I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on May 25, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - part 9


This story MAY NOT BE reproduced in any fashion without my EXPRESS permission!

I think all Alex's readers enjoyed his last post. That particular evening transpired about 5 months into our 13 month contract. I have decided to skip forward, in my slave's narrative, to the present. In the past I have just picked something at random. This time I decided you needed to be brought into the here and now. You see, the events and players of that evening, set the stage for a very special birthday present I was able to give Alex last weekend. I am quite sure, that at times in reading these little thoughts of Alex's, you think I am horrible. Perhaps this will set the entire issue straight. Alex means the world to me. He completes my life and I know I complete his. I wanted his birthday to be special. Believe me it was. But instead of me telling you, let me allow Alex to tell you:

Today was my birthday. I wasn't even sure Rick remembered. It had been 8 months since I signed the contract that allowed him to take complete control of my life. 8 months since I had agreed to give up seeing my hands. Give up brushing my own teeth. Give up wiping my own ass. Give up being free of bondage. Give up being able to cum except every other Sunday. I know I always say this, but I had no idea how much I would miss it. Being able to reach for my cock and feel it's hardness in my hand. Feeling it pulse and twitch in anticipation of cumming and knowing it would happen. You are probably sick to death of listening to me lament my lot, and then, as I am about to do, thank god it happened. In giving myself totally over to Rick I have learned so much. I have lost my needs and learned to only worry about his. Well at least part of the time. Sometimes I still bitch and moan, believe me. I know, as usual I have totally lost my point here.

It was Friday, my birthday. Rick had gone off to class and left me alone in my closet. No companion but my cb3000. He hadn't even acknowledged it was my birthday that morning. For our entire relationship he had always made my birthday special. Last year he had awoken me with his mouth around my dick and his hands playing with my tits. What a way to wake up! It only got better from there. This year he had practically ignored me. Every step of the morning had been perfunctory. It was like he was only dealing with me because he was forced to. I was unceremoniously stuffed away in my closet and he was gone. Had he forgotten? He had never forgotten before. Or did he just not care this year. Had I become only a possession to him, not a real person he still loved? All this went through my mind during the course of that long Friday. Then to top it all off he was late coming home. I know, how did I know that with out a clock? Trust me after 8 months I had learned exactly when to expect Rick home. His usual time past. No Rick. Every once in awhile he was late, but usually he was extremely punctual. I waited and waited, still no Rick. I finally was forced to use my dog pad as I had to pee, still no Rick. Where was he? He was never this late. What if something had happened to him? Finally I heard the sound of the front door slamming! Thank God, he was home! I waited expectantly for him to open the closet door and let me out for the evening. After what seemed an eternity the door opened and Rick was releasing me so he could take me out of my closet prison. When he had gotten me to my feet he leaned in close to me and said, "Alex, happy birthday. Did you think I had forgotten? I have a very special present for you, but you have to guess what it is." He reached up and pulled down a leather blindfold, which he placed securely over my eyes. Rick took me by the arm and led me out of the closet. What could my present be? I could hardly wait.

Rick led me by the shoulder out into our living room. He made me kneel down. "Alex, open your mouth," he instructed. I immediately opened my mouth. I heard movement in front of me and then a dick slid slowly into my mouth. I instantly knew it wasn't Rick's. As I closed my lips around it Rick said, "well boy, whose dick is in your mouth? I'm going to let you suck on it a few minutes and see if you can figure out" As I worked on the cock in my mouth I tried to imagine who it belonged to. I tried to listen for any noises that might give me a clue. As I did my magic the cock swelled and I heard the person's breath quicken. I could tell by the feel whoever it was was getting close to cumming. Just then Rick pulled me off before they had a chance to shoot their load. "Well Alex, who is it?" Rick asked me, "You see he's your birthday present." I racked my brain to think of who could be standing in front of me. It could be almost anybody. Finally I said, "Sir I don't know. I am sorry, sir." "That's alright," was Rick's reply, "I guess I'll just have to show you." He pulled off my blindfold and my eyes looked up to see Jose standing in front of me totally naked with his hands behind his back.

My eyes traced his body with admiration. He was just as beautiful as I remembered him. Short black hair, dark eyes, full lips. Well defined chest and a narrow waist dropping down to a gorgeous cock and ample balls which were secured in a leather cock ring and ball stretcher. Not one single trace of hair on his body from the neck down. Just smooth well defined planes of muscles and flesh. I remembered fondly the night we had been made to play together. I still would wake up during the night dreaming about it. Rick had known I liked Jose and felt sorry for him. Now to have him standing here was a dream come true.

"Jose belongs to me know," I heard Rick say. I had to ask, "Belongs to you, sir?" Rick pushed Jose into a kneeling position next to me on the carpet and started to explain. Jose's master had never particularly cared about Jose. He was just a toy. Rick had known the last time Jose was at our apartment that his master was getting tired of him. So he started talking to him about acquiring Jose. It took a while but Rick finally talked John into letting him have Jose. Rick had managed to find at school someone else that struck John's eye and traded him for Jose. "So happy birthday Alex. You have a little brother slave." I looked at Rick and then over at Jose. I liked this idea. Someone to share my bondage with.

"Alex why don't you give Jose a kiss so he knows how happy you are to see him again," Rick instructed. I turned and looked at Jose's face. I saw happiness in his eyes. I walked toward him on my knees and reached toward him with my mouth. He leaned toward me until our lips met. It was almost electric. His smooth full lips under mine. So needy and passionate. Our lips parted slightly and I felt his tongue slid across mine. I felt his need for this and wondered how long it had been since he had felt wanted not just a plaything. If only I could have put my arms around him. I felt his hard cock pressed against me and I knew he could feel the hard plastic surrounding mine pressing against him. I could have gone on kissing Jose for hours but was interrupted by Rick saying, "Enough for now boys. We have all weekend to get better acquainted. Besides, Alex it's your birthday weekend and I want to go spend it at my parent's cabin. You think Jose will like it there?" I didn't even need to answer, Jose would love it there. I looked up at Rick and my heart swelled with my love for him. He had rescued Jose and in so doing added an entire new dimension to an already wonderful relationship.

Rick set about getting us in the car. Jose and I both sat in the back seat, side by side, hands cuffed behind our backs. Rick covered our laps with a blanket other than that we were two naked slave boys awaiting our Master's pleasure. It was an uneventful drive. We chilled out to the music and the scenery. Jose and I every so often sneaking a long kiss while Rick drove. At one point Jose leaned in close and said, "Alex you don't know how special this all is to me. I had been with my Master for over a year. In all that time he never kissed me once. He never treated me like he even cared about me. I always felt like just a piece of furniture. I never thought I would ever feel this loved and happy again." Tears swelled up in his eyes and I wished my hands were free so I could have wiped them away. Instead I gave him a kiss and replied, "With Rick you will always feel loved."

Let me interrupt Alex here. He can get so maudlin sometimes. Why did I bring Jose home? I had realized that somehow he and Alex had connected that night. Alex must have instinctively known how bad Jose was hurting inside and how much he needed people to love and to love him in return. For me I saw in Jose another pain and bondage freak like Alex. The idea of getting to abuse two bound little slave boys really turned me on. I had already seen that Alex was willing to take torture for Jose, what else would he be willing to do? Oh yes I knew I could feel about Jose like I do my Alex. I love my Alex and would give up my life for him. But what I was really going to enjoy was using their feelings for each other against them. Also the thought of two slaves all mine, totally devoted to me, gave me a raging hard on. With eager mouths and two tight little butts I would be able to put it to good use.

I had originally decided to just hit the high points of Alex's birthday weekend. However, the more I have thought about it the more I realize the whole weekend was a high point. So I may have to break this up into a couple parts. Alex has done such a great job of writing this I really think I should share it all with you. Anyway enough of my thoughts let's get back to Alex. I believe we left him kissing Jose in the back seat of my car. I will add though, it pissed me off, they were having all the fun and I had to drive. I should have put one of them in the front seat with me. Oh well I had both of them all weekend.

We finally arrived at the cabin. It is one of my favorite places. Rick and I had been coming here for years, really since we were kids growing up. It is nestled in a small valley, very secluded, peaceful and tranquil. It sits in a small clearing on about 150 acres of old growth forest. You wind up this long dirt driveway through huge trees until you arrive at the cabin. The cabin itself is awesome. 2 story a frame style with a huge open living area that is open all the way to the roof. It had a grand fireplace that I had many fond memories of snuggling in front of with Rick. The cabin has a large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a large porch front and back. His family had owned it for generations and each one had made improvements to it. We drove up in front and Rick helped Jose and I out of the car. It was already late so it was fast getting dark outside. We followed Rick up the steps, across the deck, and into the cabin. Rick released Jose's hands and sent him back down to the car to bring in all our gear. It struck me as interesting Jose free, me still bound. Rick made me kneel in the middle fo the room. He brushed my tits and said, "Your tits are telling me you are cold. They are standing up like little dicks." He kissed me loving on the mouth and added, "I guess I had better fix that. I don't want my naked little slave to catch cold" He went to the fireplace and began getting a fire started. It was cold and from experience I knew it would get colder. For the first time I really wished I had clothes on. Jose finished unloading the car. By the time he did Rick had a fire going. Withing a very short time the cabin had warmed up and I was no longer so cold. Jose was sent into the kitchen to fix us dinner. I watched as he padded naked and barefoot off to follow Rick's orders. Rick sat down in front of the fire and motioned for me to join him. I crawled over to him on my knees. He had me lay down and place my head in his lap. He stroked my hair and we just stared at the fire while Jose finished up in the kitchen. Rick's hands can be so gentle and loving. So far this had been a great birthday. I was sure the weekend would only get better.

Soon Jose announced that dinner was ready. Rick led me into the kitchen. He recuffed Jose's hands behind his back and placed two plates on the floor side by side. We both leaned over and began eating while Rick sat at the table with his food. After dinner Rick cleaned us both up and told Jose he could clean the kitchen in the morning. It was late, he was tired, and Jose and I had one more thing to do before we all went to sleep. Rick spread blankets out on the floor in front of the fireplace. He said we were all going to sleep there tonight. As he put it one big happy family.

Rick took off his clothes and laid down. Jose and I knelt at his sides. My head was pushed toward his crotch and Jose's was pushed down to his chest. I heard Jose begin kissing Rick's nipples as my mouth explored his balls. I slowly headed for Rick's hard cock but he stopped me, "Not yet. I am no hurry. I will tell when." I went back to work on his balls and then moved my attention to the inside of his thighs. Every once in a while I would get a glimpse Jose. I knew he must have hit Rick's belly button with his ministrations as I heard a gasp of pleasure from Rick. Rick has an incredibly sensitive belly button. Rick's body was twitching and his breath was coming in gasps when he finally directed my mouth onto his cock. I sucked while I heard Jose kissing and licking what I assumed where Rick's tits. Rick grew harder in my mouth and I felt him tensing to shoot his load. Just then I felt his hand in my hair pulling my mouth away. He loves to prolong his climax and has a will power that at times amazes me. He brought my mouth up to his right tit. I saw across from me Jose working on Rick's left one. I kissed, licked, and tweaked his nipple until his body was trembling with need. He grabbed both our heads. My mouth was shoved onto his cock and I felt Jose's head pressed against mine working on Rick's balls. I felt Rick's cock ready to cum and this time he did not pull me away. He exploded inside my mouth, wave after wave of hot cum. I felt his body collapse under me in happy exhaustion. He had let us work on him for a long time. Rick pulled us both close. Me cuddled to his right side and Jose cuddled to his left. He pulled a blanket over all of us and we lay there as he stroked our heads. "Thank you boys," was the only thing he needed to say. We were all so happy and content. I could hardly wait until the morning. This was going to be a great weekend. I very shortly feel sleep with Rick's arm around me as happy as I could possibly be.

I am going to stop the story here. I want Saturday to start fresh. So the next post will pick up right where this one left off. I must admit that having both those hot horny slaves working on me was incredible. I was never so thankful I had brought Jose into our little family. As always let me know if you want more. BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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