I Just Wanted to Fit In

Published on Apr 30, 2022


I Just Wanted to Fit In Chapters 7-11

I Just Wanted to Fit In

Hi, The_Curmudgeon@Yahoo.com here. The following is another work of fiction written and copyrighted by me. It is not based on any real events or people.

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If you are looking for the first part of this story, you can find it here: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/i-just-wanted-to-fit-in/


Part 2 – A Dish Best Served Cold Served Cold

Chapter 7 – A Promise Fulfilled

It was still midmorning Saturday and I have nearly the whole weekend ahead of me. I got dressed in my brown cameos. Not sure what I`ll need, so I strapped a tactical knife to one leg, and a machete to the other. I put my 9 mm in my body harness and covered it with my jacket.

I went back to the Ranger barn taking the shortcut through the fields. This time I made sure no one saw me. Everything was still in the barn just as it was when I left. The frame was there, as was the ElectroJack. I was being careful, I wore gloves. I took in the whole scene now as an observer, not as the victim. I saw where the ground was still wet from all the ejaculations. I scuffed dirt around to hide where the puddles had been with my foot. I hid in the shadows of the barn and waited. I knew that little fuck Jason would have to come back for his toy.

I didn't have long to wait and that little mother fucker strolled in like he owned the place. He was looking all around and I took an opportunity to sneak up behind him.

"Hi Jason," I said as I racked a round into the chamber.

He spun around to see the business end of my 9 mm pointed between his eyes. He started shaking and looked weak in the knees. I saw piss coming out his pant leg.

"Um, er, ah, Hi Frank. Uh, good to see you. . . How does it feel to be a member of the Rangers?"

"Oh, is that what I am?"

"Of course, that was your initiation. You're a full member now. He raised his arm in the salute. "Ride 'Em!" I punched him in the mouth, not too hard, but hard enough to knock him down. "Consider that my resignation.

He got to his feet massaging his jaw. "Is that anyway to treat . . ."

I punched him in the face, this time breaking his nose. "Shut up, asshole."

He got up again, this time he was trying to stop the bleeding.

"Pull your pants down to your ankles," I ordered.

With no recourse he complied. I picked up the probe and handed it to him, "Put this up your ass."

"Oh come on Frank, that won't fit in me, you can see how much smaller I am than you.

"Consider yourself lucky that we don't have the 3" probe."

He positioned the probe behind him and brought it up to his pucker. He got the first inch in, but wasn't up to the 2" diameter yet. "Please Frank, I can't do this. It hurts!"

I released the hammer and put my gun back in my harness and pulled out my tac-knife, "If you want, I can open up your hole a bit."

"No Frank, I'll do it, don't hurt me." He continued to struggle, trying to get the probe in.

I walked behind him, "Ok Jason, I can see you need some lube." He relaxed a bit. I took the probe from him and laid it in the dirt, "Get on your knees."

As he dropped down, he asked, "What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to put some lube on and in your ass."

Seeing him standing there with his pants down had given rise to my cock. Standing behind him I dropped my own pants and kneeled between his legs. I pushed my cock in his already partially stretched ass. He let out a scream as penetrated him dry. I rabbit fucked him and as I started to cum pulled out so the first jet went in his crack. I pushed back inside and allowed the rest of my cum to fill his ass.

I picked up the probe and as I pulled out of his ass, I pushed the probe in. "Ok Jason, you're lubed put it in all the way." I got out of his way and he again struggled trying to get it in. "Sit on it Jason, use your weight force it in. Use your hands to pull your cheeks apart." He hesitated, then sat back till the probe touched the ground between his legs and he was directly above the intruder. Each of his hands was pulling a butt cheek as wide as possible. "Come on Jason, just sit on it."

This was taking too long. He didn't see it coming but I reached over and put a hand on each shoulder and push down. I swear, I have never heard someone scream louder than Jason did when that probe forced open his anus and his butt hit his heels. That turned him into a blubbering 10 year old, he was on his side now, clutching at his butt and the intruder, crying and calling for his mommy. I turned on the power unit and in manual mode turned it to its highest setting. That elicited another scream from the baby and I turned it back down.

"Get up Jason, and don't let that thing slip out of you or I'll put it back in. You won't like it if I have to put it back in," I said, mocking his comment from last night.

He struggled to his feet holding one handle of the probe and using his other hand to help himself stand.

"Please Frank . . ."

I turned the manual knob way up, "Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

"Yes Frank, please don't . . ." This guy is a slow learner. I turned the control knob to about ¾ power, and Jason stood there quivering for about 30 seconds. Then I realized he was in the middle of an orgasm. Both hands were holding the probe handles and his cock was spewing sperm on the ground.

I let his balls finish performing for me and I turned it back down.

"Pull up your pants." He pulled them up as far as the probe would allow. "Walk." He turned and walked towards the door.

"Where we going?"

"Just walk." He tried to make small talk but every time he did, I turned up the power setting. He was nervous, exactly what I wanted. We walked to the nearest field that had cows. As we walked in the mud along one of the feeding troughs I hit him from behind in the temple with my fist. He dropped to his knees then slowly fell forward. I straightened out his arms and legs and I pushed his face down into the mud. I went and caught a couple cows and led them by their halters back to where Jason lay. I led them back and forth across his body several times. I could hear bones snap when they stepped on his arms and legs. Ribs make a nice crack when they break too. I let the cows go when he was pushed well into the mud and almost hidden. More cows would trample him when the trucks brought their feed. I left the ElectroJack turned on and set at a mild setting and I pushed the control unit into the mud as well.

My work was done here, I carefully made my way back home making sure I was not seen. I stopped at the creek crossing and cleaned the mud from my boots and gloves. I washed my clothes when I got home and put everything away. I cleaned my sleeping bag by hanging it and used a rug beater to remove the dirt and straw it had picked up in the barn.

Monday I arrived at school like nothing had happened. Guys were giving me the "Ride 'em," salute, and I returned it.

By first period the rumor was flying that Jason was missing, search parties had been out looking for him since Sunday morning when he didn't come home Saturday night.

After lunch the rumor changed that they found something and Jason had died or was killed. The sheriff was investigating.

Things got real quiet for a couple days. Not even any new rumors.

Tuesday, Dad came home from his trip and I filled him in on the missing boy. "Frank, did you have anything to do with this? Do we need to move again? Frank?"

"No Dad, honest, I barely knew the guy."

Thursday, the school announced formally that Jason's body had been found in a field near a feeding pen on his farm. He was dead, trampled by several cows. Grief counselors were available to those that needed them. I wondered to myself if there was such a thing as a joy counselor.

Friday while in town, my Dad found out the full story. He was found trampled to death near a feeding trough, potentially hundreds of cows had walked over him as just about every bone in his body was broken. An ElectroJack Bull Semen collection unit was found with the probe still in his body. Police suspected he was abusing cows sexually while using the ElectroJack to stimulate himself and was somehow knocked down and trampled. The case was closed as a tragic accident.

So much for the fourth generation dairy farmer.

The Rangers all knew what the ElectroJack had been used for Friday night, what they didn't realize was how perverted Jason was around cows.

Chapter 8 – The "Accident"

The school homecoming was mid-October just before Halloween. The Rangers were planning to go to the dance after the game on Friday night. I hated dances. But one of the Rangers gave me a reason to attend. Greg had a drinking problem, and sneaking alcohol into school activities was standard procedure for him. He would always leave the event and make a run to a store where he knew they would sell it to him even though he was only seventeen. I figured he'd make his run around 9.

As the dance was starting I drove out on route 84 which was on the way to his favorite liquor store. The road looked abandoned. I found the perfect spot where a crest in the road hid whatever was on the other side. At normal speeds by a normal person, something parked there could be avoided. But a speeding drunk wouldn't have time to react. I parked on a dirt side road and looked for something to park on the highway.

The nearby farm house was dark. The name on the gate was Neil's family name. How appropriate. I went around back looking for a car or truck I could move. I saw the dog in a kennel and went over to him. I reached through the gate and scratched his ear. I didn't blame him for what he did to me, I blamed Neil and Neil was going to get what was coming to him later.

I found the perfect thing for my purpose, a big, older model tractor. I put my gloves on to avoid leaving prints. It started right up since the key was in the ignition. I drove it out onto the highway. I turned it so the big blunt front end would be facing oncoming traffic and parked it after the ridge of the road. I tossed the key in the brush along the road and ran to my car. I made it to the dance about 8:50.

The Rangers were all there. Greg was already drunk. I saw him tip back his flask emptying it. I knew it wouldn't be long. He was rounding up a crew to go with him. Three of the other Rangers were going with him. I didn't mind, except he was taking Bobby.

Bobby was the kid with the tiny dick that actually apologized for having to butt fuck me. I had taken a liking to him since his first apology. There were many more apologies after that. He was one of the kids at school I would actually talk to. As they headed to the parking lot, I followed them outside and I grabbed Bobby by the arm holding him back. I told him he shouldn't get in a car with a drunk driver. I think he had been pressured into going and was happy to stay with me. The others left him behind calling him a wuss.

We stayed outside and talked a while. The conversation returned to the Rangers and I asked why he was a member. He explained the Rangers made him feel accepted. He had always been small and every bully had picked on him since kindergarten. Now he was protected, some of those who were the bullies that picked on him were now his `friends'. He still felt bad for what they had done to me and for what he had to do. He apologized again for the umpteenth time.

We were just looking out over the countryside while we talked. "Holy Shit! Look at that!" Bobby looked where I was pointing and we saw a fireball exploding into the air. Several seconds passed before we heard the loud explosion. Based on about 10 seconds between first seeing the fireball and hearing the explosion, I estimated it was about 2 miles away. They heard it inside too and people came streaming outside to see what it was. Everybody was trying to guess where it was and what it was. Was it propane? A gas line? Who's farm is it?

We saw the red lights of the volunteer fire truck as it sped out of town. "That's near our house!" two of the chaperons declared. They headed for their car. "Where's Neil? Where's our son Neil?" Somebody yelled, "He's with Greg on a liquor store run." They spun their tires in the gravel leaving the lot.

People drifted back inside when the fire died down. There was nothing more to see. Word made its way back to the party that Greg's car had hit a tractor head-on on route 84. There didn't appear to be any survivors. Three boys – Greg, the driver, Neil and Ted and the tractor driver killed. That put a damper on the dance and it quickly shut down.

By Monday morning the story changed slightly. Someone had stolen a tractor from Neil's farm and abandoned it on the highway. So no tractor driver was killed, just the three boys. Police were investigating who may have stolen the tractor and left it in a traffic lane. Neil, who was in the front passenger seat, had been thrown through the front windshield and over a fence. He died in his own front yard.

The police had no leads on who moved the tractor and figured migrant workers had tried to steal it. Ultimately, they blamed Greg for causing the accident for driving drunk, 0.21% alcohol, and for speeding estimated at 85 mph at impact. There were no skid marks. It was possible he had gone airborne off the crest in the road. Neil and Ted had only traces amounts of alcohol in their systems. No one was wearing a seat belt.

My only regret was those three never knew that they were about to die or who had arranged their deaths, three for the price of one.

Four down.

Bobby came up to me at school Monday morning, "You saved my life."

They scheduled a triple funeral for the following Saturday since all three boys were close friends. I attended the viewing Thursday night before the funeral and spoke to all three sets of parents offering my condolences.

When I spoke to Neil's parents, I asked about Neil's dog and how he was doing. Neil's mom explained that he was terribly lonely and would appreciate it if I would stop by the house Friday morning or early afternoon to visit him.

I went by and was taken out to where `Boy' was kept. That was actually his name. Who names a dog, `Boy'? They opened his cage and Boy went crazy with excitement he even piddled in his excitement. Neil's parents gave him to me on the spot. I loaded his food, feeding bowls, toys, leashes and anything else that reminded them of Neil and his dog into my car. On the drive home, I promised Boy that he would never be in a cage again.

That night I let Boy fuck me again and I cummed hands free twice while he pumped me full. I let him fuck me again Saturday just before the internment at the cemetery. I took Boy with me and a load of his cum in my ass. I thought that would be appropriate. Boy sat there the whole time acting very respectful. I'm pretty sure he didn't give a shit his previous owner was being lowered into the ground.

He's a cool dog and sleeps in my room now. Dad even likes him and didn't complain at all when he got home from his most recent trip. When I let Boy out he never goes far, and comes right back. He comes when I call him and he watches TV with me with his head in my lap. I don't understand why anyone would keep a dog like this in a cage.

Chapter 9 – Roofies

There is a drug that is gaining popularity among the loser crowd, at least in the portion of that crowd that isn't capable of going on a date and getting laid.

It's called Rohypnol, or Roofies for short. In low doses it relaxes your inhibitions. Higher doses and it incapacitates and make you incapable of fighting back, then it makes you forget last night.

I acquired sufficient quantities to incapacitate two assholes.

Tony (big guy) and Jacob (big dick, basketball) hung out together a lot. I developed a plan to get them both back to the barn. It was a Friday night after one of our last basketball games, which we lost. We never had a chance after one of our starting 5 died in a car accident last Halloween.

After the game I approached them offering a cooler of beer if they wanted to hang out together. I told them to meet me at the Ranger Barn. They took off in Tony's car and I followed in mine. We drove down the road to the barn with our lights off.

We started a fire and I broke out the beer. They guzzled, I sipped. I brought out some marijuana and we smoked a couple joints. Only I didn't inhale. They got high.

I got naked in front of them and convinced them to lose their clothes as well. We started wrestling around in a playful manner, playing grab ass. I held Tony over a log we used as a bench by the fire and offered his ass to Jacob.

Tony didn't fight back at all as Jacob pushed his gigantic dick in Tony's ass. He only said, I'm going to pay you back, you butt-fucker. Jacob collapsed after he came and I rolled him over the same log and Tony paid him back leaving his cum in Jacob's ass.

We sat back around the fire naked, when I got them their next beer, I put in a good dose of the roofie powder. It didn't take long to take effect and their minds started wandering, their speech slurred, and they couldn't stand up. Not sure why they wanted to stand, but it helped me with the next part of the plan.

I helped Tony to his feet and moved him to an open area within the fire ring seating and had him lay on his back. I got Jacob up telling him he and Tony were going to 69 for me. I had Jacob lay on top of Tony

With great difficulty, I jacked both of their cocks into their last erections.

I opened Jacob's mouth and put it over Tony's erect cock. I pushed Jacob's head down on Tony's cock forcing it into his throat. I held him there till his body stopped twitching.

I put the deceased still engorged cock in Tony's mouth and pushed down on his tailbone forcing his cock into Tony's throat. "Hey Tony, did you know you have a dead guy's cock in his mouth?" Tony didn't answer or struggle either. His body just relaxed when the lack of oxygen shut down his tiny brain.

This was so much more satisfying than the accident, with the drug in their system neither had a chance, yet their eyes were open and I saw fear in their eyes as they drew their last breaths. I left them where they were and got dressed.

I had carefully watched where I had walked and using a branch, I obliterated my foot prints. I picked up the empties wiping any prints off them and accounted for each bottle as I put them in the cooler in my car. I parked my car just on the asphalt road near the milking barn. 11 PM on a Friday night, there was no one around. I walked back to their car and drove it up and back down the dirt road to remove any sign of my car tracks.

As I walked to my car in the grass along the side of the road, I remember thinking, I hope they enjoyed their blow jobs. I drove out to the main road with the lights off. With no traffic around, I didn't turn them on till I was a ¼ mile down the road.

Their bodies were found on Sunday by one of the dairy workers who saw a car and went to investigate.

The county coroner was called. Semen was found in both their rectums. Cause of death was determined to be suffocation due to an obstructed airway during a sexual liaison. Marijuana was a contributing factor.

Everyone at school decided they were gay, even though they had reputations of fucking any vagina with two legs (and probably some with 4). The gay part may actually have been true. I never saw them fuck anything other than another male.

Six down.

This place was turning out to be just like the last 2 places we lived, people that pissed me off were turning up dead.

Chapter 10 – Bobby

With most of his other Ranger friends gone, Bobby started hanging around me more than ever. He'd come over most weekends and we'd play video games, go fishing, hike in the state park not far away, 20 - 30 mile bike rides, all kinds of stuff brothers would do. He became the little brother I never had.

The last couple months before school let out for the summer he began helping me with my homework even though I was a junior. He was a sophomore, a year behind me in school but I was two years older having lost a year of school along the way. He was smart too. He could read something I didn't understand and explain it better than the book or the teacher.

During summer break Dad was traveling more than ever. He would be gone two weeks at a time then home a week and gone for another two.

All summer long, me and Bobby hung out every day. If Dad wasn't home, either I'd cook or we'd go to his house for dinner with his mom & dad, they were really nice people and she was a great cook too. We'd play his games a while then head back to my place. Dad didn't like Bobby sleeping on the couch and asked that he sleep in my room so I fixed him a place on the floor with blankets and a sheet.

Every morning we'd figure out something to do that day. We even went to the library in town where Bobby worked with me on my reading.

I know how to read, I know all the words. Bobby helped me understand what I was reading. We started volunteering a couple days a week at the library helping put returned books away and anything else they needed.

One morning, after spending another night on my bedroom floor, Bobby was stretching his back after getting up and I asked him what was wrong. He claimed he was just a little sore. That night as we were going to bed, I told him to forget the blankets and that he should sleep with me. I had a queen bed and there was plenty of room for two.

Sleeping together made for some long night-time conversations. One night Bobby brought up my ranger initiation. He told he was the last member admitted to the rangers before me and his initiation only consisted of being tied to the frame and each one of them fucking his ass, except for Tony and Jacob, their cocks were too big for his ass. They let him up and everyone sat around the fire with a couple beers before camping out for the night.

I asked him about Aaron. He told me Aaron was trying to get the initiation over with by starting the "Ride 'Em" ceremony which was supposed to be only thing we'd do. Neither he nor Bobby knew that any of that other stuff was going to happen. Around the campfire that night, Jason was ranting about how an outsider thought he could come here and fit right in with the rest of us real rangers.

I decided to forgive Aaron at that point since he tried to help me.

Bobby broke down sobbing again about how sorry he was and he was trying to figure out how to make it up to me. I told him he was already making it up to me by being my friend and like a brother.

Sometimes during the night I would catch myself snuggled up next to Bobby. We'd be back to back or more often I would be laying behind him with my arm over his chest. I'd wake up and roll away from him, kind of embarrassed that I was holding him like I would a girl. One time I rolled away, he told me it was ok and that he liked it when I held him like that. I rolled back and held him close and we drifted back to sleep.

The morning after the initiation conversation we woke up still in an embrace and I had a major case of morning wood. I'm sure he could feel my hard-on in his butt crack. I rolled away from him. I could feel him moving around and he ended up on his stomach.

He told me he had decided what his punishment would be for his part in my initiation. He told me to pull off the sheet. I did, and he was lying there naked. All that moving around was him taking off his boxers. His arms were down along his sides each hand pulling a butt cheek out to the side. "I want you to fuck me. I'm going to be your bitch and you're going to fuck me every day."

His butthole looked very inviting and I already had a raging hard-on and I couldn't stop myself. I climbed out on my side and dropped my boxers while walking around the bed. I leaned over him and spit on his opening. I pushed one finger in, then two and withdrew them. I kneeled between his legs and guided my dick to the very center. I pushed in and I laid on his back. I hadn't had sex with anything except my hand since the calf thought I was its mother. And it felt good being inside someone. I took my time enjoying the sensation of a warm inviting place, and I cummed hard in his ass. When I finally pulled out, I told him to turn over.

I rose to my knees allowing him to twist between my legs. He stopped on his back and his dick was straight up too. I guided my own ass over his cock and sat on him forcing him in me. Bobby was too good a friend to not return the favor. I leaned forward and back pulling and pushing my ass up and down his shaft. I took my time with him. My ass made love to his dick. When he started thrusting up into me, I knew he needed to come and I let him.

I told him, "You're not my bitch. You're my brother, and I love you."

This was the beginning of a new dimension in our friendship. We still did all the others things. But the sexual part of our relationship was special and I fucked him every time he came to my house and then he'd fuck me. If he stayed the night we fucked each other 3 or 4 times.

Occasionally, even Boy would join in. A naked ass up in the air was an open invitation to Boy to hop up and ram his dick up whosever ass was in the air. The first time he took Bobby's ass surprised the hell out of him. He was fucking me doggy style and Boy was fucking him doggy style. He tried to pull away and nearly tore his ass open with Boy knotted in him. I soothed Bobby calming him and allowed Boy to finish. I got my head under Bobby's dick so I could catch his cum. I didn't touch his dick, I just had to be in the right place to catch it when it came, and Bobby did cum.

We found that fucking wasn't always an option so Bobby and I started giving each other blow jobs when we needed/wanted one. It was a convenient way to release that tension and it's a lot easier to get or give a blow job in the library than it is to get fucked or fuck someone. It was also a fun way for one of us to wake up the other from a sound sleep.

My senior year at middle-of-bum-fuck-nowhere high, I even became friends with Aaron. Aaron hung out with Bobby and me and spent many weekend nights fucking and sucking dicks in my bedroom. Boy took Aaron's ass one night and after that, all Aaron ever wanted was Boy's cock. So on nights he stayed over, Bobby and I fucked and Aaron let Boy fuck him. Aaron figured out that with his little dick and some lube, he could fuck Boy's ass too.

With Bobby's help I graduated in the top 5% of the class in GPA if you only count my senior year grades.

After the calves were born, Bobby, Aaron and I snuck into the pen at the dairy so they could experience having a calf suckle their dicks too. All three of us cummed in under a minute, just like I did the first time in the barn. Hell of an experience if you haven't tried it. No one around here has any sheep though. Shame too, I've heard some interesting stories about sheep.

You have reached the conclusion of this story. Thank you for taking your time to read it. I hope you do not consider your time wasted.

If you enjoyed the story, and you have a minute, send an email to The_Curmudgeon@Yahoo.com and let me know what it was that made you like it. For the authors here on Nifty, your email is the only way we know anyone even read our story.

If you are looking for the other part to this story, you can find them here: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/i-just-wanted-to-fit-in/

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