I Am Not a Sub

By gothguy

Published on Aug 1, 2023


I am not a sub!!

Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or situations, discontinue reading immediately, and go somewhere else. This happened to me. Thanks for reading. Please do not reprint without my approval. Copyright me please.

I was never into leather or latex, bondage or masters. I was just a normal gay guy, switching on the gay sex part. More gothic than anything, wearing clumpy doc martens, black clothes, and floppy longish hair.

Thus said, I was forced into the lifestyle one Friday night by my own fuckin stupidness. They say curiousity kills the cats, but it can also enslave the slaves. Here's how i got my first master.

For comments, email me at gothguy25@yahoo.com.

Part Nine of Nine

After the party, I came to, and realized they were all in the kitchen drinking beers and laughing. I had been told, if this scenerio had happened,to take myself downstairs until I was called again if at all. But, while downstairs, try to regroup, and make myself presentable to the men upstairs. They weren't here to fuck a mess, but a purebred dogboy that supposedly been trained by a good Master. If I brought shame on his name, I would be whipped for hours and hours, maybe days, and I did not want that to happen again.

I half crawled, half slid down the stairs, and made my way over to my area, and curled up on my pillow. I fell asleep again.

A sound woke me, and I tensed. I listened in the dark. Wait, the lights were on when I came down.

A voice sounded very close to my head. "Boy. Sit up." I sat, squinting into the dark, but seeing nothing around me. Suddenly a light flared into my face, like a hundred suns and I reflectively shut my eyes. The light shut out and a hand gripped my head.

"Sorry for the flashlight, but I wanted to find your mouth. Open up."

I opened and felt a cock slowly slide in. And in. And in. and down. It seemed like the longest cock I ever had in my mouth was sliding in and down my throat. I started to whimper and struggler just a little in fear of dying, but then remembered my position, and relaxed and calmly accepted whatever he was going to do to and with me. He slowly pullr the very long hard cock out now and softly gave his approval.

"Very good, little one. Now I will do it slowly for you learned and didn't fight me. Give me pleasure and I shall reward you." He slowly brought it in and out and up and down my lips, and throat and soon was deep fucking my face and throat it felt like my whole body was being speared by a crazy fisherman out to kill a white whale. And yet, the spear was gentle and slow and almost loving. It was so different than most of the other fuckings I had gotten so far. Like an artist was painting this house, not just a guy walking by suddenly horny for a paint job.

And when he started tensing, and came down my throat, I was actually holding onto his legs and willing his semen straight down into my stomach, wanting him there. After I cleaned his dick wellm I heard him slide it into his pants and bend down to talk into my ear softly.

{Whispering.) "I am going to put under your pillow two things. I want you to feel for them after we leave the party tonight. One is the key to your collar, which will unlock you from your wall. Your Master is very very drunk upstairs and will be falling asleep soon. The people I came with will be driving home, taking me with them. They don't know my real name, nor where I live. I am whispering this because I do not know if he has any recording mics around you, and I turned the lights off in case he had cameras. Nod to me if you understand this boy."

I nodded my head like crazy, my heart racing.

"The second key is the door upstairs, nearest the kitchen. I tried it. It works. Exactly one hour after we leave, I want you to unlock your collar, keeping your leathers on, because it is cold outside, make your way up the stairs and out the door. Close and lock it again. Be down at the end of the road, in the bushes. I will come by, and blink my lights, not beep, and open my door.. and count to 20. if you do not come, I will assume you didn't want to, or you were caught, and, well, I tried. Understand?"

I nodded like a crzy bobblehead during an earthquake. The guy chuckled.

"Guess you want to go. See you then boy. Hopefully."

I felt him put something under the pillow and heard him stand up and move across the room. I suppose he walked up the stairs too, but I couldn't hear him over the sound my heart was making, about to come out of my chest.

OMG, I thought. Is this my chance? Do I really have a chance? I kept blinking, holding back tears.... and listening to the party going on upstairs, which kept getting quieter and quieter, until finally I heard people leaving, and the door close. I heard my Master stumble through the house and fall down in the living room. I heard him mumble loudly something, but then, I heard nothing.

Silence. It filled the dark basement. It filled my mouth and eyes and mind. Silence. I listened harder than I ever thought possible. Finally, about 10 minutes later, I heard snoring. and except for a few times, it kept going the whole of the hour. I finally couldn't wait any longer, and in fear of me missing his car, I felt under my pillow for the keys. I almost expected nothing to be there, and for it to be just a joke on me, but there were two keys. The first one didn't open my collar, but the second one did. So I gently put it down on the pillow, and crying softly, and shaking, I made my way over to the stairs. I ever so gently walked up them. Only two creaked, and I froze, listening for the snoring. When I heard him continue, I continued.

I got to the door, full expecting him to jump me and kick the shit out of me, but the key opened the door. It did not squeak, and I moved outside quietly. Only my leather creaked in the cold weather as I closed and locked him inside. I almost RAN tothe street and threw myself into the bushes.. and then had to quiet my heart and ragged breath.

I had made it, I kept thinking. I had beat him. FUCK YOU!! I kept thinking. I told you I was not a sub!!... I kept myself well hidden though, way down beneath the surface of the top of the bushes, in my full body leather suit I had put on. I had the boots, pants, t shirt, jacket, and gloves. I blushed realizing I accidentually left my plug in, but I would extract that later. But at least I didn't have my hood or gag on.

Suddenly I heard a car very very slowly approaching. It came to a crunching slow stop a few feet from the bush and flashed its lights twice. The passenger door opened and I popped out of the bush and entered the car so fast you would have thought I had been shot from a cannon.

The guy Whispered.."Make sure you don't slam the door!!!"

I gently closed the door as the car without lights slowly crunchd away down the country road. I glanced at the guy sitting next to me. He was very handsome, and looked to be late 20's.

"You have no idea sir, how much this means to me."

"shhhh.. no need for that. I saw a wrong, and I stepped in to fix it. Nobody there knew me really, just from clubs I will never go back to. You are safe." He glanced at me. "My god, you look skinny. Have you ate at all being there?"

"Just vitamin drinks and some veggies."

"Umm" he looked around and pulled a bag from the back of the car. "Check in here. I think there's a sandwich and a bottle of soda of sme kind?"

I looked in and it was a turkey sandwich and a bottle of coke... 3/4's full. I looked up.

"Have it kid. Have it all."

I gulped down both and he put on some music. He turned on the heater and started humming to the tunes.. I leaned back in the seat and was finally happy. First time in months. I smiled and drifted off to sleep watching the road pass by. I was not a sub...............

I woke up, in darkness, wondering where the car was. I didn't hear the music anymore. I couldn't move my mouth to ask him the question. It felt like a gag was in it. MY eyes snapped open when I realized it WAS a gag, and my arms and ankles were bound spread eagle. I saw my liberator sitting in a chair watching me wake up.


I looked around. I was in a smaller room. It was another basement. I looked back at the guy, some of my hope leaving my eyes again.

"Your master lost a bet with me. He gave me the keys. Sorry for the pretense, and for drugging your coke. But it was more fun for me this way. You should have seen your face when you thought you were going to be free. It was priceless. I DID see something wrong and went to fix it. I wanted you for me, and he lost, and now you are mine. I hate to break it to you, babe, but you were BORN to be a sub. You just didn't know it until we found you. Am I wrong?"

I looked him in the eyes, and realized I owuld never be free, and heard his words, and found myself nodding.

He smiled. "Good. Have I got plans for you!! You did well learning to be a doggy. Now for 6 months, you have to learn to be a pony. then I want you to help me train others I will bring in. Oh.. don't worry. No matter how many I bring in.... you will never be number one in the household, but always forever, the lowest. They can do whatever they wish to you when I am away. You see, soon, They will be serving me But you, dear boy, will be serving the house. You will be the dogboy's doggy. You were born to be the lowest sub. and I love you for it."

He ruffled my small bits of hair, which he said he would allow to grow back in, for he wants his doggies to have a girly boy bottom, and walked away leaving me in my chains. But, I didn't cry.

The smell, feel, sound, and look of leather now on me comforted me. and the gag, plug and bondage made me feel controlled and safe. and I had a purpose. not just a job for pay.

End of part 9, and the story of how I realized, yes, I actually was a sub. Born to be one, so it seemed I had found my destiny. My home. My place.

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