I can prove it to you

By moc.hsuh.myn@busxela

Published on Aug 7, 2022


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This story contains slavery as a theme. If this offends you, please stop reading now.

Gay Authoritarian

I can prove it to you Part 5

I slept well that night. I know I had dreams, I know Parker was in them, but I can't remember exactly what happened. As I made my way to work, I felt calm other than the butterflies in my stomach every time I thought of seeing him. Touching the purple band made me feel like I was connected to him somehow. "Today is the day I make the leap," kept running through my head. Deep down, I felt that the relationship between Parker and I was going to move to a new level.

I wore my favorite shorts and, because I knew he liked purple, I slipped on a collared knit shirt that had some purple in it.

The morning passed slowly. I kept hoping Parker would come by but the only interaction I had was a text from Nathan saying Parker had invited him along for part of the visit. He said he'd see me at some point this afternoon.

At noon Parker arrived at my cubicle looking like a wet dream in his tailored dress shirt and no tie. A bit of his chest hair was showing in his open collar. I jumped up and gave him a big hug.

Whoa, that's quite the greeting little man. You must be happy to see me,' he said while ruffling the hair on the back of my head. All set to go?'

`It's great to see you, Parker. I'm ready,' I replied maybe a bit too enthusiastically.

We walked to the car in the usual way: his hand on the back of my neck, but this time with his other hand pulling my opposite arm behind me. It was kind of like a walking hug and it felt great to have his chest pressed against my back.

He started the car and turned to me. `Are you ready for this afternoon? Look me in the eye and tell me. Do you want to go to Number One Slaves? Can you handle it?'

As long as Parker was there, I was ready for anything.

`Yes, let's go,' I said.

He laughed. `You know the drill by now.'

I'm ready Parker. Please take me to Number One Slaves,' I said looking into those grey eyes. I'm ready for the experience.'

`Good boy, let's go then.'

It was quiet for a bit. I was absorbed in the moment; just being in the car with Parker again was a treat.

He reached over and put his hand on my thigh. I put my hand on his and hoped he wouldn't mind. It felt so great to be touching him. As I looked down at our hands, I noticed a pamphlet in the console between us. Auction Guide and Introduction to our Products and Services' it said and below it was a tagline: Better Slaves, Guaranteed.'

Parker noticed me looking at the pamphlet. `There's an auction later this afternoon. I thought we'd look at the auction room while they're prepping and then we can go through the main processing path. Sounds OK?'

`Sure Parker. To be honest, I just like spending time with you. I'm happy to do anything,' I said before realizing how sappy that sounded and turning beet red.

`Aww, trust me. This afternoon will keep your attention. Just remember what I told you the other day. There are lots of rules that might seem strange to a newcomer. You need to follow them and remember that the staff are there to do a job and they're not used to a lot of questions. It's best to do whatever they say. Can you promise me that?"

`Sure,' I said.

`Come on Andrew. Say it right.'

`I promise to follow the rules and do what the staff say without questions.'

`Good job, Andrew.'

Parker drove us to an industrial area on the outskirts of town. We passed large technology campuses, nondescript warehouses and machinery companies before slowing down as we passed a meat packing plant. Next door was a large 2-story grey building set back from the road and surrounded by a high chain link fence with razor wire on top. We pulled up to the gate and Parker lowered his window.

`Good afternoon Sir, go on through,' said a guard dressed in an all-black uniform with a blue stripe down each arm and on the outside of each leg. He was wearing a belt with a large baton and other tools that looked like he meant business. Ahead was another gate with more wire, automated barriers, guard houses on either side, high-intensity light standards, mirrors and lots of electronics bristling.

`That's the entrance to the processing area, Andrew. There's a transport from the courthouse behind us. It'll go through there to the docks.'

The big truck carried on to the second gate while we turned right instead and went into a parking lot in front of the building.

Parker pointed out the Number One Slaves logo -- a simple #1' in an oval -- lit up in red neon above the front door. That's our brand up there. Let's head into the show and sale room.'

Parker walked me into the building in the same way as he did earlier. In another circumstance it would have felt odd to have one arm held behind my back, and a hand on the back of my head, but with Parker it felt right. Being close to him, feeling his body heat against me, and just a couple of finger twitches was all it took to turn me into pudding.

We entered a reception area lined with a series of posters. Most of them showed handsome naked smiling slaves kneeling below a happy Master, with headings like:

`Fully processed life slaves LA to LD. Most thorough induction and processing. Demeanor training.'

`Ask about our premium chipping technology; comes standard on NA through NC. Also available for lower grades with a small upcharge.'

`Term products available now TA1 to TC5. Ask about financing.'

`Parker, what do these mean,' I asked, pointing to the letter codes on the posters.

Parker handed me the pamphlet and I quickly scanned the table.

He explained, `All our products are carefully graded to ensure buyer satisfaction. When they're processed, they receive a grade of A through D. Grade A slaves are the top sellers in any of the categories. Ds are cheaper but are still useful. For term slaves, the number at the end indicates how many years are left before they return to regular life.

So T stands for term,' I said. What does the L or N mean?'

`L stands for life... oh, I think I see my dad over there. Follow me,' he said and stepped through a double door.

I followed Parker into a room that looked a lot like a dinner theatre, with curved rows of grey velvet booths organized around oval tables. The place looked like it could hold a big crowd. Maybe 500 to my untrained eye.

At the front Parker's Dad was overseeing work on a large stage. A crew of slaves in all grey was setting up 20 or 30 cylindrical plinths, each about knee high and with a metal shackle on either side. As the crew finished adjusting each plinth's location and orientation, a metal cable with a locking hook was lowered so that the hook dangled right above the plinth.

Parker explained, `they're setting up the stage for the term auction. The terms always go first because there are more of them, and they go for lower prices. Dinner is served while that auction takes place.'

After that, the life products come out and the bidding can be more intense. Lifers are the hardest to judge. Some accept their roles right away in induction and training, but others need lots of reinforcement and reprocessing. It's usually only the most experienced trainers and the buyers with deep pockets who bid.

Parker's Dad had made his way over and caught the last part of Parker's explanation. He nodded at me and turned to his son. `I'm hoping for a third round this afternoon Parker. What do you think the chances are?'

`I think it's looking good, Dad,' He said.

`Are you going to stick around for a third round Andrew?'

`I'm not sure Sir. I'm with Parker this afternoon and he's setting the agenda,' I said with a smile and thinking that Parker's father was just as hot as his son.

`He is indeed. Just remember that time is money,' he said, giving Parker a serious look and turning back to the work on the stage.

`Parker is it OK that you're giving me this tour? I don't want to get you in trouble with your dad.'

Parker put his arm around me and said, `No worries little man. Well, that's about it for the showroom. I'd take you backstage but they're getting the products ready, and we don't want to get in the way. Let's head around to the processing path.'

I followed Parker out to the lobby and even from the back I recognized Steve. He was having an animated conversation on his phone. Yeah, you don't want to miss this one. We have a line on an NA or B. No training but if you bid and win tonight, we can deliver it good to serve in two weeks. Yeah, he knows what he's doing. Inherited the same skills. Four out of five so far, so your odds...oh Hi Parker, Andrew,' as he glanced toward us. Yeah, I'll call you back.'

`Hi Steve, sorry...' I said, feeling both bad about interrupting his call and awkward given that I'd swallowed his cum about 48 hours earlier. It occurred to me that I hadn't said anything to Parker about the interaction with Steve, and suddenly guilt washed over me.

Steve didn't have any concerns. `How's that tongue of yours Andrew? Ready for more?' He grabbed at his crotch.

Steve, you're a machine,' Parker interjected laughing. I'm taking Andrew over to the processing entrance. See you later.'

Parker put his hand on the small of my back and guided me out the door and past a chalk sandwich board that read:

`#1 Tonight: T's-26, L's-5, N's-1 No entry after Lifer auction starts'

`What did you think about auction room Andrew,' he asked as we followed a sidewalk along the outside of the building.

`Well, it was bigger than I expected. Somehow, I thought slave auctions were done sort of quietly and in private. This looks almost like entertainment.'

`It might seem that way, and I'm sure some of our customers do enjoy the show, but it's serious business. There's a lot of money involved,' he said, and it's important that customers make the right purchasing decisions. It's a hassle when a product doesn't live up to expectations, so we try our best to grade them, describe them with as much detail as possible, and even offer a preview.

`But we still do get returns, either for re-processing or re-sale.'

`Parker, how do the slaves feel about all this? I can't imagine it's fun even if the alternative is jail...'

Andrew, we can't let that get in the way of business. Steve likes to point to the meat processing plant over there,' he gestured at the compound next door, and say -- focus on the steak, not the cattle.

`An important part of intake and processing is helping products shift their thinking. What really counts is how our customers feel. When a customer is happy, that should make the product happy. Taking pleasure in obedience is what it's all about. I think you can appreciate that more than most other guys.'

We turned the corner of the building and Parker pulled a staff badge out of his pocket to open a gate in the chain link fence. With his hand on my neck teasing my hair, we walked over to the guard post.

Hey Parker,' said the burly guard dressed in all black. You plus one? I'm going to need some ID for this one.' He stepped toward me. Oh wait, never mind.' He pulled a scanner out of his belt and waved it across my purple band. All good. Oh, wait just for a sec. I need to let this transport through.'

A large grey truck with a green #1 logo on its side pulled up to the gateway. The driver rolled down his window and called to the guard. `17 terms -- the manifest was sent ahead.'

Go ahead. Dock 1.' The guard turned back to us. Door 3 Parker. Have a good one.'

Parker put his arm around my shoulders, and we made our way toward what looked like the trucking side of almost any other warehouse. There were two big loading bays with overhead doors and the transport was in the process of backing into the farthest one. It was painted all green with a giant 1 on the door, which started to roll up. The second bay -- all in blue with a giant 2 on it -- was empty.

Door 3 wasn't obviously visible, but Parker kept guiding me forward almost until the big blue bay #2. At that point there was a gap in the building like an outdoor hallway and we turned out of the sun into it. It was featureless brick on both sides and could have been a corridor between sections of any industrial complex.

Parker stopped and said, `Andrew, this could be scary for a lot of guys. Are you OK?'

`Sure Parker, I'm with you, so I'm fine.'

`OK, but before we go ahead, I need to be sure that you've come around. You can't be making a scene in there. Do you believe me that slavery is right, at least for some men? And are you OK to go ahead?'

`Sure, Parker.'

Come on Andrew...you know the drill.' He pulled out his phone. I want to capture this one. It always feels good to know that I've changed someone's mind.'

`Parker, you've shown me that slavery is right for some men. I'll be OK.'

He gave me a big hug that felt like I never wanted it to end. He smelled good and being in his arms felt like I was safe from everything. He stepped back, held me by my shoulders and said `this means a lot to me little man.' I couldn't stop grinning.

OK, let's get going. His arm went around my shoulder again and we turned the corner. Ahead was a purple metal door with a giant `3' painted on it. Parker stepped ahead and quickly opened the door for me. We stepped inside.

I don't know what I expected, but the small room we were in surprised me. It was not industrial at all...more like the front hall of a nice house. The floor was polished white tiles, the walls were covered in grass cloth, and on either side were paintings of flowers: big purple irises and lilies. In the center of the room was a bench with a small sign on it that said `Please remove your footwear' with a basket beside it. At the far end of the room was a single door with a shiny purple knob.

`We can't be tracking outside dirt into the processing area,' Parker said and guided me to sit beside him on the bench.

Following his lead, I removed my shoes and socks and placed them in the basket.

`Parker, why is does this seem so nice? I thought a slave processing factory would be industrial, kind of like outside.'

`Well, imagine that you're a slave entering here. Which would you rather experience?'

`This, for sure.'

`OK then. Andrew, ready to go on? Just open the door over there.'

`Um, Parker, could you go first?'

`Not this time. Remember I told you there were lots of rules and some would be strange? Well, this is one. Staff aren't allowed to open that door. It's OK though...I'm right behind you.'

I padded across the floor in my bare feet and checked to make sure Parker was right behind me.

The knob turned easily and I swung the door open. We stepped into a much different atmosphere. The room was uniformly industrial grey: walls, floor and even the high ceiling. As the door swung closed behind us I realized the room was relatively featureless. Dim recessed fixtures around the perimeter of the room provided the only light. Reflexively I turned back to the door we entered and realized it was a solid steel plane. There was no knob to reopen it.

This is a one-way path,' Parker said. The only way is forward.'

So, what happens in this room,' I asked. There doesn't seem to be much here.'

`This is where our staff interact with products for the first time. They get an orientation and instructions. There are motion detectors in here, so the team will be coming by any second.'

A door slid open revealing an intensely lit white hallway and three tall men entered the room. They were dressed in the same black uniform as the guard at the gate and had the same utility belt including the truncheon.

Hey Dave, Mike, Bruce, how are you?' Parker shook hands with all three and motioned to me. This is Andrew. He's the one I messaged about.'

I reached out to shake hands, but Mike turned to Parker. `This is a first Parker. The rules are there for a reason.'

`It's OK. You know my dad cleared this.'

`All right, but you have to wear your staff badge at all times, and he can't go forward in civilian gear.'

Parker,' I said, if this is causing trouble, we can call it off. I think I've seen enough anyway.' I touched his elbow. `Let's just go.'

`No Andrew, like I said, the only path is forward. Remember you agreed to follow the rules even if they seem strange? Well, I need you to strip and then we'll be able to proceed.'

`Parker, no way. That would be worse than the slave gear you wanted me to wear.'

Dave or Bruce, I'm not sure which, stepped toward me while pulling a tool out of his belt. `We can move this along.'

`Andrew. You promised to follow the rules and not make a scene.'

But, Parker,' I said pleadingly. I wasn't expecting this.'

He sighed, `OK little man, how about I'll strip too, and we'll go forward together.'

Parker, you amaze me,' laughed Mike. OK gents, pocket contents go in these bags. Fold your clothes in piles there and there. Let's get moving. Bruce and I have a backlog to get to in the Term area.'

Following Parker's lead, I stripped off my shirt, my shorts and, very reluctantly, slid down my underwear so that I was wearing nothing except the purple band. I turned to Parker and saw him fully nude for the first time. Except for the staff badge he was holding, he looked like either a model or a porn star.

He was everything I expected and more, standing there at ease and full of confidence. I had seen his developed pecs with the swirling chest hair and the abs with the fur outline, but I wasn't prepared for his cock. It was a good 7 inches soft, and it was thick, with a single prominent vein running down its length. He was uncut and the foreskin extended past the head into a small tube of flesh.

I forgot about our situation for a moment and swallowed while I took in his form.

`I promised you'd see me naked when you needed to, didn't I Andrew,' he said with a smile.

`Arms out,' said Bruce or Dave. I held out my arms spread at shoulder height to match Parker's while the guard ran his hands into my armpits, down my body and into my groin, checking both sides of my package, and then into my ass crack.

`Clear here.'

Parker's clean too,' said the other. I was expecting to find something.' He and Parker both laughed.

Mike stepped in front of us. `I am required by law to provide the following information and instructions to anyone voluntarily entering this room,' he said.

`On closure of the door in rear you have entered a mediate legal state pending adjudication by a magistrate. You may not exit this facility until and unless an order to fully restore your personhood has been entered into the court record or you have received a declaration of subjugation.'

`Do not speak except to answer a question put to you.'

`Do not move unless you are instructed to do so.'

`Keep your eyes forward at all times.'

`Failure to follow any instructions will result in punishment.'

Parker,' I said, this doesn't really apply to us...does it?'

Mike was in my face instantly with an expression that left no doubt who was in charge. `You may be a special case, but you've been instructed and agreed to follow the rules. Is that not true?'

I started to shake. `Yes, Sir.' I really wanted to go home and looked over to Parker with my most pleading expression.

`Eyes forward.'

Mike moved over to Parker. `Parker, you know we have standards to follow here.'

`You're right Mike, please follow them. Don't let us interfere with your operation. Andrew, do what you're told. You agreed, remember?'

I nodded, keeping my eyes forward.

`Arms behind your back.' I complied.

Cold steel slapped against one wrist and then the other. I glanced toward Parker to see how he was handling it and `Eyes forward!' was followed by a not-so-gentle smack on my ass.

I slid my bound hands downward to rub my cheek as best I could and received a second blow. `Wrists at the small of your back. No lower.'

Bruce or Dave pushed me forward down the bright hallway and then turned left through an open door with Measurements' engraved on a steel plate. As we turned, Mike passed by behind us leading Parker farther down the hall. I couldn't help myself and called out, Wait, Mike, I'm with Parker.'

Almost instantly I dropped to my knees and fell onto my side in blinding pain. One of the guards stood over me with a black stick. He held it in front of my eyes. `You're not the smartest, are you? That was just a taste. Break the rules again and you'll feel real pain.'

`I'm only on a tour,' I blurted out without thinking.

I'm not sure how long I was out but when I regained consciousness I was lying face down on a table with my hands still cuffed behind my back. Dave and Bruce, one with a tablet and the other with calipers and a tape, were measuring everything about me: the length of my feet, my legs, the circumference of my calves, thighs, waist, hips, biceps and forearms. At one point they rolled me to the side to measure my penis and scrotum. It went on. I was too dazed to move and would have been too frightened in any case. Finally, they rolled me back facedown and I felt a cold metal cylinder enter my hole.

Remembering the experience with Steve, I expected to feel that same wave of feeling in my pelvis, but didn't. One of the men said Resting 6' and then they shocked me again. If I'd have been standing it would have sent me to the floor. Every muscle in my body contracted involuntarily and I groaned in pain. 18 contracted. He's a tight little cunt. That'll interest them.' They pulled the tool out of my hole and roughly slid me off the table onto my wobbly legs.

`Stand up straight. Hands above your ass. Eyes forward.'

They marched me out the door into the hall. For a moment I hoped to rejoin Parker, but he was nowhere to be seen.

`Any plans for the weekend Bruce? Nah, just staying home to work on the car and chill. You?'

`Nah...just hanging out on the deck. Weather's supposed to be nice.'

They hustled me quickly down the corridor past a door marked `Documentation' and a series of windows that opened into a large room. Inside were rows of stations with more uniformed staff facing large monitors. I caught glimpses of word processing and video editing at various stations but I stumbled when I realized that the image on a monitor closest to the window was Parker and me entering the building.

Bruce or Dave roughly hauled me up and one of them barked `next on your tour is the bench. No fooling around. Stay where you are placed, stand up straight, eyes forward, and keep your mouth shut.'

We turned a corner and at the end of a short corridor was a solid purple door. A sliding sign indicated `In session. Quiet.'

To be continued.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It's really great to hear your thoughts on the story so far. alexsub@nym.hush.com

Next: Chapter 6

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