I am SO weak

By Roger Kent

Published on Feb 28, 2021



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I am SO weak!

It began not so long ago. I am a married man in a sexless marriage. My wife and I haven't had sex for many years. Its something she can do without. Sadly I can not. My sex drive is high but my wife's is definitely not. I used to secretly masturbate imagining all sorts of scenarios Sometimes watching straight porn but then more and more gay porn. However, I began to realise that it was only using my imagination that really got me off . The scenarios in my mind would occasionally change but the result was always a man forcing me to suck his cock. I wanted to be forced to suck a guys cock.

As a kid I had gone to a religious boys school and I had a friend and we used to wrestle together in his bedroom after school. It used to end up with us wanking each other. One day he asked me to suck his cock. I didn't do it because I was sort of scared he might tell someone. However, that thought lingered in my mind. What would it be like?

I guess I wanted to be forced because I didn't have the courage to do it . Also I had all sorts of religious guilt. I wanted my conscience overridden so I HAD to do it. To cut a long story short I began chatting on gay chat lines for ages. I was trying to build up the courage to meet someone. Whoever it was he would have to be forceful though. He would have to take charge. As I cruised these gay sites I gradually learnt the language and l narrowed down my search. I know I was looking for a "Dom" type. By the time I found someone who sounded right I was so desperate for attention and sexual relief .

Eventually I contacted this guy who seemed to tick a few boxes . He was a tall business man who described himself as rugged, quite handsome, late 50s, well built and who liked to take charge . He sounded ideal and sent me a picture of his cock which looked great . I didn't really care what he looked like as long as he forced me to suck his cock. This is what I really needed. A man taking charge and leaving me no option but to obey and satisfy him anyway he wanted. Of course I told him of my desires and he said he would certainly be getting his way with me.

So now we have met a few times and I got my desire met. I went to his nice home. He wasted no time and I had my first cock sucking session. He allowed me to wank myself off as I did it . He knew I would say stuff like " oh please Sir don't make me do that !" etc. and he would play the game by saying stuff like " yes suck it bitch " etc.

However, tonight I got more than I had bargained for and my mind was opened to a whole lot of other stuff too. I am of average build , quite hairy and apparently good looking and am endowed with a seven inch uncut thick cock and with a personality that guys seem to like. I used to do a lot of sports and served in the armed forces. If you met me socially you would never guess what a totally weak willed slut I am. I cant believe what has happened to me. This is what happened tonight.

I received the usual text confirming our arrangement that I am coming to see him. He said his usual stuff that he was looking forward to " using " me again. Each time its been bit different as he goes with the flow of how he is feeling and how much he wants to use and abuse me. Sometimes he allows me to cum but not always.

As I arrive I kick my shoes off at the door and go into the lounge. He is always very nice and welcoming at first and gives me a drink. He likes to loosen me up.

Of course I know this is his play acting and shortly he will get more assertive and have his way with me. I never really know what will take place.

I sit on a nice leather sofa and he is opposite in an armchair looking directly at me.

" Take your jacket off then " Its not a request.

I remove it and put it over the back of the sofa . I am wearing trousers and a shirt.

" yes relax and undo your shirt a bit at the top" I know he likes my hairy body so as I undo my shirt buttons he can see my hairy chest.

" that's better isn't it ? " he smiles across at me. Already I can see the lust in his eyes. I know he wants me on my knees as soon as possible.

" yes sir " I reply. He likes me to call him Sir and I like to say it too. I want to be subservient and under his control.

We chat about a few things like the drive over and the weather and I begin to wonder if anything will happen tonight because usually he has me sucking his big cock by now. Perhaps he isn't in the mood ? We finish our drinks. I feel a bit hot and a bit wobbly and wonder how strong that drink was. He is watching me intently and smirking.

" that drink should loosen you up you filthy slut !" His tone has changed now

I think to myself "oh oh he is changing to his dom alter ego"

" I put a little extra ingredients in it you stupid bitch . Now get over here on your knees !

" oh no what has he done​? " I ask myself.

I struggle to focus my eyes and get my legs to work properly and sort of slide off the sofa and crawl to him on my knees. I know he had drugged me with something. I position myself in between his strong thighs.

" how are you feeling bitch?" he asks

" what have you done to me Sir " I slur

" I am going to fucking use you tonight you slut " he says looking down into my eyes. My eyes which could barely focus and I was really weak.

The last time I was here he forced me to swallow his cum. It was a progression as the first few times I had just wanked and sucked him and watched the cum come out . Then he progressed to cumming over my face. Then last time he had held my head in place so I couldn't move away and he cum down my throat. He held my head firm and ordered me to swallow.

He now grabs my hair and pulls my head onto his groin. He uses both his hands to move my face over his groin area and I can feel his flaccid cock through his trousers. He knows I am so sexually frustrated and by him just he just doing that to me my cock gets hard.

" yes you filthy slag that's what you want isn't it?"

" yes Sir " I reply. I have learnt the best answer to always give him is to say "yes sir" but to be honest all I want is cock ! His cock!

He rubs my face over his groin area . He pushes my head back a bit and out with a swift movement he pulls his tracksuit bottoms down. He isn't wearing underpants and out comes his cock and balls. His cock isn't fully hard yet but he doesn't care. He shaves his cock and balls and has nicely trimmed pubic hair. Without anything being said my head is grabbed and pulled back onto his balls. My face is rubbed over his balls. He is always freshly showered and I get a hint of soap and also the faint smell of cock which I have grown to love.

" tongue ! He commands

I put my tongue out and lick his ball sack as he continues to move my face all over his balls, He knows I find it humiliating so he does it even more. He likes to humiliate me sexually but he also knows that I also find it strangely erotic being controlled by him. So we work well together. I don't know why he would drug me as he hasn't before ?

" get it nice and wet bitch!

I use all my saliva to get it as wet as possible and he rubs my face all over it again and again. Here I am a married man on my knees having my face rubbed over his cock and balls while he sits back enjoying the show I am giving him.

" lick my cock now ! Work your way from the bottom to the top ! You love it don't you , you filthy slag!

I do as I am told and work my way up . My own cock is very hard now which is unusual for me and I feel really horny like I would do anything he wanted. I don't know what he has put in the drink but now I don't care. All I can think about is sex. I want his cock and cum and will do whatever he wants. I feel so disorientated and weak but also extremely horny.

He is slapping his cock in my face and it is getting big and hard, I can see pre cum oozing at the end, He guides his cock into my mouth and proceeds to face fuck me.

" look at me ! He demands , I look at him and he sneers at me and spits in my face. I can see pure lust in his eyes as he knows he can do whatever he wants with me.

" look at you , you filthy slag , gagging for my big cock and balls! Tell me what you are !

I pull away from his cock just enough to say

" a filthy slag Sir "

" yes you are , but we have only just started . Tonight you are going to another level"

"Yes sir" I meekly reply as he pulls my head back onto his cock. I don't know what he means and to be honest I don't care. I just want his cum.

I have always thought his cock was very horny, It is thick and long and it has big veins running along the length of it . Its uncut and the foreskin goes right back and its always very clean. He has big balls too which are so much bigger than mine. He likes to thrust deep to the back of my throat sometimes hard and aggressive and other times slowly. He likes to please himself and that's how I like it too. He likes to see me gag . When I do he smiles and slowly withdraws it a bit then pushes it back in again causing me to gag again, then he repeats it over and over. He enjoys watching me gag on his cock and it makes me realise the power he has over me.

"Now my balls again"

I obey

" Lower "

I realise he wants the area below his balls so I lick there. Suddenly he lifts his legs up and grabs my head firmly and pushes my face into his arse.

"Lick my hole you slag"

Oh fuck ! I have never done this before and he has mentioned online that one day he will make me do stuff I have never done before, this is what he must have meant by another level . By now I am so horny and strangely weak I just obey.

I gingerly put my tongue out and my eyes are closed . He shoves his bum hole right onto my tongue

"Lick it" I said he commands

I do it and a sense of realisation that I am now kneeling and I am rimming this guy, doing something that I had never intended or imagined ever doing ! But I don't care . I just want more and more sex. I must please him .

However, which is even stranger to me is that him forcing me to do this is very humiliating but also so erotic . My cock is bulging and throbbing and I can feel it pressing through my trousers onto the armchair as I kneel in front of him .

"That's it you filthy bitch obey your master . Push your cock against the chair. Hump it bitch"

I am now humping the front of the chair like an animal. He has his legs in the air and my tongue is rimming his hole.

"yes sir " I manage to somehow blurt out.

The rimming goes on for some time and I can hear him saying things like

" yes spit and get it wet !" "! get your tongue right in there !" and "Oh that's very good "

Suddenly I am broken from the daze I am in as he says

"Right put those cushions under your knees !"

I do as instructed , he is slipping his tracksuit bottoms off completely.

"Right get your cock out !"

I frantically pull my trousers and pants down and release my cock as it was straining to be let loose from the confines of my trousers and tight underpants. It is pulsating and seems to be much bigger than I remember . I am so desperate to cum already. I see now what he intends as the cushions have given me a bit more height so my cock now is in line with his hole . He seems to produce some lube from somewhere nearby and he is lubing his hole and I feel his hand sliding along my cock applying lube to it .

I know what is coming but I have never done this before either. Oh heck what's happening !

"Right now push it in GENTLY!" he tells me.

"Oh sir I have never done this before "

" So what ! Listen bitch you are here to satisfy me so do it."

He gives me a slap across the face and then spits in my face again . This is so humiliating and degrading but I don't care as I am so turned on by it all.

I line myself up with him and slowly push it into him

"That's it you slag . Now make sure you don't cum or you will leave here with a fucking thrashed arse"

"yes sir"

I push into him slowly and carefully and its so very warm and I hope I am doing it right. It feels just like a woman's cunt although tighter.

"yes not bad bitch, now slowly start to fuck me "

I do as instructed

"yes that it ! that hits the spot" he says

I continue for what seems like about 5 minutes . As I do it he has undone my shirt buttons and is squeezing my nipples making me squeal . He likes to hurt them and I have realised that as he squeezes them my cock seems to get harder.

" that's it piggy squeal for your master !"

I imitate a piglet as he squeezes them harder and harder. He laughs as he does it. Sometimes it takes days for my nipples to recover and they sometimes have a sort of crust over them where he has hurt them so much.

"Look at you you dirty cunt , right! play time is over . Take it out, take them trousers and pants right off and lean forward on this armchair" .

I ease myself from him as he gets up . I do as he said and I lean forward onto the seat of the armchair so my face is where his arse had just been, I am still kneeling in front of the chair

He is standing now and moves into position between my legs and using his feet he kicks my legs open wider .

" Open up for daddy ! My turn now "

he kneels down behind me and I feel him roughly shove my face into the seat cushion

"That's it bitch put your face where my arse has been "

I hear him chuckle to himself

I hear him spit and feel his fingers transferring the spit onto my hole

I realise he is going to fuck me . I have never been fucked but all I know is I want his cock. I am so horny I will do whatever he wants.

"Oh I have never done that before Sir" ( part of me is afraid but part of me wants it too!)

"So fucking what ! Its what I want that matters . I am going to pop your cherry and you will always know its me that has done it. My big mans cock is going to fuck you"

I feel his hard cock push against my hole and I am a really nervous. His cock is big and my hole is tight. I think he realises he may need more than spit and he tries unsuccessfully to push into me.

"Right bitch get ready to take a real mans cock, I know its what you want admit it !"

"yes Sir I want it" .

Of course I was a bit scared but also all I could think about was obeying him, I wanted to please him so much that I would have done anything

"yes a nice virgin arse for my big cock that's what you want isn't it ?"

I nod my head in submissive obedience.

I feel him apply lube now into my hole with his finger and I assume to his own cock . He pushes again and it goes in. It hurts a bit but he takes his time and slowly withdraws it and then pushes it further in again , withdraws a bit and then pushes it right to the limit.

I cant help but groan as it goes in . I hear him laugh as he hears my groans.

"Yes I am right in you now you slut. You are being fucked by your master !"

he slaps my arse hard . Slapping each cheek in turn.

" yes take it bitch. I am going to fuck you hard ."

he keeps slapping my arse cheeks as he starts to pound me. I feel him pushing my head right into the seat of the chair . The fucking hurts a bit at first but then it doesn't and I get used to it . Its so exciting have his big cock in me. Its so hot and sexy. What is more important though is that I know he is enjoying it and I am enjoying it too. I have this horny man fucking my arse .

" yes can you smell my arse on the cushion you slag" he laughingly says . He enjoys the humiliation and so do I .

He fucks me for what seems an age . I struggle to breathe with my face pushed into the seat of the chair and my arse is red and sore where he has slapped it .

He is pounding me faster and faster ,

"you wont cum in me sir will you ? "

"Of course I wont slag" . Somehow I don't believe him . He likes to lie to me. In the past he has promised not to cum in my mouth but then he does it anyway and laughs that he has tricked me.

The pace of his fucking is picking up .

This is so exciting , a really experienced man wants me and is fucking me. I feel so weak and helpless with him, I want his cum.

I realise he is getting near to shooting his load as I can tell by his breathing and his cock seems to have gone even harder

"Sir please don't cum in me"

"Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt . I will do what I want !"

Then he continues on and his cock feels so hard in me.

" I lied so now take it like the slag you are!"

He grabs my hair with one hand and a handful of my skin on my hip in the other and then with a massive groan he cums his load in me. He is jerking and saying all sorts of stuff


"yes! ,You filthy bitch, take my load , cunt , whore" etc.

Strangely I felt so proud that I have pleased him and made him cum. I know he really enjoyed ME ! However, I felt guilty as I thought it was wrong, Moreover, all I could think about was when we could do it all again. I wanted his cock in me again.

He withdrew his cock and I got up and I felt so "used " and got dressed. He was leaning forward with his head now on the armchair seat cushion completely spent.

He mumbled "well done slag . now fuck off till the next time I want my balls emptied ". I was so frustrated and thought I would have to have a wank in my car but then he said almost as an after thought.

"Are you still hard ?"

"Yes sir" I reply . Oh maybe this time he will let me cum I thought !

"Do you want to cum? He asks

"Yes sir " I realise he is teasing me

He stands up and says "well beg me then! "

He indicates the floor in front of him . " On your knees bitch" .

I fall to my knees and he moves and stands over me. His cock is hanging there with cum still oozing from his cock.

"Well ? I am waiting "

"Please sir please can I cum? I meekly ask

"Not if you ask like that put some fucking effort into it ! "

"Please sir please let me cum I am desperate. Please I beg you ."

"kiss my feet first"

I bow right down and kiss his feet

"again ! Lick them you slag"

"right that's better . Now my cock has been up your arse and there is a load of jiz on it. It needs to be wiped clean doesn't it ?"

He pushes his cock forward and rubs it over my face smearing it in cum and various liquids. I am aware I am on my knees looking up the man who has just fucked me and now is wiping his cock on my face. It is so degrading. Can I be anymore pathetic?

"Now as a treat I will wank you off myself. Would you like that ?

Of course I hurriedly agree. Usually he only allows me to wank myself. So this is very exciting.



" that's a good slag. I really am going to use you even more in the future. Do you understand? "

"Yes sir "

"Your arse will be fucked hard by me and by anyone I tell you to be fucked by.

"Yes Sir " ( what am I agreeing to ?)

" okey stand up and get your cock out . "

He comes around the back of me and feel his cock pressing against me and his hand comes round and starts to wank me.

He whispers in my ear " this is your reward you dirty little slut "

I am struggling not to cum but also I really really want to cum but want to treasure this moment a while longer

" I will tell you when to cum " he whispers

I know he enjoys the full control he has.

He whispers " yes I am going to enjoy using your holes for my pleasure . You will be fucked senseless by me and a few others. Guys who will just use you how I do . You will like that wont you bitch . I am your master and I will do whatever I want with you"

I nod my head in agreement as all I want is to release my cum.

"ok then cum for me. " he commands

I release a massive amount of cum which shoots from my cock and my legs give way as its the best feeling ever. I fall to the floor totally exhausted.

I look up at him standing over me and he slowly and deliberately dribbles a long stream of spit onto my face. It was the final humiliation

I knew he had me where he wanted me and also where I wanted to be and I would be back again and again to be used by him.

" right get dressed and fuck off " he says

I leave and walk back to my car and I can feel cum running down my leg and I can smell his cum and spit still on my face

what a pathetic worm I am .

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