I Cant Breathe

By ten.labolgcbs@wonrohtuaeal

Published on Aug 21, 2007


This is a story of erotic material, meant for an audience interested in male/male sex. If this offends you or it is unlawful to view such material in your jurisdiction, please leave.

Hey guys, it's me again.

Hope you've enjoyed the ride thus far. Thanks to those who emailed me and let me know that they enjoyed it. Mere words cannot express my appreciation to all of you who have taken the time to not only read this story, but let me know about it as well.

I've decided to throw caution to the wind and let this story go where it will. All suggestions are appreciated and I will try to incorporate your ideas. I've had some great responses about what should happen to Allan, Mark, and Jesse. I just spoke to Jesse on the phone and he said, Fuck Yeah, after he read what I had written. He also let me know that the actual experience was hotter than I remembered. Is that possible?

Drop me a line at laeauthornow@sbcglobal.net to let me know what you think.


The smell of coffee invaded my consciousness.

I opened one eye to see a steaming mug centered between two muscular legs.

"Here, this may help." A deep gravelly voice said.

"Thanks." I mumbled, sitting up on the couch and shaking the funk from my head. I took the cup, looking up into Mark's sleep creased face.

"I feel like shit." I said, feeling the steam waft up into my crusty eyes. My tongue felt a little furry and my mouth tasted like too much whiskey and cigarettes. I wasn't sure what died in there, but I looked around at the living room to see if it was still there. The remains of last night's debauchery were still in evidence. Mark held his own mug and took a sip.

"It's morning, I hope you still respect me." Mark said, grinning at me. Respect him? I respected him on so many levels. But, mostly, I respected him for the hot cup of joe. "Here, these should do the trick." I took the aspirin that Mark held in his outstretched hand as if they were magic beans. I put them in my mouth and swallowed them with a sip of the steaming coffee.

"MMMhh." I moaned, laying my head on the back of the sofa. I rolled it around, hoping that the yoke inside my throbbing skull would decide which side it would take up residence on. I felt the coffee start to glow in my stomach as the sleep fog left my head I hated hangovers. Sure, I had had more than a few. Usually I just ignored them. But, this one was a monster and I could feel it pervading my entire body. "I guess I can't tell when enough is enough." I groaned.

"I'm glad. I would have hated to miss any of it." Mark replied, sitting next to me on the couch. Our thighs connected in an intimate way, as I looked over at Mark's sexy visage. I just couldn't get over him. Even wrung out from a night of total hedonism, Mark could still enthrall me with his effortless masculinity. I knew that I must have looked like Baghdad after the surge. But, Mark's tossled hair lent an endearing quality to his stubbly face. I'm sure that you could have swept the floor with my usual morning mohawk.

"Where's Jesse?" I asked, hoping Mark wouldn't be completely turned off by desheveled state. I dared to move myself closer to Mark. I laid my head onto his well-developed chest. I gazed down at his still nude body. His well used dick was curled around his abundant balls. He adjusted his body so that we would be positioned comfortably, semi-cuddling. He put an arm around my shoulders and drew me to him.

"He's taking a shower. Isn't it amazing how the young seem to bounce back so much quicker?" Mark observed, clenching me tightly to him. It felt so right, cuddling with Mark. I enjoyed the moment as he held me in his protective embrace.

"I remember when I was the same way. Youth is wasted on the young." I volunteered. There was a time when I could party all night, and then get up the next day and start all over. Thank God, those days were gone. Back then, I didn't have the money to party all of the time. Now that I had the money, I no longer had the time. 'At least God has a sense of humor.' I thought.

"Yeah, me too. I remember those days, climbing out of some anonymous bed and not remembering what happened. I don't miss that at all. I much prefer sharing memories of great sex with the person who made it so memorable." Mark stated, lazily circling my sensitive nipple with his relaxed hand. I suppose he still found me disirable. God bless him, this was as bad as it got and he was still interested. I patted my hair down and let any self-conscious feeling leave me. I closed my eyes and envisioned last night's activities. From his words, it was apparent that Mark was as into what had happened as I was. That thought was enough to cause me to heave a contented sigh. I took my free hand and rubbed his defined belly. Even in his relaxed state, I could still trace the definition of his abs. Our motions were not meant for sexual excitement, but for calm contemplation. I sipped my coffee, feeling Mark play with the sparse hair around my erect nipple. His obvious contentment was more than enough to feed my own need for it. We lay like that for some time, enjoying each other's company without the necessity for speech. I basked in the shared interlude for a few moments before I spoke.

"I can't believe how right this feels." I observed, closing my eyes and relaxing into Mark's body. I could feel Mark falling into the same languid state as he held me tighter.

"I know. I can't remember when I have felt so good about another person." Mark offered, revealing his feelings. I was a little taken aback. I was speaking of the relaxed position we were in, he was talking about his feelings for little old me. Instead of push, I decided to take the moment for what it was. I didn't want to make more out of what Mark offered. Just two contented people, wallowing in the aftermath of remembrance.

"What a pretty picture." We heard.

I opened my eyes to see Jesse standing there. He had a mug in one hand and a cigarette dangling from his lips. His tall, buff body shone with the effervescence of youth. With my eyes, I explored his blond curls, still wet from the shower. I lowered my gaze to his sculpted chest and abdomen. I let my eyes wander to the defined thighs, which surrounded the small bush atop his succulent equipment. I couldn't believe it. From the workout Mark and I had given this kid, he should have looked like a shrivelled peach. Instead, he looked as fresh as a new penny. I didn't know what fountain of youth existed in Mark's shower, but I wasn't leaving until I found out.

"No prettier than that." Mark observed, taking in Jesse's body. Not even close, I thought.

"You two look great like that." Jesse said, taking the smoke from his mouth and sipping his coffee. I watched his walk as he went to the other couch and sat down. I was amazed at the jaunty flair in his gait and the exuberance his body exhibited after we had abused it so soundly. His balls perched on the edge of the cushion, allowing his puffy dick to stare straight at me. "Last night was incredible. I've never had so much fun with two buddies."

"Are you sure? Have you ever had two buddies like us?" Mark asked, grabbing a pack of ML's and lighting up.

"Well, not exactly like you two. But, it got pretty intense." Jesse asserted, sexily smoking his cigarette. "Jake, Tom, and I were on the baseball team together. We got to know each other pretty well once when we were at the playoffs in a motel. We haven't had as much fun since, because we didn't have anywhere to go. But, we joke about it."

"When are you planning to get together again?" I asked, my curiosity aroused. The thought of this stud with two like-minded guys in a motel caused my hungover personae to be taken over by the horny personae that was me.

"We're going to Key West in two weeks. It's my graduation present from my grandparents." Jesse informed us. "Jake and Tom are on the baseball team at Ohio State and that is their spring break." From the frozen outside, it was hard to believe that spring was just around the corner. But, that's the weather in Ohio. If you don't like it, just wait around for five minutes. It'll change..

"How did you get reservations in Key West for spring break? It must have been nearly impossible." I asked, grabbing the cigarette from Mark's mouth and taking a hit. The instant nicotine rush did much to calm my raging horniness.

"Granny and Pops have a house there. I had to promise that there would be no parties. But, what they don't know won't hurt them. It's going to be a fuckfest." Jake stated, smiling gleefully. "Sigma, Sigma, Sigma."

"I don't think I know that frat. Do your boys belong to it?" Mark inquired, lighting a cigarette for himself.

"No Dummy, Sex. Smoke. and Suds. What are you, like ancient?" Jesse joked. I laughed at Mark's expense. Anyone would have had to agree with anything Jesse said, he looked so good.

"It sounds like you sand bunnies are in need of a chaperone, at least for the sake of your grandparent's house." Mark said, laughing back at the remarkable stud who sat across from us.

"Are you volunteering?" Jesse asked, sitting forth on the couch. I saw that his cock seemed to pull up into his body, leaving his beautiful, edible nuts more exposed. His eyes smouldered as he took the last hit on his smoke and exhaled into the air above. "Because, that would be real interesting."

"Now, why would I want to babysit three post-adolescents for a week?" Mark asked rhetorically.

"Are you serious, why wouldn't you?" I interjected as the possibilities ran amok in my wounded brain. (Note to self: Say three Hail Mary's for Granny and Pops for the foresight to have a vacation home in Key West)

"I mean it would be great. I know Jake and Tom wouldn't mind. Besides, I'm the host." Jesse offered with a serious tone to his voice. "And you could come too, Allan. Just think of all the fun we could have." I was way ahead of him. I readjusted my lengthening organ to make it less obvious. I saw Jesse's eyes flick to it as a leacherous grin appeared on his face.

"I don't know." Mark said, a contemplatively. Although I had an upcoming trip to Germany, it was work and didn't count as vacation. My interest piqued, I looked up at Mark's face.

"You're your own boss. Do you have anything better to do?" I asked, baiting Mark. From his reaction to last night's fun, I knew that it wouldn't take much to goad Mark into agreeing with Jesse's proposal. Besides, time in the sun would do much more to chase away the winter blues than a grill.

"Not really. Graduation pictures are trickling off, and wedding photos won't hit until April." Mark admitted, thinking of the timing. Due to my unflagging determination to succeed professionally, I had plenty of time off coming. The thought of a week in the Florida sun with three hunky college students was enough to start me to counting the days that I was due. I wondered what Jesse's buddies looked like. Not that it mattered, if Mark was game so was I.

"It would be great to have you both there. Besides, you're old enough to buy the party supplies." Jesse stated, a satisfied look on his face.

"Now, the ulterior motive surfaces." I smirked, thinking of my own.

"I may have an ulterior motive, but that's not it." Jesse said, rubbing his dick. "I think that when Tom and Jake see how natural you two are with each other, it will help them get over any inhibitions they might have." I was surprised at how succinctly Jesse stated his argument. There was obviously more to this young man than his oversexed body. I wondered if his friends would demonstrate the same level of maturity. In addition, I was happy that the naturalness that I felt with Mark was so apparent. I smiled as Mark gave me an almost imperceptible hug.

"I might be able to work something out." Mark allowed. "But, only if it's understood that Allan and I are also on vacation, together. I don't think either of us want to be in charge if a train wreck occurs." A warm glow infused me as I heard Mark state the parameters for agreeing to the proposal. I loved that he had included the word, together. I think that was the point that I felt more than a growing infatuation for Mark. I could feel the heat that emanated from his tight body as he held me close.

"Thank you." I agreed, more than happy with Mark's stipulations. I would have agreed even if he said that I had to ride in the trunk under roadkill they collected on the way.

"Don't worry. You two old timers will get plenty of nap time. I don't think you could keep up with us anyway. We plan on staying hard and fucked up the whole time." Jesse joked. I smiled at his assertion that Mark and I, neither yet thirty, were 'old timers'. But, Jesse's statement made it apparent that the younger generation's agenda would not include tending to the needs of us old farts. Well, I hoped they would agree to a few of our baser needs anyway.

"Who you calling old?" Mark laughed, launching himself at the young man. Mark grabbed Jesse and held him down. I was right behind him, pinching and tickling Jesse until he begged for mercy. I saw Jesse's cock start to lengthen as he writhed under our ministrations.(Further note: Add a couple HM's for G and P due to the gene thing, this kid was delectable.)

"Hey, let up. I've got to be at church in one hour. Gotta keep the rents happy." Jesse exploded with gasps of mirth. We let him up and sat back down across from him. Jesse's dick was bloated and his balls were tight against the base of the growing tube. "Now look what you did. I'll be hard all through the services."

"You're young, figure it out." I offered, enjoying the sight of Jesse's dick rising into the air. His aroused state caused his face to grow progressively redder and his smile to beam.

"I wish I had time to figure it out right now, but I gotta scoot." Jesse said, allowing his fresh-looking prick to bob teasingly. "Let me know what you decide about the trip."

"We will." Mark stated, watching Jesse dress.

With that, Jesse said his goodbyes and left. I lit a cigarette as Mark went to refill our coffee. I watched the lithe way he sauntered from the room, his bulging glutes creating the perfect man ass. Wouldn't a tan look good on those mounds? I thought.

Mark returned with our coffee, stopping at the bar and asking if I wanted a little hair of the dog. I nodded as Mark grabbed the bottle of Frangelico and added some to the steaming mugs. His arms bulged with his exertions, the supple muscles allowing every movement to be associated with its proper tendon. How DaVinci would have loved Mark's body. There would have been no backstreet human disections if he had. Mark was a walking example of male musculature. The sounds of smooth jazz invaded the room as Mark turned on the stereo. He walked to the couch, handing me my mug. Then, he sat down and lit his own cigarette. I sipped of the mug, allowing the hot sweetness to slide across my tongue and down my throat. The warmth took up residence in my stomach and radiated through my entire body. I looked at Mark looking at me. He allowed the smoke to trickle from his nose as he smiled, and kissed the air. I saw that his lips were swollen and incredibly inviting.

"You'd better watch yourself, or I might just wear those out." I warned him.

"I'm counting on it." Mark replied. "But, maybe we should talk about Jesse's offer first. I've been to Key West many times and it's always chaos. I can't imagine what it would be like with thousands of horny college students added to the mix."

"Somewhere between paradise and utopia, I suppose." I offered, ruminating on the possibilities.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Mark chuckled. "Can you imagine a week of nonstop partying? I wonder if we're up to it? Maybe Jesse was right. Maybe we're just a couple of old timers."

"Speak for yourself." I interjected. "I'm no old timer. I can rut with the best of them and wouldn't mind proving it. I think we could keep up, so to speak." Mark paused, letting my assertions run through his mind. We were prime examples of the male form. We were still young and knew how to enjoy ourselves. I was a little disconcerted by Mark's reticence.

"Fuck it, let's do this." Mark stated. "Let's show those young pups how the big dogs do it." I raised my mug in salute. Mark's apparent enthusiasm made me feel better. I enjoyed spontanaity and was relieved that no stodginess remained about the decision.

"AAaarf." I barked, laughing at Mark's use of the cliche. Mark chuckled with me. A look of relief had replaced the pensive one that was there before he just gave in to eventuality. "I think it sounds like a great time. I can't wait to see you on the beach. Speedos?"

"I'm not that old yet. But, I sure wouldn't mind seeing your sexy ass in a pair." Mark asserted, hitting his smoke. The smoke curled around his face and wafted to the ceiling. He took a sip of his coffee, obviously relishing the taste. I had to agree it was good. "Do you think we need to establish any groundrules first?"

"What groundrules?" I asked, unsure what he meant.

"Well, you know. Do we share? Is it okay to go off with anyone? Do we remain exclusive?" Mark stated, laying his concerns on the table. I was taken aback at the implications. It was obvious that Mark was as uptight at our situation as I was. Did he have the same feelings of not wanting to read too much into anything as I had? Did he feel the same burgeoning feelings that I felt? Could this man, who was once like a God to me, like me as much as I liked him? Was this an attempt to move things along to a closer understanding between us?

'Whoa Nelly.' I thought, not letting my hopes run wild. Slow down and gain some perspective. (There I go again.) I didn't want to queer the deal between us by appearing overly eager. True, I would give my left nut to merely lick the sweat off his balls. But, he didn't have to know that yet.

"Perhaps, we should just let things happen. No rules. But if you don't feel right about something, tell me and I'll do the same in return." I offered, suddenly nervous again. The air in the room was now tense due to the seriousness of the conversation. I wanted to clear it and return to the relaxed atmosphere we had previously enjoyed.

"Let's just enjoy the trip for what it is, a vacation from frozen civilization. A chance to get to know each other's likes and dislikes. You be my wingman, and I'll be yours. We'll see where that leads." I said, knowing where I wanted it to lead.

"Okay." Mark said, nodding his head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let my thoughts go so crazy."

"You didn't let them go crazy. If you think something, it's okay to express it. But, this whole thing is kind of new to both of us. Maybe we should just let it develop naturally." I explained, and with that all nervousness, angst, or uptightness left me. I would practice what I preached. I would lay my soul bare to whatever would happen. I would allow myself to show my vulnerable side. Mr. Corporate Hardass was going to be relegated to work. Mark was not work, he was pleasure, more pleasure than any man needed or deserved.

"Works for me, stud. Let's just have fun. I can deal with that." Mark acquiesced, relaxing his body language. I gazed at his sculpted body and wondered at the strength it held.

"I need a shower," I stated. "and it looks like the maid's day off in here." Mark laughed and told me where the clean towels were. I entered the marbeled shower stall and let the warm water cascade down my firm body. I washed my semi-hard dick. It had been in that state since I entered Mark's house the night before. That is when it wasn't rampant with lust. I washed my hole and inserted a digit to make it squeaky clean.

"Here, you might want this." I heard Mark's voice. He held out a new toothbrush still in the box.

"Thanks." I said over the sound of the steamy water.

"Want some company?" He asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." I smiled in anticipation. Mark opened the door to the shower still naked from the night's frivolities. I made room for him, allowing my body to touch his. I felt the instant electricity of Mark next to me.

"Can I wash those hard to get at places? Mark asked.

"Sure, if you think you can get to them." I assured him. Mark took the soap from me and started to rub my back. I stretched like a cat under a good rub. I felt my asslips flair as Mark rubbed them with the slick soap. He did an extra good job, inserting his index finger to make sure that I was clean inside and out. He reached around me and held my cock in his hand. I felt the suds start to build as he jacked me with an insistent beat. Instictively, my hips bucked in time with his talented hands. I was a novice to shower sex, that is with another person present, but Mark proved to be a master.

Mark let my, now turgid, dick jut forward as he used the soap to wash my pecs. I could feel his chest against my back as he reached around me to graze my hard nipples with it. Mark worked the sudsy bar into the skin of my neck and the folds of my pits, never allowing the contact of his hard body against mine to break. He rotated his hips, causing me to rock in unison with his lazy rhythm. I put my head back onto his shoulder and let myself be lulled into the measure of his sensuous dance. Steamy clouds surrounded us, magnifying the surreal quality of our tango. Mark led, and I gladly followed. I was astounded at Mark's effortless ability to dominate me. Then again, he reveled in my dominance of him as last night proved. I could feel Mark's aroused pole hit the back of my ball sack repeatedly. The inflated head of his meaty cock felt magical as it glided back and forth over my perinium. My breath quickened as the needles of the shower fell on my flushed body like electric sparks. I luxuriated in the feeling of Mark's strong hands as they massaged the strong smelling soap into my aroused person.

"Turn around." Mark instructed in an authoritative voice.

I was reticent to break our embrace, but his command is all that I could have wished. I turned around and looked straight into his deep, brown eyes. His hair was plastered to his head and I could see drops of water as they rolled down his masculine face. They pooled momentarily on his full, inflamed lips before dripping off. I leaned forward and licked them before they fell. They tasted of Mark. I did not attempt to kiss him. I just licked, enjoying the feel of his unshaven beard with my tender tongue. I explored Mark's entire face, before zeroing in on his ear. I nibbled the lobe, then around the outer flap. I inserted my tongue into his ear, flicking the entrance to the canal. Mark moaned as I blew into it. His harsh breathing matched the ragged quality of my own. I nipped and sucked for an eternity as I felt Mark writhe in ecstasy next to me. I laid a trail of kisses and small bites down Mark's veiny, muscular neck. I could feel the tendons flare at my forceful nips. I raised Mark's arm, gazing longingly at the wet tendrils they kept hidden. In a lusty rage, I sucked Mark's pits like they were my source of life. My nose grazed the bulge of his biceps as I delved deeper into the cavity they protected, allowing the silky hair to flow over my tingling lips. I supped on Mark's pits until I could feel him quake with unspent desire. His brawny pectorals were so ridgid that I was inexhorably drawn to them. I sucked my way over the prodigious mound to find my target, Mark's rubbery, erect nipple. I pinched it with my teeth, flicking at it with the end of my darting tongue. I felt it grow harder and more pronounced as I sucked it into my mouth. I rolled his large aureole around my mouth as if I were using it to gargle with. My sensitive lips rooted, seeking more of him to inhale. Mark's appreciative groans were like dry kindling to the forest fire that was my rampant need. I traveled down his torso, licking his protruding muscles until I met his small outie of a belly button. I devoured it like it was a third nipple, rolling it over and over my mouth. Nipping it; suckling it; licking it.

Mark could stand it no longer.

"Suck my dick." He implored. I was happy to oblige.

I took Mark's tumescence in my hand, squeezing it. I was astounded at the incredible hardness. I could feel the runaway tempo of Mark's pulse in his massive prick. I licked the cumhole, tasting the essence his ball's had given up. I was addicted to that taste. The taste of his nectar, his juice, his cum. Slowly, I let the head of Mark's cock enter my mouth. I circled it with my entire mouth. I sucked him in, inch by inch, before letting it rest entirely in my throat. I vacuumed deeply before rising from it only to dive down once again to the root. I grabbed Mark's sack, rolling his nuts in my palm. He groaned as I squeezed lightly, urging them to give up that which I sought.

"Not so fast, Gorgeous." I heard Mark growl. "I missed eating some of that boy-pussy last night. I can't wait anymore."

Mark roughly turned me around, zeroing in on my hard buns. He parted me and sank his oversized lips down to my needy hole. He rimmed like the expert he was. I felt his tongue invade my clutching chute as he juggled my balls in his palm. Mark ran the gamut of my ass from stem to stern. He ran his stubbled chin and cheeks across my tender bud causing me to quake in anticipation. He inserted one, then two fingers into me. Mark palpitated my joy button with his gnarly digits as he went fuck crazy with his mouth on my stretched ass lips. He grasped my raging hardon and beat my meat in time with his darting tongue.

I was in the throes of ecstasy as Mark assaulted my tender butt. I breathed like a runaway freight train as he claimed my body for his own. I put one hand on the wall of the shower to brace myself and the other around my back to urge Mark on. He needed no urging from me. Mark was in a state of complete wanton bliss.

"Oh please, fuck me." I wailed, pleading for the fullness of Mark's cock up my ass. I was a little surprised at myself, until Mark I had never much enjoyed being fucked. But, this glorious stud had changed all that.

"Tell me how much you want it." Mark gasped. I could feel the breath of his words on my mancunt as he spoke them.

"Take that veiny cock and ram it up my butt. Fuck my ass like it was the last ass on Earth. Make me feel like a man. Bang those ball until they shoot your jizz into me. Fuck me with that pole, man."

"You should have been in advertising." I heard Mark chuckle as he stood up. My ass was a little miffed that he had stopped his ministrations, but the anticipation of feeling Mark dominate me was enough to quell any dissatisfaction.

I could feel the head of Mark's pulsing dick at the door. He spread his precum around my hole, causing my hole to open and close. My brain had only one thing in mind, Mark's cock in my ass. I pushed myself back as Mark speared forward. He plunged balls deep into my creamy canal. I winced, momentarily, at the invasion of Mark's dick. The hugeness of his prick in my tight chute was unbelievable. He surged back and then forward as his hanging nuts banged against my own silky pouch.

Mark fucked me raw. I could hear his ragged gasps as he impaled me on his cock. My cock waved in the air, matching Mark's long, plunging thrusts.

"I'm climbing, are you coming with me baby?" Mark hissed through gritted teeth.

"I'm with you, babe." I assured him as my insides parted for another charging rut from Mark.

"Fuckin' hot, sexy bastard. I can't believe what you do to me." Mark groaned, pummeling me with his turgid fuckstick. I couldn't believe what he did to me. I suppose we were both incredulous at the way we could make each other feel.

"Ohhhh, just fuck me, fuck me, fuck me....." I screamed, feeling Mark's pace become more rapid as he made his way to the peak of our shared passion. His assault on my manclit caused it to spasm and my cock receeded a little into my body, trying to connect with the feeling of the repeated stimulation that Mark was giving it.

"I'm gonna blow your sweet ass." Mark warned me.

"Blow that bull scud, you sexy motherfucker." I replied, wanting it more than the quick intakes of air I was managing. I drooled in anticipation of the peak that I was ascending. I had cum many times, but I could feel a ballbreaker of a nut building inside of my balls. From the sounds that Mark was making, he was with me.

"Here it comes." Mark exploded, blurring his pelvis behind me. I felt the head of his cock expand and pump across my prostate insistently. The feeling was enough to make me moan as my cock connected with my pleasure center. An explosion rocked my insides and raced up my dick. I shot over and over, painting the shower with my seed (Look Ma, no hands. Only Mark had made this happen, not once, but twice). Mark pulsed in my velvety quarters, filling me with his delectable juices. His hose snotted all over my insides, never letting up its attack.

Mark held me as we caught our breath and descended from our heights together. I shook from spent urgency. I could still feel Mark's softening prick inside of me. I sighed as it plopped out followed by an appreciable amount of Mark's cum. "Wow." Mark whispered.

"Wow." I agreed. "I guess that's why we keep doing it."

Well there you go.

I hope you enjoyed it. I am looking forward to the boys trip to KW. I can't wait to see what happens. Let me know what you think should happen. Always ready for suggestions, it makes my job that much easier. Until next time, lae.

Next: Chapter 4: Potholes Are Made for Fucking

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