Husband of My Homophobic Sister

By I Dusk

Published on Dec 18, 2022


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Chapter 13 - One good day, part 2 - Ben's birthday

"You want me to meet your friends?" He looked at me, shocked, but he seemed happy "Well yeah. It's a bunch of settled gays, but they are amazing." "How are you going to introduce me?" "I don't know. We can figure it out on the way." "Who will be there?" "Ben with his husband and Sheila and Courtney with her wife and Brian." "So, your college gang?" "Yeah. It's Ben's birthday today. Honestly, I forgot, as these past days were quite fulfilling" I smirked at him. "Right." He grinned and kissed me. "But I don't have any gift." "You don't need to. I have one." "No way. First time meeting your friends. I am not coming without a present." He jumped and paced around, obviously thinking his head off. I had to laugh. He was amazing!

"Nathaniel, chill out. It's fine. They are family, we could come there in gym clothes, and Ben would just ask where we've come from. Peter would be scoffing for a few minutes, but Courtney and Dora would laugh" "That's good, and it seriously helps but still." I just sat back and watched him. "Ben, was that rum guy?" I laughed so hard. "I love you just called him that. Yes, but you don't drink. Do you even have alcohol in the house? Or do you want to stop at a liquor store on the way?" "Wait," he ran, like seriously, full sprint, naked. His glutes bounced. "What a view...." I went after him. He found his phone and called someone. He held his phone next to his ear and repeated it: "Wait!"

"Hi, I need the best-unopened rum you have at home." "No." "Not really. Can I have it?" "I need it as a birthday present." "We are going to a birthday party." "No, just 6. We are getting tested." "Yes, very" he looked at me, and his lips curved in a wicked grin "Thank you. I owe you." "Yeah, sure." "Right. One second." He looked at me. "When do we need to leave?" I looked at my phone. "In about an hour, maybe a bit later." "Hour." "Could you" he sounded like a sweet girl scout selling someone cookies they know people don't want, so they need to be extra cute. "Thank you. You're the best." "Sure, but be nice." He laughed, "Sure you are." "See you!" Nathaniel looked at me proudly as if he had just won the Spelling bee. The cuteness of this man today!

"Who was that?" "Dan. He is kind of a snob with his alcohol and loves rum and whiskey. He put more money into this than some do into clothes. Maybe we could introduce them. Dan loves showing his collection. And talking about it." He rolled his eyes with laughter His phone beeped with a message. "Do you think this will be ok?" He handed the phone to me. He showed me a picture of a brown wooden box with a BLACK TOT written on it and a golden sign. It looked expensive. "Damn, are you going to propose? Cos with this, he might just consider it."

He smiled, "They have a daughter, right? How old is she?" "She was three last time I saw her. Or? Wait. Yes. Three. Perfect age for being a little mischievous and still getting away with it." I grinned. He smiled mysteriously "Do you want kids someday?" he asked. "I love kids, but first, I need someone I trust enough for that." "Of course." He looked at the clock and said, "We should get ready."

I hugged him "It's just like a family gathering. Dora will probably be breastfeeding most of the time, and Sheila will run around like possessed, so it will be a boring afternoon. You don't need to worry that much" "I think I got to that age when I appreciate boring afternoons with good people." He brushed my arms with his fingers "Then you will be having more fun than I. I still haven't reached that age." "Do you still go clubbing?" "Of course. I am a single entrepreneur. Tall, built, and you should see me dance. I like to have fun." I nearly said it's the best way to get regular ass without commitments, but I stopped myself before saying that. "Then you can take me to a club sometime when they open again." "Gladly." I kissed him "I will go find what to wear." He kissed me and ran to his room "Don't stress about it. Seriously." But I was pointless. Nathaniel was already deep in his closet, pulling on his hangers and putting them back again, disappointed.

I just stood in their catalog-perfect bedroom and watched him pick out clothes and put them on the bed. He picked up green button-down and grey suit pants. He looked at his underwear and couldn't decide. "Just don't pick any." He laughed, "I want to be modest," and winked at me. Then he took grey boxer briefs and green socks. He put on his watch and looked at his ties. "Don't you dare wear a tie?" He looked at me, "Why not?" "Because I just realized how hot they are, and if you take it, I will use it on you eventually." He took a deep breath, and with his dick twitching, he came to me and kissed me. "I would like that." "Damn boy, you're driving me crazy!" We kissed for the longest time, and then I took his hand "We should do that home test. I will bring them." "Thanks."

After we laid it down, waiting for results, I set up a timer and kissed him. I left to get dressed. He also watched me. I ended up putting on a plain black long-sleeved top that nicely enhanced my biceps and v shape of my back. I put a jock on to help me cover my hard-on and took dark blue pants. I looked at myself and was happy. I saw Nate's look in the reflection and pulled him to me, embracing him. We were watching ourselves for a minute when the doorbell rang. "Dan."

He went down and opened the door. I slowly took a deep breath when the timer went off. I turned and looked at Ag tests. Both negative. I took a pic and sent it to Ben. I went down. I did not realize at first how nervous I was meeting his best friend until I arrived in front of him. Dan looked at me. He was watching me like some rare species of predator. I offered my hand. "Richard, nice to meet you." He took it and shook it slowly "Daniel." "Do you want to sit down? We will be going in about ten minutes, but I can get you something to drink." "As much as I appreciate that, Susan is freaked out about the pandemic and wasn't excited when I went in the first place." "I don't think it is necessary to be that much afraid of it. Cautious sure but life shouldn't stop completely," said Nate "I agree, but there has been a lot of stress since Blake was born. The pandemic just made it much worse." "Sure, I get that. My best friend's wife just gave birth three months ago and is apprehensive. If it's any consolation, we just tested negative." "Thanks. Blake is just five months old, so we can understand. Now being in the same house as they are... You know what, nothing. I can enjoy seeing Nate without thinking about not sleeping and being unable to work over the screaming." "That still lasts?" "Yeah, I think we tried everything. Blake is an angry baby." "What is going on?" I asked. I don't even know why "Blake keeps crying most of the time. They don't know why." "Do you lay her down after feeding?" They both looked at me curiously. "Well, I think yes. Susan takes care of that, but I think, yeah. Especially when she sleeps only in 20-minute intervals." "Try looking up GER; it's acid reflux; Brian had it, they need to carry him upright for like an hour after every feeding, but it helped." "Blake doesn't puke." "Neither did Brian. Just look it up, maybe it is something else, but I remember Courtney told me that their pediatrician hadn't thought of it, and they just diagnosed it over symptoms, and it helped. But I don't know anything about children; I was just a great screaming target by a frustrated mother that needed to vent." I grinned and shook my shoulders

"Well... thanks, I will check it out." He looked at Nate. "Shouldn't we go?" Nate asked "Right yeah, we should!" "Well, enjoy the party." "See you, Nate. Glad to meet you, Richard. Bye."

We took our things, and I went for Ben's gift that I had bought him. It was weird after all this time to go out all dressed up. We drove for a while, and Nate asked me about them more. We talked, and I could see he was slightly nervous, but he looked composed.

We parked and went to the door. I knocked, and soon Ben opened. Ben is a tall black mountain of muscles. He is bald with the deepest brown eyes you could see, and he's about 6,4ft, maybe 260lb. But he is one of the gentlest people I know in life. He can switch to a beast in bed, but I never saw him fight. He is a gentle geek inside. "Welcome." If Daniel looked at me as if I was a predator, Ben looked at Nate like he was a flower in the desert. Nathaniel blushed. He seriously did. Then they both looked at me. "Hi Ben, this is Nathaniel, my..." I was thinking about what to say now. We haven't discussed it... I didn't know if I could out him and given we live in the same city, I didn't want to put any of them in a weird position if they met when Nate would be with Ashley... "My brother-in-law." I finished with a smile Ben froze with an outstretched hand and looked at Nate and me again. "Your brother-in-law?" "Yeah, I live with them now, and we got quite close, so I thought he could use some company because Ash is out of town." I tried to sell it the best I could.

Ben watched us with a frown but shook Nate's hand, politely welcomed him, and invited us in. Peter came running and hugged me. He was a 5,9ft swimmer with a broad back and muscular arms. His ginger hair was slightly under his chin, and his green eyes glittered when he looked at Nate. "Don't get excited, Peter. He is his brother-in-law." "Ow, really?" He looked confused "Yeah, he didn't want to leave him home alone. Cos Ash is abroad, and they got close. As buddies, I am sure." "That's nice of you, Rick. Welcome, Nate. I am Peter." "Sure, it's nice. Our Rick is such a caring brother-in-law. I am sure that's all." He said sarcastically "Ben, you always look at people through your own intentions. It's nice of him." "I said it is." "Give him a break, honey; he's not even his type." he probably tried to save me somehow, but damn could he say something worse?

This made Nate smile widely and look at me. "His type? That's interesting. What is his type?" "Oh, just stop it, you gossip girls." I pleaded, annoyed, and went inside. "No. Please tell me. Maybe I would know someone suitable." Nate leaned playfully toward Pete "Good luck with that. He mostly swore off men," Peter whispered aloud "I haven't." I stepped into the living room, but I could still hear them "Oh, I don't count guys you send home for the night. When was the last time someone stayed in your home till the morning?" Peter looked at me quizzically "Nate, for example." I grinned. Ben scoffed, firing judging shots into my eyes "Well, I kind of live there." Nate shook his shoulders with a smile "Then that doesn't count." He winked at me "So tell me. I am really curious now that I see how his face looks. That must be good." Peter laughed and took Nate by the elbow like a happy gossip girl and walked with him into the house. Ben looked at me harshly. I smiled at him and followed Nate and Pete. "Well, Rick loves chocolate," he leaned closer to Nate, "If you know some cute, petite, slutty guy, ideally hairy. But please, one that is smart and kind, and most of all, caring and bighearted. But good luck anyway; I kinda gave up trying to find someone who will last." "And I am grateful that you finally took a hint. Guys, can you stop?" I love Peter, but this lack of consideration for personal things is annoying sometimes. "So, someone like Jerry." Nate looked at me with a smirk "Dear heavens, I am going for a drink," I said "You've met Jerry?" "We haven't really met. I just got a glimpse of him." "He walked on us fucking" I said on my way to say hi to Courtney who was nowhere to be seen. "Oh right, well, I have to say we had lots of hope for them, but workaholic meets commitment issues. I've had more heartaches hearing about them than they got from whatever they have." "I am not a workaholic. I love what I do. That's different. Where are girls?" "With Sheila and Brian upstairs." Said, Ben "I can vouch for what Richard said. I am a workaholic myself. I don't particularly love what I do, but I am good at it and driven. And this guy doesn't even work every Saturday." Now he winked at Peter. Ben looked at me, even more flustered now. He obviously has caught the Richard part. He raised his eyebrows like 'WTF is going on here!' but remained silent and folded his arms on his chest.

Peter loved Nate at first glance. He hung on to him the whole time, and I think if he didn't know he was married, he would be forcing me to ask him out. But Pete is very opposed to cheating, and I suppose the idea of us being together was impossible for him to think of. On the other hand, Ben must have known and looked at me judging. "I give up. You do you. When you are 60 with money but no memories to look back to, you will think of me" Peter raised his arm. "The reason I work so hard is so I can spend time with people I will care for," I said to my glass as I poured water into it. "First, you get to keep them, honey," he touched my back

"Nate, what do you drink?" "Water would be fine. Thank you, Peter." "By the way, Ben, here. Happy Birthday." I handed him a paper bag Ben took it and said, "You shouldn't have," like a polite politician handed a bucket of roses. He opened it and stared at it for a good couple of seconds, his eyes fixated on it. I puffed my chest like a peacock. I beamed with pride, and I didn't feel like hiding it. Peter got curious and finally let Nate's arm go as he came closer to Ben to look at it. "Are you fucking kidding me, man?" He roared so loud that some more petite man would flee. I showed him all my white teeth in a grin and nodded. "Ben! Rick! Is it real?" Peter asked Ben He looked at Pete, like, `Don't do this to me!' Then he looked at me with pleading eyes. "You wouldn't pull such a prank, right?" "Look inside," I said with a stoic face. Ben ran! Carrying the plain brown bag as if his baby was inside. He sat on a chair, pulled out a green book without a dust jacket with a black drawing of a dragon on it, placed it on the table, and slowly opened it. "I am sorry it's without a jacket, but it was like this, still I thought you would like it, it's the first edition, and it's signed." "You wouldn't be able to afford it with a jacket, Rick. Where did you get this?" "It was in one attic my guys were cleaning up. They asked me if I wanted to look through it, and I saw this, so I took it. Usually, it's just junk, but sometimes they call me if they find something interesting. I asked the owners, and they told me to toss it somewhere along with the rest of it." I shrugged my shoulders and put my hands in my pocket. "There were either bloody rich or bloody stupid." "I don't know. I don't judge. I mostly prefer to stay out of things. But they insisted on me being there. I wouldn't have it otherwise." "Lucky me!" Ben ran somewhere with the book and returned so fast that when he hugged me, he nearly slammed me on the floor if he wouldn't be hugging me so tight I couldn't breathe. "You are forgiven for anything you might have done in the past. I love it! Thank you!" "I haven't done anything." "Good, let's keep it that way, cos it doesn't cover any future fuck ups." he looked meaningfully into my eyes. "Shame, I would need that more." "I believe you." He let me go with a sigh.

"Well, I don't have any special book for you, but Richard told me you like rum. My friend is a bit of a snob on alcohol, so I asked him for a tip. Hope you will like it." Nate gave him a wooden box he was carrying in hand. Ben looked at it and then at Nate. Then me, back to Nate. "Are you two joking?" We just smiled "Ok, welcome to the family, Nate." And he hugged him also. Nate looked at me, and I had to laugh. "Who wants to drink?" "It's a bit early for that, darling, but we can open it when the kids are asleep." Peter kindly put a hand on Ben and kissed the bottom of his chin. "Damn. Ok, sure. I will go put it in the bar." "We should go eat. I will go look at girls." "Wait, honey, you know it will take some time for kids to fall asleep. We can wait."

We sat in the living room and talked about life and how I ended up in my old room. "You should have called us. Why are we finding out now?" "Well, I didn't want to bother you. Honestly, I thought it would be a few weeks, but with the panic that started everywhere... And I didn't want to bother you. That house is also mine, so I thought it would be fine." They both raised their eyebrows as they knew better but kept quiet.

We talked about the pandemic. Ben complained how his gym struggles because of it, and I agreed, grateful that my income wasn't based on one business given how some of them struggled thanks to it as well. Ben was about to ask something when Dora came down with Courtney. They both greeted Nate and were a bit surprised when I said he was just my brother-in-law. Dora took it the same way as Peter, but Courtney looked at me suspiciously. We went to eat as we were starving, and Nate kept complimenting the meal. Peter was glowing, along with Dora; they chatted like old friends. He was funny and charming as fuck. Ben was always the silent type, and Courtney was one of those outright frank people, but they watched Nate, and I could see they studied him closely.

Dora mentioned she used to be a personal assistant, and Courtney was relieved that Dora didn't have to return to work after giving birth. Thanks to our mutual friend Tom, as he took over her job.

"What do you do for a living?" Nate asked Peter to divert the conversation slightly "I am an interior designer and blogger. This day and age are amazing for artists." "What about you?" Ben asked Nate "Boring project management in a big corporation. But I have a corner office and a secretary to make my life easier." Nate replied "I heard Ashley is CEO, so you probably fit into the family," Courtney said. "Your house must be amazing!" exclaimed Peter "They live in my old home, remember?" "Oh, right! Why?!" Nate laughed. He obviously didn't mind Peter's openness and lack of consideration for people's feelings when he was curious about something. "Yeah, Ashley is a very frugal woman." "How frugal are we talking?" Peter frowned "Well, she doesn't ration toothpaste or crazy things like that, but she likes to know the worth of her investment before purchasing it. I like that about her. It's easier than having a high-maintenance wife with a closet bigger than the bathroom." With this sentence, the whole table burst into colossal laughter. Even Ben laughed and kissed Peter when he glared at him. "What? I love my closet." "And I am sure it's beautifully designed," Nate said, putting a hand on Peters. He melted that second and smiled.

Soon we heard crying, and Dora with Peter went upstairs. Kids were sleeping in the same room, so they woke up one another.

We stayed sitting around the table: me, Nate, Ben, and Courtney. "Now. Let's get real." Ben said slowly

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 14

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