants and began playing with himself. He sighed. "I suppose...." Then he continued. "I'll get someone to cover for me on Saturday, but... sure." "Great. You're gonna take the train in?" "Uh huh." "Well, I'll meet you at the station." "No, no. There's no need for that. I'll catch a subway up to your place." AH. I knew what THAT was about. He was still freaking out about how I had mauled him in public. I was about to say "different people will be at the station," but I just decided I'd surprise him. "Well, that's great. Anything you want to do?" He laughed. We BOTH knew what we wanted to do, but then he added "As a matter of fact, if we could... I live about ten minutes from a duck pond, and I go out and visit them every day. If we could go to Central Park so I can see the ducks, I'd like that." "Consider it done. I'll start stocking up on bread today." He laughed at that. "Tell me what you're wearing sexy." I asked. That question seemed to knock him back on his heels. "Uh, blue chinos. A striped polo." "What about your underwear?" OH, was I enjoying this! He dropped his voice. "Briefs. With a green lantern pattern." I tried not to laugh. "You gonna wear them for me this weekend?" "You want me to?" "Actually, I want you naked the whole weekend." "Well, you're gonna have to make that happen." "Don't think I won't." He laughed. duane's laugh is odd. You'd think he had something caught in his nose. "I need to go. I'll see you Friday night." "Can't wait sexy." I got off the phone and jerked off. I had to do some planning too. And of course, I learned later, that he had done the same. Before he started trying to figure out what to bring with him.

I was standing at the side of the exit for duane's train. It wasn't hard to see him in the small crowd: he stood literally head and shoulders above everybody. Again, laugh at me if you will: that curly hair, those geeky glasses, the puzzled but also slightly disdainful look: this was the man I was going to spend the weekend fucking to filth. He saw me and tried not to look surprised. He didn't know I had already figured out that he raised his eyebrows, not unlike Mr. Spock, when he was non plussed. "Oh, hi. I should've guessed you'd be here. " Did I see him glance down at my crotch? If he did, he'd see the bulge forming. "I can embarrass you by kissing you , or I can embarrass you more by making you squirm and resist when I kiss you, but I'm going to kiss you. And I'm gonna have my hands on your ass," I looked directly at him. He groaned, the way a teenager would at a curfew. "Oh, alright. You're gonna have your way." He didn't struggle until I tried to get my tongue in his mouth. "It's a TRAIN STATION" he whispered. "I wouldn't be the first," I told him. "And you're right. I AM gonna have my way, but the whole weekend. I whispered into his ear "Think of me as Sinestro to your green lantern." I swear, I thought I felt his cock move. (For those of you new to comics, Sinestro was Green Lantern's 'old school' adversary. You'll see many episodes when Sinestro gets the better of Lantern, ties him up and is about to dispatch him. Lantern always escapes. I did NOT plan to let duane escape, but dispatching him was not what I had in mind). What duane didn't know is that I had done a whole lot of research on Lantern at home. Then I had bought myself a set of yellow sheets, a big skein of yellow rope, and yellow bandanas for gags. The piece de resistance was a yellow button down shirt. I took a guess at duane's size. I was saving it for Sunday, when duane/Lantern would be my prisoner the whole day. I also had something else in mind but not for that weekend. Too soon. Now I'm getting hard again. I may have to go and find that boy for another round. Or maybe something oral.

duane started heading to the subway. I took his arm. "You better get used to being a classy guy, duane. We're taking a taxi." He looked at me. "I can't afford to travel in cabs, Keith." "You say you read the paper. Then you know I can." He huffed and sighed. I LOVE when he does that. That means he knows he has no answer or, even better, that he feels defeated. "OK, I guess for the weekend. " In the cab, I put my hand on his left thigh. I thought he'd react negatively. Nope. duane has big hands, and long, graceful fingers: he should play the piano. He put a hand on top of mine, laced our fingers and squeezed. And I KNEW he was staring at my crotch. I whispered "oh, are you gonna get it." He squeezed my hand a bit more.

We got into my apartment. He put down his bag, and took off the baseball jacket he was wearing. He still has it. I think it's sexy on him. I wrapped an arm around his middle, and buried my chin in his neck. "I've been waiting for this all week," I whispered." "Me too. Can we kiss?" We did. I got up on my tippy toes again, until I said "bedroom to the left." Off we went. "Get on your back," he looked at me. I think he didn't expect me to be that direct, but he did what I said. I climbed on top of him and went for his lips. DAMN that boy could kiss and he still can. I played in his mouth for a good ten minutes before I stopped. "These glasses. These sexy glasses. Let's get them out of the way."

He was even sexier to me and now... I began doing more than kissing. I began feeling him up, getting my hand under his sweater, and working on the buttons of his shirt. When I got inside and put a finger into his navel, I thought he was gonna jump out of the bed. "OH. I think I just found a hot spot." He looked at me. "Yeah, you did. My luck." When he said that, I grabbed his wrists and pulled them up over his head. I held them with one hand as I played with his navel with my other hand. "Now what does that mean?" He was squirming under my touch. "It means.... " He sucked in air. "It means that the last thing I need is you knowing my weak spots. You'll take advantage of every one of them." I made a little crab claw motion on his navel. "You don't want that?" "I didn't say that. I'm not used to giving up control." "Time to start. GRRRRRRRRR" I shoved his head aside and went to his neck. I found another spot. And then, when I just nibbled on his chin, I think I found the mother lode. I couldn't wait. "I wanna FUCK you giraffe man." I kissed his nose when I said that, because he looked distressed. "And I'm GONNA fuck you. Right now. " His plaintive response was "Please be gentle. " I gave him a one word answer. "No." He started squirming after that, and that's when I got to show off why I like topping tall guys. My legs and hips are strong enough to immobilize just about any man, and duane was no exception. I didn't have to do much except lay on top of him, until he began to slow down, exhausted. "I'm gonna undress you know, handsome." "Ok. You won. But please."

That first time wasn't the BEST sex we ever had, but it was really, REALLY good. I guess duane thought he was being raunchy because he didn't wear any underwear that night, as I found out when I slipped off his cords. I kissed the inside of each of his thighs, and I looked at him. "I wanted to be here from the minute I saw you." He sighed. "Take me. Take me." My finger circled his hole and I saw him begin to leak. "You didn't...." "No, not for the week. I wanted to ... I dunno, I wanted to impress you. " I took his big balls and cock in my hand. "You're impressing me stud. How many men want your cock?" "A lot. " I smiled. "I don't. I want this." I poked a finger inside of him and I heard him murmur "OH GOD", before I drove my tongue inside of him. "NO. DON'T DO THAT. DON'T. OHHHHHHHHH. OH SHIT. OH GOD...." He twisted, trying desperately to get my tongue out of him (I learned, later, that duane is a bit of a germophobe and he didn't want to kiss if my mouth had "him" on it. Some mouthwash alleviated that worry later that night). I just kept on digging because, for all of his complaints, the way he was moaning and his cock was jumping, he liked it. "I gotta get you nice and wet you sexy fucker. And I think you are." "Please be gentle," he asked again, and then he found out I had NO intention of being gentle. And I found out he didn't really WANT me to be gentle. I had waited LONGER for that ass than I usually did and I was gonna have my fill of it. "FUUUUUUUUUUCK" he yelled, in his deep voice, as I pushed in as hard as I could. I may have pushed in harder than I could in fact because, the way he was twisting... oh, it was glorious. I wish I had taken pictures. Then I pulled out. I rammed in again. I didn't get as far this time, because my cock was beginning to contract before it shot. The disadvantage of wanting someone so bad, is that the first time is always too short. I tried to kiss him, but he gasped. "No. Your mouth.. it was in me..." I wasn't gonna push that, but I DID push my cock. Even more. And then I started taking shorter, faster thrusts. He was breathing harder, murmuring "yes yes yes!" I grabbed his balls and squeezed them and his response was "OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD. " before he squirted all over himself and me. I smiled. I was so close. "One. Two. Three." And I was filling his ass. I had wanted the first one so bad. And now... it was over. Tell me for a minute you don't get sad or melancholy after sex. We both did. Even after we lay there, this time, his long arm cuddling me, pulling me into him. "That was great," he said, before he kissed me on the head. "There's gonna be more," I responded and he answered "Well, I should HOPE so. It's only Friday night." "Speaking of..." I rolled on top of him. "We gotta see about dinner. You wanna clean up and then I will? Lotsa places in the neighborhood." "Do I have a choice?" he smiled and I shook my head no. "Pick a cuisine. That's your choice." He wanted Chinese food, and that's what we had. I should add that, after he was finished cleaning up, and left the bathroom he told me: "I found a big bottle of mouthwash. Please use it." We both laugh about that today.

At dinner that night, I learned that duane was a very unsophisticated eater. He ordered chow mien and wonton soup. That's what he knew, I found out. The other dishes just confounded him and he was NOT interested in tasting my hot and sour soup because of the "hot" and the "sour." In his words "Soup should be hot TEMPERATURE wise but not spicy, and sour belongs in lemons, not soup." There were more problems with my salt and pepper squid. We had a long way to go, but we did play footsie under the table and, much as he resisted, I took his hand and we walked back to my place holding hands. He was even more quiet than usual. I found out why when we were getting ready for bed. I had gone out into the living room to take care of something, it hardly remembers what, and I came back to find my boy sitting on the edge of the bed, still fully dressed, his head down, thinking. His body language said "something's bad." I went over. "Hey. You got room for me here?" "It's your bed," was his answer. "HOKAY, duanebow" (that's his nickname to this day), "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" I put my arm arond his shoulders. "I promise. I'll try to do anything I can to fix it." "I'm enjoying myself," he said. "I'm having a good time with you." I was confused and got a bit closer. "And that's making you sad?" "Well, yes because.... what happens tomorrow? Or next week? Or next month when... when it's all gone?" "duane, I'm confused. What are you talking about?" He shrugged "It's always gone. It never lasts. EVER." Well, I have to be honest. He was right about that. I mean, who knows? Who the hell knows? I didn't try to reason with him. "Know what, duane? You're right. You're absolutely right. We may be hating each other by Sunday, or next week, or whenever. So I guess we shouldn't have had sex the way we did." He shrugged his shoulders. "That's not what I meant." I rubbed the back of his neck. "How about... how about we agree to take this day by day, little by little and... if things aren't looking good, we tell each other. " I ran my tongue over his ear. "I know. I didn't brush my teeth but... your ear looked so tasty. " Now HE scrunched over to me. "Did you see the yellow ropes in the living room?" "Uh, yeah." "Tomorrow, when poor Green Lantern falls into Sinestro's clutches, that yellow rope is gonna keep him nice and helpless while Sinestro has his way with him." I put my hand on my boy's cock and I could feel: that got the effect I wanted. "That's what you have planned tomorrow?" "Among other things." I whispered "You're gonna be so sore when I'm through with you that you're not gonna want a seat on the train on Sunday night." He snorted. "You're gonna have to get me to give it up to do that." "I accept that challenge." And I won. I'll tell you about Saturday next time around.

Next: Chapter 3

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