How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 13, 2021


Well, it's an understatement to say that Bella and taylor hit it off. This will say it all: from the day that Bella came into my life, while it's fair to say she ruled the roost, I ruled the bed. She had run of the house, and she could go wherever she wanted: at night, I expected her to go to her pen, curl up in her blankets, maybe chew some toys, maybe spend an hour farting (she was an EXCEPTIONAL farter which..., well, you'll find out), and NOT sharing my bed. The second night taylor came into my life, I had him curled up in my arms, feeling his exceptionally soft, inviting ass, rub up against me occasionally (whether he did that deliberately or not, is something he never told me and, to be honest, I really didn't care. It just felt good to have someone in that bed who LIKED being there). But that's neither here nor there for what happened. That was the night I uncaged him, at least for the night. His red face when I did it puzzled me, and then I learned why: taylor had what I guess medicine calls a "micro penis." It would have been the right size for a four year old, or maybe a youngish 10 year old, but not for an adult.

"You can lock it up again if it disgusts you Sir." I smiled and I took it in one of my hands. "At least I know you're not gonna cheat on me and top someone, boy. Now let's get some sleep." He didn't have permission, but he hugged me. Ok, now back to Bella: sometime around 3, I woke up to make sure taylor was doing fine. Occasionally, he would cry in his sleep, or say something incomprehensible, and as a psychologist, I was concerned I also wanted to make sure that, however small his cock was, taylor understood that he had no rights to it unless I gave them. On all of those levels, everything was well and good. However, the bed stunk to the high heavens. I thought it was taylor. Then I saw: Bella was in the bed, curled up in taylor's arms, snoring and farting. Trained as a watchdog, she woke up when I did. I got a look I was used to from Bella: the one that says "Yeah? So?" I was going to have a talk with taylor the next morning but ultimately, I realized it wasn't going to do me any good. Those two had bonded: it had taken less than 48 hours. taylor had to be at work by 8, so the alarm was set and we were up sometime between 5:30 and 6. Bella looked quite put out: she was used to my 10:30 classes (that was when I had my earliest one: I had tenure so I could pick my hours), and getting late sleep in. When taylor opened his eyes though, her little cut tail began to wag. taylor looked at me and smiled. "Good morning Sir. I felt sorry for Bella, so...." I laughed. I put my hand on his belly. "I really ought to punish you for that, but I'll wait for something else that's better. Tell you what? You think you could find your way back to the house? If you can, why don't you take her for her walk? I think you'll both be happy with that?" taylor's sleepy eyes opened wider. "REALLY SIR? You'd let me do that?" "Consider it one of your new jobs around the house boy. You get morning dog walking, I'll get the afternoon one, we'll walk her together at night. " "THANK YOU SIR!. COME ON GIRLIE GIRL. WE'RE GONNA GO HAVE SOME FUN!!!" When taylor got the leash and looked at it longingly, I saw Bella do something she had never done before: she started jumping up and down in excitement, and whining. "Before you throw something on boy, get over here." "Yes sir?" he questioned. "You don't leave the house without the cage on. Gotta make sure that you remember your place." Somehow, doing that made taylor happy . He smiled, answered "YES.... SIRRRRRRRR" then slipped into some of last night's clothes to take Bella for her walk. My morning walks with my girl were never really long: she'd do her business, I'd clean it up, then we'd head home. That morning, I was at the verge of getting worried: I made a pot of coffee, picked up the clothes all over the place, moved taylor's suitcases, and made the bed: most of this was going to be HIS job from now on, but this morning, he caught a break. The two of them came in, looking winded: taylor told me they had gone for a little run and it had gone on for about half an hour. Bella bolted past me to her bowl of food and water, and after a noisy five minutes, she hunkered down for what was the first of her many naps during the day. I was standing behind taylor, my hands on his shoulders. "Ok, boy, now you're gonna sit and eat breakfast, and then we're gonna go over your duties here. They're not all taking care of my cock." I smiled. "But they include it." As we ate, I explained that he'd have the job of polishing my shoes, EVERY NIGHT. I know some academics have taken to the tennis shoes/ sneakers approach, but I like the feel of a pair of leather lace ups, or boots, or something like that. I wasn't adverse to casual clothes, but the shoes... yeah, the shoes. They were important to me. I had a bunch of them. He'd be in charge of keeping ALL the leather clean, in fact, because we'd be using more and more of it. He also had bathroom clean up duty, bedroom clean up duty, and also, as I told him, the dog walk in the morning. I was also putting him in charge of making sure we had enough food for Bella, her water dish was full, and that her bedding was clean. I'd be giving him more duties, but that was a start. "I understand Sir. I can handle all of that. Thank you for trusting me with your house." I smiled. "Now, today, when I'm between teaching, I'll be looking into a gym membership for you. Technically, you don't qualify as a "family member" for a faculty discount, but..." I smiled more. "When your Master is a slut, and he's slept with half the university, you're bound to know someone who can make something happen. I'll let you know. I expect you there three or four times a week." "Yes sir." He smiled. "Are we going to work out together?" "Probably not, taylor boy. To be honest, I work out during the school day when you're working and in any event... I'd have a hard time focusing if I were looking at you - which is what I'd be doing." I stretched out my hand and patted the inside of his thigh. He looked down, blushing. "Sir, please understand. This is a very different way of living for me, and... I'm having a bit of a time getting used to it. I will though. " "Yeah, humans are pretty resilient. " I looked at the clock. "You better go get yourself ready for work. Don't want you to be late. "

My new boy knew how to dress. That was for sure. He came back out of the bedroom showered, and in a pair of dark tan khakis, and a button down somewhere between blue and green, sleeves rolled one fold back. Now, some of you have done what I have done and stood on street corners in a busy city, watching all the hunky executive types go by thinking "yes, yes , maybe, NO, yes. HELL YES," etc. The way taylor looked was a "Hell YEA" to me. "boy, you look absolutely like... Oh, I don't know. You look so fuckable, you may be late for work." I got up out of my chair and took him from behind, my arms around his middle. He began to giggle. "Thank you Sir. Please. Do you believe in delayed gratification?" "Whazzat? GRRRRRR" I teased as I went for his neck. I had absolutely no intention of fucking him at that point, but I wanted him to know what was expected when he came home. I did reach around and open his second shirt button. "Now you look even sexier." "Sir... this is a very conservative workplace.." I gave him a stare. "Who gives the orders here taylor boy?" He gulped. "You do Sir." "taylor, if your job is going to write you up for wearing a shirt with two buttons opened instead of one, you need a second job. I want that shirt kept open like that all day. We clear?" I could tell he wasn't happy, but he submitted. "Yes sir." I gave him a kiss. "I finish with classes at 4. I should be back here no later than 4:30. I'll text you when I'm leaving. "Yes sir. I don't think I can get out that early." "That's ok. I can get the 'implements of torture' ready for when you're back." I saw his face light up.

Mondays I had the undergraduate survey course in the morning - tenured faculty took turns with that one, and this was my year, and then at 2, I had a beginning grad student seminar. They were both pretty rough classes: NO ONE wants to go to class on Monday after a busy weekend (I was at the top of the list that Monday), and in between classes, I sort of sat at my office desk, mooning over the new boy. GOD did he have a great ass. And GOD was he a flirt. He clearly knew how to push my buttons: I was going to have to keep on my toes with this one. But Bella liked him. That meant a lot: I mean, I could fall for a pretty face, a receptive ass, a sweet mouth, and taylor had all of them. None of that was at all relevant to Bella. She rejected most people. Not taylor. Half hour after my undergrad class I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. Normally I let those go to voice mail, but I picked up this one. "Master Charlie? Sorry to interrupt you. This is Gary: the bar owner?" I thought for a minute. "OH YEAH. GARY. The fucking hole. How ARE you?" "Well, I'm fine. I got your number from your friend. I just wanted to check in and make sure that things were ok with taylor." "Oh. GARY! Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Don't tell anyone. I'm besotted with this boy. And more than me, my dog wants to marry him." He laughed. "Guess it's the pup training." "Maybe," I answered. "So, I'm glad you checked up." "Yeah I did because, well, if you're not happy, I'll take him back. He can come home with me." Sometimes, I'm glad I'm trained in psychology . It was easy to figure out: Gary had made a promise to his friend, and put taylor on display. He didn't think anyone would take him, and he hoped they didn't because... he wanted him. I got that. " "Gary, it's a little too soon for anything like this, but... if you want to have a go at taylor, after I get him acclimated, we can talk." Gary's voice went up. "YOU SURE? You'd share him?" "Not his ass, but... he's a boy. He's got to learn that he does what Sir says." He laughed. "Frederick used to complain about that." "Frederick didn't understand what it takes to keep this boy in line. " "Well, I wish you luck Sir. And I WILL take you up on your offer." "Ok Gary, I gotta get ready for class. Let me go. Again thank you.

And the promise stands."

When I got home, Bella was ready for her walk. I slipped out of my leather tie and my dress shirt, put on sneakers and a t shirt, and got her leash. "Rather I were taylor, girl?" I teased her. I had to plan what was up for taylor. I had called him that afternoon. We had some facetime, and... yup, I called it. The boy had buttoned that button after he left the house. Violating my rules. OK.... first chance to give him a punishment. What was an apt one? My evil brain began working as Bella and I headed out for her walk. I took her to a dog run afternoons. The dog had a fair amount of spirit, and she had to get it out. I kept an eye on her to make sure she wasn't too aggressive (where did she learn THAT from?), and then we headed home. As we got there, I saw taylor's car pulling into a parking space. I could just barely make out his expression. He was smiling.

Bella nearly pulled out my arm to get to him. "HEY GIRL." He put down his briefcase and smooched with her. "Ahem..." I said, pretending to be put out. "OH. HI SIR. It's good to see you." He came up to me and gave me the kind of lick that Bella gave him. As I said, he had an amazing tongue. It was NOT unpleasant, and as I thought about what I had planned for him, I got even more aroused. "Let's head inside. Next lesson. When you're with me, if you're not holding the dog's leash, hands go behind you." "Oh, Ok. . Yes sir." He did what I told him. I looked at his two opened buttons. "Anyone fire you today?" I joked. I saw him redden. "Uh, no Sir. No one minded. " "Told you. Let's go inside." Bella ran off to her corner. "Shall I get to work on your shoes Sir?" "No, not yet. Right now, you strip. Naked. All the way down. Then reach under the bed. There's my cross of a stock and a humbler under there. Get it out." I saw the look on his face. "YES SIR!" I was talking about something someone had made for me. Technically, since it didn't have a spot for his cock, it couldn't be called a humbler, but it would put him in a position LIKE a humbler. It was heavy black metal, with two leg restraints, each at the end of a long metal bar, joined by a vertical bar to a smaller one, with restraints for wrists. "I have it Sir." A naked taylor came out , holding it. "Sit on the bed. Lock it on your ankles. " "YES Sir! " He seemd very excited. Then I came over and locked his wrists in the top restraints. He had to bend forward just a little bit. I stood in front of him and got undressed. I saw him lick his lips. "I'm gonna blindfold you in a minute boy, but I want you to see WHY I'm doing this to you." I pulled out my phone. I had a screen shot of our conversation during the day. I put it in front of him. "Why's that second button closed?" "Uh, Sir... I...." "You closed it when you got to work and you unbuttoned it on the way home, didn't you?" There was a hesitation, then a soft answer "yes sir." "AFTER I TOLD YOU WHAT TO DO." "yes sir. " "TOO WILLFUL. TOO FUCKING WILLFUL. I'LL TAKE CARE OF THAT." First, I slipped a pair of blinders on him. I knew they were good because I had used them myself. He couldn't see anything. Then I pulled out a ball gag. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH BITCH BOY. " "Sir I... MMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Now I had him exactly how I wanted him. He could hear, but not see, and he certainly couldn't speak. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Since he couldn't see, he felt the nipple clamps without knowing they were coming. I pulled them taut. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "THIS is what happens to disobedient boys. We understand that taylor?" He shook his head up and down. I laughed. That was a mistake. The clamps bobbed with him and every move meant more pain. I took out one of my favorite tools: one of my former bottoms said I was notorious for it. It was just a small, firm bristled brush. Wood. So I could use one side to torment feet in a way that moved between pleasure and pain, and when I was tired of that, I could use the wood part for some good old bastinado. taylor got both of them. He was gagged, of course, but his moans ran the gamut from laughter when I used the bristles gently, and then pain when I started smacking. "YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO WALK BELLA WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU. YOU WANT THAT?" "NNNG NNNNG" even though it hurt, he shook his head no. "You forget your place boy ? You forget one Master gave you up but you got another one?" Again, he shook his head. "You do this again, and the punishment is gonna be much, MUCH more severe. " I took off the clamps. It wasn't the most comfortable position for him, but I didn't care. I rolled him so his ass was exposed to the air. The brush came down on both cheeks. And it kept on coming down. I expected to hear whimpering, but I didn't. His ass got redder, and redder, but the boy seemed to have an amazingly high pain threshold. He never shed a tear. "Emotional pain is not my thing" I thought. I KNEW he could cry, but he didn't cry from physical pain. It was a good thing to know. I wasn't finished with him yet. I unhooked the contraption, but I ordered him to lay on his belly, as I strapped him into the restraints I had build into the corners of the bed. I lay on top of him and covered his ear with my mouth as I whispered. "boy, you know who owns that ass?" He shook his head yes. "Then you know if I want it, I can take it whenever I want?" His head shook more strongly. I guffawed. "I'm taking it now." His 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph' was high pitched. He wanted it. I KNEW he did. I KNEW I did. Hell yeah. I wanted him from the minute I saw him dressed for work that day. It had been hard to get through lecture, and even harder during seminar, where I did little of the talking and my brain could drift. Now, as I began sliding my cock into him, I was torn between wanting to hurt him and wanting him to fall in love with me. (I couldn't believe that I was falling in love with him after only a weekend. I knew I was conflicted between infatuation and wanting ownership. I'd work that out. For now, though, I needed to work something in. And I did. Slowly, little by little. ) I knew he appreciated the speed. Those "mmmmph" noises were turning into 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmms' as I moved in, easily. "Tighten your glutes, bitch" I ordered him, and he did. When he released, I almost yelled "DID I TELL YOU TO LOOSEN THEM?" He shook his head, and tightened up again. "GOOD. Now we're gonna have a little game here of overpower the resistance. You're gonna LOSE boy." taylor knew that, but he also knew he had already one. I could feel it in his body . He had relaxed, even as he was shaking his head no. I bet myself that he had probably begun to smile, as I pushed my cock, harder and harder. His glutes were remarkably strong, but ya know.... I've been doing this a while. Those nips were sensitive from the clamps and when I reached under and pinched, well... "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I screached in a high voice as I slid all the way in. "Looks like a sweet blond boy just got defeated. Know what I mean, taylor boy?" A muffled "yes sir," came out of his mouth, before a "FUCK YES" followed. I had begun thrusting, pushing harder and harder into that sweet ass. DAMN did I want to see his face, but this was good... this was REALLY good. If I could just get into him the sense that I could objectify him, he'd always be off balance. Maybe he DIDN'T win. Yet. He sure was getting what he wanted, as was I. He pushed his hips up like a pro, and I took full advantage, driving in even further than I was. "FUCKING MBA is a FUCKING C-U-N-T." I yelled, as I thrust faster, and harder. I could hear him whining through the gag. I reached up and pulled it off him. "GOD SIR THIS IS GREAT. THIS IS SO FUCKING GREAT. THANK YOU. THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME YOUR BITCH..." He tightened his glutes again, and I screamed as I lost complete control of my cock. I began filling him with jizz cream. He pushed back each time, looking for more. When there was no more, I fell on top of him. He was still pinned down, and I took the blindfold off, as I kissed his ear. "DAMN YOU ARE GOOD IN BED BOY" "I perform for my Master Sir. The better he is, the better I am." "I'm gonna untie you boy. Then we're gonna have a bit of a talk." "Yes sir." I got the leg restraints off, then the wrists. I saw the look in his high and I just said "Go ahead." "Thank you Sir." He embraced me, throwing his leg over me. That's when he began to cry. "I know what we have to talk about Sir. I know what I did was wrong. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I... I guess I was testing you. I won't do it again. Please don't make me leave." Now, I had NO intention of "going there." None whatsoever. There was NO WAY this boy was leaving me. NONE. I smiled at him. "No, boy. I'm NOT sending you way. But don't do it again. Today was kinda fun, but I give orders for a reason. I expect them followed." "Yes sir. I'm too cocky. I know." "No, boy. I LIKE it when you're cocky. Gives me reason to let you know who's boss. " I squeezed his ass. "BUT I WANT MY ORDERS FOLLOWED." "yes sir. I understand." I brushed what little hair he had back. "Gary from the bar called today. He wanted to make sure I was taking care of you." He smiled quickly. "I like Gary Sir. I hope I can see him again." "Oh, you will. In the future. In the present, you're gonna have to go put on some casual clothes. You're gonna do my shoes. But maybe a way you never have." Fifteen minutes later I had taylor, in a tight V neck t shirt and blue shorts, on the floor at my feet. He was polishing the shoes I was wearing, When he was done, he paused, and wrapped his arm around my shins. "I want to stay with you Sir. As long as you'll have me."

Next: Chapter 4

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