
Published on Dec 17, 1997



This lightweight fiction is in reponse to other stories I have read over the years. There never seemed to be any tenderness or explanation of feelings. Its seen from one side. Perhaps you can do the other side yourself or imagine. I hope you enjoy the story

  • if you do not like gentle sex beteen 2 females dont read any further.

if you do read on


Brenda and Susan had never been more than just very good friends ever since school. When each of them had started to date boys the other was told in graphic detail what happened on the date from the kissing to the groping and, occasionally, the sexier bits. As they left school and started in their jobs they kept in close touch and it seems that nothing ever changed. The boyfriends came and went and the sexiest bits of those relationships ceased to inspire a great deal of conversation. Gradually they came to rely on their friendship as the main emotional support in their lives and the boys (or men) friends being the varied excursions.

Now both 22, Brenda and Susan worked in the same area of the city and would often met after work for a drink. This one time they left the bar, went for a pizza afterwards and carried on with drinks during the meal - it way Friday evening and there was no work tomorrow so what the hell. Brenda was looking to spruce up her apartment with new wallpaper and furnishings after renting it a few years ago as a stop-gap. It had worked out well and now she was looking to make it her permanent home. They talked about the different options throughout the meal. Susan was a designer and she offered to see what could be done with the apartment.

Susan was into artistry and design and usually made her own clothes as well. Her favourite materials were the really flimsy ones and her clothes, particularly the blouses were her specialities. Susan didn't believe in wearing a bra but at the same time wasn't an exhibitionist so the blouses were always coloured to make sure that men weren't always ogling her breasts. Not only were her and Brenda the same age but they had the same type of figures, both a 36D. Brenda always disagreed with not wearing a bra claiming that was why "your tits will end up at your waist!!".

Susan's other difference was that she regularly shaved down below and this was her little secret. The boys certainly seemed to like it and it felt very hygienic and ever so sexy when touched by the boy's or her own hand.

They returned to Brenda's flat and after making some drinks Susan began to look at the layout to see how any dramatic improvements could be made. "You can place a large mirror over on that wall to dress up with and that will make the room bigger" said Susan "and even if you're nude no-one can see you from the outside even with the curtains open". Brenda thought that sounded a good idea and replied "I wouldn't want anyone looking at me nude......well only certain people!" For whatever reason Susan quickly looked at Brenda from her feet upwards and imagined her nude. When her eyes met Brenda's at the end of the view their eyes locked for a fleeting second and then Brenda turned away to get her drink.

The evening wore on with both Susan and Brenda exchanging the latest stories on the boys they dated. When Susan mentioned that she had better be making tracks to go home Brenda said that she could stay there tonight in the other room and make her way home tomorrow. "Lets see how it goes" replied Susan.

When later the conversation dwindled out the television offered the only stimulation to the two girls and there was a romantic feature film just starting. It was a film about which involved love and passion and, typical TV, offered no really steamy sexy bits. The film turned out to be quite a good film with the climax being where the hero gets the heroine in a bedroom scene. The actors were obviously enjoying the scene with the hero making a meal of the heroine's nipples. Susan exclaimed "She certainly looks as if she's enjoying having her nipples sucked hard". Brenda mumbled in reply. Susan wasn't quite sure but she thought that Brenda said that she thought he was getting the better end of the deal!

Susan sensed that there was something not quite right with her friend and when the film had finished Susan (with perhaps the tiniest tingle between her thighs after the film) sat next to Brenda on the settee and asked her what was the matter. Brenda shrugged, said nothing moved onto the floor and lay facing away from Susan watching the TV commercials. Her skirt, which was not so long anyway, had ridden up her thighs and was just showing the folds of skin under her cheeks. Susan was drawn to the curves which were exposed.

After a minute Brenda turned on her side and said "the thing I miss most about dating is the hugs - the sex I can take or leave but it's the hugs I miss most". Brenda continued "in fact its almost worth going out now and hugging a complete stranger". She explained further "I just love holding someone tight and feeling their body close to mine, cheek to cheek - we don't even need to kiss to make it better."

Susan thought for a moment and then jokingly replied "well, if it's a hug you want I can certainly help there if you want" and without waiting for a reply began to move off the settee.

As she went to the floor and moved towards Brenda she noticed that Brenda's blouse top two buttons were undone and her nipples were showing though the material. "Let ME give you a hug rather than a complete stranger - that's what friends are really for". Brenda opened her arms and Susan drifted into them. The hug was emotional rather than passionate and they held each other, body to body, cheek to cheek. Susan could feel the heat of Brenda's body through her blouse and, she admitted to herself, it felt good. She placed hands flat on Brenda's back as if it was a boyfriend she was hugging and was surprised to discover that Brenda was not wearing a bra.

The hug went on for a couple of minutes with Brenda's hands moving around Susan's back just like when she was being hugged by a boyfriend. Of course her boyfriend tended to start their hands moving down her body and round the front to get hold of other things but, of course, this wasn't happening since it was another girl she was holding not a boy. The hug was nice but not really satisfying - she was waiting for the other movements of the 'hugging hands' which never came. She thought that if Brenda's hands would have moved she wouldn't have minded anyway since this was a very intimate moment for her.

Gradually the intensity of the hug subsided and with a slight peck on the cheek, Brenda softly drew away. "thanks Susan, that was beautiful, I just needed a loving hug to make me relax - you didn't mind did you?". "On the contrary," Susan replied smiling "I found it as nice as you did, it was good not to have a rough stubble on my cheek". Perhaps later, asked Brenda, we could hug again?". "No problem Brenda - just say when you want it" and with that Susan leant forward and kissed Brenda softly on the cheek.

Susan went back to sit on the settee while Brenda remained on the floor and they both watched the TV. Susan seemed to have become in charge of the drinks. After refilling the glasses in the kitchen she returned to the lounge to bring Brenda's drink and, she noticed, Brenda's skirt had ridden up another few inches. She knew because she could see more of her cheeks than before - so much that it was flesh coloured panties time or, just possibly, no panties time. Brenda still lay face down on the floor with her head propped up watching TV and Susan nudged Brenda to offer the drink.

Brenda twisted round and in doing so exposed one of her breasts and an erect nipple. As Brenda took the drink Susan commented "just look at you flashing your body". Brenda looked down at the exposed breast and looked back to Susan and, with a smile, said "oops - aren't I the exhibitionist!". Susan smiled back and sat down again. As Brenda turned back to watch the TV Susan wondered what was happening.... She could only see Brenda's exposed cheeks from the side and was mesmerised by the shape and form of her friend. As she was looking, one of Brenda's legs moved to the side and, Susan thought, if I was right behind her I would know if she's wearing flesh or no panties. In this thoughtful mode Susan had drunk the glass full of wine and she asked Brenda "if she wanted filling up again". Brenda drained the glass and gave it to Susan.

After refilling the glasses, Susan came back into the lounge towards Brenda, who hadn't moved since she left the room earlier, and was treated to a complete view of Brenda's most intimate parts. It was clear that the issue of flesh coloured panties was solved. There weren't any panties being worn by Brenda and she obviously shaved herself like Susan did.

Susan offered the drink to Brenda who, in twisting round again, exposed slightly more of her breasts than last time. As Susan offered the drink she said "be careful of that material, it rips easily and then you'll have to throw it away". "OK" said Brenda and whilst still lying on her side undid all the buttons and then returned to lying on her stomach. Both her nipples, Susan noticed were erect and she wondered why Brenda wasn't taking care not to expose herself. Perhaps she's relaxed and uninhibited - it is her apartment after all!

Susan recollected the view she had before. She had never seen another girls womanhood let alone a shaven girl before. She never would have imagined that her best friend would do the same as she did. Perhaps they were even more alike than she first thought. The mere thinking of shaven areas made Susan a bit hot and fruity - she shaved herself because she liked to touch herself.

Brenda was still watching the TV and Susan touched herself briefly her panties. It was wet! Oh god...this is embarrassing! The urge to touch herself NOW came strongly - she began to feel very hot and horny. She undid the top three buttons of her blouse and while doing so took the chance to rub her breasts firmly and squeeze her nipples hard. Her nipples both came quickly still and stuck out against the material. That wasn't a good idea - it only made her feel more horny.

Brenda then twisted round - this time without moving so much as to expose more of herself. "Any chance of that next hug Susan"

"Sure thing Brenda" Susan replied and moved towards her.

Susan lay down beside Brenda who then turned fully on her side. Brenda's blouse was fully unbuttoned and fell away revealing her breasts with very large and erect nipples. "you don't mind if I leave my blouse like this?" asked Brenda. Susan shook her head. Brenda looked down at Susan's partly unbuttoned blouse and asked "you OK with your blouse stretched like that ?- be careful of that material, it rips easily and then you'll have to throw it away" she said smiling. Susan smiled back and said "no, it's fine for now". If Brenda was disappointed it didn't show.

Brenda opened her arms and Susan folded into them. Instead of her hands going onto Brenda's back over the material of the blouse her hands touched Brenda's naked skin. At the touch Brenda stiffened. "Sorry" said Susan. "No need to apologise Susan - I was just startled that's all". "I've never had another girl's hands touching me before".

As the hug lingered Brenda said softly into Susan's ear "this is the most erotic hug that I've ever had - the feel of you and your touch is absolutely gorgeous". Susan smiled and squeezed Brenda harder at the same time realising that she was so horny and remembering the sight of Brenda's naked pussy. Susan's mouth moved against Brenda's earlobe as she whispered "I wish that this hug could last forever - I feel wonderful as well but it does make me feel strange".

When the embrace had gently ended Brenda looked at Susan and asked in which way did it feel strange. Susan told her that it felt wonderful to be intimate with her but when she normally hugged someone it carried on from there. In a way it was frustrating to have to stop. Brenda looked at her and smiled. "Can I have another hug in a few minutes please" asked Brenda. Susan replied "We're friends - when you want a hug you don't have to ask - just hug away and if I want a hug I'll do the same OK?". Brenda nodded "You are certainly the best friend I could ever hope for". "I need a drink - I'm getting hot". With that Brenda stood up.

As she stood up and stretched she exposed both breasts and her skirt, which was already riding high, completed the movement almost up to her hips. Her smoothly shaven pussy was on view for all to see but there was only one other person in the room to see. As this sight Susan flushed very hot and tingled.

Brenda returned with 2 iced drinks and sat on the floor facing Susan. With her blouse open and her legs askew, Susan had a view of Brenda's most intimate womanhood.

"it's so nice" began Brenda "having a friend like you who's not only kind but is a pleasure to be seen out with"."and you're a superb hugger" and with that leaned over to kiss Susan on the cheek. Susan quickly turned her head so that Brenda kissed Susan's lips not her cheek. Brenda sat back "that was naughty wasn't it?" Susan replied "no more than you deserve for being sexy". "That's what I meant be feeling strange earlier". "When you hug someone it's awfully frustrating to stop at just the hug however nice the hug is".

With that Brenda leant forward and kissed Susan gently on the lips. "I to wanted to do that in our hugs but I value you too much as a fiend to risk our friendship for a kiss". "Shall we say that from now on a hug can have little kisses as well?" Brenda replied "anything you want".

Susan wasn't sure about the way Brenda said that. Was it ANYTHING you want or just her horny imagination.

Brenda excused herself to go to the bathroom and Susan couldn't help herself but touch her pussy. It was hot and soaking wet and she stroked her clitoris softly bringing gentle waves of ecstasy. Glancing across the room to reassure herself that Brenda was still in the bathroom she lifted her bottom up pulled the panties off and tucked them down the side of the settee.

Brenda returned after a few minutes dressed in a short silk dressing gown. "I decided to change to avoid crumpling my blouse and the skirt was cutting into my tummy". "In case you wanted to change I put another of these on the bed". "Good idea" replied Susan "I'm getting a little hot and crumpled myself".

When Susan returned to the room Brenda had returned to her place on the floor, head propped up watching the TV. Susan went and laid on her back beside her. "What's on the TV?" asked Susan. "Just the usual rubbish" replied Brenda. "Then why are you watching it?" retorted Susan.

Brenda turned round and looked at Susan "because if I don't focus on something I'll want to hug you for ages........" "What's stopping you Brenda?"

Brenda turned on her side and looked into Susan's face. Without saying anything she moved forward and gently brushed her lips against Susan's and in the new position kept her lips gently pressed against them. Susan's eyes were shut and the gentleness of the touch made her feel ............ She moved slightly away from Brenda, opened her eyes and said "Brenda, if this is the gentleness of two women touching then I think I would love being with a woman forever". "Compared to this a boys touch is so rough".

Her hands moved down to Brenda's silken belt and slowly undid the loosely tied knot. The gown opened and she pulled the ends apart to expose all of Brenda's body to view.

Brenda started to do the same but when it came to moving the loose sides Brenda's hand moved it by stroking Susans breasts and nipples. Susan stiffened and smiled at Brenda.

Brenda smiled back and kissed her. Susan's arms moved under Brenda's gown around her back and then pulled her down on top of her. Their lips pushed firmly together and then gently parted to allow the most tentative probing of their tongues. When they finally parted, Brenda moved onto her side and stroked Susan's body. Her mouth followed her hands onto the breasts and nipples. With her tongue, Brenda licked a fully erect nipple before slowly lowering her mouth fully against it. As she sucked so she flicked the nipple with her tongue. The other came in for the same treatment.

Susan could stand it no longer. Using her hands she coaxed Brenda into a position such that whatever Brenda did she would have access to do the same. As Brenda sucked her breasts and nipples, Susan sucked and licked Brenda's. Brenda's tongue worked furiously on Susan's breasts and Susan did the same. The nipple not being sucked was squeezed and rolled by Brenda. Susan could not keep up and was buffeted by waves of pleasure.

Brenda's tongue moved from the breasts towards Susan's tummy and Susan felt a sense of loss as the breasts she had been devouring moved away. This sense of loss was replaced by a tickling on her tummy as she realised that Brenda was moving towards her most intimate parts. She flushed as she realised that, for her own good, Brenda wasn't moving fast enough. Her cunt had a ache which needed something.

Brenda moved further down. By now they were nearly in a 69 position and Brenda moved her knees below Susan's arms.

Susan looked up and saw Brenda's cunt which was moist with sex juices and, more excitingly, totally shaven. Far from being nervous about another girls womanhood Susan was entranced with the sight. Her arms went around Brenda's back and gently pulled her down to meet her mouth. As her face became embedded in Brenda's cunt her tongue forced it's way into the folds of skin. In and out went Susans tongue and the sex taste became stronger. Her face was covered in sex juice and she couldn't get enough. Brenda's hips moved up and down with such intensity that Susan's tongue kept slipping out. Susan was in ecstasy and her tongue moved all over Brenda's cunt and cheeks. Brenda's clitoris was pumping against Susan's chin and Brenda's other button was moving towards and away from Susan's face, coming closer and closer with each stroke.

Susan's tongue lapped upwards in rhythm as Brenda's stroke came downwards and Susan licked her button hard. Brenda's stroke eased with the button being caressed by Susan's tongue and Susan pushed her tongue hard into the hole. Brenda quivered with ecstasy and sat gently on Susans face. As she did this there was a trembling within Brenda's body, a tightening of muscles and Brenda moved forward to release a wetness all over Susan's breasts.

Susan wasn't finished yet. She moved her arms and put her fingers into Brenda's sopping cunt. They slid in easily and came out wet. This stirred Brenda again and she pushed her head into Susan's cunt. Finding Susan's clitoris she licked and chewed and inserted two fingers into the slippery folds next to it.

She moved position so that she was able to get at Susan's wet swollen cunt with her mouth and hands and began fucking Susan with everything she had. Susan bucked and cried. Brenda didn't stop for a second. With her tongue on Susan's clitoris, her fingers in her cunt, her spare hand sat over Susan's shaven mount. Susan was nearly screaming with delight and suddenly the spasm began to take.

Brenda's hand was covered in sex before Susan came and was drenched afterwards as the cum pumped out all over her fingers.

Brenda couldn't resist. She went into 69 and rolled them both onto their sides.

With both mouths buried into each others cunts they both exploded.

When the spasms had subsided, Brenda moved around to face Susan. Susan moved forwards and kissed Brenda passionately, both faces covered in each other's sex. Susan gently started to lick Brenda's face clean, then Brenda did the same.

That wasn't the last time that night they loved each other .....or the last day.

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