I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jul 20, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 12

BY: BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

This work of fiction may not be reproduced without MY express permission.

Any deviation there from is a copyright infringement.

I must say I was surprised at the response, or lack there of, to Alex's last posting. Usually he gets so many e-mails that I scarcely have time to read them. Perhaps the readers are just getting tired of Alex's writings. We'll just have to see. Myself, I never get tired of reading Alex's journal. It gives me such insight into what makes him tick. He has such a wonderfully complex personality and being able to look inside his head to me is great.

This posting will be a little different as it won't all be from Alex, as he was there, but not really. His body was present during the scene, but I had cut him off from what was happening outside his own mind and body. Because of that he can only tell you his experiences. I have taken the liberty of describing everything else going on. As you remember we ended with Jose desperately needing to cum. I also ended with the comment, that Jose's being allowed to cum depended on Alex. Would you like to see how the scene played out? Then let me turn this part over to Alex, until such time as I need to fill in details.

As I looked up at poor Jose's, hard cock in front of my face I wanted so badly to help him. I swear Rick must have been reading my mind because he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Alex it is up to you wether I let him cum or not. Are you willing to do whatever I ask? If you are then I will let Jose cum."

I looked up at Jose's face, his need etched like lines in it, and knew my answer. He had not heard Rick's question so he didn't know what was going on. All Jose knew was that he desperately needed to cum and Rick wasn't letting him. I, personally, may not be allowed to cum except once every other week, but if I could help Jose I would. "Sir, yes Sir, anything Sir", I said looking up at Rick. A wicked smile played across his lips and he asked, "Are you sure boy?" The look on his face made me want to back out but instead I said, "Yes Sir."

"All right then Alex so be it Jose can cum, but not right this minute. First I have to get you ready for your little ordeal. You see while Jose is experiencing the pleasure of cumming you get to enjoy the sweet agonizing pain I have planned for you." Rick said this the headed off to retrieve his toy bags. Jose looked down at me with a look that begged me not to go through with it. He hated the idea of me paying the price for his need, yet I knew what I had to do. Yet all I could think of was, did I really know what I was getting myself into. Believe me I had no idea or I probably wouldn't have done it.

The first item out of the bag was a full leather hood. I noticed he had picked the one with no eye holes and a strap in leather gag for the mouth. "Before I put this on you let me explain what is going to happen," Rick said looking straight in my eyes. "I am going to plug your ears so you can't hear. I am going to seal your mouth so you can't yell. I am then going to mummify you and attach electric pads to various sensitive parts of your body. Then I am going to turn on the control unit and it will randomly send electrical shocks through your body. You will have no idea where they will hit next or even how long they will last. Because of the ear plugs you won't even know how close Jose is to cumming yet and the pain will only stop when he has. You will be all alone in your little world of pain. I bought this 10's unit just for you, for your birthday. I hope you enjoy it. Happy birthday Alex."

As he finished he slid ear plugs into my ears and pulled the hood down over my head. He strapped it on as tightly as he could, and then added the leather gag. I heard the snap of the lock as he sealed me inside my leather cocoon. As he moved my body where he wanted it, all I could do was think, that I was actually a little scared. We had played with the electric butt plug and with other electric toys, but never quite like this. Maybe I should have begged him to change his mind. No of course not. I could, and would take anything Rick gave me. He was my Master, I was his slave. I knew it would make him proud when I made it through. Yes, I knew it would hurt, but then again knowing me, I would be begging him to do it again. I might bitch about how bad something hurts but, to be quite honest, I love it. Every time Rick pushes me just that little bit further the better I feel about myself. And once I know I can take it, I want to see if I can take more. Perhaps I sound like a masochist, probably, I am after all. But then Rick is a sadist, so we are the perfect combination. Just thinking about it was getting me hard and as I was no longer wearing my chastity device I could feel my cock standing at attention.

As I couldn't see what Rick was doing, let me describe to you what it felt like. I knew he had the electric butt plug in me but without the harness. I knew he had wrapped my body, neck to ankles, in what felt like shrink wrap. Rick had purchased a huge role of it and we had used it a couple times, so I knew what it felt like. Then came, what I found out latter, was duct tape. Before he applied it though he inserted what felt like small burrs in each of my arm pits. Then I felt him pulling the shrink wrap away from my tits and applying clamps on each of them. Next he moved to my cock and balls, which he had left uncovered. One clip was placed on my balls and then one that hurt like hell on my cock. Just him placing the clip there hurt. I hated to think what an electric shock was going to feel like on my sensitive cock. Then came the duct tape, neck to ankle, as tight as he could get it. When he had gotten me to the point where I was having trouble standing, he lowered he onto my back on the floor and finished with the duct tape. When he had completed his work I felt him by my head, and soon my hood was stretched out tight away from me so I couldn't pull my head toward my body. Then I felt him at my ankles and soon they were stretched the other way. I could move from side to side, but that was all. I lay there trying to adjust my position when the first wave of pain hit me. Rick had started on my cock. As the shock went through my dick, I wished to God, I been born without one. Searing pain driving away every idea my cock had about being hard. Thankfully it stopped almost as soon as it started, only to be replaced by the same searing pain in my left arm pit. I tried to thrash in anyway possible trying to make it stop. However, Rick had made sure the pads were staying put. Again just as I thought I was about to die, it stopped. To be followed a few seconds latter by my balls feeling like someone was beating them with a steel stick. Sharp searing pain that I could feel all the way up into my stomach. When it eventually stopped all I could do was lay there waiting to find out where the pain would come from next. Praying that Jose would cum quickly allowing this torment to end.

Let me stop Alex right there. He goes into more detail but you have the idea. I had mummified him and left him alone with his birthday present while I went to play with Jose. I had promised Alex I was going to allow Jose to cum. I also told him he would be in pain until Jose did. I just didn't tell him how long I would make this whole scene last. So now let me see if I can be as descriptive as Alex, and tell you about Jose's torments.

I returned to Jose, leaving Alex laying about 6 feet away. I wanted to be able to listen to him and make sure he was all right. I also didn't intend to just leave the unit running. I was going to give him a break every so often by turning it down really low. That way he wouldn't tire out and even better, he wouldn't get used to the rhythm of the pain. Now back to Jose. I hoped Jose was going to enjoy our game as much as I was. As I reached him, he opened his mouth and pleaded with me, "Sir please, I don't want to cum. Please don't make Alex suffer."

I slapped him across the face and replied, "I will do as I please. I let Alex do this for you. Look at what he is willing to go through just for you." The pained look on Jose's face told me all I needed to know. Even though he was going to get to cum it was tearing him apart what I was doing to Alex. As far as he was concerned it was his fault. This was going to be good. I had every intention of turning the tables on him latter. I was going to make him suffer for Alex. I had no intention of telling him that right now, so I said, "If you want Alex's pain to end then I would suggest we get our game started. The sooner you cum the sooner I let Alex loose."

I walked behind Jose and removed the butt plug he had been wearing and replaced it with the electric one. The one Alex was wearing had come with my new toy. In addition, I removed the weights, I had added to his balls, and then removed the parachute harness. This was going to be all about his cock and nothing else for awhile. From one of my bags I got out a deck of cards and laid them on the floor in front of Jose. I explained to him that I was going to draw a card, if it was a number card I would stroke his cock the number shown on the card. If it was a King I would shock his ass with the butt plug, if it was a Queen he would one stroke of the whip on his ass, and finally if it was a Jack then I would do nothing to him for a full two minutes. I drew the first card, a two and gave Jose two long slow stokes with my hand down the length of his hard cock. He had settled down a bit while I was tying Alex up yet, those two strokes, brought his cock right back to it's full state of hardness. His initial reaction told me this was going to be fun. Before I drew another card I went back over and turned down shocks racking Alex's body to the minimum setting. That would give me lots of time to play with Jose.

Jose's second card was, unfortunately for him, a King. I let the shock shoot through his ass, leaving it long enough to send his cock back down. Next card was a Queen. I was doing great. The whip fell across Jose's ass as I watched him buck from the impact. Next card was a Jack which let me leave him alone for two minutes. I used those two minutes to check on Alex. Despite the pain he was suffering he was doing fine. That helped reassure my mind before I turned my attention back to Jose. His next card was a ten. Followed by another ten. When I told him about the second ten he let a sigh of relief escape his lips. Ten good strokes brought Jose right back to the edge. This was now getting good. The next card was a five followed by a five again. I am quite sure that by this time Jose thought that with five strokes on his hard cock he would cum. However, I had a different idea. Five strokes, yes, hard, no. I lightly traced my fingers down his hard shaft five times. I could tell by his breathing he was so close and yet not close enough. Another card, a three. Again three slow strokes with my fingers. The precum was dripping from his cock, he was so close, and yet still not quite there. Such sweet torment, I was inflicting on his body. His next card was a four. I lightly brushed one finger over his cock one time, as I watched Jose shudder with need. Two times, as he got closer, three times, even closer, and finally the fourth time, and yet, I still did not allow him to cum. I knew from experience that I could play this for a very long time. Next he drew a Jack. When I told him he sobbed in frustration. I left him hanging there and went back over to Alex. Time to up the stakes in our game. I removed Alex's gag and then turned the control box up. As the first jolt hit him he screamed in pain. I looked back at Jose. One boy in pain, one boy in desperate need, how delicious.

I moved back to Jose as Alex's voice cried out in pain behind me. As I watched his hard cock straining at the air, desperate to cum, I asked him, "Boy you can hear what Alex is doing for you. Do you still not want to cum? Do you still want to stop his pain? I will if you ask me. I will release Alex, but you will not get to cum" I really wanted his answer, I needed his answer. I got exactly what I was hoping for when he replied, "Please Sir I want to cum, Sir". His voice said it all. He needed to cum so badly that it had replaced everything in his mind. All he could focus on was the churning in his balls and his need for release. I didn't even answer him, as I drew another card. This time it was an eight. I really had to work at administering the eight strokes while keeping him right at the edge. Eight slow deliberate strokes while Alex's moans echoed through the room. Eight strokes, yet still no release for Jose. The next card was a three. As Alex's piteous cries filled my ears I finally decided to end it. I had put them through enough. I gave Jose three long hard strokes to his cock. On the third stroke he erupted into the air with a stream of cum that shot all the way over to were Alex was. I pumped Jose cock until his pleasure turned to pain at having his extremely sensitive cock head manipulated, then turned my attention to Alex. I left Jose hanging there in his bonds attempting to catch his breath and turned off the control unit. stopping Alex's pain. I immediately removed Alex's hood so I could stroke his head. I reached down and kissed him, telling him how proud I was of him and how much I loved him. Just the look in his eyes told me that just knowing he had made me proud made it all worth while.

As quickly as I could I released Alex from all his bonds except of course the cuffs that kept his hands behind his back. I held his naked body to mine and gently stroked him. Finally I released Jose and brought both my boys onto the couch with me. I held them close and realized how lucky I was to have two such wonderful slaves. I kissed them both and then sent Jose off to fix us all some lunch while I sat there and just held Alex. Knowing that this special slave was mine meant the world to me. However, I still had other things planned. The weekend was young. From here on out I think I will let Alex do the talking. If you want to hear what else Alex has to tell about that weekend let me know - bndmaster13@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 13

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