
By Dagor Dragontooth / Arkan Two Worlds

Published on Mar 7, 2012



The following is an erotic story depicting sex between consenting adults (m/m, m/f, m/m/f), if this is illegal in your jurisdiction or you're underage, get the hell Better things to do on the Internet. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story. It's my return to writing and I appreciate any and all feedback to my email:


I saw the deer through a clearing in the brush, the setting sun almost obscuring the opening. Now was my chance. It had been a quite fruitless two days of hunting in the sweltering summer heat of eastern Texas, well, at least for me. The rest of the party had fared better. Big Bruno Talbot had slain the biggest buck so far, Andy, Bruno's nephew, had bagged a smaller buck's was smaller, but still of considerable size. Robert Silver, Bruno's cousin, had shot a buck that outweighed Andy's, and he had caught the day's fish, so all in all, I was the useless one and the one that would have to cough up $80 if by the end of the trip my trophies were nonexistent or smaller than the others. The buck in front of me looked to be heavier than Robert's at the very least, so it would have definitely put me ahead.

I slung the bow off my back and gently placed an arrow on the drawstring, drawing it very silently as I took a step forward to steady my sight. Breathe in, breathe out. The deer was completely oblivious to my presence. I decided to take another step to make sure the arrow would fly true...


The deer definitely heard the twig snap under my boot, and darted off with my hopes and with the better part of two hours' energy spent tracking it. Fuck it. To compound matters, a thunderclap sounded overheard, so I couldn't exactly dash after the deer without getting my strings all wet. It took me an hour to get back to the camp site, and by then, night had fallen and I had gotten completely drenched. As I got closer, I saw the two tents had been pitched, and the three men were huddling over a temporary tarp for dinner. I sat down, dripping wet, and reached in with my camp spoon.

Mr. Talbot went by "Big" because he tended to come up with the biggest catches unexplainably. He was in his early forties, well-built, stocky, but with about ninety percent muscle to ten percent flab. He had an angry scowl that betrayed his actual gentle nature, it just took some time getting used to. His brother, Robert, was the same way, only he was slightly taller, with a little bit more flab and thinning hair on his temples. Andy was my age – twenty four, tall, lean, a good-looking kid that had recently finished summer camp with a development soccer team in the state. I personally wasn't such a bad looker, I was shorter than Andy, of a similar build, but where he was fair like his father and uncle, I had brown skin courtesy of my latin ancestry. That should have given me an advantage in camouflage, but so far, the only thing that stood out about me was that I had to wear twice the day-glo orange so that I wouldn't get shot in the woods.

"Hey there, Drenchy McDrench. How'd it go?" Andy asked. I gave him a stern look, then laughed. "Guess I'm not cut out for this hunting stuff. Had the buck in my sights and then I stepped on a branch."

"Oh man, I remember Don would do the same thing," Bruno said. Don was his son, and another good friend of mine that had only missed out on this trip because of summer school obligations. Don was also the first guy I ever had any sort of experience with, we were both eighteen and "just playing around" out of curiosity. Things never got past that, though. Naturally, no one knew. "But he got better." I shrugged and started peeling off my shirt to leave it outside to dry. "Hunt's not over."

We passed the rest of the night under the rain swapping stories and old jokes, you know, manly stuff. And football. There was ample talk about football-both kinds, and the upcoming seasons. I was the first to retire, mainly because I had to strip down completely naked and I was a bit self-conscious about doing it in front of the three guys. I slipped quickly into my sleeping bag and plugged in my ipod to help me drift off to sleep. Sleep was rudely interrupted about an hour or so later when a loud zipping noise brought me back to wakefulness. In stepped Mr. Talbot, who was sharing the tent with me. "Whoops, sorry, Damian, didn't mean to wake you."

"Not a problem, Mr. T, I'm a light sleeper anyway."

"Do you mind if I sleep commando? It's way too hot in here."

"I don't mind, I won't look."

He laughed and stripped down as I turned back to my ipod, but I couldn't help but take a good long look at Mr. Talbot's body. He was ripped throughout his body, not a lot of body hair, and then my eyes froze on the thing hanging between his legs. Seven inches while flaccid, cut, and very thick. I felt a stirring between my own legs and then quickly averted my eyes. Talbot threw down his blanket on the matted floor of the tent and then laid on it. He then turned to me, and it was all I could do to keep focus on my ipod. "Hey, you never told us how things with you and Sandy ended up?"

I shrugged. "She just didn't like some of my lifestyle choices."

"You're not exactly a pothead, Damian, I don't think you are, are you?"

"Hell no, no, there were some other minor differences."

"Hey, you can trust me, I won't share it with Don. I promise."

"No one?"

"Scout's honor."

I sighed, and looked around, as if Robert or Andy could suddenly eavesdrop.

"Don't worry about them, Damian, they're both asleep. Look, how long have we known each other?"

"Awhile now, Mr. Talbot,"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"I kind of do, it feels good to talk about it, but this stays between us."

"You got it."

"Well, truth is, I came out as bisexual to her. She did not appreciate that in the very least. Said it made me twice as likely to cheat."

He laughed. Which was completely not the impression I expected to get. I shot him a cross look. "Sorry, you just surprised me, that's all."


"I thought you were going to say something like you had decided to quit grad school or something like that."

"Hell no, I'm paying my balls in tuition and am about to graduate, no way in hell I'm giving that up. Also, why are you not freaked out?"

"Damian, just because I happen to like guns and hunting does not make me a redneck. Shit, you'd think you'd know me a little better than that."

"Sorry for judging, but yeah, that was pretty much it."

"She actually told you that you were twice as likely to cheat?"


"She was a dumb bitch, I probably should have told you this earlier, you just looked so happy with her."

I shrugged. "She was, but no harm done."

"Exactly, you live, you learn, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Now, I'm off to sleep, have to get up bright and early."

He turned his head aside, and was asleep within seconds. I tried to do the same, but was having a hard time, no pun intended, with my own hardness and staring at Mr. Talbot's flaccid-yet-still thick penis. "It's okay to stare, Damian."

I freaked out and pretended I was asleep, out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Talbot sit up. "C'mon, I was in the Army. We're trained to sense that kind of stuff."

I sighed and opened my eyes, kinda raising my hands in apology. "I'm sorry, it's just, a bit distracting."

"I can put on some shorts if you want."

"No, it's fine, it's just, really big."

He laughed. "Well, let's just say it's not just because I'm really good at hunting that they call me that. Let me see yours."


"It's only fair."

"I'm not as big as you are."

"This is not a size contest, Damian."


I shrugged out of my sleeping bag and showed him my own rod, six and a half, average sized, thick and cut. "Not bad. How much have you done with guys?" He asked.

"Just...some goofing around."

"I think we're past euphemisms here."

"I jacked off a guy and sucked him off."

He laughed. "Well, that's putting it bluntly. Why not give it another go?"

"I haven't had the chance, really."

"You have the chance now."

I looked up nervously at him. "I didn't know you..."

"Were bi?"


"I don't get out as much as I used to, but back in the army, we'd have certain buddies. If that's bi, then sure, I'm bi."

"So you wouldn't be mad if I touched it?"

"Of course not."

I rolled over to where he was, just as the rain started to patter hard again. I gingerly placed my hand around his shaft and felt it pulse once, twice, and then it had hardened to a full eight and a half thick inches. Maybe more. It looked so..hpynotic just standing upright there, little bead of sweat glistening on the shaft. It was automatic that I started stroking it, slowly at first, twisting my hand just a little bit as I did so. He put his hands behind his back and laid back, letting me work my hands on his thick shaft. I looked around nervously. He chuckled. "They're dead asleep. Don't worry, just keep on doing what you're doing."

So I did. Slowly, then started picking up, I kept at it, mystified by his large weapon, for several minutes. The feel of his thick member felt great on my hands as I started stroking faster, and faster. "Alright, I'm going to come soon, and I'd hate to waste that load." He looked at me, smiling.

"Oh well, I guess I don't want to get cumstains on the tent either." I placed myself between his legs and took a long lick up his shaft. Then I licked around the head and slowly introduced his cock to the back of my throat, his pubic hair tickling my nose. I sucked gently, inhaling manhood, twisting my head around like I did with my hand, and just enjoyed the feeling, trying to keep the slurping to a minimum. I was...really enjoying myself, feeling that thick hunk of meat sliding in and out of my throat. Soon enough, he was trembling slightly and placing his hand over my hair and grabbing it. In a matter of a few very enjoyable minutes, he had taken charge and was making my head bob faster and faster and faster, the motion became automatic, and then the shudder, and he stuck himself even further down my throat, and then a release. Warm jet of sperm after warm jet hit the back of my throat and filled my mouth. I swallowed three gulps before his large shaft slipped out of my tongue and a little bit to the side...still hard. I looked up at him, eager for more instructions.

"Amazing, Damian. Looks like you're hard yourself. Why don't you stroke yourself a little?"

"I thought we weren't going to be wasting any sperm."

"We're not, you're going to cum on my stomach and then clean me off."

I obeyed, and it was not difficult to bring myself to orgasm. I knelt beside him and masturbated furiously, my hand working my shaft as I had worked his, and soon enough, I was spouting off my own jets into Big's ripped stomach. After I did that, I cleaned him up with my tongue as he no doubt expected to. Spent, I collapsed next to him, very satisfied.

"What happens next?" I asked.

"We go to sleep, in our beds, if you want anything further, well, let's just say that unless Andy really gets lucky tomorrow, you're going to owe me eighty bucks."

Andy didn't.

As we were packing the tent, I was bending over, and Big approached me and grabbed my ass from behind. "Ah yes, this will do just fine."

I laughed. "When do I head over with the money?"

"Come over on Friday at noon."

"Okay, what if I can't make it."

"I don't think it was a request. I'll see you Friday, and bring the money."

We headed back the next day, Tuesday, around noon, and I spent the next two days just doing my own thing, partying it up at night, overall just enjoying the summer. But truth be told, I was nervous, and I was even more nervous Friday around 11 as I left my house. Freshly showered, I was wearing just some exercise shorts and shirt and some sandals, because if you're familiar with Texas heat, you know why. If you're not familiar with Texas heat, just know that even shorts and a shirt is too much clothing for the amount of heat and humidity. I walked over to Big's house and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later and Mrs. Talbot opened the door, apparently on the way out. "Oh, Damian," she said. ""Big told me you were coming over with some money you owed him. You don't have to pay him, you know?"

"I know, it's a friendly wager, but it was a wager nonetheless. Where were you heading out to?"

"Oh, I have to sub every Friday at the school. But I'll be back in a few hours. Want to stay for dinner?"

"Maybe! I will see if nothing comes up then, thank you for the invite."

"Okay, see you soon hopefully!"

As she walked away I couldn't help but scoping her out. She was a tall woman, early forties, too, lanky but yet very attractive. Ignoring the stirring under my shorts, I walked in and shut the door behind me. The rush of the air conditioning almost made me orgasm right there after being out in the heat. I looked around, remembering the layout of the two-story house, and then walked past the kitchen to the living room, and then knocked on Mr. Talbot's bedroom door. "Come in!" A voice commanded from the inside and I stepped in.

The Talbots' bedroom was a large, sparse room, with a king-size bed shared by the two Talbots and their large bathroom. A reddish carpet covered the floor. Mr. Talbot was waiting in jeans and shirtless, watching TV at the edge of the ed. "Hey, Damian."

"Hey, Mr. Talbot."

"Come have a seat."

He patted the bed next to him and I sat down.

"Here's the money," I said, handing him the money, a thick wad of 20s. He closed his strong hand around mine and took the money from me.

"All accounted for! Still want to do this? The game is on."

I hesitated for a bit, but then I saw the huge bulge in the man's jeans and I couldn't contain myself.

"Yeah, I'm curious."

"What makes you so curious?"

"The thought of, I guess, being dominated by a man."

"Good answer, what specifically?"

I was getting worked up already by these questions.

"No idea, the feeling of submission, the passion, there's something about it. I can't explain it."

"Oh, you'll find the words after I'm done with you."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see, let's hit the shower, you're sweaty. Take off your clothes."

I stood up, kicked off my sandals and quickly stripped down to nothing.

"Turn around."

I obeyed, and without warning, Big slapped down his hand on my ass. I let out a surprised gasp as he began kneading my buttcheeks in his strong fingers.

"Oh yes, this definitely will do just fine."

I stepped into the bathroom and opened the shower door as Big stepped into the bathroom behind me. "Get on your knees."


"Just do it."

I obeyed and he pulled down his pants and boxers, unleashing his thick monster.

"Now start sucking like you know how."

"But your wife..."

"Is not here. Now suck."

I started out differently this time, sucking his balls, inhaling his musk, and then taking a quick long lick of his cock and then opened my mouth to take him all in. I felt his member stretch out my lips as it slid in and hit the back of my throat. I bobbed my head as I swirled my tongue around his cockhead and felt the cock sliding back and forth down my throat. I started lapping gently at the underside of his cockhead. I felt good devouring Big's big dick, felt good having him tense up in my mouth.

"You're such a good cocksucker, Damian."

I moaned a reply and Big started guiding my head faster and faster down his shaft and then pulled himself all the way in and began spurting his seed down my throat. I accidentally pulled back and some of his seed splattered on my face. I reached up to wipe it off but he kept my hands away.

"I like the way it looks on you. Now get in the shower."

I obeyed and got into the shower, feeling the hot water pour down my back. Big stepped in and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me down on my knees again.

"Lean forward."

I fell on my hands and felt his hand probing around my crack, eventually finding my hole. I felt one finger slide in quite painfully and I let out a sudden gasp of pain, tensing up my body. "Just relax. Breathe out." I did, and I felt the finger go deeper. He reached over me and among the bottles of shampoo in the shower he shared with his wife was a bottle of lubricant. My dick was hard at the thought of the couple sharing the shower, their bare feet where my hands were at the moment. I heard a small squirt and a cool sensation at my asshole. Within seconds, another finger was sliding inside me, this one covered in lubricant and I felt a little bit more comfortable as it began pumping in and out of my asshole, hot water sliding down my crack cleaning it as well. After a good ten minutes, Big took his fingers out and commanded me to get up. He led me by the hand back to the room, I could see his large erect cock dangling in front of me as he pushed me down on the bed.

"Are we going to use condoms?" I asked, as my back hit the bed.

Big shook his head.

"No, you are going to take me without them. I'm clean, and I know you are."


"No buts. I own you."

I nodded and laid back, letting Big spread my legs as another burst of lubricant slid into my tight asshole.

"Are you ready for this?"


He smacked my ass again.

"Yes, what?"


I had barely started pronouncing the `R' when he slid in hard into me, all eight inches of thick, hard cock slid in hard into me. It hurt, but it hurt so good.

"Oh, you're so tight, Damian, I'm going to love fucking you and making you my bitch."

I could only moan as he slid out and then slid back in. He leaned forward and I reached up my lips for a kiss but he held my chest back. "No kissing. You haven't earned that. To keep from your temptation, I'm going to fuck you like you need to be fucked."

He slid out of me and turned me over. "Get on your hands and knees on the bed."

"Yes, master."

I obeyed and felt his presence behind me. Suddenly, his cockhead was at the tip of my asshole again. Without warning, he placed his two hands on my shoulders and rammed in.

I moaned. A subtle, but loud, "Ohhhhhh.." that was a combination of pleasure and pain. Thankfully, he let my ass get used to the intruder before he resumed athrusting motion. I was in pain, but it felt great. I gripped on the sheets for support and caught a glimpse of the mirror that I hadn't seen before, right on top of the bed. I looked up and saw him thrust into me, his face contorted in the pleasure of dominating. I saw his hand reach back and slap me again. I was happy. I sat up for a bit, placed my arms around his neck and let him slide in and out of me before falling on all fours again. He mounted me so well for a good while, and then he pulled my hair back and thrust even harder inside me, and his grunts began mixing with my own moans. He would lean in occasionally and whisper that I was his.I felt his breathing, his passion, his strength through his thrusts, and then I felt him begin to speed up. My own cock was near about to burst, and then it happened. In one quick motion, he grabbed me by the shoulders and stuck himself even farther inside me. Then his cock shuddered and began filling my insides with his seed, letting out a massive grunt.

He unceremoniously slid out and spanked my ass and then bodily flipped me over, sliding hard into me again. This time, he kissed me, but it was hungry kisses, it was a man devouring a meal kisses, and it was only minutes before he was filling me with his seed again.

As his orgasm subsided, he fell in bed next to me.

"That was good, Damian. I'll see you next week. Same time."

And so began my training. Every Friday I would go over to his house, service him, and then get fucked like a bitch. I enjoyed it, but it was one day that everything changed...for the best.

It started out as usual, ran into Mrs. Talbot as she left for school and I walked into Mr. Talbot's apartment. This time, he was naked, sitting on a chair. I automatically shed all my clothes and fell on my knees, crawling in hands and knees to where he was at. I kissed his legs, his feet, and then began servicing his cock. "Sit on me."

We hadn't tried this position before but I knew better than to disobey the master. I got on the chair and slowly started lowering myself down. Big did not want to wait and shoved my ass down on him. I let out a yelp of pleasure as I began grinding hard into him.

"You're so hard in me, master."

He grunted and kept up his pace.

And then I heard the door open.

My heart flipped and I struggled to stand up, but Mr. Talbot forced me to stay on his cock.

"But...someone's here."

"I know," was all Big said, and thrust himself inside once again. I melted into his embrace and accepted the consequences. They were worth it just to have that magnificent member in my ass. The door to the bedroom opened and Mrs. Talbot walked in.

"Oh, so Damian's your new little toy, huh?"

I gave Big an incredulous look but said nothing as my ass kept on slowly, almost automatically grinding.

Mrs. Talbot undressed, leaving only her bra as she walked over to me and spanked my ass. "No wonder you like him so much, that's a very tight ass. I knew there was a reason I should have come back so soon."

She increased pressure and began pumping my ass faster and faster down Big's cock.

I took another look at her, her lanky, slender figure, light tan skin from the sun, small yet perky breasts on her tall body.

"You like that dick, don't you, Damian?"

"Yes...I love my master's dick."

"Mmmh, what else?"

"I love being his sl.."

"Say it louder."

I couldn't, I was grinding harder and harder, feeling Big tense up.

"Say it!"

"I love...being...his..."

And then Big came, just as I moaned "sluuuut..."

She kissed her husband square on the lips and then laid down on the bed. "Big, tell your little slut that he's going to please me now."

"You heard her."

"Yes, master."

I got up and out of Big's dick, making a wet plop as his thick rod slid out of my ass, and headed to the edge of the bed. I knelt down and Mrs. Talbot placed her toes to my lips. "Suck my toes and kiss my feet."

I obeyed, kissing her feet and licking her toes gently.

"Now, use your tongue on my pussy."

I obeyed and began my specialized technique of pleasing women. I'd kiss their inner thighs, smell the wetness, tease their opening, and then slid in my tongue. She let out a passionate moan as my tongue pierced her pussy and found her clit. I took long measured laps of her little nub, savoring the wetness.

"Oh, Big, your slave is so good. Best we've ever had."

I heard Big leave the chair and felt his presence suddenly behind me. "Slut, I want you to fuck my wife."

I pulled back, startled. I had fantasized about Mrs. Talbot for ages. This couldn't be happening. Mrs. Talbot reached back down and forced my pussy down her head again as she came suddenly, sending her own wetness down my throat.

Big grabbed my hair and then pulled me up. "I'm not going to say it again."

I nodded as he slapped my ass and then I slid into his forty year old wife. I almost came right then but I controlled myself and I leaned forward, getting into a better position for my thrusts. Big lined up behind me and forced himself in me just as I thrust inside his wife again. I let out a moan as his thick eight-incher once again made itself at home inside my tight ass, just as my own cock penetrated his wife. The thrusts kept on and on for a good forty minutes, and then, I felt it coming. I leaned just a little forward and began playing with Mrs. Talbot's breasts with my right hand while my left hand played with her puss. She moaned, oohs and aahs that kept me driving forward.

And then the orgasm was near. I couldn't help it...and neither could the Talbots.

It happened.

In one second that lasted for an eternity, we came together, two men grunting in pleasure and one woman screaming in orgasm as my juices and hers intermingled in her pussy while Big pumped his own seed into me once again. Exhausted, we kept that position, pumping in and out until every last drop was drained.

"Well, Damian, looks like it's going to be a fun rest of the summer," Big said, slapping my ass again to remind me that I was his. "Oh, Big," Mrs. Talbot said. "It'll be so fun when we introduce him to our friends..."

Next: Chapter 2

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