How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 16, 2021


So, you can probably tell that I was feeling very comfortable with taylor. He had started working out with anthony, and that seemed to be going real well in ways beyond the gym, as I will explain. I was, however, a bit concerned about something.

taylor never mentioned any work friends. He never talked about events after work at his company - which WAS pretty big, and with the exception of MY friends, and the pups of course, taylor didn't seem to have any. I worried about that. It wasn't something my boy was going to talk about with me - THAT I knew - so I asked Jake if anthony knew anything. In fact, he did.

"Yeah, anthony told me that when they were on the treadmill one day, taylor started talking about how he thought you'd find his friends uninteresting and boring. He also didn't want to do anything away from the house without you - because subs don't do that - and he didn't want to subject you to stuff you'd hate. And Charlie... I'm not making this up. He told anthony that it didn't matter to him because he'd rather be with you than anyone else in the world."

I began to choke up. I KNEW that it wasn't something Jake made up because, frankly, Jake didn't have a sentimental cell in his body, and he just wasn't "wired that way." He said it because I asked him. Otherwise, I wouldn't have heard it. "He'd rather be with you than anyone else in the world." Ever hear the expression "when the universe speaks you pay attention?" Well, I didn't. Not at that time anyway.

When DID I pay attention? Well, academia has all these departmental parties and meetings, etc etc, and at the end of the semester, there's always some kind of departmental party. I intended to go, and I told taylor I expected him to be with me. I saw him blanch. "But... but.. Sir... who's gonna watch the dogs?" "They'll be ok. They're ok during the day. It won't be more than four hours." He looked down, with his hands clasped behind his back. "taylor, I understand you may not want to go. Well, you don't have any choice. I said we're going. That means YOU and ME both. End of discussion." He almost whispered "yes sir," and I considered the matter closed. I REALLY didn't understand what his concern was, so I spoke to Jake again. This time, he was laughing. "He thinks that if he's around other people in your department, you'll realize he's not good enough for you." I SWEAR I hit myself on the forehead after he said that. OF COURSE. And how did Psychologist Charlie miss that? Jake, anthony and I all had our doctorates. We were all academics. Yes, he had an MBA, but in his food chain, taylor didn't equate that with our backgrounds. Doug and pete had doctorates too: he was bloody SURROUNDED by us. I had to have that talk. So, the next night, when I was grading papers, and taylor was sitting at my feet, trying to distribute pets to the dogs equally, while also rubbing his head against my shin (I was wearing short), I stopped and put my hand on his shoulder. "Get up boy. Let's sit together on the sofa. We gotta discuss something?" He looked concerned. "Yes sir. Is everything alright?" "Well, taylor, you have to tell me that. How about you get us both a drink? Some wine or something?" "yes sir. He came back with two glasses of red. I smiled and said "How about a toast? To us? To Gary for bringing us together?" He smiled. "I'm down with that Sir." taylor worked with a lot of young people, and every time he used a "new" expression it surprised me. He had an old soul, and he wasn't a baby anymore, but he seemed to cross into that "language" so easily. "taylor, you're worried about this party for my department, aren't you?" He looked down. "Don't worry Sir. You said we're going and we're going. I'll do my best not to embarrass you." "HEY!" I was ready to be very angry. "Don't you EVER worry about that boy. If I thought you'd embarrass me, you wouldn't be going. I WANT you to be there, I want people in my department to see you because.... " and I began to get a little teary. "I want them to meet the most important man in my life. Now come over here and give the most important man in your life a kiss. " taylor smiled. He knew my "kisses" always meant sex afterward, and this wasn't an exception (I DID have to get up super early to finish my grading), but I THINK he felt more comfortable. In any event, well, let me tell you about the party.

Was taylor a hit? You know the answer to that. He looked GORGEOUS: he had on a really sweet looking white shirt and he had put on one of the cashmere sweaters anthony had suggested he start wearing - crewneck, and softly red - and he smiled, spoke to people, and seemed to be having a good time.

"Charlie, taylor's wonderful. Is he your husband?" Norma, one of the newer professors came over and chatted with me "He IS wonderful, isn't he? But no, we're seeing each other, but we're not married." She laughed. "Well, you better take care of that, Charlie, because if you don't, someone else will." I thought about that when we got home and walked the dogs. I held taylor's hand, and we both had dogs - that night it was his turn to walk Bella, and mine to walk Blossom, and I squeezed his. "You were the star of the evening, boy. My colleagues thought you were, well, charming, interesting, adorable, smart, funny... " and then there were the positive comments." He smiled. "Thank you Sir. It's hard. All your friends are so smart. I just feel like, well, I can do numbers, but.." I stopped the walk and looked into his eyes. "You know who knows who the good people are? Animals. Pets. Dogs won't lie to you: EVER. Bella is the most suspicious dog in the world. She took to you in ten minutes. So stop this shit. You're more than smart." I laughed. "Hell, you stick around me, which makes you the smartest man in the world." "I don't know about smartest, Sir, but the luckiest one - definitely the luckiest one." Did he melt me? You know it. He did something one day which I KNEW had come from anthony's suggestion. And I knew that because Jake had told me when anthony had done it for him. I came home from a dissertation defense late one night. When I walked in the house, I didn't see taylor, but I saw the dogs, so I knew he wasn't out. I heard him clearing his throat in the bedroom. When I walked in, he was laying on the bed, resting his head on his hands, wearing a jock strap, and nothing else. When I walked in he said "Sir, are my squats working? before he smiled and arched his ass in the air. "Let's see how much pressure they can take boy." I had gone hard the minute I saw him there. I ripped off the necktie I was wearing and used it to collar him, as I pulled his head back as I mounted him. I whispered into his ear. "Fuckboi, who's your Daddy?" He moaned. "You are Sir. OH , you are, definitely." "You want anyone else?" "No Sir. I want you . I want you in me as deep as possible." I tried to comply. I was careful not to cut off his air, but I wanted him to feel leashed. I hadn't required him to wear a slave collar in a while, and that was about to change, but for that night, for the boy who rarely felt like he could take any liberties around me - I wanted him to get dick the way he loved it - and that meant hurting him just a little. When I heard his moans go into that sound that shows you've crossed the pain threshold, I didn't stop, but I didn't go harder. When he pushed back, to get more, I thought "Ok, Tonight the boy gets his choice." I rammed HARDER. "OH FUCK SIR YES. THAT'S THE WAY TO TREAT A BOY. LIKE YOU'RE DOING .. FUCK ME LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME. " I almost laughed. This was NOT the way taylor spoke to me, but I loved it. When I shot my load into him and he started sobbing "thank you Sir. thank you thank you thank you," I smacked his ass. "Yeah, I'd say the squats are working you sexy beast. " I reached down and took a handful of his belly flesh too. "Just keep this. I love it. Now roll over. I think someone needs a belly rub. " I got no argument. Instead, I got a bottom sub moving faster than I had ever seen him move in his life. I tied his wrists down and began stroking his belly, playing with his ticklish navel, running my nails up and down his ribs, until the fake dog noises he had been making became deep intakes of breath. The boy needed to cum. He really did. I got the key, and opened his cage. He didn't expect that. "THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." I had begun stroking him and then I did something I don't think I did often in our relationship, and I don't think I've done it since. I blew him. And I swallowed. When I did, he looked at me like "HUH?" I smiled. "There's almost nothing I won't do for my boy."

And there wasn't. But there was something I needed to do. I waited until all the papers and exams had been turned in and graded, and then I began to get to work. On my last day of class with my undergrads, I made an announcement. "Listen kids. If you're around, in about two weeks, I'll need help from as many of you as can be there. " The interest got more fervid when I said "it's a paying gig. 100 bucks for everyone who shows up." There were 40 people on the sign up sheet when all was said and done. Yeah, I could afford it. I was planning a one time event, and I was gonna do it. I got the idea from looking at one of those silly commercials. I didn't understand what was going on, but fortunately, my link to youth culture was there. "It's called a flash mob Sir. Everything seems to be kinda normal, or there's isolated activity and then, well.. you saw it. " "Hmmmm." I got on you tube the next day and searched "flash mob." OH BOY. I needed to get out more. HOW MANY of them were there? I could pull this off. I called Jake and asked if I could speak to anthony directly because, well, Jake is even further out there than I am, and anthony had his finger on things best of all of us. We started chatting. "Sir Charlie, I LOVE IT. I FUCKING LOVE IT. We want to be there. OOPS. I shouldn't speak like that without Sir's permission but... I think he'll wanna be there." Then I had ONE MORE piece to put into place. The only person taylor had ever mentioned from his job, was the assistant, Bernice. I needed her help for one more thing. She was more than willing. All she had to do was make sure taylor didn't leave the area too quickly. The day I did it all, I told him I was gonna be late at home, so he could put off dinner by half hour. The only thing I thought taylor loved more than me and the dogs, was his job. If he COULD stay late, he did. Taken care of.

I was hidden for most of what happened next, so I watched. Bernice and taylor walked out of the building, and Bernice pointed "Look at that girl. In the cheerleader suit. She's just dancing. Isn't it pretty?" "It is. " taylor smiled. "She's hearing something in her head, and she's just going with it." Then she was joined by two other girls, and then four more, and then boys came out to partner them. Someone was at the side, and a speaker began playing Bruno Mars song "Marry You." "OH MY GOD taylor. It's a flash mob. Someone's getting a proposal today." He smiled. "That's so sweet. Right in public. Everyone sees it, everyone knows it. GOD. I love the dancing. Look at them!" As he was staring at the dancers, I came out from the side. He still didn't see me. Bernice was a pro. "taylor, you showed me pictures of Bella. That looks like her." It was. I walked out with each dog, one in each hand. "SIR? CHARLIE? What are you doing here? I thought." He saw the smile on my face and he figured it out. "OH GOD. OH GOD. IS THIS HAPPENING?" It was. I didn't worry about the dogs running away as I got down on a knee and held out the ring box - anthony had called pete's mother Melissa, and she helped me pick it out. When yours truly, with his awful singing voice, joined in to "I think I wanna marry you," my boy just lost it. "OH SHIT. IS THAT A QUESTION, AN ORDER? " "It's both taylor. Will ya?" I think he drowned out the speaker. "YES! YES SIR. YES." taylor threw himself on me and hugged me tighter than he ever had in our time together. The dogs couldn't help themselves anymore and started in with the group hug that followed - my students, Bernice, any of taylor's co-workers who were around. Jake and anthony came out from where they were hiding and joined us. anthony opened the bottle of champagne he had brought. He forgot glasses, so we just passed the bottle around and swigged. We were there for a long time. And then we went to Cora's for dinner. I had told her, and she had put aside a special plate for each of the pups. Dare I say that taylor took the day off the next day? Or that he was sore for three days after that? Or that if it had been cold weather he'd have worn a turtleneck (the slave collar covered PART of his huge hickey, but not ALL of it). I couldn't believe I was getting married, but if it were going to be to anyone... I knew, yeah, he was the one. I'll tell you about the wedding and our honeymoon next time.

Next: Chapter 9

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