Published on Mar 30, 2011



I AM CAMELOT part one


The blast from the alien Mogaradorian cannon flew from it and thick as a Redwood tree, launched at the weather beaten pick up truck. The cannon was on wheels and had followed them from the side of the road. It had taken to the hills but still made good time. It now was on the side of the truck.

Sam Goode, 15, brunette, cute face but short for his age, was driving but on the side away from the blast. "JOHN!" John was next to him and already reaching out the window with both hands to counter block the blast. With electrical energy from his own hands, he attacked the blast itself. He was not used to the firepower but he held.

Ahead, on a motorcycle, Six turned, her long hair flowing. She swore and turned the motorcycle to face the scene behind her. She put her hands out and her forcefield engulfed the truck at the same time that the blast and John's own energy did. The entire truck vanished. The alien turned the barrel of their huge cannon on Six...

The truck appeared a few feet over green grass and landed. Inside, John grabbed Sam's arm under his shoulder to keep his little friend from hitting the interior roof of the truck, something he himself could not avoid. "Ow."

Sam looked at him, "All right?"

"I'm all right but..." ahead John saw a rolling landscape of green. It was no longer a misty night but a full clear day. "Where are we?"

Sam gulped. On all sides, all they could see was green grass, a few hills, and scattered trees. Sam looked out the window and half his frame was out of it. He looked up at the sun.

John had to grab Sam's hips to prevent him from falling out of the truck and he said, "Hey, watch it there."

Sam murmured, "Oh, that felt good."

"So what the hell happened?"

Sam looked at the dead radio, "No signals, the sun..." He shook his head. "I think...that feeling we had when the blasts hit us..."

John put his hand to his friend's chin and turned the head to him, "Tell me what you think."

Sam melted. It was only recently the two had found each other ...sexually. John may have been able to bond with only one female...but he seemed to be able to be with someone of the same gender. He wondered if he was the only male John would "bond" to. They had sex twice and one time, he was the aggressor, the other time, John was. He thought about just the frot stuff he read about and wanted to try just that. He was not that into anal or even oral sex or dominant and passive roles. "I'm scared..."

John looked around and then took the back of Sam's head and held it with two hands while kissing his lips. When they parted...after a time... "Whatever it is, we're together so... "I'll keep you safe."

"And I you," Sam smiled, "It's just that...I think by position of the sun, that we've moved in space. I think we're someplace in Europe. And judging by the intensity of the blasts and Six's forcefield...I think we may have been moved back in time, too. On top of that."

"Time? You're kidding?"

"It's just a theory. My dad's journals thought that maybe you guys had the power to do that but only inadvertently. Nothing controlled yet. He feared it would one day be something the bad dudes on your planet would master but ..."

"When, then?" John looked ahead at green lush landscape, "When...are we?"

"I dunno," Sam guessed, "I'm guessing, estimating that we're probably sometime in the 5th century, some time in the 440s...maybe 444 AD."

"That far back?"

"Yeah, uh huh," Sam smiled, "We're effectively lost in time."

"Can you get us back?" John asked.

Sam shrugged, "If we can recreate the power on both sides of the truck in this time, it...it might give us access to a portal that was already opened up. Might, maybe. Possibly."

"Terrific," John leaned against the dashboard with his head.

Sam put his hand out and wanted to brush the back of John's head but he let it hesitate over the back of the blond shag. John had his head buried in his forearms, which were crossed over the dashboard. "Do it."


"Comfort me."

Sam shrugged, "Sure. We've done it before."

"I know. And I'm sorry," he picked his head up as Sam's hand went through his hair. Sam had to reach up to continue. And he did want to continue. "Sorry I've been so ambivalent about it...about us. I mean...me...my kind, we fall for one only...of the opposite sex."

"Maybe...then you can fall for one of the other sex."

"Maybe?" John said, "I don't know."

Sam took his hand back, "Six and your dog...they'll be waiting for us, maybe even trying to recreate the conditions." Sam thought about it, "But we have to find a place to hide this truck. If we are that far in the past, it might be mistaken for a dragon or something. And we as witches."

John pointed, "Warlocks."

"Don't be such a homophobe," Sam shrugged as he drove.

"Homo..." John was about to say more but he pointed as the truck bumped over a hill. They saw a huge castle. It didn't look very inviting. It looked run down and overgrown. Sam nodded and drove the truck to a grove of heavily grown trees which hung down. Together they camouflaged the truck.

Sir Kay was not much older than Arthur. "Don't worry, my king," Kay had called sarcastically in to Arthur. "I shall take watch of you. I kicked out all those others whom you nought to have."

"Will you stop talking like that and let me go to sleep."

"Yes, my king," Kay called back. He leaned against a rock wall, one of the few that still stood. It was covered in vines and leaves.

"And stop calling me king," Arthur snapped and laid back on a bed as lumpy as the one back in his farmer father's home.

"Yes, sire."

Six took out a small capsule containing a powerful bomb she had and threw it at the aliens and the cannon, obliterating the entire alien group and their cannon. She had decided to try something. She absorbed all the power into her fingers and let it spread over her entire insides, containing it within her cells. She gasped in power and ecstasy but by the time it ended, her almost involuntary action had caused her to in control of the power stored within her cells, voluntarily. She looked at the area that the truck had vanished from. The dog looked up at her. It has been running alongside of them. "I guess I can wait a little while," she said, indignant that she had to do so. The dog moaned. "That, too?" She shook her head, "Things are never easy, are they?" The dog howled. "Shhh, shush that. Okay, okay, I'll try it. You might wanna give me some idea as to how though...I mean I have an idea..." The dog put his head down on the grass as if to tell her to stop talking and start trying. She took the hint.

As John and Sam approached the castle, they saw guards. John suggested he put to sleep any guards. He was still new at doing that. Sam thought it better that they sneak around a different way. This took time as they had to keep well clear of the view of the guards and this meant circling around and that meant going back the way they came. That also meant avoiding falling off cliffs into the sea. By the time the two approached a run down hallway of stone, it was almost morning. The sun was almost up and the light from it started to hint into the stone hallway that Sir Kay was "guarding." He had fallen asleep against the wall, sword in hand but now leaning down on the floor. John and Sam, mere shadows, walked down the hall, John big and strong, puffed up deliberately to scare or try to scare anyone who might challenge their movement. Sam whispered, "That took longer than I expected. It's just about morning."

"Quiet," John said as gently as possible. He jutted one hand back and protectively over Sam's chest, "I see someone." Sam moved forward, past John. John wanted to say something to stop him but didn't want to make noise. Being angrier than he wanted to be over Sam jutting past him, it would have come out too loud. He stuck his head out instead. A gesture that Sam did not see. Sam went over to Kay. "He..." Sam turned back to look at John, "...he's asleep."

John moved behind Sam to check, "Good. Maybe you can get his clothes?"

"What?" Sam asked, "He'll wake up."

"I don't care, explain to him what happened, maybe he can help us. He looks a kindly sort," John moved his face closer and down to Kay's. "He won't hurt you."

"How can you be so sure of that?"

John moved his head a bit.

"Oh," Sam said, "Another power. Okay but if he runs me through with his sword...it's your fault."

"Does that mean he can run you through with something other than his sword?"

Sam smiled, "Oh, I don't know. He looks right handsome to me." Sam started taking off the man's pants, "Oh my." Despite being covered in cloth, the man, Kay, had a huge penis sticking at it, making a tent.

John moved forward to the end of the hallway which leads into a bed chamber. "Kay, it that you?" A blond called. Arthur took it that it was just Kay checking up on him. He put his head down and went back to sleep. John came into the room and was about to say something when he saw the figure laying there under the sheets, inadvertently kick the sheets off, rugs and all. The figure was totally nude. Totally hairless. Smooth. The boy turned over and his eyes were shut. He had long flowing beautiful yellow hair. He had stubble on his chin and upper lip but not much more. The boy had a thin stomach, not unmuscled, and was...somehow alluring to John. John's eyes widened and he moved closer. John had to see more.

John climbed over the bed edge and moved over the figure. He swallowed. He had never done anything like this before except with Sam and never with a stranger. And not a guy. His curiosity, not to mention his member, was aroused. He could not believe that he found himself on all fours, hovering over this delectable boy. John swallowed.

The boy wanted to turn on his side. Arthur murmured. He tried to turn on his right side but his face met John's wrist and the rest of John's left arm. He opened his eyes and quickly, realizing it was not Kay, turned back onto his bare back. His eyes widened. Light blue eyes. They met John's dark blue eyes and melted. Arthur immediately calmed down. "I ...I know you are here because I am the King."

"I'm not here to...harm you." John said, "I need your help."

"I know what to do." Arthur reached up with both hands and tugged the blue jeans.

John put his hands over Arthur's and said, "No, not like that. Like this." He helped Arthur navigate his own pants and button and helped him open them. John was not wearing any underwear and his thick uncut member rolled out but immediately stuck up and rose as if a child's toy telescope was somehow unfolding itself outward. The thick mushroom head came out of the foreskin and dripped clear fluid down. It slowly cascaded down and was threatening Arthur's bare belly, which convulsed inward. Then, Arthur moved both hands to the dick and jerked it slightly up and down. More clear fluid came out and flopped down onto Arthur's perfectly round innie and dark interior belly button. John swallowed and shut his eyes and leaned upward a bit more. Then down again. He moved all the way to kiss Arthur on the mouth, those thick lips, that long flowing hair. John felt Arthur was almost a miniature version of himself...

...while Sam felt Kay was a larger, broader version of himself. "I'm not as good looking."

Kay looked down as Sam removed pants totally. "Oh, I don't know about that." Sam looked up and rose up as Kay moved his sword up at the same time.

Sam put his hands out, "I'm sorry! I'm not here to hurt you!"

"I can tell," Kay smiled. His chiseled features and light brown hair almost mirrored Sam's own but Sam was a softer version. Kay put the sword down. "I heard your friend tell you not to harm me."

"He didn't...oh, oh yeah," Sam smiled and backed up.

"Don't," Kay took Sam by the arms and pulled him to him and as Sam's face came very close, Kay puckered and gave Sam a gentle kiss and then made it rougher. Sam smoldered against Kay. Kay moved Sam's hands up to his top leather get up. "Take it off with me." Together, they removed every ounce of top shirt, leather covering, armor that Kay had on. He was soon against the wall, with Sam leaning against him, wearing nothing but his under cloth.

Sam swallowed and began to kiss Kay again.

Kay nodded his face, "One thing left."

Sam moved down Kay's chest, smelled the sparse hair there as manly odor. He moved down to the abs and the six pack. He could not resist so he licked the navel on his descent. Sam kept going and found the cloth. He used his hands to try to untie it.

Kay smiled, "Use your teeth."

Sam smiled up at him and did as he was told. Soon, he was sucking a huge seven inch cock of the brown eyed beauty. He moved up and down on it. Kay moaned and leaned against the wall.

John was on top of Arthur and they leaned out on each other and spread their entire bodies. John over Arthur. He kissed him, down on him. Arthur managed, as they did this, to pull John's pants down and down and down. John helped him at the boots and took those off first and then the pants. John sat up and started to take his shirt off. Arthur sat up with him, face to face, kissed him, "Such angular cheek bones," Arthur raised John's arms for him and took the shirt off with him. "I don't know who you are but I'm glad to see you."

John looked down at Arthur's uncut cock as it rose to full attention, "I know. And I you." John laid him back down and laid on him, body to body, both naked now, both smooth, hard, and tight. He kissed him some more. John noticed the curves on Arthur's lean body and his own penis felt engorged by the very touch of this naked boy king. The sunlight crept through the holes in the ceiling and hit them during various points of their love making. John kissed Arthur's mouth, then moved to his right cheek and nuzzled his neck, not quite biting. He kissed the cheek and lips with his own thinner lips and nudged the neck with his own nose. At the neck, he put his chiseled cleft chin to Arthur's own and moved down from there. Arthur was not one to take it laying down but decided, for a time, to do just that. He moaned and arched his back but the very admirable weight of his taller lover, kept him down while John was turned on by Arthur's moving and arching. Arthur's chest rose and his pert, hard nipples hit John against his own. John shook slightly side to side and their nipples crossed and moved against each other.

Arthur could not stand the sexual tension and build up without doing anything so he turned his body sideways to the right and put his right leg over John's left leg and moved his foot up John's leg to his ass. As he didn't complete this movement, he turned so that he rolled John onto John's back and was now on top John. John laughed and let Arthur complete this move. This found Arthur over John. John kept his head moving down however and so Arthur moved upward so as to give John some help in moving back down his body. John found Arthur's chest and nuzzled there and licked in between the pecs. He also moved his mouth to the left nipple and nuzzled that, too. Arthur rubbed his body along John's and John rose up again so that they were face to face again. Arthur put his head alongside John's and they rubbed cheeks while rubbing chests, dicks together, two snakes competing. Spitting clear fluid, ready to pop. "ohhhhhh."

"Ohhhhh wow, yeah, fuck yeah."

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