I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Sep 22, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 16

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I didn't realize how long I spent on Alex's account of his birthday weekend. I probably could have cut it down a bit, but it was his birthday, he wrote so much about it, and I wanted you to hear it all.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear, just because I sucked Alex off that one time don't expect it to happen again! Well, maybe next year for his birthday, who knows. Despite my tenderness that day, he is still my slave. I am still his Master and his only purpose is still to make me happy. You see, I knew, that after getting to cum, and remembering what it could be like it was going to make the remaining 5 months even harder on him. Sometimes tenderness has it's place, when it can make the torture to follow harder on the slave. You all know what I mean. If you let him cum early in a scene, then really start working him over, he no longer has that hormonal high to dull the pain. No hard throbbing cock to take his mind off the pain you are inflicting on his body. In Alex's case I gave him tenderness because I intended to deny him any for the remainder of his time in the contract. Well enough of that let's get back to Alex's and his torments.

When we returned home I informed my boys of another little surprise I had for them. I was tired of living in an apartment. I wanted more room to play with Alex in. Especially now that we had added Jose to our household we needed more room. In addition I missed hearing Alex's screams when I worked him over. Living in an apartment, I was forced to use a gag, which in my opinion takes some of the fun away from torturing your slave. I was also tired of finding ways to get him the sun and fresh air he needed. For the past 2 months I had been on the look out for just the right house for us to rent. I had finally found the one I wanted and had given notice. We were moving the following weekend.

The day I drove up and saw it, I immediately knew it was just what I was looking for. The front shaded by trees which effectively screened the front porch from the road. The garage faced the alley behind the house and the entire back yard was enclosed by an 8 foot wooden privacy fence. There wasn't even a gate to the yard. The only entrance was through the garage or through the house. By this time I was excited to see the inside. The outside was exactly what I wanted and I hoped the inside would live up to my expectations.

When the owner finally arrived I was anxious to see what was waiting. We entered through the double car garage. It led into a large family room that ran across the back of the house. The floor was ceramic tile and had large windows and a sliding glass door that looked out into the back yard. The kitchen opened off of it and led to the living room and dining room in the front part of the house. It had a total of three bedrooms and two bathrooms. One bathroom opened off the family room. As I said, I knew this was exactly the house I was looking for. The large tiled family room was going to become Alex's new room for the remaining 5 months of his contract. I could keep him chained right in the middle of the room or chain him up in the back yard. Either way it was going to be perfect. Needless to say I paid a deposit and signed the lease right there and then. Now let me turn this account over to Alex. I want him to tell you about the actual move. I had something very interesting planned for him. So let's turn this over to Alex:

I was very excited to see the new house Rick was moving us into. I have to admit the idea of being able to be outside more and have more room to play in was really neat. Rick told me it was about time he started getting a good tan back on my body, as he was tired of looking at my pale ass all the time. Rick wouldn't tell me any details about the house though. He said it was to be a surprise, but he did say it was perfect for his plans. As the week progressed Rick and Jose got everything packed and ready to go. I spent my time bound as usual, allowed only to watch them. The Friday night before the actual move Rick brought home a large wooden packing crate that he had Jose help him carry into the apartment. When I say large I am perhaps exaggerating a bit. It was about three and a half feet long, stood about two feet high, and was about two feet wide. I asked him what it was for, but all he said was, I would just have to wait until the next morning. Needless to say my curiosity was peeked. Perhaps if I had thought more about what Rick might use it for I wouldn't have been so anxious to find out. Perhaps if I had noticed the small holes spaced around the bottom of it I might have clued in. But as usual I had no idea. God, that seems to have become my mantra over the last eight months. When I signed that contract eight months ago, I had no idea how long thirteen months could be. I had no idea how hard it would be, to be hard all the time. This week had been the worst since the whole thing started. Every time I got the slightest turned on, all I could think about was Rick's mouth on my cock. That would in turn make me all the more turned on. To top it off Rick had not used my chastity belt all week. He had simply kept me bound in such a way that all my hard cock could do was wave uselessly in the air. I had actually begged him at one point to put the belt back on me. Then at least, when I got turned on, my cock couldn't get hard and throb impotently. He just laughed and told me that horny was the way he likes me to be. God, all I could think about most of the time was Rick sucking me off. Yet knowing for the next five months I was back to once every other week. It actually made me wonder if that was what he had planned all along. Make me think he was being tender when in actuality he was being his usual sadistic self. As always I am drifting, let me get back to our move.

Saturday morning Rick got us all up early. Jose and I had been allowed to sleep cuddled one on each side of Rick. At the time I didn't clue in on Rick's comment that he was letting me sleep with him one last time. Jose took me through my usual morning routine while Rick busied himself with last minute packing for the move. When Jose had finished with me he led me into the living room where Rick and the packing crate were waiting. My eyes grew big as I saw all the things Rick had laying next to the crate. It finally dawned on me that the crate was for me. I was to be packed up and moved like any other piece of furniture. I must admit the thought excited me. I had always wondered what it would be like to be packed up in a box like some of the hot bondage stories describe. Rick motioned for me to stand in front of him. "Alex, I am going to tie you into a nice little package and then nail you into this box. The people that are helping us move won't even know you are in there. Just think, you are going to get picked up, loaded onto a truck, and then I will get to unpack you at the new house," he said as he reached for the first of several items he intended to put on me.

The first thing that Rick picked up was my electric butt plug. He greased my ass and slid it home firmly lodging it in place. To this he added his trusty harness that would make sure no pushing on my part would dislodge it. As he snapped the lock in place, he patted my ass and said, "This way I can give you a nice shock every so often, just to let you know I am thinking about you."

Next came my chastity belt. I was actually excited to have him lock it on me. At least my cock wouldn't have to be rock hard the whole time he had me in the crate. He then added a leather ball harness again locking it on me. Next he pulled a full leather hood over my head. He picked the one that has no eye holes only a mouth hole. I knew however that he would shortly fill my mouth with the leather gag he had laying next to the hood. He pulled the laces tight and I heard the muffled sound of him locking it on. As I expected he added the gag and then made me kneel down on the floor. I felt him placing straps around each of my legs. As he cinched them down I realized that he was strapping my feet to my thighs. He forced my head down and I felt him threading something through the ring on the ball harness. He ran what I realized was a strap up to my wrist cuffs and pulled the strap tight. My balls were pulled back and up through my legs and my hands were pulled down toward my ass crack. When he had my balls strained to their limit he tied it off. I could in no way move my hands as any movement yanked my balls. Now I felt another strap being slid under my bound body and then I felt Rick bringing it up and over my arms and cinching it tight in the middle of my back. When he was done I couldn't raise my torso off my thighs, I couldn't raise my thighs off my feet, and I couldn't move my arms either away from my side or up my body. He had quite effectively bound me into a small little package that I realized was just the right size to go into the wooden packing crate. I felt Rick and Jose's hands lift me and then set me down inside the box. I assumed that Rick had put a pillow in the bottom as when my legs made contact it was thankfully soft. Rick patted my back and I heard him say, "Have a good trip Alex. See you at the new house."

With that I heard, what I assumed, was the sound of them placing the top on the crate. My assumption was correct as shortly there after I heard the impact of a hammer. My God Rick was actually nailing me into the crate! I tried to flex my bound body to no avail. Not only was I tied solidly but the box was just barely big enough to hold me. Even if Rick had not so effectively bound me I still wouldn't have been able to move. For a brief moment panic set in and then I felt the plug in my ass come alive searing me with pain. The pain was actually reassuring. It would be all right. I was safe. Rick was just outside and he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

I don't know how long I was in there before I finally heard voices around me. I do know that Rick jolted my ass at least three more times. Shortly after I heard the voices I felt the crate with me wedged inside being lifted. What a rush, to be picked up and carried, totally immobilized inside a box. Whoever was carrying me had no idea that inside the wooden crate was a naked bound slave boy. As they carried me I was jarred slightly, then again I panicked as suddenly my head was down and I felt my feet raise into the air. I quickly calmed down when I realized that they were just lifting the box up onto the back of what I assumed was a truck. I must have been one of the first things on the truck as it seemed like forever that I lay there listening to them loading things around me. Eventually, I heard the engine roar to life and we were off. Each bump in the road was a new adventure as I was bounced around, bound tightly inside of the box.

After what seemed like fifteen to twenty minutes I felt the truck stop and then start backing up. We must have arrived at our new house. Now the unloading process started. By this time my muscles were getting soar from being bound in such a restrictive position for so long. All I wanted them to do was get done, so Rick would let me out. Again I have no idea how long it took before they were finally picking up my box and took it off the truck. As before, I do know that Rick zapped me at least five times to remind me that he was right there with me. I also knew that my whole body was starting to get really unhappy about being bound so tightly and unable to move for so long. The original excited high had been replaced by pain. I wanted so badly to be out of this damn box, but still no one lifted me off the truck. Finally after what seemed like forever I felt the box with me inside being lifted and carried into the house. Whoever was carrying me dropped the box, with no degree of care, onto what I assumed was the floor. Still no one let me out. I heard voices around me and it actually sounded like they were eating and drinking using the box as a table. I could smell beer and pizza which made me hungry and made me just that more aware of my cramped body. My muscles were really beginning to cramp on me. Thankfully every so often Rick would send waves of pain shooting through my ass which took my mind momentarily off the pain in my body. Eventually I heard the voices move away and then shortly after that I heard noise at the top of the box. I felt hands on me and I was finally being lifted free of my prison. I heard Rick's voice asking, "Are you doing ok, Alex?"

With my mouth gagged all I could do was mumble. What I wanted to do was yell, no, please let me loose! I felt the straps being removed and then Rick took off my hood, the gag, and then released my hands from my balls. He slowly flexed and straightened my legs, massaging them until the cramping was gone. When he was done he lightly ran his hand over my tits and said, "Welcome home Alex. This is where you are going to spend the next five months."

I realized as he said this that I hadn't even looked around at our new house yet. I was so involved in relieving the cramping in my body, from being bound in such a restrictive position for so long. I let my eyes take in the room. The room was at least 20 feet by 30 feet and the floor was covered in ceramic tile. I saw windows all down one side with a sliding glass door in the middle. Through the windows I could see a large back yard with a high fence around it. On the other side was an arch way that opened onto a kitchen. Other than that I really couldn't see anything else of the house. "This is your room Alex. See I have put hooks and shelves up for your toys," Rick said indicating the wall at the far end of the room.

As I looked Jose, who was by this time naked except for the cock and ball harness Rick kept him locked into, was already unpacking the boxes with our toys in them and neatly placing them on the hooks and shelves. I saw that Rick had added a set of leg chains as well as a set of wrists chains to Jose before he set him to work. Rick helped me to my feet and led me to the center of the room. There were heavy beams that supported the roof. Indicating one of them Rick said, "See I have already put hooks up so I can secure you wherever I want."

As I looked up, I saw several solid hooks firmly imbedded into the beams. Rick reached up and hooked a heavy chain onto one of them and then took the other end and locked it onto my collar. He made me walk to the end of the chain in each direction, so he could see just how much freedom of movement the chain gave me. I could move about five feet in each direction and I could kneel down and lay on the floor under the hook. Rick produced my bathroom pad and set it just at the limit of my range on one side and on the other side he placed a bowl with water in it, once again just at the limit of my range. "This is were I am keeping you from now on. Unless I am using you, I am going to keep you chained right here. I have also decided that from now on I am going to keep your mouth gagged unless I want to put something in it," Rick said indicating that Jose was to bring him a specific gag off the wall.

The gag Jose brought him was a large rubber pecker gag. Rick forced me to open my mouth and he slid the gag in. The rubber cock filled my mouth and as it did I realized what he was telling me. He was adding another permanent fixture to my bondage. He had even fitted the gag with a small tube that hung out the front. He had me kneel at the water bowl and showed me that by sucking really hard on the rubber penis filling my mouth, I could drink water. As I sucked the cock and the water entered my mouth it almost felt like the invading gag was cumming in my mouth. Only Rick could find a way to give me a little more freedom but somehow take it away all at the same time. I could move around as I wanted within the limit of my chain, he even told me he would take me outside more, but to get these privileges I had to have my mouth permanently gagged. As I would find out, he was serious. Since that time he has only taken the gag out to feed me, have me suck cock, or when he wants to listen to me scream in pain. The only way he will allow me anything to drink is through the penis gag. Every time I drink all I can think of is that even the fake cock wedged in my mouth gets to cum and my poor deprived cock doesn't.

Rick went on to explain what he meant by keeping me chained here. I mentioned earlier that Rick had made a comment the night before about allowing me to sleep with him one more time. Last night was to be my last time sleeping anywhere but chained, right here on this cold, tile floor for the next five months. I wanted to cry. I loved being in bed with Rick. I loved snuggling up to him and have him run his hands over my body. But as he explained he had decided to take our contract one step further for the reaming time. I was to be only a slave. Just something to be used by him when he felt like it. He reminded me that I had signed up for this and he was going to make the most of the time we had left. When he had finished he made me sit down on the floor. The tile was cold under my ass. A cold reminder that I was going to be nothing more than a naked chained slave until our contract finally ran out. Rick reached down between my legs and as he hooked a small chain onto my ball harness I saw for the fist time one of several hooks he had imbedded into the grout between the tiles. As I would pull on them over the next months, I would learn that they went all the way into the concrete. He attached my ball harness via the chain to the floor and walked off to start unpacking, leaving sitting there. God what a come down. Last weekend had been so awesome. Now it was all gone and I still had five months to go on the damn contract. In my heart I hoped that Rick was just trying to torture me mentally and he would change his mind. And what about Jose? In this new house, if I was to be chained here where would he fit in? What really frightened me more than anything is that as I sat there cold and dejected, feeling abandoned my cock started trying to get hard. If it hadn't been for the chastity belt locked me I would have been sprouting a full on erection. Was I really getting turned on by the idea of being treated like a slave? The idea of being nothing more than chattel to Rick? Maybe if that was the case the next few months wouldn't be that bad. As usual I had no idea!

Let me stop Alex there. Are you wondering where I am going to end up taking him? Am I really going to treat him like just a slave? I guess you will just have to wait for the next instalment of Alex's journal. As always let me know if you want more BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. Alex and I really appreciate your e-mails!

Next: Chapter 17

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