Hunger in His Eyes

By moc.oohay@repsihwtohlw

Published on Mar 21, 2008


The first stranger to suck my cock had sandy hair and hunger in his eyes. He picked me up hitchhiking, and I knew from the moment that I slid onto the seat why he had picked me up. I was returning from visiting my girlfriend at college. He was cruising for boys.

I knew because of his eyes. They were wide open, as if they saw everything about me, but behind them there was only lust and begging. As soon as I he looked at me, I knew that I would let him.

We talked while he drove me the thirty-five miles, but I don't remember anything. When we got close, he asked me. I don't remember that he said anything like, "can I suck your cock," or even that he actually said anything. Perhaps he just asked me with his eyes. Perhaps we both just knew and nothing was said.

He asked where I was going. I was afraid he would know where I lived so I told him another place to drive. I knew he would park, and fondle me. I never said yes, I only remember nodding to the look in his eyes. Sometime in the last ten miles, my cock had gotten hard by itself. It was ready even if my mind raced in a panic. My cock had decided on its own, though, and nothing would stop what was going to happen.

He sucked me, and I came. Quick. I'm sure he swallowed, there was nothing to clean up, but I wasn't thinking about that. I wasn't thinking. I was just looking at his sandy hair. The feeling of his mouth on my cock, devouring it, hungry?how long had it been? thirty-five miles, a half an hour of lust and anticipation?and how long before that since he had a cock in his mouth?. He knew when I got in the car that his lips would wrap around my cock before the door opened again, and now it was happening. He plunged my cock deep into his throat.

I had unzipped for him and pulled my pants down so he could suck me. He would have done it, but I gave myself to him, like a girl, maybe, giving up her pussy. He took more. It didn't take long, but he took something more. He took my cock in his lips and made me cum. For seventeen years, it had been mine, mine to stroke, mine to fuck with. He took it. It was his. I came because he wanted it. My cock was his for those two minutes, and I never really got it back.

When his sandy head raised out of my crotch I saw his eyes again. The hunger was gone for now. His eyes were soft, unfocused, relaxed. Some of my cum was on his face. It was still there when I swung the car door shut behind me and he drove off, not looking back. When I got home, I wanted to forget him. The next day, I wished I knew where he was. I thought he was disappointed I came so fast. I wanted him to suck me again. I masturbated thinking of my girlfriend's warm pussy and swollen nipples. And I wanted him to suck me again.

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