I Just Wanted to Fit In

Published on Apr 29, 2022


I Just Wanted to Fit In Chapter 1-6

I Just Wanted to Fit In

Hi, The_Curmudgeon@Yahoo.com here. The following is another work of fiction written and copyrighted by me. It is not based on any real events or people.

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If you are looking for the other part to this story, you can find it here: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/i-just-wanted-to-fit-in/


Part 1 – The Induction

Chapter 1 – I Just Wanted to Fit In

I had just moved into this god-forsaken place in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, Texas. We knew nothing about the town or anyone in it. My Dad, had found this new job in the trade papers and was interviewed by phone and hired over the course of two days. The job required a lot of travel but included a house to live in with paid utilities. The money was ok and it was many, many miles from our current home. So we packed up and moved for the 12th time in my 17 years.

By now it was just me and my Dad. Mom gave up after our 7th or 8th move. She left for the grocery store to restock the latest version of our kitchen and we never heard from her again except for a phone call telling us she was done and that we shouldn't try to find her.

I'm Frank and I think I have a pretty outgoing personality. I usually make friends fairly easily. You just need to be flexible and stay under the radar until you get to know a few people. I should be a senior this year, but due to all the moves I'm a year behind. And still I struggle to keep up in some of my classes.

My new school is normal enough except this weird greeting that several of the guys give each other. They raise their right fist about head high and yell Ride 'Em! I'm trying to be friendly, but no one wants to talk to me. I feel like an outcast. Hell, I am an outcast, I'm not from around here, but then that was the reason we moved here. I'm the new guy just starting school there where everybody already knows everybody else, except me. There is this one other kid, kind of dorky, no one talks to him much either. So after school one day I caught up to him walking home.

I found out from him that those guys are members of a not-so-secret, secret society called The Sons of the Rangers. I figured a fast way to fit in here would be to become a member. So I asked one of them about how to join. I didn't hear anything for a couple weeks.

Chapter 2 – The Initiation

One Friday morning I found an invitation in my desk in home room. The Rangers were inviting me out to the Ranger Barn on Jason's family's dairy farm. It was the largest farm in the area producing thousands of gallons of milk every day. It was to be an overnight camping trip that night, so after school I packed my duffel bag with some basic camping gear and headed to the farm. Four of them met me when I arrived and showed me around since I'd never been on a dairy farm before. Jason explained that he had been born here and was a fourth generation dairy farmer and a descendent of one of the original Texas Rangers.

The milking barn was huge and amazingly clean from what you might normally think about a barn being on a farm and all. Another barn had several holding pens. They explained that this is where they harvest sperm from the bulls for their breeding program. None of their bulls ever got to fuck a cow, everything was selectively done and the cow was impregnated by artificial insemination, but none of that was going on right now. They did showed me the equipment they use though. There's a big metal cage that holds the bull in place during the whole process, then there's a device called an ElectroJack. It has probes, each about 8" long and vary in diameter from 2" to 3"with two big handles that allow the probe to be pushed in the bull's rectum. It's connected to a battery-operated control unit that sends electrical impulses to the probe. It stimulates the bull's reproductive system, giving the bull gets an erection and after a minute or so of electro therapy he gets his happy ending, ejaculating into a collection sleeve.

We headed away from the main center of activity to where we were camping for the night. We walked down a dirt road about a ¾ of a mile past fields of cows. Most of them were just standing around chewing, some were calves still feeding from their mother's udders.

We approached a very old dilapidated barn that looked like it was ready to fall down – no doors and missing siding in several places.

As we were about to go in, four more of the rangers stepped out.

"Hey guys. I didn't realize you were going to be here."

"Welcome to the Ranger Barn."

"Take him!" Jason ordered.

All eight of them lunged for me. They instantly overwhelmed me and pinned me to the ground. No punches were thrown they just subdued me. There were two guys on each of my arms and legs. They pulled my arms above my head and out to the sides. My feet were spread 4 to 5 feet apart. A rag was stuffed into my mouth and a strap was fixed in place so I couldn't spit it out. Half carrying and half dragging, they moved me into the barn and stopped when I was over a metal frame.

It was a rectangular frame about 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide. There were a couple diagonal metal pieces so the frame would remain a rectangle.

"We don't want to damage any of your clothes, so we're going to undress you," Jason informed me. He was one of the smaller guys and was paired with Tony, the biggest guy. Jason was the one who put the gag on me and now was unbuttoning my shirt, while Tony sat on my right arm. When he released the last button, they worked my shirt off both arms then pulled me back to the stretched-out position. My shirt was tossed off to the side.

Jason tied a rope around my wrist with a knot that wouldn't cut off my circulation. He tied the other end through a loop welded to the frame. He repeated everything, tying another rope to my other wrist. This freed up 3 of the guys.

"Go get the calf," Jason ordered. Two of them took off.

Jason, was now standing over me, undoing my belt. I struggled, but against two well tied ropes and 4 guys holding my legs, I could barely wiggle. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down. Two of them grabbed the waist of my jeans and underwear and pulled them below my ass. With my legs spread so far, that's all the lower they would go. The guys holding my legs removed my shoes and socks.

"Please don't struggle. You won't like what happens if you struggle." They let go of my legs and of course I didn't listen to them and began to kick about widely. "Haul him up." One of them pulled on a rope that went up to block and tackle attached directly above me in the barn rafters.

I felt myself move, my hands and head leaving the ground. Soon I was vertical and hanging by my wrists. I was pulled up till the frame was 5 feet off the ground. I had to stop kicking as every motion dug the ropes deeper into my wrists. They grabbed the legs of my pants and pulled then off. One reached up with a rusty old hook that was used to move hay bales and snagged my underwear, pulling them off as well.

Ropes were tied to each ankle and I was helpless to stop them. The opposite ends attached to the frame. My legs were spread again 4 to 5 feet apart.

I was spread out like da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.

"Lower him."

I felt the frame touch down on the barn floor. I started tipping forward. Gravity pulled my body away from the frame, straining my shoulders.

"Wait, back up a bit. We forgot the body straps."

I was pulled back to vertical and someone behind me threw a web strap around my waist and cinched it tight. It went around the diagonal frame members where they crossed in the small of my back. It was tightened securing me to the frame, my ass sticking out the back. Another was placed at the very top of each leg where it attaches to the torso. Those went under my balls and again around the metal crosspieces of the frame under each leg.

I was lowered again till I was again in a forward tipped position. They left me there and walked from the barn. I could see through the open door that the sun had set and light was fading fast.

Chapter 3 – The Calf

They weren't gone long and all 8 came back in. One of them was holding a large feeding bottle and was teasing a young calf with the nipple, the calf eagerly following the bottle as it was led it into the barn.

They lit several propane lanterns around the area bringing a glow to the dingy barn.

Before moving to farm country I had heard stories about farm boys and their farm animals. Everybody knows that a farm boy learns how to fuck at the back end of a sheep. Male or female, it didn't matter as long as it had a hole, farm boys fucked it. I guess I was going to find out.

They stopped right in front of me. He pointed the bottle's nipple at my dick. He squeezed the nipple squirting some of the contents on me. The calf sensing a new source of nourishment sought out my member. I tried pulling away but I was tied too tightly. My hips couldn't move. The calf pushed my dick around with its lips trying to capture it. It finally took my dick in and suckled it. I tried not to give in to this new feeling, but it was pure sexual ecstasy, unlike any blow job I'd ever had. I went from flaccid to fully erect in the first 10 seconds of sucking. I orgasmed at about the one minute mark. I would have cried out loud for joy but with the gag in place, all I could do was moan.

My softening dick escaped the calf's mouth and they pulled the calf away, and tied it nearby. They all came back, I'm guessing about 15 minutes later. I had recovered from one of the greatest orgasms ever, but was still resting against the straps restraining me. They brought the calf back over, squirted more of the milk on me and let the calf go at me again.

Being 18, my refectory period is fairly short. My body was ready for another round. This was going to happen, so I might as well enjoy it. The calf nuzzled around me and my dick got hard in anticipation. The guys noticed how easily I became erect and joked that I must like it. Truth was, I loved it. The calf took me into its mouth and tried to feed again. Calves have a very developed capability to suckle, be it on its mother's teat, or my dick. I lasted about 2 minutes before several more strands of sperm erupted into the calf's mouth, making it suckle all the harder. Again, I could only moan during the orgasm. I sagged against the straps holding me tight as they pulled the calf away.

Two more times, they brought the calf to suckle at my feeding station and two more times I had near explosive ejaculations, though each took longer than the last, the 4th time around 4 or 5 minutes.

After that 4th time they let me rest. They lowered me on to my back and I slept briefly.

Chapter 4 – The Dog

I awoke to the feeling of movement, I was raised up to vertical, then lowered leaning forward till my head two feet off the ground. My dick was still a foot off the ground. At least I wasn't hanging by my wrists, the straps were supporting most of my weight.

The boys stood all around me. No one was saying much of anything. Then I felt something cold at my butt. It moved up and down my crack. Then it licked my asshole. I bent my head down and looked back between my feet. Someone was back there, but there was 4 extra fur-covered feet. It looked like a dog, a big farm dog. He continued to lick my ass until Neil smacked my ass with his hand several time very fast. "Come on Boy," he encouraged. The dog jumped up wrapping his front legs around my waist. I could feel him bumping into my ass. Something pointy stuck me near my hole a couple times, then it found the center. A warm slick object was thrust in my ass. I felt additional pressure as Neil was pushing the dog deep into my rectum. His hips were still thrusting but he was already in me as far as he could go.

I've seen dogs mate before. The male puts his dick in the bitch then gets large and hard. Then they are locked together till the male is done. I could feel his cock getting larger, the feeling coming from just inside me, just past my anal muscles. The dog stopped thrusting then started his dismount. He stood with his front feet on my back then tried to get down to the left. His right hind leg came up over my back. He tried to pull out and he stretched my ass to the limit. It hurt like hell, his knot was too big or my ass was too small, either way he could not escape. He turned further to his left and his hind leg came off my back. We were butt to butt just like two dogs locked in the mating ritual.

The pressure on my anus relaxed as he was content to stand there, pumping me full of his sperm. About once every second I could feel him pulse in me. Looking down between my legs I could see his balls hanging on the other side of my limp dick and I could see his balls tighten with the pulse.

From the conversation I could tell they were betting on how long the dog would take. Neil was timing him. I told them "I going to kill every one you mother fuckers." They didn't understand because all they could hear was "Mm, mmm, mm mmmm mmmm mm mm mm mmmmmm mmmmmm," through the gag.

When Neil announced 15 minutes, I realized my dick was hard and I was aroused. What the hell? I could still feel him throbbing inside me, each throb pumping more sperm in me. In my mind I brought up a cross-section image of the human male anatomy I had seen in the library. About 2 inches inside the anus was the prostate, one of the most sensitive parts of the male reproduction system. This dog's engorged cock must be pressing against it. The constant pulsing was stimulating my prostate. I had heard of girls doing that to guys with their fingers to bring their guy to a hands-free orgasm. My dick was starting to dance around in jerky movements.

Normally when you are jacking off or having sex, when you want to come you just speed up or pound a little harder till you come. I couldn't do that. I can't reach my dick. This dog is teasing me. My hard-on would point straight down, then in jerky movements raise up till it was almost slapping my abdomen. This slow build up was excruciating. It's going to drive me mad. I've been on that edge just before ejaculation for several minutes now. Why can't I come! This was the longest it's ever taken me to orgasm, ever. Finally I can take no more and come, and come, and come. 9 spurts and dribbles of sperm leave my dick.

"What was the time of the first squirt?"

"21 minutes and 14 seconds." Neil said.

"Yeah, I won." Tony said. They weren't timing how long the dog would last, they were timing me. I'm going to kill them. But the dog still isn't done. He's still pumping away, locked in my ass. Several more minutes pass and I realize the throbbing and pulsing has stopped. He's done! It takes a while but finally he was shrinking back to his normal size and popped out of me, his sperm dribbling out of my ass running down the back of my balls.


"27 minutes, 29 seconds."

They lower me to the ground so I could rest. I'm laid there on the dirt floor in pools of my own sperm, but I'm thankful to be there, I can relax my neck muscles. But I'm still going to kill them all.


Chapter 5 – "Ride 'Em Rangers!"

Now that my ass is dripping with dog cum, Aaron decided, "It's our turn, and I get to go first."

I can feel him behind me spreading my cheeks apart and running his finger around my hole. He pushes his finger in me and says, "Yeah, he's ready." They haul me up again, but only high enough for Aaron to kneel behind me and fuck me in the ass.

These guy are horny as hell having watched me cum five times already. Aaron undoes his zipper and drops his pants. He leans in a bit and my anus spreads around his dick. All the other guys are taking off their pants. I heard them lining up behind me based on the size of their dicks. Aaron must be new at this, he comes in less than a minute. But as he does, he exclaims, "Ride 'Em Rangers!"

The next in line is Bobby, he's 15 but looks 13. He's the quietest kid of the bunch, also has the smallest dick of them all. He pushes in and lays on my back with his mouth near my ear and whispers, "I'm so sorry, they're making me do this." He doing gentle thrusts and comes after a couple minutes. He barely squeaks out his "Ride 'Em Rangers!" 3rd guy was Jason and 4th guy was Neil. Both were fairly quick and neither was worth writing home about. The 5th guy, Greg, slaps my ass and tells me to push some of that sperm out. I flex my ass muscles and sperm dribbles out running down the back of my balls. This time it's human sperm. Then he pushes in. He rough and he's jamming against me for all he's worth. He's pulling out and jamming back in. He finally does his climax thrust holding in deep and lets out a loud, satisfying, "Aaaaahhhh, and the mandatory, "Ride 'Em Rangers!" What a show-off. I think I'll kill him second.

6th guy, Ted, was another vanilla fuck; gone in 60 seconds. "Ride 'Em Rangers!"

Then the big guy moves in. They raise me some more to bring me up to his level. What surprised me was that he wasn't the last one in line. Tony has a good size cock, and is having trouble getting it hard enough to push in. He has to pound on it some with his hand, then slides it in. He turns out to be the best fuck of the bunch so far. Not rough at all and very smooth, rhythmically rocking his hips while holding mine. He takes forever though, probably 7 or 8 minutes before he comes. Each of his thrust was jamming my prostate. I cum again and my clenching ass muscles squeeze Tony's cock and push him over the edge and I can actually feel him squirting in me. "Ride 'Em Rangers!"

The last guy was the surprise. If all 8 of these guys lined up with pants on and you tried to guess their cock sizes, Jacob would be in the bottom third. He's a thin kid, tall, no muscles, probably only 120 – 130 pounds, and plays basketball. He kneels behind me and I glance down. He's a good 8 or 9 inches long. He's hard but still hanging down. Must be difficult to get your cock to stand up with that much blood in it. I'm too high for him so they have to lower me back down. He stood up and said, "No, raise him."

They pulled on the rope some more and raised me so my hole was even with his dick while he was standing. He grabbed hold of my hips and rubbed his dick head up my balls and along my crack. He teases me with his cock as he coated it with the sperm of his buddies. He positioned it in the center of my brown eye and pushed slowly. Thank god the others went first and stretched my ass. He was much longer than any of the others, but only slightly larger in diameter than Tony. He pushed the head in slowly and carefully. I'm guessing he's hurt someone before by going too fast. As my anus surrounded his mighty head there was a moment of exquisite pain as he expanded my anus to a diameter never before reached. I pushed my anal muscles against him and he popped in. He paused allowing me to relax and stretch. My own dick was responding to this new level of excitement or maybe it was just the repeated rubbing on my prostate. I wasn't hard, but big, like just before a full erection.

He pulled my cheeks taut and pressed forward. I could feel him filling my ass. He hit a hard stop deep in me up around my tail bone. He moved his hands back to my hips for a better grip. He pulled almost all the way out and pressed in again. Then he did pull all the way out my ass-hole gaping open waiting for his return, filling my rectum with air. He slid in again, this time without the pain, expelling the air like a blowing a raspberry on a baby's belly. Everyone laughed. He got into a rhythm of in and out. He took his good old time too, another 7 or 8 minutes. "Ride 'Em Rangers!" he exclaimed before he pulled out. Most of the sperm drained out through my open hole.

Chapter 6 – The ElectroJack

They were gone 30 to 40 minutes, when they came back and pulled me up to vertical. The asshole who lived here, Jason, was in carrying an ElectroJack unit with the prod.

"Remember where this goes?" he asks, holding up a 2" diameter bull rectum probe.

Daggers were coming from my eyes.

He left the control unit at my feet and walked behind me. There is still sperm seeping from my ass and he pushed the probe in easily. From the sensation, I would say Tony was the same size as the probe, 2". He hooked a tether to the end of the probe and the other end to the frame so it won't fall out or allow me to push it out of my ass.

Back around front he reached through my legs to retrieve the probe's electrical leads. I tried to piss on his head, but couldn't in time. He plugged it into the control box and turned it on at the lowest setting which produced a very mild tingling inside me. "This is the lowest setting, as you can feel, barely a tickle."

He cranked the knob all the way to the right. Electrical current raced through my body, my muscles started to seize and spasm. Now I piss, not that I'm trying. I'm beginning to shake like I'm in an electric chair and he shuts it off.

That hurt like a mother fucker, you goddam bastard, you know I'm going to kill you first. Of course he can't understand me...

"We aren't going to use anything that high either. We have a program that starts out low and pulses two seconds on, two seconds off, each pulse one step higher than the last. Each cycle lasts 60 seconds. The last couple pulses may be a little uncomfortable, but nothing you can't handle. At the end of the program, it stops for 30 seconds then resets and starts over. Most bulls come after the first run through the program. Ready?"

He turns it to auto and presses the green button. I feel a mild tingle inside me, each pulse a little stronger. At 50 seconds, the pulses start causing my muscles in my butt, upper legs and lower back to contract. The little shit lied, the last two pulses were very uncomfortable.

It reset and started again. As the second round started, I got fully hard. Half way through the second program I had another orgasm, my dick squirting into the dirt in front of me.

It completed its cycle, reset, and started over. My erection didn't have a chance to fade as the pulses kept it engaged. It took 2 more full cycles to make me add to the puddle in front of me.

It reset and started over. After the 4th ejaculation, the guys were getting board of watching and went back outside where, based on the flickering light, they had built a fire. I could hear them talking and laughing.

It reset and started over. Eventually, I lost my erection.

It reset and started over. This was the first time in my life I ever orgasmed with a completely soft dick. A couple of squirts hit the inside on my leg, but mostly my sperm just dribbled down my leg.

It reset and started over. Along the way I stopped ejaculating completely. After an hour, the machine automatically shut off.

Jason came back in and reset the machine starting another hour-long torture program. In the middle of the night someone lowered me to my back and threw my sleeping bag over me. I had been sleeping tied in a vertical position. Now horizontal, I slept soundly.

At first light I woke to find the ropes were untied at the frame. I was able to free my hands. I removed my gag, unbuckled the straps, pulled the probe from my ass, and untied my legs.

Everyone was gone. I gathered my clothes and sleeping bag and stuffed them in my duffle. The fire had burned out but was still warm. I didn't bother to get dressed, I didn't care who saw me naked. I took a direct route through the fields and arrived back at my house. I dropped my duffle and stood in front of the fridge guzzling milk from the carton. I could make intelligible noises again. And I could swallow. I went to the bath and stood in the tub under the running water till the hot water was gone. I laid on my bed naked and slept for another hour. Dad wasn't going to be home till Tuesday.

If you are looking for the second part of this story, you can find it here: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/i-just-wanted-to-fit-in/

Next: Chapter 2: I Just Wanted to Fit in 7 11

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