I can prove it to you

By moc.hsuh.myn@busxela

Published on Aug 2, 2022


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This story contains slavery as a theme. If this offends you, please stop reading now.

Gay Authoritarian

Gay Authoritarian

I can prove it to you Part 4

I spent a half hour telling Nathan about everything that happened that day. He listened quietly, drinking his beer and not even flinching (which is pretty cool for a straight guy) when I told him about my encounter with the red-haired Steve. When I finished, he was silent for a bit, then told me to grab him another beer. He took a minute and then said `I think there are a few key things you learned today, even if you haven't processed them yet.

`First, you learned that slavery might not be as cut and dried as you thought. It may actually be right, not for everyone of course, but for more men than you expected.

`Second, you learned that people aren't so easy to label as good or bad. People like Parker can have the best of intentions even if it doesn't seem clear at first. By the way, I know Parker. We went to college together and I've been to his house; it is a pretty stunning place.

`Anyway, I know him well enough to trust his judgement. He's done wonders with other guys. He sees something in you and if he thinks you're not living up to your potential yet and is willing to invest in you, that means something.

`And third, I think you might finally be realizing that it's OK to give up control. I've known you for a long time, and I've seen how you gravitate to authoritative men.

`What? I don't think so', I said.

Nathan paused. `Go bring me your favorite pair of underwear.'

I looked at him quizzically.

`Do it now.'

I quickly ran to my room and came back with the pair of black velvet briefs that I've been saving for an underwear party. He took them and threw them back down the hall toward my bedroom.

You still don't get it, do you?' he said. Don't you see how easy that was for me and how natural it was for you? You haven't realized it yet, but it's your nature. You live to obey.'

I was stunned.

Well, that's all the wisdom I have for you tonight bud. Have a good one.' Nathan handed me his empty beer can. He turned toward his bedroom and then back at me. Waffles and bacon at 7. If I'm not out for them, bring them in to me on a tray.'

I laughed and then seeing his raised eyebrows realized he was serious.

Something inside of me wanted to say, `Yes Sir,' but I managed to resist the urge. I nodded instead.

That night I dreamed of wearing the purple and white slave uniform and kneeling at Parker's feet while repeatedly saying `I want to be better Sir. Help me take the next step.'

I woke up a few times with a raging hard-on, and the final time I decided that I had to cum if there was any chance of getting a few more hours of sleep. I massaged my engorged dick for a few minutes and had just started to jerk when I noticed that my purple bracelet was getting warm and starting to vibrate.

I was too excited to stop but as I continued jerking, I noticed a series of blue lights flashing in sequence on the bracelet. They flashed faster and faster until I heard a sharp snap. I lost consciousness.

At some point I started dreaming again. Or at least I think it was dreaming. Mainly, the words `I'm a natural. This is right. I'll make the leap,' kept repeating in my head.

The morning was a scramble. I slept through my alarm and really hustled to get Nathan's breakfast ready. He came out at 7 and sat down at the island just as I plated his pancakes and bacon.

`Good boy,' he said as he scrolled through his phone. Oddly, that made my scalp tingle and I didn't resent having to make his food. I wondered if cooking for Nathan was my new normal.

My workday was uneventful. I was determined to use my break to figure out how to remove the purple band but changed my mind after a steady stream of people commented that it looked nice. Except for Robin from HR. She stopped by with some internship paperwork and said, `oh, you're wearing a band. Not everyone has the courage to pursue self-realization. Are you one of Parker's projects?'

I nodded yes, and she replied, `his investments always pay off.' I smiled at what seemed to be a compliment to both of us.

Over lunch I went for a walk and thought about everything that I'd experienced in the last day and a half. Nathan's comments really stuck with me and I wondered if he was right. Was I looking for a boyfriend who was really controlling? Would I be happy in a relationship where my role was to obey?

My dick kept getting hard and I finally realized that Nathan was right. I was happiest when a man was in control.

I started to daydream about Parker. What would it be like to be his husband? Living in his amazing house, letting him take the lead in everything and doing my best to make him happy. I started to imagine him naked again, and what sex would be like.

I spent most of the afternoon daydreaming and then made my way home.

Nathan was in the living room with a couple of cardboard boxes.

`You're not moving out are you?' I asked.

`Nah...just getting rid of some of my cheap crap. Gotta make room for some new stuff. I have a big commission coming.'

`Hey, congrats!' I was happy for him. Nathan worked really hard and deserved everything he earned.

Thanks, little man,' he said. This one was easier than I thought. Get me a beer.'

I retrieved a beer from the fridge and set it down beside him.

`Open it and then get my shoes off Andrew.'

I popped open the beer and then kneeled to untie and slip off his shoes as he reclined his chair.

`Have you thought about what I said last night?'

`Yes, I think you're right, Nathan. I do love serving men.'

`Damn right. Do you think any of my other friends would be rubbing my feet right now?'

I looked down and realized that I had been massaging his feet for the last 30 seconds.

`Andrew, you have a big decision ahead if you're going to be happy in life. I think Parker came along at just the right time for you.'

You're right Nathan,' I said. I think I'm falling for him.'

He laughed. `Parker has plans for you too.' I couldn't help grinning. The future suddenly looked really promising.

`I can't wait to see him tomorrow,' I said.

`Oh yeah, you have the big visit coming up. That could be your big chance to impress him.'

To be continued.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It's really great to hear your thoughts on the story so far. alexsub@nym.hush.com

Next: Chapter 5

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