How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 3, 2021


You've all heard the expression "in the right place at the right time," right? Well, that sums up, in a nutshell, how things got put into motion between taylor and I. In a way, it's a funny story. In most others though, it's really hot. Especially if you're into the kinda stuff I am. By the way, my name is Charlie. I'm 49, spent some time in the Service, honorably discharged, yadda yadda. That's where I learned that I liked men more than women. A WHOLE lot more. That's all where I learned WHAT I liked beyone men. I like bondage. I like control. I like being in charge. I guess you could call me a DOM. Maybe you should ask taylor. I'll let him talk to you after I take the tape off his mouth, and after he finishes cleaning my leather.

A friend of mine, Warren, was visiting from out of town. Whenever Warren visits my fair city, he spends most nights at a bar who's name is "The F*HE" That's it's actual name, I swear. I asked the owner (whom I met through meeting taylor), and he told me he was so sick of the name of the place being printed like that in visitor guides and magazines, that he just decided to rename the place. So, if you get your jollies about Wheel of Fortune, you have another reason to visit.

The place is rough. I mean, it's rough for ME, and I'm a veteran of some pretty skanky bars. There's a sling that they may clean once a month if someone remembers it, a trough in the bathroom, open stalls, every cliche' of a rough edged bar. And every night the place is jammed. I mean, F**IN jammed. And to continue the cliche', there's a jukebox. Every song you could imagine, and an opera section.

I'm not kidding. If you decide to have a public flogging, you can do it while Maria Callas sings about living for love, and living for art.

We're an interesting tribe. And every day I live, I find us more interesting. Read on.

I met Warren at this place one night at about 11. It stank. I mean, it reeked. I nearly choked from the smell of poppers, piss, sweat, leather, you name it. Warren was in his glory. He was at the bar, talking to some go go dancer boy who had come by after his shift at one of the preppy bars. He and I were working on our beers - that's about what you can get here. In a bottle or a can. Maybe there's a glass, but don't ask for one. Trust me. And as I'm drinking, I see, over in the corner, this young man, shirtless, shaved, in denim cutoffs, standing there with his head down, and his hands behind his back. He also had a collar around his neck, and a leash hanging down from it.

"Hey, someone have to stand in the corner for pissing off his Daddy?" I asked Warren. He looked at me and laughed. "You don't know about pup adoption here?" "WHA? Pup adoption, Warren, what the hell are you talking about?" He laughed some more. "Charlie, you gotta get out more. It's one of the reasons this place is famous, or notorious. Let's say you're a Master, or better yet, an alpha dog. You've got a pup and you've decided, you just don't want him anymore. Gary - that's the owner - came up with an interesting idea. You can leave the pup here overnight to see if someone wants to adopt him. If someone's interested, they talk to Gary and ... it's like adopting a dog.

"Only easier" I laughed. When I adopted Bella, my doberman, I had to fill out about six pages of paperwork, submit freakin references, have an in house interview, and then pay the "adoption fee" of 250.00. Best damn money I ever spent. That dog is more fun than the three boys before tyler put together. But ok, so he's got an adoption center for abandoned pups. That's what we had here. tyler was an abandoned pup. From the bar, I took another look at him. Short cut dirty blond hair; slightly chunky, which I like (and a little bit of forced workouts with a trainer of mine took away that heft faster than you could say "Biggest Loser"); maybe 5'8" (I'm 6'1"). I already said he was shaved, head to foot. He had a rawhide loop around his neck with a key at the end of it.

"Chastity cage, ya think?" I asked Warren "Sure looks like the right key size. " "Didja see them when they came in?" "Actually no. I was chatting someone up, got his number too, and when I turned back, that kid was in the corner. " I was "intrigued." "You know more about this. Are we allowed to go and check him out?" "Hell yeah. It's like a pet adoption center. You can go and pet him, ask questions, whatever you want. Don't need a volunteer either." "I'll be back in a few minutes. Hold my beer."

I walked over to the corner. The boy never raised his eyes, never changed his position. As I got closer, I could tell he had a fine, firm ass. His legs looked like he HAD worked out in the past, but maybe he had stopped, and the belly fat was coming back. No piercings, as far as I could tell, but of course, he wasn't stripped (when I took care of that inspection, I found none). I wasn't afraid of the whelp, but it was a strange, new thing for me. I got closer. I got REALLY close, and he never once looked up from the floor. I had on my leather gloves, and I was glad I did. "LOOK UP AT ME BOY" I commanded, putting my index finger under his chin. "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" was what I got back, with a snarl. Then he went for my hand, and actually got a bit of it. The leather protected me. Now, when Bella used to do that, I broke her of it with a rolled paper on her nose. That wasn't gonna do it here. Maybe a paddle on his ass, but I didn't have that either. So I improvised. I took off the glove and smacked him with it across his cheek. "I SAID LOOK AT ME CUR." He stood very much at attention, and looked me right in the eye. He didn't make a sound. He pointed out his chest, and stood there. His face told me: what was happening was a surprise for him. I looked closer. I liked what I saw. His nipples were full, his skin was clear. If he had been punished with flogging, I didn't see a mark. Brown eyes instead of the green or blue ones I prefer, but I liked the rest. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME, CUR?" There was a very weak, wimpy answer. "My name is taylor sir." His voice trembled. The lad was definitely scared. "taylor. You got a last name taylor?" "Yes sir. Right now it's just the bitch." I laughed. "taylor the bitch. That sounds about right. How old are you taylor the bitch?" "25 Sir." Ok, now boys aren't horses (at least most aren't), and you can't tell their age from their teeth, but I've had my share of boys. taylor wasn't 40, but he wasn't 25. If this was gonna go further, he was gonna learn not to lie to me. I reached between his legs. Yup, a cage. I reached underneath and squeezed. "HOW OLD?" I heard him moan. I have a good grip. "27 Sir." I still didn't believe him. I squeezed hard enough that I got an "OWWWWWWW" out of him. "Listen up taylor the bitch. I'm gonna ask you one more time, and if I don't get an honest answer, then I'm gonna leave you here for someone else who may be willing to put up with your shit." I squeezed harder. "LAST FUCKING CHANCE BITCH BOY. HOW OLD?" There were tears at his eyes. "31 Sir." I smiled. NO ONE lies and admits they're over 30. "You telling me the truth?" "Yes sir" "They why the fuck did you lie? " Now, he was REALLY holding back tears. "Because no one wants a pup who's over 30 Sir. That's why I'm here. My owner thought I was too old." "Hmmm. " I began looking him over. "Sometimes people make dumb mistakes. That key for your chastity cage, taylor?" "Yes sir." "GOOD. At least he did SOMETHING right. Turn around, and bend over. Lemme see that ass." "Yes sir." When he did, I saw how firm it was. Some idiot had given up a fine piece of ass like that, because he was over 30? I was suspicious, but I thought taylor was telling the truth (and he was, as I found out). "Listen taylor, I'm not really into pup play, I gotta tell you that right now." "I understand Sir. Not everyone is. I wasn't until my Master got into it." "So, you can get out of it. " "Yes sir. I'm 100% sub. I do what my owner/Master tells me. " I began to think: it had been a while, and this one was getting to me. I could feel my bulge growing in my jeans. I suspect he saw it too, because there was a little involuntary smile, that he pulled back as soon as he knew it was there. "You interested in being adopted , taylor?" He dropped his eyes again. He didn't answer. "Ok taylor. Nice to meet you. Best of luck." I started to walk away. "Sir, please. Wait. I'm sorry. It's not an easy question to answer. Am I interested in being adopted? I'm interested in my Master taking me back, maybe changing his mind. I haven't gotten to adoption yet." "You think he's coming back for ya?" THAT's when the tears came. "No Sir. I don't think so. He brought a second sub into the house. A younger pup. Maybe 25. That's why I said I was 25. He promised me that he was gonna keep us both." "And the older pup just got too expensive or something?" "Yes sir. Master Frederick really liked younger guys. " He paused. "Dumber ones too. When I got my MBA, I was really done." "You have an MBA?" "Yes sir . " He smiled. "Just about 4 months ago. cum laude." On a hunch , I asked a question. "No celebration of it, huh?" He cried some more. "No Sir. He told me that graduation night was his night for the other sub, so... he didn't come to the award ceremony, I came home alone, and there was no party." "NOTHING?" His voice dropped. "He got me a new collar and leash Sir." "FUCKING ASSHOLE" I thought. "I'll be back taylor." "Yes sir. I won't be going anywhere." "WAIT. Let me ask you a question. If no one adopts you, what happens?" "Well, if someone wants to take me home for a night, I go. If no one does, I have to make do on a friend's couch or something like that, and see if Master Gary will let me come back tomorrow." "I'll be back. " I went over to the bar, and spoke to Warren. "Which one is Gary?" He pointed to a heavy guy with a full gray beard. He was trying to clean up a shitload of cum that was at the bottom of that disgusting sling. "Hey Gary?" "Yeah?" "Charlie here. How's it going?" "How the fuck does it look? Goddamn guy who's supposed to clean didn't show up. Probably high. Leaves me to make sure no one trips so the fucking city can come in and close the place down." He put his rag down in the sling. "So what can I do for you Charlie?" I cocked my head over to the "adoption center." "The boy over there. I'm interested." He smiled. "Yeah, I'm surprised more people aren't. He a cutie. Might be too smart to be a sub for most guys. " "I'm not most guys Gary." "I'll take your word for it." "Seriously, I'm interested. What's your procedure?" "My procedure?" He laughed. "You pay me my finders' fee of 300 bucks, I'll give you the bag his owner left with him, and he's yours." I DO have an ATM card, but I'm not afraid to carry cash. I pulled out my wallet, and peeled off three C notes. "Done." I saw how he looked at the money. "You sure about this? Can't bring him back." "He may be a cur sub, but he deserves better than this. " I pulled out a couple of 20s. Take this too. Service charge. And bring me something I can use to tie his hands." Gary smiled. "I like you Charley. You get shit done. Gimme five minutes." I walked over to taylor. "You have a new home boy. You're coming home with me. We'll talk about your role when we get there." I saw him breathe a sigh of relief, but he was stoic. "Thank you Sir. I'll try not to disappoint you the way..." and he began to cry. "I disappointed Master Frederick." I laughed. "I'm not easy to please, but I don't believe in throwing people away. Now what's your real last name taylor?" "It's Schmidt Sir. I'm from good German stock." "GOOD. Let's just understand before we leave, taylor schmidt from good German stock. I expect ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE. I don't like to use the whip, but I use it when my orders aren't followed. My place isn't huge, but it's big enough." I paused. "You have a job?" "Yes sir. It's local, but sometimes I have to travel. "FUCK. I shoulda asked that." I saw his eyes begin to cloud up. "You remember when your next trip is scheduled?" "Not for two months Sir." PERFECT. That'll give us a chance to get acquainted." Now I paused. "You like real dogs, taylor?" "They're ok I guess. " "I have a Doberman Her name is Bella." "That means beautiful Sir. Is she? Dobermans are beautiful dogs." "This kid isn't stupid ,"I thought. "I think she is. I think she's the most beautiful dog in the world. You're gonna have to learn to walk her. You're not a dog boy anymore." "Yes sir. I understand." Gary came by. He had a knapsack, and a second, smaller suitcase, with an envelope. He also had a pair of handcuffs for me. I saw a little bit of life come into taylor's face when he saw them. "The envelope has contact information for his former Master. He'll arrange for the rest of the boy's stuff to get sent to you if you go forward." "Whaddya mean if I decide to go forward?" "Boys are expensive. That finder's fee is non refundable, but you got a week when you can bring him back. I'll take him back. " I smiled. "You hear that taylor?" "Yes sir. I did. I hope it won't come to that. " I sneered and looked at Gary. "May I touch the merchandise?" "Yours now." I took his nipples between my gloved hands, and squeezed them. He moaned, and I thought his knees were gonna buckle. My sneer became a smile. "I have a feeling you're gonna be around for more than a week." I picked up the leash. "I'll lead you out on this, but after tomorrow, we'll decide what we're gonna use and not. " "Yes sir. " "Now turn around. I like my boys tied up." I clinked the cuffs on his wrists, and again, I thought I heard him moan. I saw Warren out of the corner of his eye, shaking his head and smiling. "Damn it Charley, you always WERE an impulse buyer. " I laughed. "I'll call you tomorrow. Right now, I gotta get taylor home. I think he probably needs a little nourishment more than he could get here. I turned to him. "tyler, let's go. Don't make a scene." "No sir. I won't. " He kept his eyes down like a proper sub. His prior Master had done some good training, but I didn't like him staring at the floor. "EYES AHEAD OF YOU tAYLOR. HEAD UP." "Yes sir." I pulled on his leash. "When we get home, I expect the best blowjob I have gotten in the last 5 years. " He smiled. "You won't be disappointed Sir." I wasn't. Not for the last 3 years. Not even once.

Next: Chapter 2

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