I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on Apr 16, 2012


Declan sat on my bed opposite of me and had a small smile on his face. It was Sunday and when I came home from work yesterday I just went to bed. The last two weeks had been... well, interesting. Declan and I didn't have too much time to talk to each other since he was occupied with his girlfriend and I had work and schoolwork but today we were finally talking and not just doing homework. "You look a little stressed." He said.

"I don't think I've ever met a person like Jason."

"Why? I've been wanting to ask how it went since you found out he was the one..."

"He's not." I protested.

"What? I thought..."

"You have no idea what happened the last two weeks."

"Tell me."

I breathed deeply and then shook my head, thinking back to the last few times I saw Jason. Gosh, how could anyone be as childish as him?

"Okay Declan, you're not gonna believe what I'm telling you because it'll sound like that asshole is five years old but he's an adult like us. I didn't see him Tuesday after that dinner I had at their mansion. It is a huge house and Jesse told me that Declan has his own office next to his rooms. Anyway, when I went to the bathroom on Thursday he walked by and you can imagine, he was killing me with his angry looks. It didn't really bother me though. I mean, what could he do?"

"Yeah, from what I hear his father totally likes you."

"Yes. Anyway, nothing happens and I was really glad. But sometime during then and the next Saturday, he snapped."


"Yes! He turned totally crazy and went into bullying mode. I think the first thing that happened was the worst because the tricks that followed were on kindergarten level."

Declan grinned. "What did he do?"

"I went outside. It's really exhausting being in my office for hours. But when I came back I had a really bad feeling. I went back to work but something was weird. My desktop was somehow different than before and I saw mistakes - fatal mistakes. I immediately went to Cliff Carbons and when he saw what happened he looked really disappointed. I totally screwed up."

"Was he angry?"

"No. He just told me to take care and not to do the same mistakes again."

"It can be risky to work with so much money, huh? And you think it was Jason who did it?"

"I'm pretty sure. Well, from then on I always shut the computer down when I went outside and nothing else happened that was work related. But when I left I saw Jason and really, his face was one big, evil smirk."

"Sounds like a little devil." Declan said.


"Does Cliff Carbons ever talk about him?"

"Not very often. He sometimes makes remarks that sound like he expects a lot from his son."

Declan nodded with a thoughtful expression and then looked up. "What happened next?"

I let out a small laugh. "I was once again invited to eat with the family despite the mistake I made and Jesse and Jason were already sitting at their places when Cliff Carbons and I came to the dining hall. He sat down and I of course wanted to sit down as well and my ass was only a few inches away from the chair when I got this weird feeling. I touched the chair but there was nothing but the usual cushion. So I reached under it, found something that didn't belong there and took it out while sitting down."

"Don't tell me it was what I think it was." Declan said.

"It was. I put it on the ground and of course Jason was looking totally pissed. Or maybe it was more of a pout because his stupid trick didn't work. I of course was grinning at him."

"Oh goodness. That's definitely kindergarten level. Putting whoopee cushions on other people's chairs. But James, I know you. You didn't just let it be, right?"

I grinned. "You're right but it was pretty harmless. I'm always sitting opposite of Jason so I lifted it up with my feet and then moved it into his direction. It wasn't easy but I managed to press my feet together when it was near his knee and everyone thought it was him who farted. Jesse was having a blast and his mother looked at him with a stern expression."

"You're as childish as him." Declan said.

"Whatever. Yesterday he pulled another stupid trick."

Declan raised his eyebrows. "Tell me."

"I had to go to the bathroom and I think I'm the only one using it. They have thousands of other bathrooms. So I just wanted to open the door when I had the same weird feeling. I opened the door as slowly as possible and looking up I saw a cup. I took it and yes, it was full of water."


"Yeah! So when I was done I sprayed some water on the floor and put the cup back on the door but didn't close the door completely - I mean, why would he look up - and went back to work but left my office door open so I could see Jason. A few minutes later he came, saw the water on the floor, grinned and pushed the door open. And Declan, you can't imagine what a satisfying feeling it was when the water came down on him." I laughed and Declan chuckled. "He jumped back and cussed and when he saw me he just showed me the finger. I have to confess I stuck my tongue out and he pouted."

"Sounds like war between the two of you."

"Yeah. He's such an ass." I said.

"So you really don't think it's him?" Declan asked.

"Why would he be my soulmate? I don't deserve someone so childish."

"You're the same and I get the feeling you're enjoying that stupid game you're playing."

"That's just because it's him who's at the receiving end." I said. I had to admit I always blocked the feelings when it came to Jason. I didn't want to know whether or not it was him. I didn't want it to be him.

But I had to admit his pout was cute.

What the hell?

Nope, not him. Definitely not him.

"Whatever." Declan said and looked at me with an expression that really annoyed me.

"Don't look at me like that. Tell me what happened in your private life the last few weeks."

"Well, nothing as interesting as you but I got laid a few times and..."

"Nothing interesting? Man, your poor girlfriend."

He grinned. "I didn't say it was not interesting. It's good of course. She does have nice, big..."


"Just teasing you. But I don't think we're going to be together very long."

I just nodded. I had given my share of relationship advice and my feeling told me that they weren't going to make it but Declan always said that if he were to listen to my feeling about his relationships he'd be a virgin like me and that was out of question for him.

We went out to eat dinner and then watched a movie. I got a call from a student who wanted my advice and soon it was late and we went home to go to sleep.


The next week Cliff Carbons took me to his office in the city. He introduced me to a few important people and I met his secretary. It was very impressive, the work interesting and the atmosphere was nice. I really hoped that I could continue working for Carbonax a long time even if that meant putting up with the childish Jason.

That week I didn't see him at all but as soon as I was back he pulled more stupid tricks on me that all blew him in the face. He just couldn't let it be and I had to admit I began to enjoy them. It was adorable how he tried everything to try to get to me but he just never managed to. It was a really weird picture - him, the big, muscled, strong guy, acting like a kindergartener.

With my busy schedule time passed very fast and the temperatures began to fall. Winter was almost there and with Christmas came finals and that meant more hard work. I almost had no free time with work and learning but Declan and I were organized pretty good and by the time finals came we were prepared.

But something before finals changed between Jason and me. It was at the beginning of December. I was just about to leave the Carbons mansion when I heard the doorbell and Jesse ran to the door. He then yelled for Jason and I realised that I didn't really know who Jason's friend were and if he had a girlfriend or something even if I saw him a couple of times a week - usually when he played one of his tricks on me.

Jason didn't see me when he came down. He smiled at his brother and tousled his hair. My heart almost stopped. It's amazing what a smile can do. Whenever Jason looked at me it was a pout or a pissed expression but never a smile. Perhaps I shouldn't play that stupid game with him anymore. If I continued working for his father we'd definitely be working close together in the future.

"Do you want to stay?" Cliff Carbons, who suddenly appeared behing me asked me.

"What for?"

"They are Jason's friend. They will probably play some pool."

"I don't know..."

"It's alright. I'm sure you'll like them. I've been hoping that you and Declan become friends but you're both always very busy so this will be a good chance to get to know each other better." He said and I looked over at Jason who definitely didn't want me to stay. That should have been reason enough to stay but I was feeling a little confused. That a smile could throw me into such a whirlwind of thoughts was not good at all.

"Hi, I'm Kyle. Nice to meet you. Are you good at pool?" Another guy asked and I guess that meant I was staying.

Until now I had seen the dining hall and the offices of the huge mansion but not much more. I heard about the pool and the bowling hall but hadn't seen them yet. And now they also had a nice room with a bar and two pool tables. Really amazing.

Jason's other friends were Cameron, Richard and Adrian. They were nice but all of them had that snob-mosphere around them. They were all very confident and surely didn't have to think about money when they went out to buy things.

Kyle, Jason and I got one table and the other three played on the other. Jason gave us all some beer and I played against Kyle at first while Jason watched. When it was my turn I suddenly felt watched or even stared at. Actually it was my ass that felt watched. It couldn't be?

I shot and when I turned around Jason was looking bored.

The next time it was my turn I deliberately stood so that my ass was in his direction. I wiggled a little bit and then concentrated on the balls. The balls on the pool table of course.

"Nice shot." Kyle said and I sank one more and when I looked at Jason he was looking a little flushed but his eyes didn't meet mine.

In the end I won but it was very close. Kyle sat out this time but warned me that Jason was the best of them all. I grinned at him. "We'll see."

He got to start and sank three balls in one go. He was really good but when he aimed at the next one I scratched my crotch and saw his eyes looking away from the game. He missed and I sank two balls. When it was his turn again I stretched, showed him a bit of my skin. He looked a little distracted and missed again. For the rest of the game I did my little shows for him and in the end I won. Again it was close but I won.

Kyle was pretty surprised. "Hey Jason, that game was crap. Did you do it on purpose?" He asked.

"No. Anyone want another beer?" Jason just asked. "Yes." Came from the other table and he went to get then.

Next it was my turn to sit out and I watched Jason and Kyle play. Jason was very good. He looked very concentrated and I had to admit his ass was very nice. I could almost imagine running my hands on his cheeks and probably slip a finger into his hole. And his front... he had an impressive bulge. It would probably be amazing to feel him inside me. That image turned me on even more than his ass. I wondered what he'd taste like, what he'd feel like...

I was pretty much lost in my fantasy and only snapped back when Kyle tapped my shoulder and told me I had to play against Cameron since we were the winners at both tables. I lost but it was still fun. Jason's friends were easy going and nice. Later little Jesse came inside to ask who was staying for dinner. Only Kyle and Cameron stayed, the other two had to go.

At the table Jason sat opposite of me like always and I think he was a little confused. Hell, so was I.

He was avoiding my eyes again, which was more uncomfortable than his angry stare. During dinner everyone talked a lot except for Jason and me. When I caught him once glancing at me I grinned and lifted my foot. Slowly I brushed against his knee and then his thighs.

Jason froze but I don't think anyone noticed.

My foot then reached the bulge in his pants and I rubbed it slowly. I could see Jason blush and his hands trembled a little.

I rubbed faster and after a few minutes I knew he was close. His knuckled turned white from the fists he was making and then his body shook and he almost moaned but covered up with coughing.

"Jason, are you okay?" His mother asked.

"Ye... yeah. I... need to go... bathroom." He mumbled and almost ran out. Perhaps I had pushed our game a little too far.

Later Kyle, Cameron and I left. Kyle offered to drive me home and on the way he told me a little about his friendship with Jason. They all knew each other since they were small and always hung out together. He also told me that Jason's father always was very stern with him and Jason always tried his best to impress him but his father just rarely showed much emotion and never really complimented him.

At home I thought about what Kyle had said and it made a lot of sense. I also felt that Cliff Carbons expected a lot from his oldest son and if it was true that Jason was always trying very hard to please him I could understand that he was pissed at me. After all his father had praised me a lot but I never heard him give any compliments to Jason.

After that day Jason avoided me. I rarely saw him and when I did he just ignored me. While his angry stares had bothered me, him ignoring me was much worse but I guess there was nothing I could do. It was after all my fault. I probably should have apologized but there never was an opportunity to do so.

Declan noticed that something was on my mind and when I told him he said I definitely had to apologize.

"I know I already asked you but you didn't answer me honestly. Do you think it's him?" He then asked.

"I..." I wasn't sure what to say. At first I hated him but I also noticed his cute pout or his good looks or his smile. And apparently he was attracted to me. But now he was so different. "I don't know."

"I think you do." Declan said.

"You think it's him."

"He's constantly on your mind, isn't he?"

"I guess."

"You two need to talk. From what you told me I'm pretty sure he's attracted to you and is probably very confused."


I didn't see Jason the next week either and then on Saturday I decided I had to look for him. It was already middle of December and it was one of the hardest time of the year with finals and christmas stress.

After work I asked Mr Carbons if I could spend some time with Jason and where his rooms were. He was delighted with my idea and told me how to find Jason in the huge mansion. I walked upstairs and then stood before the door, which was half open. I peeked inside and saw Jason's back. He was sitting on a chair and seemed to just stare out of the window.

I went inside, closed the door behind me and walked behind him. He didn't move or turn to look who was there but his shoulders looked tense and I slowly, very put my hands on him. He jumped but still didn't turn around and since he didn't tell me to piss off I massaged him.

He just held still and then relaxed. It felt good to massage him, to touch him, to feel his body heat.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly said. "I've been acting like a jerk around you."


"I'm usually not like that. And those childish tricks I played. Or tried to. I'm sorry."

"I actually came here to apologize myself." I said. "What I did... during dinner... it was mean and I'm sorry."

"I deserved that."

"Naw. Besides, I came to enjoy playing our little game. I had a blast when you opened the bathroom door or when you drank the coke."

He chuckled and it was an incredibly nice sound. "That coke! You have no idea how much tabasco I put in there. And in the end it was me who drank it. I thought I was going to die."

"Just glad it wasn't me." I said with a grin.

"Yeah. You know, the first day we met I just was in a bad mood and then the second time... geez. I guess seeing you just set me off. But after that I thought about my behaviour and I guess I was a prick."

"Yes. But you're not the only one. I'm sorry for breaking your nose."

"It's okay. Anyway, when I saw you in my house I was surprised. And pissed of course. But then my father talked about you all the time it just made me hate you more. You know, my dad always expects a lot of me and it seems that it's just never enough. And I felt like you were taking my place or something."

"I can understand that. But it's you who's going to take over Carbonax in the future so I guess it's understandable that your father expects a lot. But it would be nice of him if he showed you how proud he was."

"You're a good guy." He said.


He turned around and looked at me. When he got up he was dangerously close to me and he had a weird look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I know what you think."

"What am I thinking?" I involuntarly took one step backwards.

"You did it on purpose. When we were playing pool. But I'm not." He stared at me and then took a step towards me.

"You're not what?" I whispered, my voice gone and my knees felt weak. Why was he so close to me? My brain was a mess. My stomach full of butterflies.

"I'm not gay." He said and then his lips touched mine and before I fell down he grabbed me with his strong arms and pulled me closer to him. My heart was beating incredibly fast and my head was empty, completely empty. There was only Jason's chest, his arms and his wonderful, soft lips. And then I felt his tongue, asking for entry and my mouth opened for his invasion. Time was gone, there was only the wonderful feelings he gave me. He completely dominated me with that kiss, his tongue almost raping my mouth but it wasn't too harsh. Just right, just perfect.

And then it was over. I was panting and when he let me go I wasn't able to stand and fell to my knees.

It took me a few minutes before I was able to get up and when I looked at Jason I knew he was in a similar state like me. He was sitting on his chair. When he saw me looking at him he shook his head.

"I'm not gay." He repeated. "I can't be gay."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to reply someone who just kissed me like that but said he wasn't gay.

But I knew he needed time, time to think about what happened and time to think about his own feeling. So I smiled weakly, turned around and left.

There was a weird pain in my chest as I left his room and closed the door behind me.


This was chapter three. I'm not too happy with it but I still hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think. I'm interested in what you like or what you don't like. You can contact me at azulasn@yahoo.com

I also have a yahoo-group where I post the chapters first. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/azulastories I wish you all a nice week Azula

Next: Chapter 4

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