How My Wife Converted Me

By nic jones

Published on Sep 24, 2005


You must be at least eighteen years of age to read this. This story is fictional and any similarities between the characters and anyone real is purely coincidental.

I thought to myself......there's no way we're really having a party because she didn't even have time to prepare for one. I figured I would just play along. She returned with a bottle of whiskey and a tumbler in her hand. She poured a shot into the glass and told me to drink it. "This will help loosen you up for the party" she said. I drank it down while still totally sure there would be no party. She pulled the shoulders of my dress down and put a bra on me. Then she put these soft, rubbery, fake tit thingys in my bra cups and pull my dress back up. I felt my chest and they felt pretty real. I could feel my cock start to stir again. Then she pulled out a make-up kit and proceded to apply a bunch of junk to my face. I had no idea what she was putting on my face but as she kept on giving me shots of whiskey, I got to the point where I no longer cared. When she finished she again stood me in front of the mirror. I looked in the mirror and immediately turned to look behind me to see who the girl in the mirror was. It wasn't until I saw no one behind me that I realized it was me. Wow! She magically transformed me into a beautiful woman. She said "you're one pretty girl" and patted me on the ass. She had me put on a pair of flat heeled ladies shoes. She said she didn't think I was ready for heels yet. "Now let me see you walk" she said. I started walking and she stopped me. "No, I mean like a lady", she said "Shake your ass a little while you walk". The whiskey had me feeling no pain so I tried to walk while shaking my ass. It was harder than I thought it would be. She gave me some pointers and told me to practice while she finished preparing for the party.

She poured me another shot. I drank it down then practiced my strut. I felt completely like a lady now and kind of wished we really were having a party but I knew we weren't. It felt great being in nylons while my cock and balls hung freely through the "crotchless" area. I was really getting a buzz from the liquor and the sight of my ass partially exposed in this slutty dress was making my dick hard again.

She walked back in and of course she immediately noticed my stiff dick through the dress. She walked over and gave it a flick with her finger and said "you're going to have to learn to control that". "Let's see you walk sexy for me baby" she said. "You want to attract men don't you"? The alcohol was really taking effect now. In fact, I'm not sure she didn't slip something else in my drink. I was now up for anything. I walked back and forth shaking my ass until she felt like it was an acceptable ass shake.

"Let's go downstairs" she said. "I'm sure guest are starting to arrive". We went outside to the pool area and sure enough there were tables set up with hors-d'oeuvres and wine. She must have had it catered. She didn't have time otherwise. I asked her what the occasion was and she said it was my "coming out" party and laughed. Just then the first guests arrived. I didn't know them and she introduced me as Cindy. They seemed to think I was a lady so I played along. I tried to act shy since I didn't have a lady's voice down yet. Then more and more people came and I didn't know any of them. That is until George arrived. I felt my dick jump when I saw him. I thought about how much I loved sucking his big fat dick. He came over and my wife introduced me to him. He said "hello Cindy" and winked. I wasn't sure if he recognized me or not. The more I drank, the more I was getting into my new role. Then my wife suggested that we play a game.

She said "now that we're all half drunk, I thought it would be fun if we tried to guess what certain objects are while blindfolded". I knew my wife wasn't drunk. She never got drunk. She always had to be in control. Me on the other hand, I was a different story. Then she said "Cindy, why don't you go first"? The guests all laughed. I figured they were probably all relieved that they didn't have to go first.

She tied the blindfold securely around my eyes then sat me down in a chair. She put the first object into my hands. I immediately knew it was a toothbrush. I was pretty buzzed so I was glad it seemed as though it was going to be a simple game. She told me to hold out my hands again as one by one she put in a yoyo, a flashlight and a spoon. I guessed them all and started thinking about how ridiculous this game was becoming. She told me to hold out my hands one more time. I reluctantly did as I was growing very bored with this game. Suddenly I felt someone's big, warm cock in my hands. I wrapped my hands around it and felt my dick jump through my dress. My thoughts switched for a second to all the strangers who now see me with someone's cock in my hands. Still I couldn't let go. My mind was racing and my dick became rock hard. I started to caress and lightly stroke it. My wife said "that's it honey keep feeling it til you can guess what it is". I heard everyone laugh! "Maybe it's food" she said! "Maybe it will help if you taste it". Again I heard laughter. He pulled his cock from my hands and suddenly I felt it rubbing across my lips. That was all I could take. I started licking and sucking it like a crazy man. Once I had his whole dick in my mouth I knew it was George. I would know his dick anywhere! My wife took the blindfold off and once my eyes adjusted to the light I could see that I was the party's main entertainment. I wasn't about to stop now. After about a minute of me bobbing on his cock, he pulled away and sat down in a chair. He looked at me and spread his legs wide. I went to him as if in a trance and got down on my knees. It was then that I noticed the cameras pointed at the chair. They weren't your every day home video cameras either. They were professional looking. The kind you see on television sets or something. I quickly refocused my attention to his big cock. I lowered my head to his lap and started slowly licking his dick for the cameras. I wanted to swallow his load so badly but I didn't want the show to be over so quickly.

I ran my tongue all over his meat, all the while I could hear subdued cheers and laughter coming from our guests. I was a happy little slut when I had Georges delicious dick in my mouth.

Suddenly he pulled his dick from my lips, looked at me and laughed. I thought "this can't be it"! "That's enough for now" he said. I turned to my wife in a panic. I asked her to make him give it back to me. She told me I would have to ask him. "Maybe you weren't doing a very good job" she said. "Tell him you'll do better'. "Beg him to let you suck it again and then make him feel real good honey". I looked at the lipstick I had smeared all over his big fat dick with my lips and wanted desperately to have my lips on it again. I looked up at him and said "please let me suck your dick again". "Haven't you had enough?" he said with a grin. I told him I couldn't live with out it and that I will do a better job this time. He just looked at me while everyone laughed. I said "please, I just have to taste your dick again". "I need to lick your balls and taste your sweet cum". "Please, please, please" I begged. He put the tip of his dick on my lips and rubbed it around and then teasingly pulled it away again. I looked back at my wife and she told me that I had to convince him. After more begging, he finally smiled and let me suck it again to the cheering of our guests.

I wanted more than ever to make sure he was enjoying his blow job so he wouldn't take his dick away from me again. My dress skirt was riding up more and more as I licked George's hugh, tight balls and sucked his big, thick dick. My dress was up so high now I could feel the breeze on my ass. I was on all fours doggy style with my long blonde wig tickling Georges balls when from behind me I felt someone rip the crotch opening of my nylons exposing my virgin ass. I looked back and saw this big, hairy guy kneeling behind me. Before I could react he started rubbing the cheeks of my ass which felt great. Then I felt him rub his dickhead up and down my crack leaving a trail of pre-cum. I was getting so excited hoping he would stick it in. I had never had anything but a rubber dick up there at this point and was dying to feel the difference. I kept sucking Georges tasty dick and the stranger in the rear kept lubing up my crack with his cum. Then he stopped with his spongy dick head pointed right at my hole. I felt a tingle run up my spine and then he slowly started applying some force. I relaxed and opened my cheeks as much as I could in anticipation. I heard my wife say "that's a good little girl". "Open up wide for the man". Suddenly it broke the plane and I was in ecstasy. He was already lubed up with something and he slowly put it all the way in and pulled it almost all the way out. It felt so much warmer and softer than the dildos I was using. I was so excited it was all I could do not to bite off Georges dick. I sucked all over his dick and licked his balls and up the crack of his ass while this stranger poked his dick in and out of my insatiable hole. George started jerking as if he was ready to cum. I held onto his ass as he pumped his hot load into my mouth. I loved swallowing his cum. When he finished, he got up and another man jumped in the chair and I started sucking him. At this point I was as cum hungry as you can get and I started sucking off everyone who got in the chair. And there were a lot of guys waiting in line to get in the chair. My wife laughed at me again when she saw how excited I was.

Surprisingly my ass didn't hurt from the stranger who was now ramming his big dick up my ass. Maybe my wife had me doing those big dildos in preparation for this moment. Suddenly he started bucking and pumping his load up my ass. As quickly as he pulled out another guy had his cock in using the first guys cum as his lubrication. I was fucking and sucking one guy after another and I never wanted it to end.

I looked over at my wife and I couldn't believe my eyes. She was sitting in a chair, bare naked with one of the girls kneeling between her wide open legs. The girl was lapping her pussy with my wife clearly in control. I had never seen her with another woman. She looked at me and smiled. I started shooting my load all over the place. She laughed and started running her fingers through the girls hair while the girl licked away. Then she motioned for one of the guys who was standing there with a hugh hard-on waiting for his turn. She gently pushed the girls head away and guided his giant dick into her pussy She put her legs up on the arms of the chair and I watched as he slowly thrust his dick in and out of my wife's pussy. She smiled and moaned while looking right at me. The girl went around behind my wife and started playing with her big tits while he shoved his cock all the way in and all the way out.

I was going crazy as I watched my wife fuck this guy at the same time I was being fucked up the ass and sucking a big dick. I looked around and now everyone was sucking and fucking someone. I noticed that the cameras seemed to only be focused on what I was doing though. I lost track of how many dicks I sucked or how many guys had their big cocks up my ass. I must have swallowed a quart of cum directly from these strangers dicks and yet I wanted more. I was going cum crazy! I also wondered how much cum must have been pumped into me from the rear.

I watched as the guy fucking my wife started jerking his hips like crazy. She made him pull out and he shot his load all over her. She scooped some off her tits and teasingly looked at me and licked it off her fingers. "Ummm yummy", she said. She knew she was driving me nuts. Another guy approached her to fuck her but she directed him to me. Just then the stranger who had me from the rear started pumping his load in me. When he was finished, the guy my wife had just rejected quickly took his place. She motioned for a different guy and helped him slip his hugh cock into her already drenched pussy. It was then I realized that she was carefully selecting which lucky guys got to fuck her. The rest she sent to me. I certainly didn't mind though.

She sat in that chair like a queen and seemed to have everyone else under control the same way she had me. I watched her fuck a couple more lucky guys while two girls, one on each side of her, each sucked on one of her beautiful tits. They seemed extremely content to be servicing her. She always made the guys pull out and shoot their loads on her. She always looked at me when they did as if to show me the power she had.

I was swallowing another load of warm, sticky cum when I noticed a familiar cock approaching my wife's pussy. It was John. She must have gone to the gym and tracked him down. My wife was full of surprises. I looked at his gorgeous dick and felt extra jealous. I was jealous of her and I was jealous of him. They both looked at me and smiled as she guided his dick to her mouth. Until this point of the night, she had only been fucking guys. Using them for her pleasure only. No dick was worthy enough to enter her mouth. I guess she knew it would drive me crazy if she sucked John's dick. A dick that she had stolen from me. She slowly licked up and down the lenght of his giant dick while smiling at me. I wanted to trade places with her so badly. Then she planted her lips on his beautifully curved dickhead and slowly started to bob up and down. I stopped sucking on the big dick I had in my own mouth just to watch the show. She suck and licked his cock for awile occasionally looking over toward me and smiling. Then she pulled her mouth off his cock and gently guided it into her wet pussy. He very slowly slid his massive cock inside. He took long, slow deliberate strokes at first and it was a sight to see. His magnificent dick entering my wife's perfect pussy was making me horny as hell. Then he started pumping faster and faster. I knew he wouldn't be able to do the slow stroking for very long. My wife's pussy has a way of milking the cum out of you and no man would be able to last very long. He pulled out and shot the biggest load of anyone before him. It didn't seem like it was ever going to stop.

Just then the stranger who was presently poking me with his pecker started jerking and pumping another load into my hungry hole. I was getting pretty good at moving my ass around making them cum faster and harder. My wife motioned for John to lay down. She told me to cum over and stradle John as if I were going to get on top of him and ride his cock. She told me to put my ass inches away from his dick but not to put it in. She got a close up with the camera. I fixed my wig and made sure my tits were straight but left my skirt hiked up exposing my ass and what was left of the panty hose. It felt wierd not having a dick up my ass. It didn't feel like my hole ever closed back up. Suddenly I felt cum starting to drip from my ass. "Look at all the cum you let those strangers pump up your ass", my wife said laughing. She filmed it dripping out of my ass onto John's big dick. Everyone else was now watching the show also. After what seemed like gallons of cum dripped out she said "look what you did to John's big fat dick". "You had better clean that mess up". She didn't have to tell me twice. I started lapping cum from his big meaty balls. Cum was all over my face as my wife continued taking close ups with the camera. "How does it taste", she said. I told her it was delicious. "The best meal I have ever had" and everyone laughed. I lapped up every drop and there sure was a lot. Still I was disappointed when it was all gone. I can't imagine how much cum I must have swallowed that day. I then turned my attention to John's dick. I couldn't wait to have it back in my mouth again. I lick his dick all up and down for the camera. Then I sucked and licked on his fleshy dickhead for a while. I ran my tongue slowly all over his nuts then back up the lenght of his beautiful dick. I couldn't take the slow approach any longer and started bobbing up and down on his meat like a little slut. My own dick started jerking again and I shot another load all over him. She instructed me to clean that up as well. I licked up all my cum then returned my mouth to his warm dick. I never wanted to stop blowing him. I wanted to feel his big dick in my mouth forever. I fondled his big balls as I sucked and lick and bobbed on his fat dick. Suddenly he started pumping yet another load into my mouth. I milked his balls as he shot his load. My wife instructed me not to swallow. When his dick finally stopped jerking in my mouth, she said "you know the drill"! To that I open my mouth for the camera. Showing the big load of cum on my tongue. I then swallowed and stuck out my empty tongue. "Ummmm" was all I could say as I rubbed my full belly. Everyone laughed! ........ "You're going to be a big star baby", she said with a laugh.

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