I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Sep 24, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 36

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Well it's time again for another entry from Alex's journal. I know, sometimes I make you wait months, then suddenly I will post several in a week. Then again I might only make you wait a week or two. All I can say is lucky you when I post them often and tough shit when I don't. It may amaze you to realize that we actually have quite a busy life. All three of us are in college which in itself keeps us busy. With all Alex's home work he doesn't have as much time to write as he used to. But then I have plenty of ones from the last two years that I still haven't published. Alex was quite prolific during his thirteen month confinement. He also penned a lot over the summer this year. But that just brings it back to the fact that I get busy right. I have two slaves to control, as well as still manage Jose's modeling. But I will try and post as many of these as humanly possible. I have learned over the time these have been going up, that Alex has many loyal readers who are just dying to get a new entry.

I want to bring you up to date with this entry. So I am going to post one of Alex's newest. This one involves the first week of our getting back to college this year. I think you will enjoy it. I will also start posting the journals from our driving trip this summer. I know you will all enjoy them.

Let me set the stage just a bit. As I mentioned this will the be the most up to date since the one from the beginning of school last year. About half way through last year I decided to change Alex's look just a bit. I had started him off with jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Basically, just your average looking student. However, Alex missed being able to wear his cuffs so badly (complaining most of the time!) that I decided to find a way for him to be able to. As his cuffs are leather and they lock on I needed to have them look natural on him. So I decided he would go slightly punk. I simply started dressing him in a black shirt and black jeans. His leather cuffs locked on each wrist looked perfectly normal. Additionally, it allowed me to have his leather collar show. Again with it's trusty padlock hanging off of it. I always have kept his hair rather short but I decided to change that up just a bit too. I shaved the sides and allowed the top to grow out just a little until he was sporting a rather nice Mohawk. A very short one, but a Mohawk none the less. I wanted him to feel different and just a little bit isolated from the other students. To be quite honest I thought Alex looked pretty hot dressed all in black wearing his leather collar and cuffs. At the same time I gave him a new standing order. He was to talk to no one who approached him unless it was a staff member. He was to tell anyone else that he couldn't talk to them, his Master had forbidden it. Again, I was working at making him feel alone and isolated. I am assuming you can probably guess Alex's initial reaction. He still, after all this time, gets embarrassed so easily. That, in it's self, gave me all the more impetus to force him to obey my new order. With being forced in public to admit his place as my slave seemed to bring about a change in him. He became even more dependant on me. Interestingly, it showed the most in a change in his writing. I think you will notice what I mean as you read this journal entry. So as always let me turn this over to Alex:

I couldn't believe that the summer was already over. It had seemed like just yesterday that school had let out. Yet so much had happened over those few short months that it was amazing. We had taken the greatest driving trip! I had always wanted to take a long road trip with Master Rick. This year he indulged me. It was awesome! Anyway, here it was, the first day of school. This year was going to be different for two reasons. First, Jose was going to be a Freshman. Second, Master Rick would be starting his third year, but in an entirely different part of the campus. Last year we had classes near each other so he controlled almost every aspect of my life at home and at school. Every time I had to use the bathroom I had to call him and get his permission, then wait for him to meet me so he could supervise. The worst part though, was that whenever he couldn't do it he had Justin babysit me all day. The first time Justin watched me was so humiliating. But I have to admit that I soon got used to it. I was really wondering what Master Rick had planned this year. Knowing him, it would be something with his usual sadistic twist to it. Of course I wasn't disappointed.

Let me begin by telling you what Master Rick did to Jose right after school let out for the summer. I think I already wrote about it, but as usual I never know what he has published and what he hasn't. Master Rick added a new piercing to each of us. We both already had rings in our nipples, but this year Master Rick decided he wanted something new. He took Jose and I and had our cocks pierced. God, I will never forget how bad it hurt! At the time I really wasn't sure why Master Rick had it done. As usual I had no idea, but I would learn just what Master Rick had in mind with our new cock piercing. Once we had fully healed I quickly found out.

What he did was actually quite simple. He used the new ring to run a padlock through to further make sure we couldn't get out of our chastity cages. It had been bad enough to be locked in the thing, but now there was the added weight of having another lock hooked to the head of your penis. Needless to say Master Rick did not use small ones either. No, he picked out one that weighed enough to make you constantly aware it was there further locking your cock away. In addition Master Rick would use the ring to chain us to things. He had always delighted in locking a ball harness on, then chaining us to things by our balls. Now, he seemed to take great delight in chaining us by our cocks instead.

Anyway back to the first day of school. I was curious what he had planned this year. That first morning after Jose and were ready to get dressed we were ordered into the playroom. We were both already locked in our chastity cages. I of course was already locked in my cuffs and collar. So there we stood naked awaiting Master Rick's orders. He started by getting out the same but plug harness I had worn all last year. Except instead of the vibrating plug he grabbed a normal one. He also grabbed a similar plug and harness for Jose. Master Rick handed each of us one with some lube and ordered us to put them in our asses. We immediately obeyed. Once that was done he handed us each a harness and ordered us to put them on. When we had finished Master Rick locked them closed so we couldn't remove them without a key. He then gave us each a heavy chain we were to hook onto our tit clamps. Once on it hung down heavily, pulling on the rings. He then produced weight. He clipped one to each of our chains, adding even more weight tugging at out tits. I had been expecting this as about half way through last year Master Rick had started adding the weight to the chain. Jose was then given plain sneakers, a plain white t-shirt, and blue jeans. That would be his standard outfit from now on for school. As for me I was given my black boots, black jeans, and the baggy black shirt Master Rick had taken to dressing me in last year. At the start of summer he had cut my Mohawk but in the last two weeks he had let it grow back. God, another year of looking like a weirdo and being looked at. But at least it allowed me to wear my cuffs and collar. I can't even picture not having them on. Anytime Master Rick removes them I feel so vulnerable and empty I want to cry. Before he even opened his mouth I knew what was coming. "Alex, you will remember my orders. You may talk to no one except staff. Anyone else you will inform them that your Master doesn't allow you to talk," Master Rick reminded me.

That had been so hard last year. First the crazy look he had given me, then not being allowed to talk to anyone. But whatever Master Rick tells me to do I will do. I am his slave. I have no rights unless he gives them to me. So I would follow his orders again this year without question.

"Jose," Master Rick continued, "you also may not speak to anyone except staff. You too will inform them that your Master will not allow it."

So Jose had the same order this year. At least he didn't have to look so freaky that people already were wondering what the hell was wrong with you. Next Master Rick produced two cell phones. He handed each of us one. "There are two numbers in each of your phones. One is mine the other is for each other. Last year Alex was required to call me if he needed to use the bathroom. Since I will not be able to come supervise we are going to do it just a little different this year. You will each have the key that releases the other ones butt plug harness. You may each pee on your own this year. You will still text me for permission, but you may then go on your own. When you have finished you will text me and thank me for the privilege of allowing you to pee. If either of you needs to take a shit you will text me for permission. I will then text the other one of you. You will then call and arrange to meet so the lock can be removed. When you are done and the lock is replaced you will both text me and thank me for the privilege of my allowing you to use the bathroom. If one of you forgets to follow this to the letter you will both be punished. Do you understand?"

We both nodded our heads that we did. With that Master Rick handed us each a key. He told us to put it in our pocket, it was to the other ones harness. Then he gave us our backpacks and we were allowed to walk with him to school.

I am going to break in on Alex here. All I really wanted to do was set up what an average day for my slaves at school. I am still long for ideas to refine this just a little. I really liked the total control I had over Alex last year, but that just won't work this year. So any good ideas out there I am willing to consider.

Did you notice the change in Alex's writings? He has dropped totally into always calling me Master Rick. It used to be that even when I let him speak freely at home he would revert to calling me Rick. Now, however, he never calls me anything but Master, Master Rick, or Sir. He has learned to begin every sentence with Sir and end every sentence with Sir. I had read about the concept of isolating and individual in one of my psychology books. The idea was that it could push the mind further along the path it is naturally inclined toward. I was fascinated to try it and see what would happen. Obviously it works. It pushed Alex even further down the road to seeing himself as nothing more than my slave. I am really curious to see where the same treatment takes Jose over this next year.

Now, I really wanted to just post the next entry but knew I should start with what I did. I had a cool idea I wanted to try to help my slaves get the best possible grades they could. Last year I had just beat Alex's ass if he got anything less than an A. However, with two boys to play with this year I knew I could come up with a way to play them one against the other. Hope you like my idea. Again I am looking for ideas to make it even better. Let's get back to Alex, shall we?:

I already had my first test of the year the next morning. Master Rick had informed me that after dinner he would be quizzing me to make sure I was ready. Last year he hadn't done this, he had simply beaten my ass if I didn't get the A he expected me to get. Knowing him, he had some devious method devised to make sure I didn't enjoy the quizzing, but perhaps it would ensure I didn't bring home anything less than an A. Needless to say I was curious what Master Rick had in mind. As usual I had no idea! God, that seems to be my mantra, doesn't it?

After dinner Jose cleaned the kitchen while Master Rick took me out to the playroom. I really don't know what I was expecting but all he did was hog tie in the middle of the room. My wrist cuffs were of course already locked behind me. Master Rick simply locked my ankle cuffs together then locked all four cuffs together into a hog tied position. Once done with that he turned on the tv, sat down, and waited until Jose was finished cleaning. When Jose was done, Master Rick ordered him out into the playroom. Jose came immediately and stood at attention next to Master Rick, head bowed awaiting his orders.

Master Rick let Jose stand there until what he was watching was over. Then he turned his attention to Jose. He moved Jose over near where I was laying on the floor. Master Rick ordered Jose to bend over and grab his ankles. While Jose was complying Master Rick walked over to the toy shelves and grabbed his most wicked wooden paddle. He walked back over to us and put the paddle down next to me on the floor. He then rolled me up on one side so I was staring at Jose's ass. Next he went to get the study material I had set out earlier and returned to us. "Here is what's going to happen. I'm going to quiz you for your test tomorrow, Alex. Every time you give me a wrong answer Jose will get five swats with the paddle. So for his sake I hope you remember everything," Master Rick told us.

By the look on his face I knew he really was hoping I would screw up. He really enjoyed making us suffer for each others mistakes. In fact that had pretty much become the norm anymore. I was the one punished when Jose screwed up and Jose was punished when I screwed up. I vowed to myself I would try my hardest to get every question right!

That of course was not to be. On the very first one I was wrong. I just had to lay there kicking myself while I watched Master Rick lay into Jose's ass with the paddle. Damn, I had to do better. The second and third ones I got right. I was just congratulating myself when I missed the fourth one. Down came the paddle five more times hard across Jose's ass. After that I worked even harder and got the next ones all right. However, that did not set well with Master Rick as he really wanted to paddle Jose. So he started asking me obscure things out of the book. Things that there was no way I would know. One after another of these I got wrong and was forced to watch Jose's ass turn bright red from the beating Master Rick was giving him. Finally after what seemed to me like at least 120 swats Rick set the paddle down. I could tell how bad Jose hurt as he was sucking in his breath hard. But he still stood just where Master Rick had ordered him to be, hands firmly clasping his ankles, ass high in the air.

Master Rick walked back over to the shelves again and return with his small leather crop. He made me kiss it, then informed me we were going to start over again just to make sure I knew what I was doing. He ordered Jose to reach behind him and spread his ass cheeks apart. Master Rick was this time, going to lay five swats with the crop into the crack of Jose's ass for every answer I got wrong. I knew from experience how bad that hurt so I was going to do my best to make sure Jose got as few as possible. This time though Master Rick started with all the obscure questions. The good part was he actually asked me the same ones. I was shocked how many I remembered. But then again Jose's exposed ass crack was on the line. Despite my best efforts though I missed way to many. Every time I was forced to watch the crop descend on Jose's ass it hurt me just as bad as it did him. By the time Master Rick was finally done and ordered Jose back to an attention position Jose had tears welling up in his eyes from the pain. To be quite honest so did I. Jose's pain has become mine. I swear I feel every blow he feels. When he hurts, I hurt right along with him.

How did I do on the test the next day? I passed with an A. I only missed two questions. That of course didn't make Master Rick happy, he expected me to get 100%. This time, though, he beat my ass instead of Jose's. As Master Rick administered my punishment all I could think of was how glad I was that I was getting beaten rather than being forced to watch Jose punished in my stead.

This seems like a good place to end this entry. I think you have a good idea of what our lives are like right now. Just three normal college kids. Yeah, right! How about two slaves and their Master. I want to address a question I have had come in, before I wrap this up. Someone asked how Alex's parents feel about seeing him so little. I don't think they really care. They both work out of the country and are seldom home. In fact, in the last three years, they have been in Houston maybe two whole weeks. They call Alex all the time I must add. Of course they have no way of knowing that I am holding the phone up to his ear, while he is tied up tight on the floor. Besides they have known me for a long time and trust me to take care of their little Alex. To them I am the big brother he never had. Do they have any clue we are gay and in a Master slave relationship? I really doubt it. They think we are just best friends, which I guess in way we are. Alex may be my slave but he is also my best friend. He means the world to me.

Someone else asked about our financial situation. Let me state that it really isn't any ones fucking business, but I will deem it worthy of a comment. Alex is a trust fund boy. His grandmother left him a rather large trust fund that he started drawing off of when he turned eighteen. My parents have more money than they know what to do with. Alex and I grew up in the Bellaire area of Houston where all the people with more money that common sense live. To be honest neither of us needs to work, but I don't intend to just sit back and waste my life. I have always found psychology fascinating and I will continue my studies and become one. There is something about the study of the human mind that captivates me and I would eventually like to do research work on the subject. As for Alex I am the one that is requiring him to attend college. He can, as I have said before, be very lazy and self absorbed. But he will get an education wether he wants one or not. I believe that a mind is a terrible thing to waste, even if it is the mind of a slave. But then my Alex may be my slave, but he is also very special to me. Now as for Jose. Obviously when he arrived he had no income. I put him to work in construction just because I though he needed the physical work to further hone his body. Then as I have mentioned I decided to try and get him into doing some modeling for the Latino market. He turned out to be pretty good at it. He has made a nice little amount over the last year. But again, I am requiring him to attend college. He will get an education. He is also going to continue modeling as I rather enjoy the extra money, even though now you realize we don't need it. Besides it really turns me on to see a hot picture in a magazine or on a billboard of Jose's half naked body and know I own him body and soul. That he is my slave and nothing more.

As always keep the e-mails coming. It's nice to know people out there look forward to each new post. Besides so many of you give me so many great ideas to try out on my slave boys. I think sometimes they wish the e-mails would stop because of that very reason.


Next: Chapter 37

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