I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Aug 31, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 15

By - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

This work of fiction may not be reproduced without MY express permission.

Any deviation there from is a copyright infringement.

Well once again it is time for me to add an entry from Alex's wanderings. Actually what I am going to do is take you back to my family's cabin and spend a little more time on Alex's birthday weekend. This entry may be longer than usual as I want to finish that weekend with this one. I think I have drug it out long enough. Alex has so much more stories to relate, after all.

As he mentioned at the outset of this account his birthday was Friday and I brought Jose home as a present for him. Well actually Jose was more a gift to myself, but I was going to share him with Alex. Little did Alex know that his real birthday present was to cum, so to speak, on Sunday. That Sunday was Alex's week to get to cum. However, instead of just quickly jacking him off, like I usually did, I had a special treat. I added the last story, just so the reader would know, that I had promised Alex a long time ago that if he was very good, I might let him cum more often. Well, I still had every intention of making him go the full two weeks between, but this Sunday, for his birthday, I was actually going to let him enjoy himself. Yes, you read right. No quicky just to relieve the constant pressure I knew he felt in his balls. No totally passionless ejaculation that really was no better than having a wet dream. One that was gone in an instant only to be replaced with two long weeks of constant horniness. There have actually been a couple of times that by the end of the two weeks, all I had to do was lightly blow air on one of his nipples and his cock was as hard as a rock. But that is the way I like him. He is so much more eager to please when I keep him in a haze of passion.

I am going to do something different with this story too. I want to add more of my own commentary. You will see why as we go along, but I really think this one needs to be told from to different perspectives. So as always over to Alex. I am going to pick up his account as we wake up Sunday morning.

As I opened my eyes I saw the sun streaming in the big picture window next to the bed. At my side I heard Rick's breathing that told me he was still asleep. I heard no stirring from Jose either so I assumed I was the only one awake. Yesterday had been great. Then we ended it by Rick taking both of us to bed and letting us snuggle and fall asleep on his shoulders. He can be such a sadistic prick and then he can turn around and be so sweet and gentle. I felt my cock responding to my loving thoughts of Rick. It swelled filling it's cage. God how I wished it was free. I wanted so badly to be able to reach down and stroke it while I let the thoughts of Rick swirl through my brain. But then even if my cock was free my hands weren't. 8 months had passed, 5 more to go. It had been a long hard 8 months. As I will always say I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But then again even if I had really known I would have done it anyway. Even though I was constantly horny, constantly wishing I could cum, I was happy. As these thoughts went through my mind I realized that it was my day to get to cum. Elation swept through me, quickly to be replaced with the reality of the situation. Oh yes, I would get to cum. In the past 8 months I had gotten to cum a grand total of 17 times. Today would be number 18. In 8 months, only 17 times! Then to be honest none of them had been any better than a wet dream. In fact wet dreams were better! At least when I had one of those I dreamt of an awesome sexual encounter. When Rick jacked me off it was just something that had to be done. No tenderness, just a chore that needed to be done so it would be over with. Oh well, that was what I had signed up for. And it had made me learn that my needs really didn't count. I needed to focus only on Rick's needs. Perhaps he knew what he was doing. I would like to think that I have learned to be a much better person.

Let me stop Alex there for a minute. I want to point out the lesson he just said he had learned. Alex had always been a rather self centered person. Yes, he was my slave, but in his mind our relationship had been about what he wanted, not always what I wanted. A slave must learn to put it's Master's needs above all else. That is crucial in a relationship. It had taken 8 months, but Alex had finally learned that. Now let's go back to our story. I am going to pick it up after we have had breakfast and I have both my boys sitting at my feet in the living room. Back to Alex:

"Alex, I have a very special present for you today," Rick said as he looked down at me. He was sitting in one of the big living room chairs. Jose and I were kneeling next to him. I waited expectantly for him to continue, wondering what it could be.

"Alex, today is your day to get to cum. I have decided that you have been a very good boy these last 8 months. As a special reward for your birthday I am going to have Jose suck you off. I am going to let him do anything he wants and I am going to let you fully enjoy it." As Rick said this my heart jumped in my chest. 8 months and the only time my cock had been touched sexually was for Rick to quickly jack me off. To actually have a real blow job. Slow and sweet. I was so excited. I forgot myself and kissed Rick's hand that was resting on his knee. "Thank you, Sir, thank you so much," I blurted out, praying I wouldn't get in trouble for speaking without permission. Rick's patted my head and said, "Boy I will forgive you for speaking without permission. I know how excited you are. I love you Alex, you have earned this." Rick got up and helped me to my feet and directed me into the master bedroom. He ordered Jose to follow us. When we got there, Rick turned me around and released the lock holding my wrist cuffs together. "Alex, I am going to lay you down on the bed on your back. You will keep you hands at your sides until I instruct you different. At no time will you bring you hands to the front of your body or I will not allow you to cum." Rick helped me lay down on the bed on my back. He pulled me up the bed until I was in the middle of it. He then threaded rope through my cuffs and one at a time, pulled my wrists toward the corners of the bed.. He tied my hands to opposite bed posts. He then tied my ankles to the bottom bed posts, spread-eagling me on the bed. He adjusted each rope until he had my four limbs spread as tight as he could get them. When he was finished there was no slack and I couldn't move my arms and legs at all. The only think I could move were my hips. It felt so strange to have my arms over my head instead of locked behind my back. "I know our contract says your hands will stay locked behind you, but for today, and only today, I will allow them to be tied like this," Rick informed me as he tested the tightness of my bonds one last time. When he was happy he reached over on the end table and picked up a gag and a blindfold. "Two more little items to make this even more fun," Rick said as he filled my mouth and covered my eyes. I then lay there bound tightly to the four corners of the bed, my mouth filled with a leather gag, in total darkness from the blindfold. All I could do was wait to see what was going to happen next.

Let me stop Alex here again. I wish you could have seen the look on his face when I told him Jose was going to give him a blow job. It was sheer elation, with just a touch of panic. I think he was a little afraid I would tell him I really didn't mean it. I want to add here too, I probably should have punished him for talking out of turn, but he was so excited. Wouldn't you be?

I still hadn't removed Alex's chastity device and now that I had him tied down to the bed it was time. I gently unlocked it and removed it from his poor deprived cock. I just had to allow my hand the pleasure of lovingly stroking Alex's sweet cock. I lightly stroked it as it rose in eager anticipation. I gave myself a moment then pulled my hand away. I heard a small sob from behind Alex's gag and watched his hips attempt to thrust upward seeking my retreating hand. I left Alex there while I took Jose back into the living room to instruct him on how this game was going to play out. Because, yes I was going to let Alex really enjoy himself but I was going to make it a torturously slow process. By the time I finally let Jose bring Alex to a climax I wanted it to be absolutely awesome for him. Jose and I went back into the bedroom where Alex lay waiting. Let's go back to Alex, shall we.

I knew it was Rick's hands unlocking the belt and then he began to lovingly stroke my cock. Dear God, it had been 8 long months since he had touched me like that. Rick's hands can be so gentle and tender. My cock responded quickly rising under his touch. Then as quick as he started, he pulled his hands away. God I wanted him back. I would have cried out if I could have, but all I managed was a sob into the gag filling my mouth. My hips almost instinctively tried to thrust out in a desperate attempt to find Rick's hand again, but to no avail. I just laid there all alone. my hard cock waving in the air. After a few minutes I felt movement on the bed. Then a warm, velvety, moist mouth descended on my cock. I knew it must be Jose. As he closed his lips around my shaft I was in heaven. It had been so long since I had felt anything this wonderful. As he sucked he traced around my cock with his tongue. I was in heaven. I began moving my hips in rhythm with his mouth. The more he worked me the harder I got. He very quickly had me nearing the edge. When it has been two weeks it doesn't take a whole lot. Then suddenly he pulled away, allowing his tongue to trace up my shaft and then circle around the head before he pulled away entirely. No I screamed into my gag and bucked my hips in an attempt to get him back. But I already felt his mouth at my belly button. He kissed around it and then began thrusting his tongue in and out. As he did this it sent waves of pleasure straight to my cock. I felt it throbbing into the air. He worked his way slowly up my stomach until he reached my tits. While his mouth sucked and nibbled on one, he used his hand to stimulate the other. Shivers ran down my spine and every one ended at my cock, driving me deeper into a horny frenzy. He kissed my ears literally driving me crazy with need. Then he attacked my tits once more, then again descended to my belly button. He started kissing down toward my cock. I was rigid in anticipation of his wonderful mouth once again taking my hard throbbing member deep into it's heavenly embrace. But just as he reached it he pulled away without even touching it again. I raised my head up as high as I could screaming into the gag, "NO" Then threw my head back on the bed in frustration. I was so close, so damn close. I wanted to cum so badly. My whole world was centered on my cock and my need for release.

Again let me stop Alex here. He describes the scene pretty well. In fact, when I read it, I must say I get hard just thinking about it. However, I want to add what it looked like from my perspective. First, let me tell you what I was doing. I was sitting in a big chair in the corner of the room watching the scene play out. One hand caressing my own rock hard cock. Just watching Jose torment Alex was incredible. As Jose moved his mouth slowly up Alex's body I could see the sweat break out and watch it glisten. The more Jose worked him the harder he sweated. I could hear his breath as he pulled it in through his nose. Ragged and shallow as his heart pounded in his chest with the desperate need coursing through his body. It was an incredible sight to watch. When Jose eventually pulled away, you could see Alex's muscles standing out, straining against the ropes in an attempt to get Jose's mouth back on his cock. I really wished I had a movie camera. I could make a mint of selling a copy of this scene. When Jose pulled away I motioned him over to me and I filled his mouth with my cock. It was my turn to have some fun. However, as Jose knew, he was also not to let me cum. I was not going to allow myself to cum until just before I let Alex. And I had no intention of letting Alex cum just yet. I figured he had several more good rounds coming. Believe me I can hold out for a long time when I want to. When Jose had me almost as turned on, as he had Alex, I pulled his head away and sent him back to continue his work on Alex. Let's turn this account back over to Alex, shall we?

I lay there wishing beyond hope that Jose would come back. My mind eventually realized that Rick was playing with me. I knew he had promised I could cum, but I now understood he was going to make this exquisite agony last as long as he could. I hated him and loved him for it, all at the same time. What was strange was, as I lay there with my cock throbbing, desperately in need of release, I realized there was something else I wanted more. The physical need I had to cum was becoming a physical need to have Rick's cock in my ass or in my mouth. As badly as I wanted to cum I wanted him more. My ass felt so empty, if only his cock would fill it. Then I would be happy. I didn't need to cum as much as needed Rick's cock. As I sucked on my gag it became Rick's cock in my mouth. I was lost in my need, both to cum and to pleasure Rick. Somehow over the past 8 months they had become one and the same. My hard cock, my need to cum, was now equated with my need to serve and please Rick.

I felt Jose's touch again on my hot sweaty body. He was kissing my arm pits. As he did this, one hand fondled my cock. My mind snapped back to my desperate need to cum, but still it was overpowered by my need to serve Rick. Jose brought me once again right to the edge. His hand continued it's stroking of my dick while his mouth moved onto my nipples. The sensations were driving me wild with lust. His mouth working my tits while his hand worked my cock. I felt my balls tighten. I knew I was getting close. I could feel the cum building getting ready for a climax. But just as I was about to get the release I so desperately needed, Jose once again pulled away. He allowed his fingers to just trace the edges of my cock head and then he was gone. I yanked with all my might, trying to break free of my bonds in an attempt to follow his hand and keep it on my dick. At this point what I really wanted more than anything else was to have Rick plunge his cock deep into my ass. I wanted to ride it and then feel his hot semen shooting deep inside me. But I was deprived of everything, except the feeling of my sweat dripping down my side and onto the bed. I wanted Rick so bad, and I wanted to cum so bad, I was going crazy.

Once again let's stop Alex. Are you getting the idea here. I wanted him so turned on that his mind would shut down to everything but it's need. Watching his hot sweaty body strain against it's bonds I knew I was achieving my goal. Until I talked to him afterwards and then read his journal I really didn't know just how far I had pushed him. I was hoping that his desperate need to cum would turn into lust for me, but his reaction was better than I had hoped for. To envision him laying there needing to cum so bad, but needing my cock up his ass more is an incredible concept. His needs totally replaced in his mind by his need for me.

I once again motion Jose back to my cock and let him suck it until I was right on the edge and then pulled him away. I ordered him back to Alex and let him work his torturous machinations on Alex's bond body. I sat there and simply watched as over and over again Jose brought my beloved Alex to the edge simply to leave him hanging there, desperately needing to cum, but denied it. I won't tell you how many times this happened. Very soon, though, thanks to Jose I needed to cum almost as much as Alex. How long did I make Alex (and myself) suffer? I will leave that to your imagination. Suffice it to say that when I want to I can hold back a long time. And in this situation I really wanted to hold off. But finally even I couldn't take it any more. It was time. I removed Alex's gag and his blindfold. I looked deep into his eyes and saw his whole soul on display for me. The look of love mingled with his need was incredible. I leaned down and kissed him then said, "Alex do you want to cum, boy?" "Yes Sir," was his reply, "But please Sir may I have your cock in my ass when I do. I want to feel you cum too, Sir. That is the only way it will feel right if I get to cum." The look on his face told it all. Despite the needs his body was feeling, he wanted to know he was satisfying my needs. He had truly come full circle. He was only really happy when making me happy.

"No Alex I won't cum in your ass. I am going to suck your dick and you are going to suck mine. I want us both to cum together. That is what our relationship is about. I satisfy your needs and you satisfy mine." With that I climbed on top of him and slid my cock into his anxiously waiting mouth. He took it like the finest candy in the world. I then laid down and took his cock in my mouth. It had been a long time since I had done that. Feeling Alex inside my mouth was incredible. I worked his cock, seeing how long I could keep him right on the edge. The only problem was, he was doing the same thing to me. I could tell by his breathing as well as his movement under me just how turned on he was. Finally, I decided to end it and worked his cock for all I was worth, taking Alex past the point of no return. He erupted into my mouth like a volcano. He bucked and twisted, yanking at the ropes binding him to the bed. At the end he collapsed back and just laid there, trying to recover. But even then his mouth kept up it's work on my cock and soon I was spewing my load in his mouth. When I had finished I rolled over, off Alex, and cuddled up next to him. We were both breathing hard. I put my head on his chest and just listened to the beat of his heart. A heart totally devoted to me. I couldn't help myself but say, "Alex, my sweet Alex, I love you." He responded with, "Sir thank you, I love you Sir, I love you Rick." What more could any Master what than to have the true love a real man. A man that was willing to put his needs second to your needs. A man that realized that only by being a slave devoted to his Master could he ever find true fulfillment. Only as a slave could he be a real man.

I think I will end this account here. We finished up the rest of our day just enjoying ourselves. Then I took my two wonderful slave boys home to start our new life together. No longer just two of us, but three. One Master and two happy content slaves.

As always if you have enjoyed Alex's writings (and I guess this time mine) let me know. Knowing there are people out there that like reading about our relationship makes it all worth while. E-mail me at BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 16

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