I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on May 18, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - part 7

By: BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

This story MAY NOT be reproduced on any web site or in ANY fashion without MY express permission.

As always the response to Alex's writings is overwhelming. I really think if it wasn't for all of you, I might just let Alex's thought stay in my computer. You see I will have them to read for many years to come. Alex already has penned them for me. I am the one who decided to share them with others. Right now I am enjoying it a lot and with your continued support I will keep enjoying it. I want to say thanks to all of you who have given me new ideas to torture my slave with. I am sure eventually Alex will write about them and then I will share them with you. Just for your information, the last post was actually one of the first Alex had written, I just saved it till latter when I was ready to post it.

Speaking of that last post, let me give you a few of my insights. Why did I pick the 2 week interval for Alex's being able to cum? That is easy. I had read that for most people denied sexual release the first couple of weeks are the hardest, (no pun intended). After that initial time the body begins to adjust and the hormone effects change. The mind of the slave is no longer quite as fixated on his crotch and enters more of a head trip. That was not what I had in mind for Alex. I wanted every day to be one long horny trip. I wanted him to be on a head trip and have his cock aching to cum. So far it seems to be working. I know Alex well. We have played for years. I know his responses better than my own. When my hands play across his bound little body just my touch goes straight to his cock. After a little while his eyes will glaze over and I know he is ripe for me to abuse. You must understand this is the way I like him. It is also the way he really likes to be. He may complain, but I know him, he is truly the most happy when he feels like that. I have read that keeping your slave horny makes them more willing to serve you. If they perform well they know there is a chance you will let them cum. I can see that point. However, that is why I have set every 2 weeks for Alex. You see no matter how good he is, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how well he pleases me he still must wait until it is time. The head trip is incredible to watch. I can get him so turned on he can't stand it, and yet his mind always knows if it isn't time then tough shit. If you think this cruel then so be it. Alex is happy serving me and I am happy having his tightly bound body at my mercy. We both are getting what we want. Enough of my dialogue, let me turn you over to the person you really want to hear from, my Alex:

Rick can be such and asshole (I know I will get punished for that, but oh well!). He told me he had just printed my account of his fitting me with my chastity belt. I can just imagine anyone reading this having wondered a long time ago why I didn't just jack myself off on the carpet, or in bed next to Rick at night. Believe me if I could I would. Yes I would disappoint Rick and yes I would get punished. But as horny as I am at that moment I wouldn't care. Oh, I would immediately afterwards I am sure. I will remember that night forever. I felt so ashamed of myself. I knew how upset he was with me. But I can look back on it now and realize that my overwhelming emotions took away all my hormonal lust for awhile. Believe me it wasn't long. I woke up that next morning so horny I thought I was going to go crazy. If it hadn't been for my new cb3000 I would have been all over that rug like it was the most wonderful thing in the world. My first thoughts were of how damn good it had felt and how badly I wanted to do it again. As this idea went through my head I felt my trapped dick try to harden. I felt it press tightly against the walls of it's new prison and realized I couldn't even get an erection in this thing let alone cum. My second thought was that Rick would probably punish me for what I had tried to do. Yes, I knew he had already punished me with the cb3000. However, I really doubted that he didn't have more planned. I knew he loved to find any excuse to punish me and God had I given him a good one.I was to have my worse fears confirmed!

I lay there on the floor for what seemed like an eternity. I heard muffled sounds through the door that let me know Rick was awake. But still he didn't come and get me up. Was he going to just leave me in here all days as punishment. I was getting desperate to pee and had just started my way over to my dog pad when Rick finally opened the door. Without saying a word he released my feet and helped me to stand. I wanted so badly to beg him to forgive me for last night, but was afraid to say anything until I knew what kind of mood he was in. He took me to the bathroom and then on to the kitchen were he fed me breakfast at my usual spot on the floor. Still not one word. He hardly even looked at me unless he had to. When I had finished eating he picked up the plate and washed my face. Only then did he look me in the eye and say, "slave you know I am going to punish you for last night don't you?" "Sir, Yes Sir," was my quick reply.

Without another word he helped me to my feet and led me into the second bedroom. As I have told you this room is where my closet is as well as our desk and work out equipment. Rick stood me in the middle of the room under the ceiling hook. He unlocked my wrists and repositioned them. He pulled each wrist up behind my back crossing them at the wrist. He locked them in place and then attached them to my collar. He then ran a rope through the hook and tied it off to the back of my collar. The other end went to the wall. He pulled the rope until my collar was riding up on my neck making it hurt. By pulling down with my bound hands I could relieve the stress and make it comfortable. Rick picked up a riding crop and walked over to me. "slave, we are going to do your exercises today. Only one little difference. I am going to see just how far I can push you. Every time you do not preform to my expectations you will feel this crop across your ass. Do you understand?" To emphasis his point he lashed my ass with the crop. It stung like hell. "Sir, Yes, Sir" was all I dared say in reply. "You will now run in place until I tell you to stop." Again the crop hit my ass and I started running in place. "Not fast enough slave", Rick said as he lashed out with the crop again. I immediately picked up my pace. Again the crop hit my ass, "Faster boy, Now", he ordered. I went faster. Now it was getting hard. I had to really pick up my feet to keep them moving fast enough. But in so doing it made my collar pull up higher on my neck. I was forced to pull down with my wrists harder to keep from choking. I ran on and on with Rick watching me. I got so into the routine of my breathing and keeping my legs moving that when the crop hit my ass I almost lost my balance. "Your slowing down. That isn't acceptable. Faster", Rick yelled. Crop across my ass, Rick, "Right leg isn't going as high as the left." Crop, Rick, "Now it's the left leg". Crop, "Hold you head up". Crop, "Suck in that gut". Crop, "faster". Crop, "Why are you slowing down". Crop, "Suck in that damn gut". I really don't know how long Rick kept this up. My leg muscles started aching, my shoulder muscles hurt, my ass was on fire, but on I ran. The steady fall of the crop and the steady orders of Rick motivating me to keep going. I realized how tired my legs were and knew I was slowing down but there was nothing I could do about it. I just couldn't push myself any further. Rick obviously knew where he had taken me to also. I hadn't even realized he was in front of me until he ordered me to stop running. His arms immediately went around me and caught my body as I lost my balance. My legs literally gave out under me. If Rick had not been there I would have strangled myself. But he was! His strong arms encircling me. Holding me tight. His now gentle voice whispering in my ear that I had done a good job and how proud of me he was. I didn't even realize he had released the rope attached to my collar until he lifted my whole body in his arms and gently lowered me to the carpeted floor. He lay down next to me and lightly stroked my head as he let me catch my breath. He looked lovingly into my eyes and said, "Just relax, catch your breath, we have just gotten started. When I am done with you today you will wish you had never tried what you did last night"

Thankfully Rick let me lay there for a few minutes while he got ready for my next endurance challenge. Rick faithfully exercised me 3 times a week but nothing like what he had just made me endure. He always started with running in place. I had already seen how he could turn that into a punishment. Usually stomach crunches came next. I didn't even want to contemplate how he would do those. Unfortunately though I didn't have long to wait. As soon as he heard that my breathing had returned to normal, he grabbed my collar and pulled me across the floor to were he wanted me. He flipped me over on my back and positioned my feet to do stomach crunches. He reached over and got a pair of wicked looking tit clamps. As he attached them to my nipples I knew I was fucked. They hurt like hell. As I took in a sharp intake of breath, I saw a wicked smile play across Rick's face. He tugged on the chain connecting the clamps and said in the most sadistic voice, "Yesterday boy these made you feel so good. Today your nipples are going to cause you lots of pain. How appropriate don't you think. The pleasure I gave you made you disobey me so now I am going to make you hurt with the same part of your body." Each tug he gave sent pain coursing through me. "Now here is how this exercise works. I am going to spot your feet. You are going to do crunches. Anytime I feel you are not in perfect form, trying hard enough, or moving to slow I am going to give this chain as hard a yank as I can. If that doesn't work I still have my trusty riding crop." He punctuated that comment by slashing the crop across my stomach. God my ass was on fire from the crop already and it hurt worse on my stomach. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for a long session. Rick grabbed the chain and pulled hard, "Let's get started, faster slave." He held my feet down with one hand and with the other pulled on the chain. As I brought my chest up to my bent knees he kept the chain taunt until I had actually touched them. Only then did he let off the pressure on my tits. I really don't know which hurt worse the pull or the release. They both hurt like hell. I had no more gone back down than he was yanking on the chain again. There was no need for him to say anything more. I was continually aware of his wants by the chain distending my tits away from my chest. Up and down I went, yank after yank on my poor aching nipples. Rick must have realized when I got to the point where I was becoming almost one with the pain as he dropped the chain all together and the next thing I felt was the crop hitting my arm. Now his orders started. Crop, "faster slave". Crop, "Only your stomach muscles". Crop, "Both elbows touch at the same time". Rick kept at me and at me with the crop. I pushed myself harder and harder until finally I couldn't do anymore. As before somehow he knew just when to tell me to stop. He was behind me, and when he ordered me to stop, grabbed my heaving shoulders and lowered my head back into his lap. He leaned down and kissed my lips, telling me again how proud he was of me. As I slowly returned to reality I realized that the clamps were still on my nipples. Rick reached for them and said, "This is going to hurt. I am sorry but they have to come off." He removed them and as the blood rushed back in almost screamed. The only thing that stopped me was wanting to prove to Rick I was a able to take what he could dish out. "You've done well", Rick said, "only one more to go." Dear God one more! I didn't even want to think about it. The next exercise was usually the weight bench.

I know you are all just waiting to hear Alex describe what I put him through on the weight bench. However, you are just going to have to use your imagination. As this journal entry is getting long I want to skip toward the ending. But suffice it to say, between what I did to his balls and my trusty crop, Alex did not enjoy himself. Now back to Alex and the action (so to speak).

Finally I heard those blessed words come out of Rick's mouth, "Stop slave." I lay back on the bench. Rick released me rolling me over on my back to once again lock my wrists together behind me. He picked me up in his arms and carried me back to my closet. He must have known I was to tired to have walked. He laid me down on the floor and cuffed my feet together. He then drew my bound feet up to my hands and left me in a hog tie on the floor. At that point it dawned on me he was leaving me all alone. As he turned off the light and shut the door he said, "slave I know you hurt. That's the idea. I am leaving you here to think about why this happened." With that the door shut leaving me all alone in the dark. He was right I had deserved exactly what I had gotten. I deserved to be alone with nothing but my aching body to keep me company. What else could I expect. Thankfully Rick didn't leave me alone to long. Before I had the chance to get myself good and despondent, he opened the door. He came over and picked me up as if I weighed nothing, I love his big strong arms, and carried me into his room. He released my feet and laid me on my back. He placed a pillow under my head and then began to massage my aching muscles. God I love Rick's hands. So strong, yet so gentle. To think that these same hands that can hurt my body so badly can so lovingly make my body feel so good. Over the course of what seemed like hours he found every sore muscle and drove the pain away with his ministrations. When I was as relaxed and totally in love with Rick as I could possibly be it was my turn to please him. He gently rolled me onto my side and pulled my head into his waiting crotch. What I wanted at that moment more than life itself was right in front of my longing eyes. I started kissing his balls, rolling them in my mouth and then gradually kissed my way up his hard shaft. When he finally allowed me to take him in my mouth I was in heaven, nothing else mattered. I didn't even notice my own cock desperately straining against it's prison. Only Rick, my Master, my lover mattered in my world. As he came in my eager mouth he tells me I was purring like a kitten. All I knew was that I felt totally fulfilled and happy. He let me stay with him in bed that night and latter he allowed me to service him again. All in all it was a wonderful night. Rick has taught me the truth that only out of pain can I find true pleasure.

Let me add one more short note. That was not the only time Rick has used those techniques to help my exercise workouts get the results he desires. I almost think that after 7 months of permanent bondage I am in better shape now than when we started. At least I know Rick is happy with as he puts it, my hard tightly bound little body.

So reader you see I can me a wonderful sweet person. I love my Alex. Yes I love to hurt him but I can also be tender. You see as he said, "True pleasure comes from pain." At least for me, after all his pain brings me pleasure.

As usual I appreciate all your responses. I you want to hear more of Alex writings let me know. I know how many people actually read this but never write. Let's see how many more people can e-mail me this time. Let keep Alex hot and horny for a long time to cum. (come)


Next: Chapter 8

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