Hypnotic Enslavement

Published on May 5, 2023


Hypnotic Enslavement Chapter 2

Hypnotic Enslavement

By Randy MacAnus

©2023 All Rights Reserved

This story is pure fantasy. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible, but none of this is true. I should be so lucky. A person cannot be made to do things he doesn't want to do, through hypnosis. His own will prevents that.

But there is at least one psychotropic drug, that has been shown to circumvent not only morals, and personal limits, but also, while one is under it's effect, eliminates any sense of self-preservation. In South America it is used by thieves to order people to withdraw money from their savings, give up passwords, etc. It is also considered to be the first date rape drug. A person wakes up with no memory of what happened.

I will not mention the drug's name, as it is incredibly dangerous. An overdose will cause brain damage. In larger doses it will kill. There are legitimate uses for it in small doses, often combined with other drugs.

This story is based on the supposition that if a person is hypnotized while under the drug's influence, one could be given post hypnotic suggestions that would control their actions, even if it went against their beliefs, or was something the person would refuse to do under any other circumstances. I have no idea if this is true, but logic would seem to indicate it might be possible. If nothing else it makes for an interesting fantasy!

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Chapter 2

Andy was confused, terrified, and thrilled to be sneaking through the campus stark naked. He was too shy to do something like this! He had never even dreamed of being naked in front of another person. In fact, because he had never taken a shower at school, had lived an isolated life, and had never had an interest in boys or men, he had never even seen anyone else's cock, until the moment before he started licking Professor Gruber's clean!

And he was a little surprised at the route he was taking. He was moving through a part of the campus he didn't know, but it did offer a lot of foliage to hide in. And while it wasn't the most direct route to his apartment, it seemed to be getting him there.

He had seen a lot of people, mostly students, heading to various places in these early evening hours. Andy was sure his dick would be rock hard, if it weren't for the hypnosis. And gosh, was he horny!

Since his new owner had ordered him to strip, Andy had been in a constant state of arousal. And the further he traveled through the campus, the hornier he got! The boy was actually hoping Thomas would be ready to fuck his brains out, when he finally got back.

Andy was only a couple of hundred yards from leaving the campus, when a big gap in the foliage appeared. It was a beautiful lawn, but it was wide open. He would have to cross about fifty yards of open ground to get to the next group of trees and undergrowth. Andy looked around carefully, but didn't see anyone. He knew he might miss someone in dark clothing, but they wouldn't miss his pale naked body, in the moonlight.

Andy took one more look in both directions, then ran as fast as he could for the copse of trees ahead. When he entered the tree line, he didn't stop running until the path he was on opened into a small grassy glade. The naked teen leaned against a tree to catch his breath, relieved that he had not been spotted.

"Well, what have we here?"

Andy's heart pounded in his chest as a hand grabbed his shoulder. Then, incredibly, Andy found himself assuming the display position, as the man behind him began to run his hands over the terrified boy's smooth naked chest. And that made him even hornier than the naked run had made him!

"Please Sir, I'll do whatever you want, if you promise to let me go and not tell anyone about any of this."

"Oh, you'll be doing whatever I want, boy. And not just for me, but for my partner here, as well."

That was when a buff, six foot four inch Black campus security officer stepped out of the foliage. Andy's jaw dropped! In his sheltered life at the mansion, he had never even met a person of color. And this man was so hot! Andy looked down at the hands that were now playing with his limp little dick, and saw they were white.

The white man moved in front of him, and Andy saw he was another campus security officer. He knew these men could call the local police and have him arrested. And he knew his owner didn't want that. So Andy would do whatever these men wanted. He could only hope to please them enough to avoid jail!

Now both men's hands were wandering Andy's defined naked body. And Andy remained in the display position, waiting for orders, as they worked his nips, painfully squeezed his balls, smacked his phenomenal ass, and fingered his new boy pussy.

Andy wasn't afraid he might be fucked by these men. He was going to be fucked by these men. That was obvious. He was terrified that with his very limited experience, he would fail to satisfy them, and they would turn him over to the police!

Andy could only hope that his training under hypnosis and his slender teen body would please them. They certainly seemed to enjoy playing with it! Andy held his display position, because he was afraid to do anything else without an order. But it was not like he was completely still. He was trembling uncontrollably--in part from fear and in part from how horny this was making him!

Being helpless in the hands of strangers was now a huge turn-on for him! And in a public place! He knew it wasn't likely anyone else would wander through here. But it also wasn't likely these security guys would have been here, so who knew? Andy suspected he had been fundamentally altered by the hypnosis. Whether those alterations would go away after his four years of servitude, Andy didn't know. And in this moment he didn't even care!

He was a boy who was so shy, he would lock his door and close his curtains to take his shirt off. And here he was walking stark naked through the campus, and submitting to the will of strange men! The confusing thing was he liked it! And he didn't know if he really liked it, or if he'd had a post-hypnotic suggestion to like it.

Either way, this was the most excited, terrified and horned up he had ever been, in his eighteen years! And he thought that was a whole lot better than his previous boring existence. Just then, the men who were playing with his wonderful naked body gave their first order.

"We can arrest you for indecent exposure, and take you to jail just as you are, or you can make it worth our while to let you go, by getting down on your hands and knees and taking our cocks in both ends at once."

It sounded like a choice, but it wasn't--at least not for Andy! Andy's owner didn't want him in jail. And Andy had come to realize, that nothing mattered more to him than pleasing and obeying his owner, Professor Gruber! So the boy promptly dropped to his hands and knees, and spread his legs as wide as he could. He just hoped he'd be good enough at pleasing these men to be released!

Again, Andy didn't even notice when the butt plug was removed from his ass. He certainly noticed when that eight inch black cock plowed straight into his boy pussy! Thankfully, he still felt no pain on penetration, only intense pleasure.

Before the boy could moan, his mouth was filled with the other cock. He moaned around it, but the noise that came out was minimal, and wasn't likely to attract attention. Andy found himself expertly tonguing the cock head, when it was in his mouth, and swallowing around it when it was down his throat.

And while that was going on, his sphincter was flexing around the cock in his ass, giving phenomenal pleasure to the man attached to it. And he didn't even have to think about these things. It was automatic! All the while, his ultra-sensitive prostate was being stimulated, driving him to ecstasy!

Maybe, if he was lucky, the guards would blackmail him into regular spit roastings! He knew from what his owner had told him, that he would not be attracted to any man, and would refuse to have sex when asked, if the man did not have the magic words. But he also knew that he was required to do whatever he could to stay out of jail.

So he would be able to submit to these two on a regular basis, if they blackmailed him. Andy was in an orgasmic fugue state, by the time the two men came inside him. When they pulled out, he continued to make humping motions with his ass, and his mouth and tongue were desperately searching for a cock to suck. And the two men were happy to oblige once they had switched ends. It's good to have a hypnotically turned out teen cock slut.

Andy continued to work very hard to please. He had to stay out of jail! But it was hard for him to focus on the pleasure of the men using him, because he was in a constant state of near orgasm. Andy had all kinds of thoughts flowing through his head. Were these men edging him on purpose, or by accident. Or was it his hypnotic programming that prevented him from shooting his load?

Andy remembered his owner saying that his post-hypnotic suggestions gave him the equivalent of a mental cock cage. And he had heard that it was extremely difficult to cum when wearing a cock cage--even when your ass was being plowed hard! Maybe that was the problem.

As the two men dumped their loads up his ass and down his throat, and abruptly pulled out of his hot little body, the boy whimpered in frustration, and collapsed to the ground in a state of exhaustion. Would this be how his body would always react?! Would he only be able to cum with his owner? Or perhaps with Thomas and the men with the magic words? Andy began to weep in frustration.

"On your feet, boy!"

With some difficulty, Andy rose to his feet, cum splattered on his face and dripping out of his ass. And with no thought at all, he resumed the display position! His cute little dick was dripping, but it was clear there would be no release. Now he wasn't so sure he wanted to be blackmailed! Unfortunately, Andy was about to get a practical example of, "Be careful what you wish for."

The black guard said, "Well boy, you were cooperative, but you have a lot to learn. We don't think you did well enough for us to let you off the hook for indecent exposure. So you have another choice to make. You can make that pretty body available to us, every Sunday evening, until we decide your skills have reached expert level, or we can take you to jail."

Andy swallowed hard, and continued to look straight ahead, as he held the display position.

The white guard added, "We will expect you to make your way to this spot, stark naked, every Sunday at 8pm. We are going to follow you home tonight, so we know where you live. If you leave your house with clothes on, we will know and you will be punished. If you disobey in any way, you will be punished. If you fail to improve your skills as a fuck toy, we will take you to jail. If we get bored with you, we will take you to jail. Or, we can just take you to jail, right now."

Andy knew he would submit. He also now knew, this would make for some very frustrating Sunday evenings! Maybe his owner would consider changing his post-hypnotic suggestions, to allow him to cum with these men? It was certainly worth asking him!

"Sirs, I do want to become really good at this. And I can't go to jail. But I'm worried that if I'm due somewhere else on Sunday evening I wouldn't be able to be here. Perhaps you could speak to my owner, so there won't be any schedule conflicts?"

The Black guard grinned and said, "Who's your owner?"

"I would have to get his permission to tell you, Sir. My phone is on the ground over there. May I text him?"

The white guard picked up the phone and handed it to Andy. The boy texted his owner and explained the situation.

The response was, "I will see to it that your Sunday evenings are free. You are to obey these men at that time. You are not to tell them, or anyone else who I am."

Andy texted back, "Yes, Master."

"I'm not allowed to tell anyone who he is, but he said he will see to it that I can be here every Sunday evening."

"Very well," said the white guard, "You won't have to go to jail tonight, but you better not disappoint us!"

The security guards walked with Andy through the remainder of the trees, to the edge of the campus. There were more trees on the other side of the road. When the road was clear of traffic, they crossed, and followed the path through the woods to the group of little cottages that included the home of Thomas and Andy. There was a back entrance that was secluded, so they were able to walk up to that door without being seen. Andy took out his keys, and opened the door. The guards gave his ass a quick squeeze and left.

Andy entered into the kitchen, stark naked, with cum on his face and dripping out of his ass. Standing in front of him was Thomas, arms folded across his chest, wearing only running shorts.

"I've waited years for this! I'm not happy about sharing you, but it's better than not having you. Since I can't punish anyone else for having to share you, I'm going to punish you."

And with that, Thomas said the magic words that made Andy his total submissive when they were in the cottage together. As the words left Thomas' mouth, Andy once again found himself in the display position. As the naked teen stood there, helpless to move, Thomas picked up a fraternity paddle, and gave the boy twenty wacks to his ass, leaving it bright red.

Andy found he was unable to move as the punishment was given. He couldn't even flinch. The tears were rolling down his cheeks, but he couldn't make a sound. Worse, with each hit, he was getting hornier! How was this possible?

"Now, bend over the dining room table, so I can fuck you!"

And Andy obeyed.

Thomas pulled out the butt plug the guards had reinserted, and rammed all seven inches into the boy's ass, not realizing that Andy would feel no pain. Thomas pushed the boy's head down against the table, kicked his legs wider apart and went to town. He lasted only five minutes, and Andy was once again left with no release.

"On your knees, slave! Lick me clean."

And Andy obeyed. It would never occur to him to disobey. At least not in the cottage.

"Now suck it, bitch!"

And Andy obeyed. But there was something different about obeying Thomas. With his owner, he felt a desperate need to serve and was very horny. With the guards, he felt a thrilling fear--and was very horny. With Thomas he felt a compelling need to obey, and to serve him well.

But he didn't feel any need for Thomas' approval. It was clear that Thomas would always find a reason to punish him, even for things that were beyond Andy's control--like being used by others. As he served Thomas, he became aware of this, and was grateful. His owner must have given him this defense against Thomas' tendency toward sadism and emotional cruelty.

Thomas might be able to get into Andy's body anytime they were home, but he would never be able to get into his head. Andy's gratitude to his owner continued to grow.

As Thomas shot a load into his mouth, Andy looked up at him, waiting for orders.


And Andy obeyed. Thomas grinned and smacked his cock back and forth across his new slave's face.

"Take a shower and clean yourself out, slave. Then make me dinner."

And Andy obeyed.

After he had cooked and served Thomas dinner, Andy was allowed to eat--out of a bowl on the floor, like a dog. He was also now required to wear a slave collar when in the cottage. Given all of Andy's mental restraints, the collar was essentially decorative. But it turned Thomas on to see his new cum dump always naked and collared at home.

When Thomas released him for the evening, Andy returned to his room, and texted his owner.

"Master, will I ever be able to cum with anyone but you?"

A few minutes later, Gruber replied, "Only with the men who have the magic words. Not with Thomas or anyone who takes you without the words, like those guards did tonight. I need to test how strong my hold is over your body, as well as your mind. You are to report immediately, if you experience an orgasm with Thomas or the guards. There will be no punishment if that happens. I just need to know for my research. But there will be punishment if you cum and do not report it."

"Yes, Master."

About five minutes later, Gruber received another text. It was from the campus security guards who had used Andy.

"That was fucking awesome! The kid was terrified, but completely obedient, and really worked hard to please. He is incredibly hot and absolutely brilliant at servicing cock. We don't know how you trained him, but he's now the ideal butt slut. We can't thank you enough for involving us in your research!"

Gruber responded: "Just make sure you file your report on your encounters with him every Monday, and include the video you shot."

"Will do."


The next morning, after Andy made Thomas breakfast, was fed another load of cum, and then dressed Thomas, he was allowed to eat, then go to class. He stepped outside the back door, still completely naked, and only then removed his collar and dressed for class. He was now dressed in a polo shirt, with the three buttons removed, a pair of warm-up pants with elastic waistband, and sneakers that had no laces--nothing else.

He had his backpack, of course. But it contained only his school supplies, a water bottle, a protein bar, and his Speedo. He knew he was not allowed a regular lunch. He had to maintain his body. And all the cum he was required to swallow had a lot of calories in it. About 300 calories a load. He would spend his lunch hour and the two hour break until his last class swimming and doing circuit training.

When he first got his class schedule, he thought he'd be bored with a three hour break. But that time was going to be very full. He had no idea how full!

After completing an hour of intense swimming, strongly motivated by the need to please his owner, he got out of the pool to get out of his Speedo, and into his warm-up pants. He would not be wearing his Polo shirt as he did his circuit training. But he was unexpectedly sidetracked by the swim coach just has he had removed his Speedo.

The swim coach said the magic words. And while Andy had been aware that the man was fit and attractive for his age, he had not really paid any attention to him until that moment. Now Andy viewed him as a Greek God, and could not wait to serve him!

"Stay naked, and follow me."

Andy was thrilled to obey!

When they entered the coach's office, Andy was surprised to see an adorable young boy sitting in a chair by the coach's desk. The boy's feet didn't even touch the floor. He was perhaps five feet tall, and maybe 70 to 80 pounds. Andy was humiliated and shy, but could not bring himself to cover his junk. In fact, he realized he had just gone into the display position. It seemed that whenever he didn't know what to do, that's how his body responded.

"This is my son, Max. Today is his 12th birthday. Max identifies as a Gay Top. And just in the last three weeks he's become fully functional, sexually speaking. He's a virgin, and for a birthday present, he asked me to find him a really cute, submissive college boy to relieve him of his virginity. Someone he could practice on, and learn how to be a good fucker. When Professor Gruber told me about you and showed me your naked pictures, I had him show them to Max. Max decided you were perfect. And now that I see you in person, I have to agree. You're stunning. And your move into the display position, shows you have the right attitude. So I'm going to use you too."

Andy wanted nothing more than to please this man, so as humiliating as this would be, he would do his very best to please this 12 year old boy. And the bonus was, the coach wanted him too!

"Get on your knees in front of my boy. He wants you to undress him in the way a submissive slave would undress him."

Well, Andy had been instructed in the art of submissively undressing Thomas last night, so he would use that technique here, and hope for the best. He put his head down and kissed the boy's left shoe, then removed it. He then did the same with the right, and repeated the process with each sock.

Then Andy worked his way up, alternating a kiss on each leg, until he arrived at the hem of the boy's running shorts. He clearly wasn't wearing underwear. And the package he was showing was impressive for his age. It was larger than Andy's cute little dick. And Max was already rock hard.

Andy kissed Max's cock and balls through the thin material of the running shorts before pulling them down to the preteen's ankles. At that point Max stepped out of his shorts. Andy slowly worked his way back up the smooth legs, kissing and licking as he went.

When he reached Max's junk, he took the little blonde's balls into his mouth and gently sucked, before moving to the rigid shaft. The slender naked teen was licking Max's shaft on it's sides, when he felt hands on his ass. Andy was thrilled! What he was doing had turned the coach on enough to cause the man to join in!

But coach didn't want his son's first time to be sloppy seconds, so he was just prepping Andy's boy pussy. As Andy took Max's cock into his mouth, the coach pressed a lubed finger through the naked teen's sphincter. Andy had been trained to relax his pussy and push back while under hypnosis. It was automatic for him, just as it would have been had he been taking cock for years, instead of hours.

As Andy expertly deep throated the beautiful hairless cock in front of him, the Greek God behind him penetrated with a second finger, and began working his highly sensitive prostate.

Andy didn't know it, but Professor Gruber had more than doubled the sensitivity of his prostate with a drug he had personally developed. This gave Andy intense pleasure, even when the person fucking him was making no effort to please. It was also making him addicted to being ass fucked. Gruber hoped that when Andy's four years of servitude were finished, that the boy would want to remain a butt slut for the rest of his life!

Max began to moan, feeling sensations he could never have imagined! And he had thought jacking off was incredible! This was beyond description!

Andy's mouth and tongue had been thoroughly trained with a thick eight inch dildo for a full month, while he was under hypnosis. He had already become an elite deep throating cocksucker before he was presented with Professor Gruber's cock--his first.

As Max exploded down his throat, Andy's limp little dick shot it's load onto the twelve year old's legs and feet. Max was so enthralled, he didn't even notice. Coach had a big grin on his face, proud of his young son. At twelve the boy was mature enough to know who and what he was, and brave enough to share that with his father. And now he had made use of his first sub. His father had no doubt there would be many more!

Andy saw where his cum had landed, and immediately apologized to father and son. He then slowly and erotically licked his cum from the boys legs and feet and swallowed every drop, hoping his owner, Professor Gruber, would be pleased with his efforts.

Watching the hypno-slave's actions made Max grin--and immediately get hard. Andy was nine inches taller and 40 pounds heavier, with lean defined muscles. But he was totally subservient to Max's orders. Max thought that was just so darn hot!

Max, with his father's help and encouragement, had studied all about gay sex and the leather scene online. He knew the theory. Now he was getting some practical experience, with the perfect slave. And he wasn't afraid to ask questions of this slave.

"Slave, I'm about to fuck you. I've read up on it, but this will be my first experience. I want you to tell me what gives you the best experience. Is position important for you? Do you like it when your top talks dirty or degrades you during the sex?"

Andy was surprised that a question was even asked! This kid was a whole lot braver than he was!

"I'm really new at this too, Sir. But I've noticed when the Dom focuses on my prostate, I always get off without even touching myself. Your father has been stimulating it. He can show you where it is, if you wish. If someone has talked mean to me, I didn't notice. But I may have blocked it out. As for position, so far I've either been taken standing or doggy style. No one has put me on my back with my legs in the air yet. If Sir thinks he would like face-to-face fucking, that would be the way to go."

Max grinned. He really liked this college boy calling him Sir. And he really liked the idea of face-to-face. His father explained where the prostate was, and the boy stuck a couple of lubed fingers into Andy to find it.

When he hit the spot a bit too firmly, Andy yelped, "Oh, yeah!"

And Max actually giggled. (Well, he was twelve!)

Feeling more confident now, Max ordered Andy onto his father's desk, on his back. And Andy obeyed. Andy, who was still desperately trying to please, pulled his legs back and held them in place with his arms.

A grinning Max climbed onto the desk, lubed up his rock hard dick, put his slave's legs on his shoulders and penetrated the inviting fuck hole in front of him.

Andy quietly said to the boy, "Take your time and start slow. It will be better for both of us if you last longer."

Max nodded and said, "Keep eye contact with me the whole time, slave."

And Andy obeyed.

Max did surprisingly well. He lasted nearly fifteen minutes by practicing the techniques he'd read about. It helped that he had already cum once in Andy's mouth. And because the slave's prostate was so sensitive, that was enough. Andy shot his load all over his own face. Max scooped it up and fed it to him.

Of course, Andy had been programmed to love cum, so he enthusiastically accepted the load he'd just shot, when Max scooped it up and fed it to him.

"Thank you, Sir!"

Both Max and Coach grinned. Max didn't know that Andy had been a virgin straight boy until the previous day. And he didn't know he had been reprogrammed. But Coach did. And Coach was really impressed with Gruber's work, and his choice of subject. Coach was also incredibly horny, after watching his son dispense with his virginity in such a dominant way. Now it was his turn.

"Max, do you want to watch your dad use this slave, or would you rather leave the room?"

"Are you kidding, I want to watch it all, and then maybe have at him again!"

Coach grinned and Andy blushed. Both were very pleased with the answer. Coach was proud of his boy. Andy was proud that he was pleasing this Greek God. Best of all, he knew his owner would also be pleased.

Coach: "On the floor. Doggy style, Slave.

And Andy was thrilled to obey.

Once Andy was in position, Coach dropped down behind him and shoved his man rammer balls deep into that glorious ass. Coach loved that this was all about his pleasure. He did not care about Andy's pleasure and knew he didn't need to. The boy would be thrilled with the experience, no matter what Coach chose to do.

And what he chose was to pound the living poop out of the naked teen slave he had rented from Gruber. Andy instantly went into auto-hump. He pushed back and opened himself on penetration, and clamped down, pulling forward on the backstroke. Andy was doing as much of the work as coach was, and loving every second!

Max was so horned up at the sight, that he grabbed the slave's hair, yanked his head up, and shoved his boy dick deep into Andy's mouth. Andy was being spit-roasted for the second time in a few hours. And it was so hot! This had to be his programming, but he didn't care. He loved that he could make this father-son duo so darn horny!

Father, son, and slave actually dumped their loads at the same time. Andy quickly licked both his Doms clean, before licking his own cum off the floor, as required by his owner.

Max was tapped out. Not a surprise for a newly functional twelve year old. His dad skull fucked Andy, as his son watched, studying his father's technique, the whole time. The massive orgasm he shot down Andy's throat left the Coach with aching, empty balls, but fully sated and happy.

Andy really hoped that the duo would report to Professor Gruber, and tell him how well his new slave had performed. He needn't have worried. Part of the rental was to video the event, and write a report for Gruber on the experience.

And, though the renters didn't know it, Gruber had plans for all the video. Plans that went beyond research.

I love hearing from readers. Let me know if you would like this story to continue. And I am always interested in suggestions from readers. I have an idea where this story is going, but I'm happy to incorporate interesting ideas, that work with the story.

My email is:



Next: Chapter 3

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