Humiliating Bobby

By Randy Collins

Published on Feb 1, 2008


By now you have read enough of my stories to know that they are 100% true and I change no names. I am a Dom top Master who specializes in the training of guys 18 - 26, mostly straight. A few I only see once, most come back again and again. The story below is about Bobby who answered my Craigs list post of making your fantasies come true. I get 100's of replies but only select a few to train.

Humiliating Bobby

Bobby emailed me and told me his fantasy was to be sexually humilliated. He said he was skinny and small, picked on alot and his fantasy was to turn that sexual. Now, humilliation is one of my favorite fantasies to fullfill for guys, so Bobby had my attention. The problem for me is the majority of the time when a guy says he is "small" that also means he is not usually in the best of shape either. Bobby had said he was skinny so I thought it safe to proceed.

Bobby and I emailed each other a few times and I discovered that he just turned 18, was in high school and lived here in the same town. Bobby also sent a picture of himself and although is wasn't a great picture I could see that he looked like a short highschool kid.

I have done this long enough to get a good idea of Bobby from the picture he sent. For example, he sent his picture to me fully clothed. That is usually a good indication of being shy or embarassed about something.

I told Bobby I could help him out BUT I gave him no idea of what I had in mind for him and I sent him my cell phone number. This was on Thursday and sure enough, Saturday morning Bobby was on the other end of my ringing cell phone.

He wanted to know what my plans were for today and if I was available. Not one to miss the chance to humiliate a little dicked kid, I told him to meet me in a half hour and gave him a location very near my house. I instructed him to be out of his car and to look like he was using the pay phone.

(Those of you familiar with the area I live in, I instructed him to meet me where HWY 74 connects with Grand Avenue. There is a little store set back from the corner and a rather large parking lot that is used by carpoolers on weekdays.)

As I pulled in the parking lot, there he was standing in front of the pay phone, receiver in hand. I pulled right up to where he was standing and got out of my car. I walked right up in front of him and asked "Are you Bobby?"

"My name is Bob" was his reply.

Now I should tell you that from the first email he sent he he told me his name was Bob and in all of my emails to him I referd to him as Bobby. Any Phsyc 101 student will tell you that his refering to himself as Bob, made him feel older and more mature and my refering to him as Bobby had the opposite effect.

I took a couple of seconds to look him over, he may have been 5' 6" max. He was wearing a jacket so I could not get an idea of his definition but I was sure there wasn't much.

"I understand that you have a SMALL problem and you would like to spend some time with me" I said looking straight into his eyes.

I could tell his mind was working overtime and words were just not coming out of his mouth. I waited a few seconds and then using my right hand grabbed a handfull of his crotch. My hands have grabbed 100's of crotches so I know how to cop a good feel but this crotch was different. As I was feeling him up through his jeans I could feel no dick and perhaps some form of nuggets against my fingertips.

So here we are in a wide open parking lot facing two rather busy roads and I am working my hand into this kis crotch trying to determine if there was even anything there.

Noting the shock in his eyes of his public groping I said, "You are a guy, right?"

"Yes" was his reply as his face clearly reddened.

"OK then, get in your car and follow me" I said as I reached around him and pulled his wallet from his back pocket.

"Hey" he said as he realized what I had done.

"Just need to make sure you are 18 Bobby" I said as I got into my car.

Bobby stood with a confused look on his face as I started my car. He came too and half walked half ran to his. I pulled out making sure Bobby was right behind me, he was. I checked his wallet on the short drive to my house. $15.00, valid California drivers license that showed his 18th birthday was over a month ago and his Ortega High School ID. Good enough for me, time to have some fun with this one!

I pulled into my driveway with Bobbys car right on my bumper. I got out of my car without saying a word to him and walked to my front door. I unlocked and opened it and by that time Bobby was right beside me. I held the door open for him and said "straight ahead to the game room".

My game room is on the 1st floor and is just that, a game room. I have a juke box, dart board, arcade games, big screen, etc. All of my friends and neighbors love it when I have a party, little do they know that in the locked closet in the same room is enough equipment to make it a nicely equipped dungeon.

As Bobby entered the room I put my hand on his shoulder and stopped him. I backed him up a couple of steps so he was about a foot from the wall and turned him to face the center of the room.

"Take off your coat" I ordered the nervous teen as I walked past him and hit "enter" on my computer keyboard.

Without saying a work he removed his jacket and for the first time I had a clearer picture of what Bobby looked like. His Drivers license had confirmed his height at 5' 7", 125 lbs. This was one skinny kid and I decided that no restraints would be necessary with him as I probably could break him in two with one hand if necessary.

"How long do you have Bobby?" I asked.

" I have to be home by 8 for dinner" he said. Quick math I had this boy for about 8 hours before I needed to send him on his way.

"Take your shirt off" I instructed.

"Wait a minute, I want to know what...." was all he could get out before I roughly pushed him backwards into the wall behind him. As my hand pushed against his tee shirt covered chest, I felt no muscle, mostly bone structure.

"Take your fucking shirt off boy or I will. The only reason you are here is for MY amusement. Is that perfectly FUCKING clear boy?" I yelled in his face as I pushed harder onto his chest.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he said "It's just that I don't know you and I don't want to get hirt. I thought we would talk first" and he bagan to sob.

This kid has some baggage I thought as I said "The good news is Bobby by the time you go home tonight, you will know me very well and we will be talking quite a bit, now get this shirt off" I said as I grabbed a handfull of material.

I backed off a few inches as the sobbing boy pulled his tee shirt off and over his head, tossing it on the floor. His face looked as though he was years away from having to shave but there on his chest was a little patch of black hair. I also noticed a light pleasure trail from his belly button down into his pants.

"Shoes, socks and pants too" I ordered.

With out a word but a few sniffles he kicked off his shoes and socks, unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off his skinny legs. He was wearing briefs but it was very clear that there was far too much material in the crotch of his underwear than necessary, there was no buldge at all.

Bobby quickly placed his hands over this crotch as soon as he had added his pants to the growing pile of his clothing on the floor. His head was hanging down and he was looking at the floor.

I smacked his hands away and told him to put his hands on his head and lock his fingers together. He began to sniffle harder as he did as told.

"You have to be kidding boy" I said as I looked at his buldgeless underwear.

Bobby continued to look at the carpet beneath his feet.

I pulled the band of his underwear away from his body and looked down his treasure trail into a patch of black pubic hair and detected the smallest dickhead I have ever seen on an adult male. I let the elastic snap back against his body and sat down cross legged infront of him, my head at crotch level.

I was having trouble containing my laughter but I did manage to get out "Dude, that's it !"

We both had tears in our eyes, his from embarassment and mine from laughter. Somewhat collected I said, "Well I guess you are a guy, but not much of one" as laughter took control again.

"Get your underwear off and show me that horse cock" I told him between outbursts of laughter.. Clearly he had given up so far as he unlocked his fingers and pull his underwear down and added them to the rest of his cloths.

"Hands on head Bobby" I said and he complied.

Now let me describe the sight infront of me. Bobby was not cute or handsome, but he wasn't ugly either. He was twink-like except twinks usually are cute and have some definition. Bobby's chest can only be described as flat, there was no definition to where muscles should be. His nipples were tiny and pale enough to almost blend into the rest of his body. The patch of black hair on his chest was quite out of place. His arms has no definition at all and his legs were almost birdlike. Yet overall, I was attracted to this guy, there was something very attractive to me about him.

I reached into his pubic hair and felt his little nuts. His entirte sack was no bigger than a large strawberry. His dick MIGHT have been 1 1/2 long and no bigger around than my little finger.

"Does this thing even work" I chuckled to him.

"Yes sir" he quietly said.

"You mean that thing can shoot cum or does it just dribble out boy" I continued.

"I can cum" he softly said.

"Well we will put that to the test today Bobby, but first I think you need a little makeover" I said.

His head came up with that comment and his eyes followed me to my closet. I grabbed my electric razor, shaving cream and a straight edge razor and a very intimidating dildo from my stache and set them on the coffee table infront of Bobby.

"What are you going to do" he asked clearly with concern in his voice.

" I am going to have some fun Bobby" I said as I fired the electric razor to life and opened the side burn trimmer. He gasped as the buzzing razor hit his chest and watched as the razor made quick work of the unsightly chest hairs.

His eyes were wide with the look of "WHY"?" in his eyes as I set the electric razor down, picked up the can of shaving cream and squirted some in my hand.

He didn't say a word as I rubbed the cream into his chest and proceeded to shave him smooth.

"Much better, don't you think son?" I said as I picked up his disgaurded tee shirt and wipped the excess shaving cream from his tiny chest.

"No" he said with tears again in his eyes as reality set in that the hair it had taken him 18 years to grow was taken away in a few seconds.

" Oh" I said with fake sorrow in my voice "Then you are going to hate the next shave".

"Please don't" he said tears now flowing again.

"Bobby, let's get a couple of things straight here" I said.

"First, you approached me and told me what you are looking for, I didn't search you out. Second, My house, my rules. You are here strictly for my sexual entertainment and enjoyment. If you don't like that, you don't have to come back. Third, you may be 18 but you have the cock of a 5 year old and I intend to treat you in that manor. From here on out you will refer to me as Daddy in private AND in public or expect to be puniched." I hammered into him with the facts.

"Now, we are going to make your cock look twice as big as it is" I said grabbing the electric shaver once again. CLICK " Do you want me to do this or do you want to do it?" I asked. " If I have to do it, that dildo on the table is headed up your ass as I shave you" knowing he didn't want any part of that.

"" he blubbered.

I gave him the eye and he quickly added "Daddy"

"Your call" I said as I grabbed for the Dildo.

"I'll do it" he surrendered with a sigh.

As Bobby grabbed the electric razor and began the process of shaving off all of his prized pubic hair, I stood to the side to watch the process and get some things ready for the next stage.

Bobby was sobbing with each pass of the razor, his private hair falling to my carpet

I sat on the couch, picked up his wallet and began to quiz him.

"So your legal name is Robert xxxxxxx according to your drivers license"

"Yes Daddy" he said clearly intent on the job at hand.

"And you live at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx right here in Lake Elsinore"

He let out a sigh and replied "Yes Daddy"

"You are a Senior at Ortega High"

"Yes Daddy"

"What are you doning here boy" I asked

"You are going to play with my body Daddy" he said after some hesitation.

Bobby had most of his pubes shaved down and was now having some problems getting under his tiny balls.

I stood up and said, "Good job so far boy, let me finish up for you." His eyes went right to the dildo I had threatened him with and chuckled to him "Don't worry son, you did most of the work, this one is on me" I said standing up and grabbing the can of shaving cream and a razor.

He had done a decent job, he just now needed assistance to get to those hard to reach places and a razor to smooth him up.

"Turn around and bend over" I said looking him in the eye.

He hesitated for a second or two and I said "Now is not the time to piss me off son, just do as I say" and with that he turned around and put his hands against the wall. I pulled on his waste to back him up so his ass was easier to open.

I sprayed some of the cold shaving cream into my hand and applies it to his ass, making sure I hit his button a couple of times. This caused him to pull away from my fingers so I suggested to him, "Son, now is not the best time for you to be moving around" and I smacked this right ass cheek.

I began the process of shaving his ass smooth and took the opertunity to quiz him some more.

"This sure is a tiny ass son, have any of your friends tried to fuck it" I said as I made sure the tip of my finger was applying light pressure on his hole.

"No" he paused as I ran my finger around the lips of his opening "But they have made me do other stuff" he offered.

Bobby had not mentioned in our conversations that he had any other man to man contact, so this peaked my interest.

Acting like it was not a big deal, I asked him what he ment.

"Before we moved here at my old school the kids always made fun of me in gym class. When I was about 14 a bunch of kids my age grabbed me while I was playing in the park. The wanted me to pull my pants down for them so they could show their friends how...small I am. When I wouldn't do it, they drug me into some bushed and took my pants off me. They all laughed at me and played with my dick. This happened a couple of days in a row, more kids each time so I decided not to go to that park anymore"

I had finished shaving Bobbys ass but I wanted to hear the rest of his story so I grabbed some of the lube I had sitting next to the dildo, poured some into my hand and began to rub it into his ass.

"Back up a little more son and spread you legs wider so I can work on the back of your balls" I said as an excuse to open him a bit wider. "Please, continue" I offered.

"Well, I have never had any really close friends so I didn't mind just hanging out in the woods near my house and playing by myself. It was pretty cool, lots of places to explore and all that. One day I was resting after climbing a bunch of trees when I heard a lot of voices close by. The closer they got the more I figured it was part of the group of guys that had bothered me at the park. I was about to bolt when three of them came out of a bunch of trees and seeing me, pounced on me. The yelled to their buddies that they had found me. There was a group of about 12 kids from 10 to 16 years old. This time they not only held me down and took my pants off, they took my shirt too so I was all naked in front of them. As usual, they were insulting my cock and grabbing at it. One of them said to the group, watch this and he unzipped his pants letting his cock hang out. He ordered me to suck it for him and I refused. 12 of them and one of me, well I gave about 25 blow jobs that day. They told me to be here tomorrow at the same time for more and if I didn't show up they would tell everyone. Well, that lasted for a couple of weeks, with more and more guys joining untill my parrents heard about it. All hell broke loose and that is why we moved here. I have a pass from gym class at this school."

Well, now I had a much better picture of where this dickless little teen was coming from.

"At least now you have a friend son" I said as I leaned in and let my tongue work over his well lubed ass as Brad let out a moan.

"Let's finish up here" I said as I turned him around to be greeted by his hard cock, all 2 1/2 inches of it.

I couldn't resist so I moved to his side, ran my hand between his legs and using my thumb and pointer finger rubbed the little cock.

"Boy, I think we need to make one more change" I said to him as I continued to stroke the tiny flesh. "Men have cocks, this is more a weiner. From now on you will refer to this like a little boy and use the word weiner to describe it. It doesn't come close to being rated as a cock."

"Yes Daddy" he said

" I know you have measured it, how small is it son" I quizzed.

"It's 2 1/4 inches long hard Daddy" he offered.

" I see" I said, then dropping the first of many bombs on him "So when you suck my man sized cock, you will be sucking down 3 times the size of yours, right boy?"

"I...I...I..." he stammered.

"That's ok boy, I don't expect you to be good at math either" I said as I let his little dick go from between my fingers.

I moved back in front of him, applied the shaving cream to his stubbly pubic har and finished shaving him smooth as newborn. His dick as hard as he could be, all 2 1/2 inches of it!

Once I had him shaved to my satisfaction, I leaned forward and put the tip of his dick in my mouth. With such a tiny piece of meat, it was not easy keeping him in my mouth but I soon got the hang of it. I had both my hads working over is hass and as soon as I felt him begin to swell ( well as much a a tiny dick like that can ) I incerted a finger fully into his still lubed ass and began a steady fucking motion.

"Oh God" was Bobbys reply as he moved his body with the fucking motion of my finger, causing him to fick my mouth in the process. A few seconds later I could tell he was going to blow his nut so I rammed a second finger up that vergin tail as he erupted, well..if 3 small squirts is an eruption, into my mouth.

Like nothing had happened, I pulled my fingers out of his ass and moved to the closet for some more things. Bobby was still panting when I got back.

"Liked that didn't you son" I asked.

Breathless he said, "Yes Daddy....that was hot" and for the first time I saw a smile on his blushing face. We would have to see if he felt the same in a few hours!

I am almost 100% sure Bobby thought we were done, after all I had made him cry with embarassment several times, stripped the kid, had quite a few laughs at his little weiner, made him shave all his pubic hair, sucked his cock, and fingered his virgin ass. So when I handed him the cloths I had pulled out of the closet, he took them abut had a confused look on his face.

"Put those on son" I said as I turned and walked to my computer in the corner of the room. I could see his reflection in my moniter as he would look atthe cloths I had given him, look up at me then look back at the cloths.

I shook my mouse and my moniter came to life. I minimized the view that was being displayed and began to type the web address I had found in Bobbys wallet. As the web site loaded I checked the reflection again and Bobby was putting on the cloths I has selected for him. I entered the user name and password that was on the piece of paper from Bobbys wallet. Just as the new page was loading, Bobby walked up to me and asked "What is with these cloths.....Daddy?"

I had picked a red silk speedo knock off for him and a 1/2 tee shirt that ended just about half way down his upper torso. It was tight enough that even his little nubs for nipples could be seen. As for the shorts, well they were far better than the to-big-in-the-crotch underwear he came in. These were so tight that you could at least make out his little buldge.

I stuck my hand into the front of his shorts and pulled his soft 1 1/2 inch cock to the side. Then I removed my hand and pulled the shoers up a little higher on his waste. This was the effect I wanted, it clearly showed what he had to offer, and that wasn;t much.

"We are going out son, and we sure want everyone to see what you have to offer...such as it is" I chuckled outloud.

"NO I can't go out like this!" he almost screamed.

"Why not son, face it. You have a little boy weiner between your legs, might as well let everyone know it" I calmly said again chuckling the whole time.

"NO, I am not going to do it, I am outta here" he stated.

"Cool with me boy, but we have a second problem" I calmly said.

"What the fuck is that" he said turning back to me.

"Well, here on my computer are the names and email addresses of everyone in your school" I said as I open the page for him to see.

Bobby was even more pale but put up a great front as he said " Yea, so?"

I clicked on the other window I had minimized and on the screen came the video I had recorded using my webcam clearly showing young teen Bobby.

"A quick edit or two and everyone at your school will have a nice video of you shaving yourself, calling me Daddy, getting your little ass eaten and fingered and even you letting a guy twice your age suck your cock."

His hands went straight to his face as he bagan crying and moaning.

While he was struggling with the information he now had, I took a second to save the web cam footage that I already had. I moved the camera into a new position and began recording again making sure to minimize the window. Kids - sometimes they are just stupid!

"What will I have to do" Bobby managed to get out between sobs.

"Just do as you are told son and I promise you will have a good time" i said in my kindest voice.

His tears were now reduced to an occasional sniffle so I patted my crotch and said "Come down here boy and take care of this" I grabbed his hand and guided it to the buldge in my 501's. "Come on now Bobby, be a good boy and blow Daddy" Slowly Bobby went to his knees. He opened my pants and pulled my cock out of my underwear. He didn't hesitate to get it in his mouth, a very goos sign I thought.

There was no doubt, the kid could suck a cock. I knew I didn't have a long time to go so I pulled my cock from his sucking mouth and lighjtly slapped it along his face.

"Bobby, you suck cock very nicely, those boys taught you very well. Don't you think I would enjoy it more if I were naked?" I said as I began to stand up.

Bobby began to remove my cloths when I said "Don't you need permition to take a man's cloths off Bobby?"

"Daddy ( good, he remembered ) can I take your cloths off please?" he asked not looking at me but at my hard cock.

"Why son?" I asked

After a quick sigh he said "So I can suck your cock Daddy"

"Sure son, knock yourself out" I said as he one again started to Hoover my cock.

The kid was good, I'll give him that much! The trouble I was having is that I needed to not only give him a good mouthful of my cream, I NEEDED to make sure I got several loads in his hair and face for later use.

It wasn't 3 minutes and I knew the kid was going to get a load and fast. The first couple of loads stayed in his mouth but I did notice some coming out of the sides. PERFECT! I pulled my pulsing cock out of his mouth, with my left hand held his chin and with my right hand blasted 3 nice loads in his bangs and face. The last 2 loads I sprayed on his tee shirt as I pushed him backwards so I could aim.

"Wow, that was good head son" then I teased, "You are an expert, do you do thjat for all your friends here?"

"No Daddy" he said as I was putting my wet cock away and pulling up my pants.

"Hang on there son" I said as I noticed him begin to move his hand like he was going to wipe the cum from his hair, face and mouth.

He stopped in mid-movement, looking at me as if to ask why.

"You look good just like this and you will fit right in where we are headed.

End of Part 1

Feedback welcome!

Next: Chapter 2

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