
By J C

Published on Apr 23, 2017


Hypnotherapy: Part 3

Good afternoon, Colin.

You look a little uncomfortable there. Is something the matter?

Colin, of course you can take your shirt off. I'm not going to judge you for it.

I mean, yes, it's true that your upper body is rather unimpressive. It's definitely well below the average for your age, and I can see why you might be embarrassed to show it in public.

But that's hardly your fault, is it? You were just born small and feeble, and that's why you have men like me to help and protect you. How about I take off my shirt too, and we can be shirtless together.

There, isn't that much better?

You still look uncomfortable. Is there something you want to tell me?

No? Are you too shy?

Don't worry about it, Colin. It's probably not important.

Colin, can you hear me?

I want to say that you are doing a great job of following my subliminal instructions. You are really making me proud.

But you don't look very happy Colin. Has something happened?

Colin, that is spectacular news. Losing your virginity sounds like a great development! Surely that isn't why you are uncomfortable?

Hm, I see. So you think your boyfriend isn't being very gentle or understanding?

It does sound like he has been a little rough with you given your sexual experience. I can see why that would make it sore to sit down.

Colin, I will need to examine you more thoroughly. Please take off the rest of your clothes.

Thank you Colin. Goodness, somebody is happy to see me!

Don't worry about it, Colin - it's a good sign that you are getting aroused in the presence of masculine men. I think you are making real progress.

Now, please bend over my desk. I need to take a look at your asshole to make sure there's no serious injury.

Goodness, Colin, your asshole is very small. To be honest, I can see why your partner was so enthusiastic about fucking you. I don't know how a man could resist!

Tell me Colin, how many times have you been fucked this week so far?

One or two times a day is a healthy amount for a teenage boy. But you might find that you make more progress if you accelerate your sexual behaviour. We can talk about it more later on.

I hope you don't mind but I have stripped naked just to get a little more comfortable.

Colin, I am going to lubricate my finger and explore your asshole a little bit.

Shh. I know it's sore. Just relax for me.

Colin, even fully relaxed you are quite tight. After adding a second finger I can even feel your asshole gripping onto it. Is that why you are uncomfortable?

Colin, sometimes sex can be painful. I'm afraid that's especially true for a young gay boy like yourself. But I want you to enjoy sex, so here's how I'd like you to think about it.

From now on, when you feel a jolt of pain from your asshole, I want you to feel a corresponding surge of pleasure.

Yes, Colin, you can feel it already, can't you? Feel free to moan if you want.

I also want your asshole to grow more and more sensitive. As I move my fingers in and out, I want you to focus on the sensations.

Can you feel it, Colin? Can you feel the exquisite pain and pleasure emanating from your asshole? Let it wash over you like a rising tide, until it's all you can feel or think about.

In the future, you should always play with your asshole when you masturbate, even if it's sore. Eventually I want you to get off entirely from your asshole. Do you think you can try to do that for me, Colin?

Let's practice right now. I want you to cum without touching yourself. I am going to help you by providing anal stimulation.

Get ready, Colin. I don't want you to make any noise. You will probably want to scream or shout, but I need you to stay quiet or else you could embarrass me in front of my secretary.

I am going to fuck you, Colin. Take a deep breath and hold it, because I'm about to start, and I don't think it will be comfortable.


Colin, your asshole feels incredible. And you took me balls-deep with barely a peep.

You can cry if you want to, Colin, as long as you don't make a noise.

Actually, the occasional sob is probably OK. It's kind of silly, but I like to hear sexy young men struggling to take my cock. It makes me feel like stud. It helps that I have such a manly, hairy body and a huge, powerful cock. Are you jealous, Colin?

That's understandable.

I can see you are hard as a rock. I bet this feels very intense.

Colin, I am about to fuck you hard. I don't know how your partner likes to fuck, but I am going to piledrive your tiny asshole. I think it's the only way to fuck. Is that okay with you?

Are you sure? It might be too much for you to take.

Colin, I want you to tell me how badly you want this.

That's very flattering of you to say. Say it again.

Beg me to fuck, you Colin.

All right Colin, that's enough.



Colin, lean back into my thrusts. Take my dick deeper.

Yeah, shit...

Colin, I want you to be a real whore for me. Beg for my cock. Tell me how much of a man I am.

Shit, fuuuck...

Yes, Colin, keep going. From now on you should talk like this to every man during sex. Fuck.

Tell me what a slut you are. You fucking cock tease. Whoring yourself to the teachers at school, you little sissy bitch.

From now on, when you get fucked I want you to feel like you deserve it. When a man makes you his bitch, it should be the most satisfying feeling in the world. Beg him to treat you like shit. And when he does, you should cum like a fucking fire hydrant.

Oh shit, kid, cum for me...


No, Colin, we're not finished. Keep your cocksucker face down on the desk while I finish.

Shit kid. You can really take my dick. Fuck, fuck, fuck...


Ahh, shit...

Mmmf... fuck...


Colin, clean yourself up. Use your clothes to mop up the mess.


That was a great fuck, Colin. I just need a moment to recover.

I feel like you learned a lot today, Colin.

Hey, kid, what's the matter?

Shh... get ahold of yourself.

Here, let me dry your eyes.

Give me a hug Colin...

There, there...

You're safe. You did a great job. You should feel happy and content.

That's right. Be calm.

Can you feel the happiness spreading from your chest across your entire being? Let it radiate through you.


This is what it feels like to be intimate with a real man, Colin. Remember this feeling. Of comfort and happiness and satisfaction. In time, you should come to crave that feeling. The feeling of leaving a man satisfied. It should be what gets you up in the morning.

Ok, Colin. Get back to getting dressed. I'll join you in a moment.

Colin, thank you for the session this week.

I feel like we both got something out of it today.

I know that right now it's tough for you. But I think we are really turning a corner here. I think that, over the next two weeks, you are going to learn a lot about yourself. From what I saw under hypnosis, you might discover that your life priorities are changing.

That's OK, Colin. And if you feel scared I want you to remember that I will always be here to support you.

While you were under, you told me about your new boyfriend. I know it must be a bit scary and maybe even a little embarrassing to be dating a man that is more than twice your age double your body weight. And a member of the teaching staff as well. But I think his influence is beginning to rub off on you. I think you should try to sustain the relationship if you can.

All right, Colin, that's probably enough for today.

See you in a couple of weeks.


Feel free to send me your thoughts at jcrazyninety@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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