I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on Mar 18, 2012


I got a feeling - chapter 1

Hello everyone, here's the first chapter of a new story. It starts a little slow but I hope you enjoy and the story is copyrighted by me, the author.

I'd love to hear what you think and you can contact me at azulasn@yahoo.com I also have a yahoo group where you can read my other stories. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/azulastories


It was a beautiful sunny day, the reddening leaves were rustling in the wind, announcing that the summer was gone and colder days were coming. Declan, my best friend and I were walking home from tiring classes. We didn't live on campus. Nobody does in this peaceful and boring country. All the buildings are shattered around in the city but since we were business majors we were in the main building in the middle of the city with a beautiful view.

Declan was telling me about his girlfriend. They were going steady since yesterday and I was happy for him.

But as I listened to him I got a weird feeling. Weird because I felt like something was going to happen and since I was small I always listened to my feelings because they were never wrong. But this time it felt weird, weirder than usual.



"I got a feeling..."

"Oh, here it comes. What is it this time?"

"I'm not sure."

"Good or bad?" He asked.

"Good, I think. But it involves me."

"Now, this is interesting. Do you know anything specific?"

"Not yet."

"I bet it's about you going to get laid. You'd need it."

"Hey, it's not that there aren't offers." I protested.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He grinned. "You're just way too picky and your feeling tells you the person is not the one."


He put an arm around my shoulders. "You have to be one of the oldest virgins on campus."

"I'm 21."


"Declan, just because some other people lose theirs when they're like 14 doesn't mean everyone has to."

"I know. And I think it's admirable that you're waiting for the right person but you need to exercise kissing and stuff."

"It will come naturally."

He grinned. "Yeah, you're a natural kisser. Ass kisser."

I just shook my head but there was a smile on my lips. I was no ass kisser but I had a certain reputation on campus and was very well known. Even professors and students from other faculties knew me and came to me for advice.

It all began when I was twelve years old and my parents wanted to leave to visit some friends in Spain. I did have the feelings before that but no one except for Declan knew about them. Back then Declan thought of me almost as his hero and whatever I told him to do, he did it.

Anyway, back to the fateful day before my parents were going to leave. They already had their flight tickets and their bags were packed. I was allowed to stay with our neighbours, Declan's family for the week. But that day I had a terrible feeling. I just knew something bad was going to happen if my parents were to go on the plane and I begged them to stay or to wait a day but they didn't listen. Who would listen to a twelve year old?

Of course I couldn't just let my parents die and I had to improvise. Declan and I were playing in the garden and I told him that I'd watched on TV that the bones in our legs were so strong that they could hold a car. He was really amazed and then I told him that if he were to smash my leg with a brick it wouldn't break since bricks were much lighter than cars.

He didn't believe me at first but I somehow managed to talk him into trying it. Back then I still thought he was pretty dumb and his brain had turned into muscles. It turned out that he was very intelligent but I didn't realize that back then.

I sat down on the bench and put my leg on the chair so that Declan could just smash the brick down on my shin.

"Are you sure?" Declan asked one last time.

"Do it. Show me if you're as strong as a car." I said. My voice was strong but inside I was trembling and I broke out in a cold sweat. Declan was very big for his age and the strongest in our class. But if it saved my parents, a broken leg was worth it.

I clenched my teeth, made two fists and then Declan smashed the brick down on my leg.

Damn, just thinking back to that day makes me shiver. Nothing prepared me for the incredible pain I felt.

My leg was totally broken and it looked like I had a second knee between my actual knee and my foot. Except that it was at the wrong side. And... the bone was sticking out!

When Declan saw what he had done he fainted and I yelled and yelled and yelled in agony.

My parents came running outside, saw my leg and called an ambulance. Both the still unconscious Declan and I were brought to the hospital and I was in the OP for an hour. Thanks to the brick and the force that Declan used it was a clean fracture and they said it would heal nicely and I wouldn't have any lasting effects.

When I woke up I saw my very pissed parents but I told them not to blame Declan since it was my idea and I definitely had learned my lesson.

They of course missed the plane but the next day they read in the newspaper about the crash, no survivors.

That was a huge shock for my parents. Not only was there the fact that they would have been on the plane but also had their son told them beforehand that something bad would happen. I think they suspected that the broken leg was my only way to save them. They were happy that they were still alive but also a little spooked and talked to a psychologist. The guy explained them that children were more receptive to supernatural things than adults. Some could feel if an accident was about to happen - just like animals could feel catastrophes beforehand.

My parents were satisfied with that. Not much changed after that except that they listened and believed whatever I said. And they pampered me while my leg was in the cast.

Dylan was incredibly sorry but when we were a little older he told me that he knew my leg would break.

"Then why did you do it?" I asked, curious if he had a weird, sadistic fetish.

"You're my best friend and whatever you said was right. I knew I could trust you."

"Aww, you're my Declan!" I hugged him and he smiled.

As the years passed, similar things continued to happen except that they were much less significant. But word spread around that James - that's me - knew everything. That was a total overstatement. I knew nothing. I just had those feelings. But people began to come to me for advice and whenever it was good they told other people and I was soon well known.


I was really surprised when I began to see signs. At first I didn't realize they were there because I'd never gotten any. Usually I just got feelings so I didn't pay attention at first. But there were so many that I soon had a pretty good idea what would happen.

A few days after I told Declan about my feeling I began to see couples. They were just everywhere. I walked out of class and saw a girl flirting with a guy I knew. A professor gave his wife a kiss. They were both good professors. And then I met Declan and his girlfriend.

Nothing unusual.

But on our way home I saw a couple making out, another one walking, just holding hands, there were two people making out in the car, two dogs were sniffling and licking each other in weird places, one couple was fighting, we walked by one garden where a man was on his knees, asking the woman to marry him, two guys were in a darker alley, staring into each others eyes and... rubbing their crotches against each other. An older couple was sitting on a bench, a younger one was just enjoying the mild, windy weather and another one was making out. There were more couples than I mentioned! And I saw them all on my way home. And it was not valentines day!

Declan and his girlfriend said bye and when I was in my room and looked out of my window I saw one couple practically fucking in their garden.

This continued for the next two days and made me feel a little lonely. Everyone had someone in their lives except for me. But my feeling told me that soon I'd be one of them.

And then came the name. Like the couples, the name began to pop up everywhere.

A child ran past me and the mother yelled: "Jason!"

At home I watched some TV and flipped through the canals. On one there was a beautiful woman staring into the eyes of the man holding her and whispering 'Jason'.

I read a book where the main person was called Jason, I went online and saw the name Jason on advertisements. The next day at school the professor used some guy named Jason as an example and someone yelled after a Jason.

When I got home my father dropped a paper. He was a geography teacher and when I picked it up I saw that they were discussing climate diagrams of Africa. On the Y-axis were the temperature and the rain in millimetres, not very interesting. But on the X-axis were the months. J(anuary), F(ebruary), M(arch)... and there: J(uly), A(ugust), S(eptember), O(ctober), N(ovember). JASON! That made me 100% sure that I was going to meet someone named Jason.

During dinner mom told us about a new colleague at work. "He's not by chance called Jason?" I asked.

My mother's jaw dropped. "How did you know?"

"Just a guess." I said. "But there's something I need to tell you."

My parents looked at me, knowing something important was coming.

"I had this feeling and then there were the signs. I'm sure that I'm going to meet my soul mate."

"That's amazing. Do you know who it will be?" My father asked.

"No. But I know he's called Jason."

My father paled. "A guy?" He asked.

"Jason is 30 and married." My mother said.

"Not that Jason. Just some Jason. I don't know yet."

"Oh." My mother was relieved.

"Are you sure?" My father asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry dad. I always thought it would be a girl but it doesn't look like it. And I've always looked at guys more than girls."

"Oh." He said.

Well, they had to accept it. They knew there was nothing they could do. When I told Declan he was really happy for me. He was surprised that it would be a guy but then he thought a little about it, looked me up and down and said: "Man, of course you're gay. How could I miss that." And we both laughed.

Monday came the huge shock. One of our professors was in the hospital because he needed an artificial hip or something like that and there was a substitute professor. He came inside and greeted us all with a friendly smile.

I dropped my pen when he wrote his name on the blackboard. Jason Miller.


The guy was old! Like 50!

I heard Declan laughing. His face was red because he was holding it back and tried to be quiet. I shot him an angry look. Yeah, he definitely was making fun of me.

I felt sick the whole time and when the bell rang I hurried outside, not waiting for Declan. I was pissed at my fate. I mean, who the hell would want to date someone who was more than twice his age? I didn't want anyone who was that old. I was a young guy and he was an old professor!

I took a few deep breaths and after a while I began to calm down and managed to think about it. Perhaps he wasn't the one and it was just coincidence that he was called Jason.

When I looked up I noticed Declan looking at me. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes. Shook me up a little."

"Is it him?"

I waited for my feeling and then shook my head. "No, it's not him."

He grinned. "That's good. But it would have been funny."

"For you perhaps." I grumbled.

A few days later I found out that professor Jason Miller was married and had grown children. His oldest daughter was pregnant.


"Dear, would you mind coming with me to greet the new neighbours?" My mother asked on the weekend. The house next to ours had been vacant for a few months but yesterday there was a huge moving-truck and a family moved in.

"Oh, you baked a cake!" I said and gave it a leering look.

My mother laughed, knowing I had a sweet tongue. "This one's for the neighbours."

We walked over and when I rang a woman opened the door.

"Hi. We're your neighbours. I'm Barbara Abbott and this is my son James."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sandra Williams. Do you want to come in? It's still very messy but..."

"Another time. If you want you can come over for dinner. This cake is for you."

"Oh, thank you so much. Dinner would be nice."

"Just come over around six or seven."

"Okay. Thanks."


"She seems nice." I said.

"Yeah. I'm just glad we've always had great neighbours."

I nodded.

"Perhaps they have a son?" My mom suggested.

"Could be. As long as the father isn't called Jason." I joked.

Mom shuddered. "You know, it was definitely a shock when you told us. But both your father and I know that we can trust you. I just want you to be happy."

"Thanks mom. That means a lot to me."

The Williams family came over for dinner. Declan was also staying for dinner. It was rare when one of us wasn't at the other's house.

Our new neighbours had three kids. Two sons and a girl who was the oldest. The older son was perhaps a little younger than me and then there was the youngest, about 13 or 14 years old.

Declan and I were in the living room when they came inside. Introductions followed. Daddy Williams was Ted, the daughter was Sally, older son was John. Too bad, he looked quite handsome. Youngest son, Jason.

The Williams probably thought we were crazy. As soon as Jason introduced himself my father chocked, my mother paled and almost fainted, I just stared at him and Dylan laughed and laughed. Geez, what a disaster.

I punched Declan and my parents recovered. Dinner was also nice. My parents getting to know their parents and John and Sally were talking to us. It's funny that Jason choose the seat next to mine. I caught him staring at me with big eyes. Geez. But he didn't really talk and seemed to be rather shy.

"Hi Jason." I said and my parents kept one eye on us. As if I was going to do something to the poor kid! Tsk. I really wondered if fate was pulling a joke on me.

"Hi James."

"How old are you?"


"Hey James." Declan said and I turned around. "Did you know Sally graduated last summer?"


"She was a business major like us."

"Very nice."

"I have a job offer for Carbonax. We moved here because of dad's work and since the headquarters of Carbonax are in this city I came with my family."

"I see. I heard Carbonax is booming and expanding. They are looking for talented, young people."

"Yeah. Someone from the company came to me just before graduation and offered me the job. How are your grades?"

"He's the top of the year." Declan said with some pride in his voice.

"Just like Sally." John added with a smile.

"Well, who knows, you might get an offer, too."

"I wouldn't mind at all working for them."

After dinner Jason asked if he could play some of my old computer games and he spent an hour in my room. I left after a few minutes because for one, it wasn't too interesting to watch him and two, my parents were getting nervous. But there really was no reason for that. There was just no way I would ever get involved with a kid and I didn't really think he was THE Jason.

When they left my father shot me a stern look. "Son, no matter what your fate is, I'm not going to visit you in jail."

"Don't worry. I don't think he's the one."

My parents were incredibly relieved and Declan grinned. "First an old professor, now a kid. I wonder what comes next."

Next: Chapter 2

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