I can prove it to you

By moc.hsuh.myn@busxela

Published on Jul 29, 2022


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This story contains slavery as a theme. If this offends you, please stop reading now.

Gay Authoritarian

I can prove it to you Part 3

Parker and I left the gym and walked to his car. If he hadn't had his hand on the back of my neck again, I would have been craving it.

He started driving. I wasn't sure whether he was planning to take me home or somewhere else, but I was remembering that he had said we might have some fun after the workout. After my imagined romp in the gym fell through, I wasn't sure whether the `fun' might be sex at his place or mine, or if it would be something else entirely. But my daydreams came back and, as we drove, I pictured him coming to my apartment, pinning me against the wall, holding my face and kissing me deeper than I've ever felt. I was warmed up again after the cold shower and ready for anything.

`Well thanks, Parker, for the gym pass. I really appreciated the opportunity to try it out and learn new stuff from you and the other members,' I said.

`Andrew, it was my pleasure. I've been wanting to take you there for a while, and it was great to assess the goods too,' he laughed.

`My pleasure,' I chuckled.

`You didn't seem too self-conscious when I checked you out. It's good that you don't mind being naked in front of other men,' he said.

Well, it kinda snuck up on me,' I laughed. I don't make it a habit to be the only one naked in the room.'

`Why not? You've nothing to be modest about. Nakedness comes naturally for some guys. You're likely one of them. It's to be celebrated.' He put his hand on my knee. I wasn't sure how to respond so I fell into silence for a bit. Really, even when Parker had been going through his odd checklist and the men around us were watching, it felt like everything was OK. I wasn't in control, but Parker and the others were so confident.

`Speaking of celebrating nakedness, will I get to see you naked sometime?' I asked tentatively.

When you need to,' he said cryptically. But I'm not the one we're working on.'

`Um, OK.' The realization flooded across my mind that maybe all my daydreams were nothing more than a fantasy. Parker might have just been looking for a gym buddy and someone to coach after all. This was likely a one-time outing, so my defensive reflexes kicked in and I just wanted to go home before I fell any deeper for this guy. I glanced down and realized that I was still wearing the guest bracelet. I hadn't had a chance to examine it closely before now, so I rotated my wrist and looked for how to release it.

`Parker, how do I take this off?' I said while holding up my right arm.

Why would you try to do that? He responded casually. OK just a quick stop here.' He parked and shut off the car.

We were in the higher-end business district, and it was after hours. Beside us was a very expensive looking grey marble building with frosted windows, and a highly polished gold plaque beside the door.

`What's this place?' I asked.

`I promised we'd have some fun this evening, so just need to get you a couple of things. Let's go.'

We crossed the sidewalk and I paused to read the plaque. It read

`Own Quality: Better Goods -- by invitation only'

`An invitation only store? I don't think I've ever been in a place like this,' I said.

Don't worry about it. My dad's best friend owns the place. I get great deals,' he said as he pressed a buzzer. Master Parker, please come in,' came over a speaker as the door clicked.

Parker swung the heavy brass door open, and I followed him in to a large showroom filled with men's clothes displayed on the best looking manikins I've ever seen. On the left side of the room was everything from high-end suits to leisure wear, perfectly folded and stacked on polished wood tables.

Just going to grab a new pair of swim trunks for myself,' Parker said to the tall good-looking and rugged slave clerk, wearing the standard garb, red on top, blue on the bottom. And a couple of things for Andrew should be waiting here as well. I talked to your Master earlier.'

`Yes Sir! Please browse through the selection of trunks just over here, Master Parker,' came the reply.

`Andrew, come with me to collect the package,' the clerk said authoritatively after staring for a moment at the purple wrist band. I was starting to wonder if I was missing something. Did this band have some sort of extra meaning? I hesitated for a minute.

`Andrew don't be long. We need to get going,' Parker said.

I followed the clerk through the store and realized along the way that the room was divided with about 2/3 of the space on the left side of the wide aisle we were taking. The displays on the left were richly designed and impressive in the many cuts and styles. On the other side of the aisle, the displays were also colorful, but in a pattern from dark to light from one end of the room to the other and all in a single pair of styles: slave shorts and slave tops.

At the end was a simple empty back counter. The slave clerk went behind and I could hear him rattling off the names as he checked tags on packages stored below. Achy,' Arti,' Andrew,' he said as he set a package wrapped in white paper in front of me. Your... that is, I mean Master Parker' is waiting for you,' he said.

I wasn't sure why but I felt the need to clarify; at any other time or place, a man as good looking as the clerk would have had my mind thinking about his hairy chest or strong back, Instead I blurted out `Parker is my friend.'

`OK he's waiting for you,' was the reply.

I turned around and the clerk followed me back to the main part of the store. `What took you so long,' Parker said even though we'd been gone for all of a minute. He was holding a pair of blue board-short style swim trunks with a pattern of yellow anchors on them.

`Sorry Parker,' I blurted out before I could stop myself.

No worries little man,' let's get going. Put these and Andrew's package on the account,' he said to the clerk as he turned to leave.

`Yes Sir, Blue, Purple or Green Sir?'

`Purple,' said Parker, as he put his hand on the back of my neck and guided me to the door. I melted as always.

We drove off.

`Heading to my family place for a swim now. I promised you some fun,' he said casually.

After the earlier disappointment things were looking promising again -- maybe we were going to have some playtime. I perked up. `That sounds great Parker. Um, but I don't have any swim trunks.'

`You've got to get over worries like this. You could always swim naked,' he said.

`At your family house? I couldn't.'

`Of course you could.'

`But what about your family?'

They are so used to nakedness they'd hardly notice. But I thought you might be worried about it, so I planned ahead. Open the package.' He nodded to the package in my lap. I started to tear it open, but something stopped me and, instead, I carefully opened the ends, unwrapped the paper and folded it. Parker squeezed my knee. Good boy.' I grinned back at him like a total loser. Looking down, in my lap was a nice pair of bikini trunks, in all white except for a purple band around the waist. I would have bought them for myself if I'd have been planning a trip to Mexico.

Thanks Parker! These are nice.' I couldn't help myself and followed with You do like purple...it seems like a theme...'

`I like lots of colors, but I always think purple is like flowers at their best. That's what I want for you too; grow into being your best.'

For some reason I blushed. `Parker, thanks for being nice to me even after I tried to put you off. I'm not used to anyone taking that much interest.'

I'm happy to make the investment,' he said. We're almost home.'

I looked at the remainder of the parcel. It was a slave top in purple and white shorts. `Parker, why are you giving me slave shorts? You know I'm not a slave.' My stomach dropped.

`Hey, don't worry about that. I've been working on getting you a tour of Number One for Thursday, and this is just a work-around. The personnel there are all either slaves or staff. I can't get you a staff pass, so I thought you'd be willing to wear slave gear for the tour. You'd blend in.'

`Parker, no way. I'm not wearing slave gear!' I said way more loudly than my usual soft tone.

`Okay, I didn't think it would be a big deal, but if you're that sensitive about it, I'll figure out another way. You still want to go on the tour, don't you? I promise you'll never forget it.'

I was `Um, yes, I guess so. But I'm not wearing slave gear to do it.'

`No problem. Leave it with me.' He reached to the back of my head and rubbed my hair. My affront crumbled.

Just then he turned onto a street with tall sweeping boulevard trees and continuous big hedges broken every half a block with a driveway and big set of gates.

Wow, Parker, your family lives in a nice area,' I said. How long does it take to clip a hedge like this?'

He laughed. `You're funny little man. I wouldn't know.'

We turned into a driveway and stopped at a very tall set of gates. An attendant in green-on-top, white-on-bottom slave garb ran to the gates and swung them open. Parker stopped before driving through.

Six, come here for a minute,' he called to the slave. Are you happy?'

`Of course, Master Parker.'

Parker turned to me and said, `In other times, Six here would have spend the entirety of his natural life in prison. Here, he spends his days under blue skies and sunshine. Six, is slavery right?'

`Of course, Master Parker.'

We drove on. The long winding road ended in a circular courtyard with one huge modern house of glass, steel and granite, and several smaller but still large houses in the same style, all facing the circular drive.

`That's my parent's place,' Parker said, gesturing at the biggest house. This one on the left is mine.

Wow, I didn't realize that you had your own place.' I was feeling a little out of my league. I only have an apartment that I share with my friend Nathan.'

`I know, but don't get hung up on who owns what. It's just stuff. The important thing in life is fulfilling your purpose.'

We hopped out of the car and I stood in front of the houses in awe. Everything was perfectly manicured from the hedges to the driveway that didn't show a speck of dust. The houses gleamed from lights shining upward from the granite foundations.

Parker guided me to a gate at the side of his house. `Walk through there to the pool. I'll be right out.' He turned and strode to the front door while I made my way to the back.

It was huge: the size of pools that I was used to seeing at hotels and resorts.

I sat down on a lounge chair and was imagining what it must be like to live in a place like this.

Parker came out in his new swim shorts. It was the first time I'd seem him bare chested and it was everything I'd hoped. He had perfectly developed pecs and dark chest hair that swirled from each nipple and met in the middle. His abs were defined and were enhanced by the pattern of light fur that traced out his 6 pack. He looked like he walked right out of a fashion catalogue. I couldn't help but stare and I was getting hard.

`Eyes up here Andrew,' he said laughing to break my trance.

`Pop into your trunks and let's get in the pool.'

I stripped off my shirt and shorts and folded them neatly on top of my shoes and was about to drop my underwear when Parker said, `Hi Dad, hi Steve."

I looked over my shoulder to see another Parker, crazy fit but older, and with a bit of grey to his hair and his full beard. He was dressed in an expensive suit and was in the process of taking off his jacket and tie. With him was a guy in his mid-30s. He had flaming red hair and was dressed in casual pants and a knitted shirt that hugged his pecs and trim waist. Together the three of them offered me months of masturbation fantasies. I stopped with my thumb in the band of my underwear and didn't know what to do.

Hello,' I said somewhat feebly. I'm Andrew.'

I've heard about you,' said Parker's dad. Don't let Steve and I stop you.'

I looked over to Parker. He nodded that I should carry on, so I tried to be casual but still very self-consciously pulled off my underwear. I reached for the new bikini trunks, but Parker's dad stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder. I froze.

`Let's see what Parker is working with,' he said, starting to look me over in the same way that Parker had a couple of hours earlier. He turned me from side to side.

`Haircut needed...attached lobes...naturally smooth chest hair, biceps need work, nice shoulders, light pit hair....'

It was like Parker's inspection all over again.

I interrupted, `Sir, Parker did all this already. This feels uncomfortable.'

`Why, it's the most natural thing in the world. Why invest in someone if they don't have potential, right Parker?'

`Sure, Dad let's see if you have the same take on Andrew as me. Just play along Andrew,' he said with a grin.

`Abs need definition, light pubic patch, small to extra small...'

Hold on...' I interjected. I'm not that small. And I'm a grower.'

Glutes proportional, good thighs, legs OK, feet good,' he said before glaring at me. Never interrupt me.'

Andrew...' Parker said. You know what to do.'

`Sorry Sir,' I said.

`No harm,' Parker's father said, returning to his previous casual demeanor.'

`So, Parker, how well did we match?'

`Almost identical Dad. We differed on size. I said average to small.'

`Um, this is making me uncomfortable guys,' I said.

`Why, Andrew? Are you ashamed of your body?' said Parker.

`Well, no, of course not.'

Then humor us, boy,' said Parker's dad. Son, did you complete it?'

`No, we were at the gym.'

Ok, tell you what...let's settle it with a proper measure for length and volume. Steve,' he said, turning to the red-haired man watching quietly. Take Andrew back and settle this for us.'

`What, does that mean,' I replied getting nervous and looking at Parker.

`Don't worry little man. Steve's done thousands of these. I'll wait for you in the pool.'

With his hand on my bicep, Steve guided me down a path past the pool. `Wait, let me grab my shorts,' I said.

`Why would you need those?' he replied and pulled me more quickly and forcefully.

We went through a gate and the landscape changed from lush greenery and granite paths to plain concrete and crushed rock. Ahead was a metal clad utility building. Steve pulled me quickly through the sliding door. I was in a stark white room full of cupboards. In the center of the room the same white floor tiles were used on a table. Just over the edges were a series of metal D-rings fastened securely onto the sides of the table.

`Stay there for a moment.' He rummaged in a drawer and came back to me. He had a measuring tape in one hand, but I couldn't quite make out what was in the other before he pushed hard on my upper back and bent me over the table. Before I could think or say anything, Steve shoved some sort of smooth, maybe cigar-sized, cylinder up my hole and stood me up. I heard a click and my whole pelvic area shivered. I was instantly hard as a rock and gasping for breath. It felt great but overwhelming in a split second.

Steve stood me up, grabbed my dick and took a measurement. He ran the tape around the circumference of my dick for a second measurement, and then reached behind me again. I thought he'd take whatever it was out of me, but instead I heard another click and the sensation was suddenly ten times stronger and in pulses. I couldn't help it; `Aaahhhhhh,' I blurted, seeing my cum shoot into a small plastic container that Steve held out. He milked the last out, and then reached back to pull the tool out of my hole.

I collapsed onto the floor with my back against the tiled table and panted.

`Good job, Andrew. You're a natural.'

`Now that you've cum, it's my turn.'

Steve opened his fly and pulled out a semi-hard uncut dick that was the stuff of my fantasies. He stepped forward and I opened my mouth. He placed it on my tongue, and a drop of pre-cum slipped onto my taste buds. It was silky sweet. I leaned forward to swallow him as far down as I could, and he began sliding in and out in a slow rhythm. I could feel every vein with my tongue and my lips, and when he pulled back for a moment, I was able to slip my tongue part way under his foreskin. `Take it,' he said, and started powerful forward lunges. I couldn't breathe and his cock suddenly popped fully down my throat. I needed air, but this feeling was almost more important than breathing.

He pulled back, I gasped, and the process repeated.

Eventually, he slowed and pulled back almost all of the way, so that just the tip of his cock was on my tongue. Don't lose a drop, he said as the cum flooded into my mouth. I savored every last drop. He pulled back, shook his dick against my tongue and said, We'd better be getting back.'

I followed him as we retraced our steps back to the pool. `Jump in and cool down,' he said. I need to talk to Parker and the Master.

I slipped into the warm water and watched as Steve approached the others. He gestured with his hands, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. At one point they all turned to look at me. Parker and his dad both laughed, and I heard something like, `Well, we were each right on one measure. Let's call it a draw. Either way, the value's pretty close.'

I was grateful when Parker joined me in the pool. I wanted to ask him all sorts of questions, but he kept me busy racing from one side the other or dunking me. It was fun and I forgot about the weirdness of the bet or whatever it was between the father and son.

Before long we were both tired, and I dressed after drip drying beside the pool. I don't know where my new bikini trunks went but I never did wear them. Parker went into the house to change before driving me to my apartment. It was a quiet drive. I was tired from the day at the office, the workout, the massive orgasm and the pool play. Parker kept his hand on the back of my head with his fingers teasing my hair. I didn't want the drive to end.

`Turn here, right?' said Parker when we were about a block from my place.

`Yes, wait, how do you know where I live?' I asked.

`I wouldn't invest in you without knowing a bit about you,' he said.

`Um OK, I guess that makes sense.'

He pulled into the drop-off in front of my building and unlocked the car door. `I'm away tomorrow but Thursday is our tour. Don't forget. I arranged with the office for you to take the afternoon off, so I'll come get you at noon. Have a good night,' he said, as he patted me on the chest.

I stepped out of the car, he drove off, and I made my way to my apartment.

`Hey, how was your day, Andrew,' asked my roommate.

`You wouldn't believe it Nathan,' I answered, carefully setting down my gear bag and flopping on the couch.

To be continued.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It's really great to hear your thoughts on the story so far. alexsub@nym.hush.com

Next: Chapter 4

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