I Like Football

By Norm Millberry

Published on Oct 25, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This story contains subject matter that may not be appropriate for younger readers. It deals with homosexuality, homosexual acts, and all things homosexual. If you are offended by this, please stop reading now.

I Like Football Unpublished Work Copyright 2003 Norm Millberry. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1 - "Quiet On The Set"


A lot of things have been said about me. Hottest man alive, ass of the year, California's hottest bachelor to name a few. It has never been said that Jeff Budden is a patient man. After 5 takes, I get a bit annoyed. I walked out into the middle of the set.

"People," I started "This is NOT a very complicated scene. Why can't you get it right?" Everyone was silent. "Brent, I've asked you every take to keep Stephen in the shot at all times. If you can't pan the camera properly, you need to think of a new career."

"Jeff, Steve IS in the shot the whole time."

"Yes he was Brent...but half of his head is missing when you move around." I looked around the room. There was Joel with a stupid grin on his face. Joel was a strange guy. He was pretty nice to look at...I mean, he's hot. All men though, are born with two heads. I'm not sure which one he uses to think with sometimes. He was tall, with short blond hair and deep blue eyes. He worked out a lot, and it showed. I fucked him a few times. He's hot, but he doesn't know what he's doing in the bedroom. There seems to be this rule, that if you're hot, you're also stupid. It's almost as if God only has a certain number of 'ability points' to use when making a new baby. If he uses a lot of points to make you look really hot, then there aren't many points left to go into making your brain work. It's a stereotype I know...there are some really ugly people who are stupid...I wonder where all their points went? There are smart guys who are hot... right? Not in California apparently. "Joel...what is your one and only line in this scene?"

"I promise I'll have the report for you tomorrow boss."

"Right" I said "So why do you start to laugh every time you say it? Are you supposed to laugh when your boss is yelling at you?"

"Well Jeff, Angela is only a first year...it's just funny to be calling her boss."

Do you see what I mean? "Well Joel, she is not Angela, a first year student, she is Stephanie McCloud, your boss, and you will not laugh when you say your line."


"Okay people, back to one. Let's try this one more time!" I waited for everyone to get into position. "Quiet on the set....roll camera."

"Camera rolling."

"Slate one, scene three, take six."

I called out "Action".

"Larry," Angela said "This is not the first time you've been late. I'm not sure how much longer we can continue this."

"I promise I'll have the report for you tomorrow boss."

"CUT!!!" I shouted.

"Jeff," Brent shouted "There was NOTHING wrong with my pan that time."

"No, no there wasn't." He looked almost surprised when I said that. "Joel."

"I'm sorry. It's just funny" Joel said weakly.

"I don't think it's funny that you keep wasting our time and our film." I looked off into the corner of the room at a short guy, about 5"9...seemed pretty average, but there was something about him I couldn't lay my finger on. "Hey, You, over in the corner...come here." I think I must have sounded really angry because the poor guy didn't seem too excited about coming over. "What's your name?"

Rather shyly, he answered "Kal."

"Are you a first year Kal?"

"Um, No...second year."

"Ah, you see." I said loudly, to the whole room. "Kal here, a second year student is the ONLY one here who hasn't made a mistake the entire day!"

"Jeff, he's only an extra."

"That's not the point. Tell me Kal, how would you feel about acting?"

"I...don't know."

"Great! You start in three days." I turned to Joel. "You Joel, don't have to come back...that is, unless you want to be an extra." Kal looked half happy, and half embarrassed because everyone was looking at him. He looked really cute. "I think that's enough folks...let's stop for the day. Kal, get a copy of the script from Angela. You'll be fine for Thursday."

I made my way off the set out into one of the many corridors in the University of Southern California's School of Cinema. I've been a student there for nearly three years. Unfortunately, classes can only tell you what and how to do things. They can't guarantee that you'll be assigned a crew that knows what they're doing. I walked down, scanning the posters on the blue walls as I made my way towards the Green Room. I had an appointment to keep. I turned the corner and walked the last few feet to the Green Room. He was waiting for me when I arrived. I locked the door.

Brad Emery. Just over 6 feet, strawberry blond hair, cobalt blue eyes...built. Brad was gorgeous. As disgusting as the thought is, I guess you could say he's my boyfriend. Boyfriend in the sense that we have sex. Brad is hot, and god, does he ever know how to use his mouth. Well, at least for sex. You certainly can't talk to him for any period of time longer than say, 5 minutes.

"Hey Babe." He was leaning against the now empty snack table, giving me a mischievous grin. "I've been waiting for this all weekend."

The scary part? That it was probably true. I walked slowly towards him. He began to undo my shirt. The problem with Brad, one of many, is that he loves me. The guy is obsessed with me. Since the first time I fucked him, he's been like a second shadow. Having removed my shirt, Brad dropped to his knees and started removing my pants. Another thing, he hasn't heard of foreplay....not that I was in the mood for that right now. Brad was very happy. He can tell his friends that he has the hottest boyfriend alive. He's snagged the ultimate prize. He lights up when he sees me. He's depressed when not around me. He thinks I'm his soul mate. He...he loves me. That's my problem.

I told you he knew what he was doing. He was damn good. I pressed his head with my left hand, and used my right to steady myself on the table. Stress relief is what I need right now. Brad can do that. When it's done though, there's nothing. I don't want to snuggle up with him. I sure as hell don't want to TALK to him. I just don't have a connection with him. I'm unfulfilled. I'm hot. My...ahem, 'boyfriend'...is hot. I've got my own luxury apartment in California. I could have anybody I wanted. But to tell you the truth...it's a fucking nightmare.

Sometimes, I feel like there is a vacuum cleaner between my legs, not a human being. Brad likes to use his tongue, and damn, it feels good. No, it feels great.

My best friend Akined, 'Aki' for short, came up with a way to describe people like Brad. Actually, it came to her. On a date with a potential boyfriend (who buy the way was a real hottie), she had just finished listing her interests and hobbies, and then it was his turn. What did he say?

"Uhhh....I like football."

It's unfortunate that there are a lot of people who like football. I see them every day. Joel of course. Brad too. Really hot, really dumb. Those are the two requirements. Surely you've met someone who likes football? The person who is all looks, and quite truthfully, no brain. The guy who gets into a University on a football scholarship, and majors in...gym.

Am I the crazy one? Every guy I've dated, I could never live with. They don't understand the power of flowers, cuddling by a fireplace, sleeping outside under the stars, making love on top of a grand piano. I want someone to sweep me off my feet. I want to be head over heels in love. I want to feel how Brad feels. I want to wake up in the morning, roll over, and see my other half. Am I asking a lot? Yes. Am I asking too much? Maybe.

I could feel it coming. Brad was doing that swirling action with his tongue that I loved so much. My body took over, and quickly Brad received his recommended daily intake of protein. I felt so good, I think I could have fallen asleep. Brad rose up and placed his lips on mine, roughly. He has suction cups for lips. He liked to share the last of my seed with me in a kiss every time he worked his magic. I don't care what Brad, or anyone else says, my cum tastes fucking gross. I tried mangoes, but nothing helps. When the kiss ended, I was relieved.

"Brad...you know I hate that."

"You taste great, babe."

Why don't I love him again?

"I've got a game tonight." Brad gave me this look that said 'I've got an idea'. "You should come watch me sac the quarterback a few times, and then," with the most shameless grin "you can sac ME".

Oh right, THAT is why.

"I can't wait." I said. He was overjoyed. He gave me a quick peck on the lips, and hurried to the door of the green room, saying 'I love you' just before leaving.

Well, that was fulfilling. Time to be depressed again. You know, I see it all the time on television...boy meets boy, boys fall in love, and there is great harmony. All is well in the world. It's not just on tv, and internet stories either! I've seen it in real life with my own two eyes. Quite a few of my friends have found love, and without too much difficulty either. Why can't I be so fortunate? Why is it that everyone I meet is not a match for me? Am I too superficial? Should I be less selective? Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.

My cell phone started to ring. I fumbled through my pants which I hadn't put back on yet. The caller display showed it was Akined. I set the phone down, and put my clothes back on. I answered the phone with a simple "Hello".

"Am I interrupting something?"

Aki was born in South Korea and came to the States when she was young. We've been inseparable since Elementary School. She understands men better than I do. Possibly because she's had so many. We consulted each other frequently on relationship matters. She of course, never listens to my advice, and I rarely follow hers. She thinks it's a good idea to date an "I Like Football" for about a week, and then discard them for another "I Like Football". Unfortunately, she usually calls me to tell me how miserable she is when they go. "But Jeff, this was the one!", "No, It's different this time", "I really mean it...this one is special" and so on. Last time we talked she was dating this hot guy named Paul...or was it Craig? Kevin? I can't keep track. Anyway, whoever it is must have left.

"No, not at all Aki. What is it?"

"I'm in trouble Jeff."

"What kind of trouble?" I asked, fully aware of the answer.

"One of my actors canceled on me. Can you take his place, please please PLEASE?"

"Well..." This was different! "When?"



"Yes...for two days, that's all."

She sounded very desperate. I didn't have to resume work on my film for three days, so I was free to help her. It isn't like I had any plans either. "What do I play?"

"Weeeeeeeeeeeel" That was what she always said before saying something she really hadn't planned on saying. "You're a rich snob."

"Uh huh."

"And you're going to dinner with your rich snob girlfriend."


"Shut up. You're going to dinner. That's it. I'm doing my lighting exam, and the restaurant scene is what I'm using."

"Well Aki, I guess I'll do it."

"You will???"


"YAH!!" I pulled my ear away from the receiver. "You're so great Jeff!"

I know. People tell me all the time. A rich snob. Sometimes I wonder if she loses her other actors on purpose.

"So, sweetums, can you be there at 7 am?"


"I know, I know" She said "The star has his own film to work on, and it puts our schedule back a bit."

"All right Aki, but only because it's you."

"I know you luvvv me."

"Yeah I do." I decided it was time to ask about her boyfriend. "So how are things with ummm....Paul?"

"Don't talk to me about that asshole!!"

"But Aki, you said this guy was different! What happened?"

"He didn't call me! I hate it when people don't call me."

"Did you argue or something?" I asked

"No. He didn't call me back, so I left threatening messages for him on the answering machine. Stupid jerk."

"Aki...how long was it since he called?"

"A couple of days."

Right...two days. Harassing phone calls. "Maybe he was busy."

"It doesn't matter! I've found someone else!"

Oh god, another one.

"Yeah Jeff, I met him on The Grapevine!" The Grapevine is a free meeting service for singles. She meets most of her men there. "His name is Jake, and he's super hot!"

"Uh huh."

"No, I mean it!" She was getting flustered "I know I say it every time, but I think Jake is different. He's really really hot Jeff..you have no Idea."

"Oh, please, tell me" I said, with mock enthusiasm "I'm dying to hear."

"It's like he was cut out of one of those dirty magazines..he's that hot!" and with just a bit too much excitement for my taste, she added "Hotter than YOU!"

"Okay Aki...why is he different? You've only known him...how long?"

"We talked on the phone last night for a few hours. I met him when he got off work. He works in a sex store."

Yes, he certainly was different. He was starting to sound a bit creepy.

"But that's just for spare cash. He's a Political Science major." She waited for me to respond, but I said nothing. "Brains turn me on Jeff! Smart people are HOT!"

"So he's a real cutie, AND he's smart?"

"YES!!!" I pulled my ear from the receiver again. "You see!! That's why he's different! He's hot AND he's smart!! He's absolutely, totally, amazingly incredible!"

Stupid little girl. You can find someone smart and hot, and I can't. Stupid little girl. It's not fair. "You don't know the first thing about politics Aki."

"So?" She said defiantly "It beats talking about Football with some dumb ass. And besides, if he's talking crazy things, I can just look at him."

"You've got it all figured out don't you Aki?"

"I really think that Jake is THE ONE."

"You said that about Steve, Jim, John, and all the others."

"I know, I know, but this time REALLY is different. We're meeting up again tonight after he gets off work. Want to come?"

"I think I'll pass Aki. I need to practice being a rich snob."

"Oh come on, that won't take long. You'll have time to come."

"Goodnight Aki."

"Why are you here so early? I thought you wrapped up yesterday."

"Well April," I said "I'm here for Aki's film. Actor canceled on her again you know."

"Oh right...the rich snob actor I think?"

"It seems so."

"She has you up this early in the morning, and as far as I know, she hasn't provided you with any eye candy."

"Not even one?"

"Not one. That means you're the only eye candy. I think I know why she's using you."

"Because she wants my help directing."

"Possibly." April moved in closer to me so that no one else could hear. "Ms. Davis is going to be grading her final piece...and we all know that Ms. Davis is smitten with you."

Yes, Ms. Davis. A lot of people envy Ms. Davis. She's only 6 years older than me. She was one of the brighter students, who became an instructor right after she finished classes. She's pretty hot (for a girl), or so I've been told. Ms. Davis has always had a crush on me. It's creepy. She gave me a lot of grace on my lighting exam. Seeing as I look good under any light, (or so I've been told) Aki should have no problem passing this test.

"Jeeeeeeeeeeef!!" was the cry from the end of the hall. "YOU CAME!!"

Not feeling like shouting, I walked down the hall to studio B, where a far-too-happy-for-this-time-of-the-morning Akined was bouncing away.

"Of course I came." I said lazily. "I always come."

She looked at me, hands on hips and replied "Funny."

"And speaking of which, how did things go last night with Jake?"

"Don't speak to me about him!"

You might think that response would generate a great deal of surprise from me, considering her description of the 'amazingly incredible' Jake, but I know better than to be surprised. Unfortunately for her, she meets "the one" at least once a month. Unfortunately for me, I need to listen to her despair after the loss of each one. Surprised? No. Curious? Of course.

"Why?" I asked "What could possibly have been wrong with this one? He was perfect."

"You don't understand Jeff. He kept asking me if I wanted to have anal sex."

I think I understand.

"He brought toys Jeff. Scary toys." and she whispered "Things that look like they would hurt."

I could no longer keep the smile off my face.

"He brought a brown paper bag."

"What on Earth for?"

"For me to wear!"

"What????" Even I was at a loss. "Where?"

"He wanted to fuck my ass while I wore a paper bag over my head." She was obviously quite upset at his proposition, judging from the angry tone of her voice. "STOP laughing Jeff!! It's not funny!"

"Yes....yes it is!"

"Shut up! Go to the make-up room you ugly pig."

Laughing all the way, I went to the Make-Up room, where Sheryl spent a whole 30 seconds on me. I made my way back to the set, where Aki was talking to what I assumed were her other actors. That was when I saw Him.

He was talking to Aki, and he looked to be just a few inches shorter than I was. He was a new face, at least to me. He stood, giving Aki his full attention. He looked so...focused. He wasn't distracted by Aki's very mobile hands (she was a rather expressive type), or the commotion surrounding him. His hair looked blonde, and it hung about halfway down his forehead. I'd call it 'messy', but definitely a good messy. It looked like he spent some time making it look that way. It was odd...but cute.

I took a few steps towards them, and noticed that his hair was not blonde, but a bright shade of brown. Poor lighting in this room I guess. Aki noticed me, and ushered me closer.

"Jeff, this is my cast, Sheena, and Aiden."

Aiden huh? "I haven't seen you around here before Aiden...are you a first year?"

Before he could answer himself, Aki jumped in. "He's actually a third year. He transferred here a little while ago. We know each other from the internet."

Great, One of Akined's friends. Since he's a guy, and he's still her friend after three days, he must be gay. That, or he is both blind AND deaf. When we were introduced, he politely greeted me, but quickly looked away. Sheena of course, didn't stop looking at me. While Aki was talking I continued to watch Aiden. He seemed quite shy, his hazel eyes disappearing every time I noticed him looking at me. I think Aki noticed it too.

"Sheena'" She said, quite audibly "has been a great help with showing him around."

I looked over at Sheena and she replied with an airy "H....Hi!" Her eyes were practically bulging out of her head, just like in one of those Loony Tunes cartoons. It was quite embarrassing.

"Alright! Let's start!" Aki moved into the center of the set. "Places! Let's do a practice run."

Sheena and I walked over to our end of the set, a small table that was part of the restaurant, and took our seats across from one another. From my brief look at the script, Sheena and I would be talking, and Aiden would walk past and slip (remember, this is Aki's script, not mine). Aiden is playing the role of my younger brother. He is dirt poor, and I'm a rich bastard. I told Aki that she might be stepping on some copyrights, but she of course ignored me.

I don't know what it was, but I got this strange feeling whenever I looked at Aiden. He was an average guy in every way, and I couldn't single out anything specifically special about him...but there I was, eyes fixed on him like the eyes of a redneck family watching a stretched limousine coming up their drive. His outfit was a plaid shirt over a pair of torn blue jeans, with some black sandals for footwear. I thought the look was pretty cute, but again, I haven't a clue why.

"Quiet on the set!! Roll Camera."


With a wide grin and a "gun" sign with her hands, Aki called out "Action"

I inspected the fork and knife on my napkins, picked up the knife with a look of disdain, and began to rub it with my handkerchief.

"I wish you wouldn't polish the silverware!"

I picked up the water glass and rubbed the rim. I looked across the table to Sheena and said "You frequently find traces of lipstick in places like these."

That is when Aiden got his que and began his trek from the other side of the set. I noticed him, and tried to hide from view. Sheena turns around here.

"Oh look! It's your brother Andy."

"Keep your voice down!!"


"Look Elizabeth, you know he's my family, and you know I love him dearly, but that's no reason why I should have to acknowledge him in public!"

"Hey Shawn!!" Aiden's voice was sooo cute. "It's me!!" Trip. Fall. Ridiculous.

"Cut!! Great! Splendid!" Aki bounded towards us. "We don't even need another take."

I helped Aiden up off the floor. His hands were smooth. He rose gracefully, and quickly removed his hand from mine. "I think Aki, you might want another take," I advised "Just in case."

"No, no..MOVING ON!!!"

I looked over at Aiden, who gave me a "what can you do?" look, then he looked away again. It was so cute!

"That's Aki's style." I explained "In and out quick, nothing lengthy. Her bedroom is like Mcdonalds." She gave a mean glare. Aiden was quick to finish it off.

"They come in, order, receive, and leave 100% satisfied. 99 Billion served."

"AIDEN!!!" Aki punched Aiden in the shoulder, which made both he and I laugh loudly.

"And the smiles are free!" I said, smiling wide.

"JEFF!!" A stinger hit me right in the arm.

"That's not all that's free." Aiden ducked Aki's wild swing this time.

"You guys are horrible!"

"Come on Aki," I said "You know we're not trying to be mean. Mcdonalds is closed on holidays."

"Not the one on Fenwick Street." Aiden chimed Akined clobbered him in the shoulder and he grimaced in pain as he held his arm, though it was soon covered by an evil grin. I wouldn't mind nursing his wound. Akined of course lived on Fenwick Street.

The day went very quickly, and with only one take for every scene, it's no surprise that we finished at 2 'o'clock in the afternoon. After we wrapped up, Akined approached me. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, since you seem so uninterested in my love life."

"I'm sorry Aki. What is it?"

"I'm meeting someone tonight. I met him on the Grapevine, his name is Erik."

"And when did you meet this Erik?"

"Last night, but that's not important." She protested, flailing her arms wildly the whole time. "He's on the Track and Field team, and he's got a very sexy voice!"

"Well good. Update me tomorrow on the next guy."

"That's not funny. Do you want to wait with me until I meet him? I'm going to eat at The Corner Pocket, and then meet him at the Plaza."

I looked across the room at Aiden, who was preparing to leave for his own set. "No Aki, I think I have other plans tonight."

"I didn't think he was your type."


"Aiden" She said "I've watched you eye-balling him. I didn't think you'd go for him."

"I don't know what it is."

"I think you intimidate him."

"I can't imagine why."

"It's a well known fact Jeff, that good looks scare us average people."

"That's crazy." I replied "Why should anyone be afraid of good looks?"

"Because of the things that accompany good looks."

"But...but that's a stereotype." It is isn't it? I wasn't convincing myself.

"Maybe, but not as false as some other stereotypes. Besides, if it blows up on you, you can always come over to my place and make out with me!"

"No Aki."

"Ohh come on!! I would wear a paper bag for YOU."

I laughed all the way across the hall with that image in my head. It didn't help that Aki kept shouting "I would! I really would". I came upon Aiden just as he finished changing out of his costume. I would describe his facial expression as I approached as a mix of excitement, and fear. Mostly fear.

"Hey Aiden"


This was new for me. I've never asked anyone out. I've never had to lift a finger. This was different. Difficult. I don't think I like it. What am I supposed to say? I decided to try a classic approach. "Off to your own directing huh?" Idiot. Don't say 'huh', it sounds so fucking stupid.

"Yes actually. No rest for me."

"I though maybe later we could go do something. See a movie or whatever." WHATEVER???? You moron Jeff Budden! And a movie? Straight people go to movies!! Wait, that's a stereotype. Fuck.

"I'm in the studio all night, so...I can't."

"Oh, Okay. Maybe some other time?"

"My schedule this week is pretty busy. I should really be in the studio right now."

"Don't let me hold you up! Go on, I'll catch you later." And I added rather sheepishly "Good Luck".

Sometimes I really disappoint myself. I just came off as very stupid, and I must be! 'huh' and 'whatever'! 'want to go to a movie'. When I turned around Aki gave a sinister laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Your face."

"I don't have a clue what just happened."

"I think I do." She said "You my dear friend, were just rejected."


"Yes. Bad feeling, rejection is...but alas, even you are not immune."

"I don't like it at all."

"No you wouldn't. I don't think you're used to being turned down. Oh well, life must go on. Find someone new to chase after."

"That's easy for you to say. I can't just give up that easy. Nope, I'll keep at it. He'll have to crack sooner or later, right?"


"I wish you'd sound more convinced."

"So are you coming with me?"

I didn't enjoy the morning commute to the University of Southern California, and making it on both of my off days was just a tad annoying. I arrived pretty early, and spent a few moments in the green room with coffee and snacks. Akined popped in after a few minutes.

"Guess what!!!"

"You're in love."

"How did you guess??"

"I don't know."

"Erik is really cute, and yes..I really think he's the one."

"So was Jake, Paul, Chris, Steve, and the others."

"Yes yes, but this time REALLY is different! I can feel it!!"

"I'll get excited for you next week, Aki."

"And speaking of that creep Jake, he keeps leaving messages on my answering machine, begging for another chance."

"He sounds like fun."

"I think you're more his type. I haven't returned any of the calls." She put her hands on her hips and gave me a motherly type look. "And Jeff, I don't want you getting carried away during the play fighting scene."

"That is soooo insulting."

"Well that may be true, but Jeff...keep your hands to yourself as much as possible...and certainly no grabbing!"

"With all due respect Aki, YOU are the one who uses these films to touch other people in inappropriate ways."

I hadn't planned on 'grabbing' Aiden during the play fight, but it seemed like a good idea. I didn't do it though. We got under way as soon as he arrived. Aki gave me a wink when she ordered a second take of the play fight scene. The surprise of the day was Aiden's suggestion that we needed a third take because he wasn't satisfied with the first two takes. It wasn't a very complicated scene, but he wasn't happy with how it appears on camera.

"I almost forgot what it felt like to be on my back." I joked

"I'm still not sure about it."

"To be powerless, totally under the control of the aggressor." All the time I was playing up my words with some colorful facial expressions that brought a smile to Aiden's face. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

"Do you think it looks believable?"

"Well, I'm a rich bastard who's probably never fought anyone ever in his life. Sure it's believable. You were quite convincing, overpowering me, taking total control, forcing me into submission." It didn't seem like my flirting was getting anywhere. It was frustrating. There he was standing there in front of me, my words bouncing off him like ping pong balls. "Mind you, I won't complain if we have to do it all again."

It generated a laugh from him. I was getting somewhere!! "To be trapped under your person, a helpless soul." It was working!! The tough nut was starting to crack! The next thing to crack was me. I felt Akined's hands on my shoulders.

I think what Jeff is trying to say is," She whispered loud enough for Aiden and I to hear; "Fuck my ass". If looks could kill, and it's a pity they can't, Aki would have dropped to the floor right there. Oh sure, Aiden and Aki were laughing, quite a lot actually. Aki was holding her stomach with one hand, and had the other hand on Aiden to stop her from falling over. Real Funny. Aki looked up at me, and her expression changed.

"Oh, come on Jeff" She pleaded "If you're really in the mood I can get out my strap on, and I'll fuck your ass!"

"It's time we got back to work" I said sternly.

"Jeff, come on, don't be such a spoil..."

"Now Aki."

The smile was finally wiped from her face. She called everyone back to their places and we got under way again. The rest of the afternoon was not good for Aki. She kept trying to talk to me, and I kept brushing her off. When we wrapped up, I quickly got my things together and started out. Aki chased me down the corridor. I kept walking, but eventually she caught up to me.

"Jeff, I said I'm sorry."

"Aki...I was getting somewhere. If you hadn't come along and spoiled the mood, my evening plans may have been dramatically different."

"I see. So he keeps turning you down, and now, it's my fault too? I've got news for you Jeff."

"What's the headline? I'm dying to hear."

"The big surprise is that maybe, just MAYBE there's someone that isn't interested in you."

Not interested in me?

"Maybe there's someone who isn't interested in you. Say it with me. Maybe there's someone who isn't interested in you. You're not saying it sweetums." I didn't say anything. "Sorry, but I just want you to keep that in mind. Don't pin all your hopes on this guy. I don't want you to get hurt."

The irony of those words coming from her mouth, directed at me was just awful. I turned and walked out to my car. Someone not interested in me? I know someone who certainly is interested in me. I picked up my cell phone and dialed Brad's number.

If someone ever wrote a story about my life, I bet the people reading it would ask themselves 'why does this author have this retarded obsession with using the telephone as an alarm clock?'. I drank too much last night, and the night's activities were...well, exhausting. Tossing Brad's arm off of me, I reached over and grabbed the telephone.

"Um, Jeff?"

"Yeah, it's me." It was Paul, one of my actors in this weeks film. "What is it?"

"Well, something has come up, and I can't make it to the shoot today."

"You can't make it?"

"I'm really sorry. It's a family emergency. I know it's really short notice."

"Very short." What am I going to do? "I only have the studio booked for today."

"We haven't filmed any scenes with me in them yet right?"


"So you can just find someone to take my place. Problem solved! I have to go!! Bye!"

I don't believe this. Where am I going to find a replacement on such short notice? I looked over at Brad, laying there, hair messed up, the white sheet tugging against every curve on his gorgeous body. Unfortunately, there's no time for admiration right now, I gave him a few shakes.

"What's going on?"

"Come on, get up" I said "I've got to go find a new actor to replace Paul. He canceled out, and I need a replacement by 3 o'clock."

"Oh..a movie!! Can I do it?? You could use me!"

"The character has too many lines."


I took Brad home, and after an annoyingly long goodbye, I started in to the studio. I called everyone I could think of on the way, but no one was available. I was so desperate that I almost called back Brad, but common sense kicked in. There were a bunch of people in the park near the school, but nobody wanted to be in the movie. I asked a few students standing outside the school when I pulled in, but they were busy too. I walked in through the large wooden doors and spotted a few people at the doors to studio A.

"Hey, Erik!" I shouted, as I ran up to him. "An actor canceled out on me...are you free today?"

"Sorry man, I'm working for Christine today."




"No can do. Sorry Jeff."

This was not good. "Thanks anyway guys." There was one last hope. I walked down the hall and around the corner, past the green room and all the way to the end. I pushed open the doors to Studio D, and I heard Akined yell "cut". I made my way to her set where she greeted me with a look of surprise.

"What's going on Jeff?"

"Aki, I'm sorry to burst in here, but I really need a favor."

"Sure, ask me anything."

"I need someone to take Paul's place on my film today. I tried everywhere, but no one can do it. I don't care who, just one of your extras even...anyone."

"Of course I can get someone!" She said "What are friends for? Aiden!! Could you come over here!!"

Aiden walked across the set over to us. I caught his eyes, but he quickly looked away. "Aki, I don't need one of your main actors. An extra will do."

"No Jeff," she protested "It's fine. Aiden has finished his scenes, so he's free to help out. Right Aiden?"


"Good, that's settled then. Off you go boys!" Aki turned and walked back on to the set. "Places!! We're going to move to scene 18!" She looked back at us. "GO!!"

And go we did. We walked back to Studio B, and on to my set. There weren't a lot of people about because it was a bit early, but my new star actor Kal was hard at work. I have no regrets about putting him on my main cast. For a second year, he's pretty good, and he's cute too. That helps. He saw us coming.

"Hi Kal. I've got good news, and I've got bad news." Kal looked at me questioningly, and then at Aiden, but he said nothing. "Paul canceled. But the good news is that we have Aiden to replace him."

"Hi Aiden."


"Okay," I said "I'll just leave you two alone for a while, and let you go over the script together. I'll check back in about half an hour. Everyone should be in here by then."

I headed out of the Studio, and to the green room. Ms. Davis was there when I walked in, and her face lit up. I tried to get rid of her as soon as I could, but she likes to talk to me. I wish she would look at my eyes when she talked to me, but I've gotten used to people only looking at other parts of me. I had a coffee and a few snacks before Akined strolled in.

"Hey Jeff."

I was curious to know. "How did things go last night?"

"I hate Erik. He's such a jerk."


"He took me to Mcdonalds!! That's so disgusting! He wanted to go back to his place and watch a few pornos."

"But I thought you liked pornos. You have quite the collection."

"Not these pornos Jeff." She leaned in very close "One of them was called 'Old Chicks, Hard Dicks'."

"That's just wrong."

"But there is other news!" She said, jumping up excitedly "Jake has been sending me messages all the time. I think I'm going to give him another chance."

"Akined...I think you may be wasting your time with Jake."

"No way Jeff! How could he be a waste of time? Look at this letter he mailed me."

She fumbled through her pockets and handed me a crumpled piece of looseleaf. It read: 'Maybe this letter means nothing to you and you have forgotten me, but as it is now...I don't know what to think. It would be nice, you and I, but fortune seems not on my side. I'll call you sometime. Yours forever, Jake'

"See Jeff, it's wonderful. I don't know why I told him I never ever wanted to see him again."

"I think it had something to do with a paper bag."

"People can change." Aki took a seat next to me and grabbed a Boston cream donut. Never having been one to observe the rules of etiquette, Aki talked with her mouth full often. "So what about you? Have you changed, or are you still on about Aiden?"

"Of course I still am."

"Maybe I should talk to him."

"And what would you say?"

"I don't know." She said, flailing her arms about as usual "Fish for information...try to see what he thinks about you."

"And maybe you can get an idea or two on what I should do."

"Well, I'm no expert at relationships," she rose to her feet "but I think he may be interested, but he's playing it safe." She walked over to the door and before exiting she ended with "You should just lay low for a while. I'll talk to him."

The day's filming went well. Kal and Aiden had no trouble at all working together, and we got through the day in a minimum number of takes. I did my best to butt-in on the two of them, but Aiden just didn't seem to notice. We finished the last scene at about 9 o'clock, and we were all out the door before ten. I came up with a clever idea. Aiden and I live on the same street, and he walks home, so I planned to come with him this night. Sure, I had my car, but he wouldn't let me drive him. He didn't say too much on the way, mostly yes or no, to my many questions. When we got close to home, he started to open up a bit, asking me questions. He asked me what my parents thought when they found out I was gay. My mother seemed excited by it...almost too excited. He asked me what kind of movies I liked, what I planned to do when I was done film school, and other things. When we made the final turn onto White street I started to get nervous. We were getting close to my house, which came first. What was I going to say? I know I wanted to invite him in...but how??

"So...this is my stop." I gazed into the hazel circles that were Aiden's eyes, I gathered up my courage. "Do you want to come in, have a look around?" Aiden was surprised by my offer, and he looked quite uncomfortable. He shifted uneasily.

"I really have to be getting back to my place."

"Oh, come on" I protested "I could show you the kitchen, the living room....the bedroom."

"I have to let my dog out. I really cant stay."

"Okay then. Some other time maybe."

"Yeah...Goodnight Jeff...see you..tomorrow."

"Sure thing."

So things didn't work out according to plan last night, but that's okay because Akined and I have a new idea. She and I decided that we were going to take Aiden with us to Reflections, a local bar. Actually, it was all my idea, and I just needed Aki's help to get it to work. She's a genius when it comes to making people do things that they don't want to do. She figured that if we had more people it might be easier to convince him, so we did a three-way call to Kal, and between her and I, we got him to come. Then we did the same to Aiden. Needless to say, he wasn't as easy to convince. Aki came through in the end, and Aiden finally agreed to come with us.

Aki was going to come to my apartment in about an hour, and so I started preparing as soon as I set down the telephone. I wanted to look extra hot tonight...not that it was going to be difficult. I was quite satisfied by the time the doorbell rang 90 minutes later...Aki never was big on punctuality.

"Oh my GOD Jeff!"

"That's the reaction I'm looking for."

"Jeff, are you trying to win Teen Idol USA?" She looked at me disapprovingly "This is all wrong! No, you must change."


"You're going to change. You look too hot, my god. You need to tone it down big boy."


"Trust me...I know these things. Didn't I tell you to law low?"

After 20 minutes of adjustments, Aki gave me the 'once-over' in the outfit she chose. "Fuck, you still too god damn hot. It will have to do, let's go."

And go we did. We walked down White Street to Aiden's house. He opened his front door slowly, and greeted us with a very nervous expression. His green eyes sparkled under the light, his hair was in a very unique but very appealing style. He was wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of hot looking tan pants which were very familiar. He looks better each time I see him, but this was really something.

"Ready to go?" Aki asked

"I think so." Aiden replied, as a small black and white tabby cat appeared, and rubbed against his legs. "Oh, this is 'Timber', my cat."

The cat was really cute. "Does you cat get along well with the dog?"

"Dog?" Aiden looked confused, but quickly responded "Yeah, um, I keep it in the bedroom most of the time."

"You look good Aiden." Aki said, coming to the rescue.

"Thanks...but I had help."

"Come on, let's go."

Okay, so the situation is improving...I think. It didn't take too much brain power to figure out that Aiden did not have a dog, which is suspicious. Two, he had help with outfit, which explains why Aki was half an hour late. Those hot tan pants are hers! This was all good news. It means that Aiden wanted to look really good for tonight's little get-together, and enlisted Aki's fashion expertise. I may be closer than I thought.

"I'm really not sure what to do, you know?" Aiden was a bit nervous about the whole ordeal. "I've never been in one of these places before."

"Oh, it's not all that hard," Aki began "You just need to be yourself, and not be afraid to have a little fun. And no matter what you parents told you growing up, sometimes it IS okay to talk to strangers."

Aiden's tone had a touch of terror in it as he said "You aren't going to leave me alone in there are you??"

"I wouldn't dream of it!" I reassured him. As we got closer to Reflections, Aiden got more and more nervous. At one point he told us that we might have to push him in through the doors. By the time we got there though, Aki had done her job and calmed him down. Kal was waiting outside for us when we arrived. He looked hot, dressed in tight blue jeans and a black turtleneck, but he wasn't the subject of my interests tonight. It was Kal's first time as well, after all he just turned 19 a month or so ago, but he wasn't nearly as nervous as Aiden...in fact, I'd say he was giddy with excitement. I imagine he'll be leaving tonight with some stranger, and we'll get to hear about it on Monday.

We didn't have to shove Aiden through the doors, he went in, slowly, on his own. It was certainly a disorienting environment when you walk in for the first time. Loud music, floor shaking, lots of drunk people dancing, flashing lights, screaming and shouting...the looks on Kal and Aiden's faces told the two stories. Aiden wore a look of shock and surprise that said "I'm supposed to be doing this?", whereas Kal wore the 'kid in the candy store' expression that said "when can I start?". Akined ran straight to the bar as she always did. I've always been a believer in the 'immersion' program. When you want to learn something new, like speaking French, the quickest way is to drop yourself in the middle of France. In that spirit, I grabbed Aiden by the arm and took him onto the dance floor...the last place he wanted to be.

"Jeff, no." But I continued to pull him deeper into the crowd.

"Jeff, really, not yet." He stopped me "I'm not ready...not just yet."

Being the nice guy that I am, I accepted his plea, and gave up on the idea of dancing with him, only temporarily mind you, I don't plan on letting him get out of this place without seeing him pull out a few moves. I looked over at the balcony overlooking the bar and dance floor and spotted Kal. Aiden and I went up to see what he was up to. Aiden was much more comfortable on the balcony...it was dark, and away from all the action. Akined came up to us with a Martini, her favorite. She'll be drunk in two or three minutes.

"Kal, I don't think you want to be up here." From the way he looked down at the rest of the bar, I thought he was just itching to jump in. "Your social status will sink faster than the Titanic if you're caught standing here too long." My audience was very receptive. It was time for Bar 101. "I'm going to explain to you how a 'Twirl' works." Aki laughed.

"What's a twirl?" Aiden asked

"A twirl is when you make a stroll around the place. You scope out the guys, find out where all the people you don't want to talk to are, and get a cheap thrill or two pressing up against hot bodies as you squeeze through the crowd." They nodded their heads. "It's quite simple really, you just walk around and come back up here. I'll show you, and then you'll try."

I went down the steps, and not a minute too soon for my tastes. Many a pair of eyes were watching me as I made my way around the circular bar, greeting a few hotties, looking out for trolls. Quite a few people 'accidentally' bumped against me on the way. I finally pushed my way through the crowd, and up the stairs to the balcony completing the twirl. Kal looked quite excited, Aiden still nervous, and Aki...well Aki was looking a bit...lost. She never could hold her liquor.

"Okay Aiden, you try."

"Ummm...Kal, you go first."

Without a word, Kal was quickly on his way out of the darkness and into the madness. I called it a balcony, but it really wasn't any higher than 8 feet above the lower level. You had a perfect view of the rest of the place from here. You could see the bar, the dance floor, and perhaps most important...the entrance. And the balcony had two exits, great for when trying to dodge someone. Kal started near the entrance to the bar and walked towards the bar as I had done. He bumped into a few people before he got there. We had a good laugh when he encountered Travis. Travis tries to get anyone he can to come have a threesome with him and his boyfriend. Kal got away continued his twirl. We were scared when he went into the bathroom, but he came out in one piece a minute later. He came up the stairs, beaming wide. "I DID IT!!"

"Your turn Aiden." Aki said "You'll be fine. I know you will. We're here for you!"

Aiden looked like he wanted to cry, but all of a sudden his look changed. He took a deep breath, and looked ready to conquer. He didn't say anything, and started towards the stairs. He wasn't watching where he was going, and bumped hard into someone coming up the stairs. He continued on without even acknowledging it. Aki was giggling. Aiden went slowly around the bar, and he certainly looked out of place. Things were going great for him until he got close to the bathroom.

"Oh my god," Aki said "It's Big Bertha!! Bertha's got him!" This was an unfortunate, but very humorous development. Big Bertha, or just "B" was somewhat like the house drag queen. He was about 350 pounds, average height, long black hair usually done in a pony tail. He's a really gruesome looking woman. He's also a psychic...a bad one. Everyone knows to stay away from "B", but she, I mean he, had Aiden trapped. "She's reading his palm!! Jeff, do you think we should do something?"

"I don't know yet." I was tempted to let Aiden fend for himself on this one. "If it gets bad, I'll go rescue him."

"I'll be back, I'm just going to get another drink."

"And um..I'm going to go on another twirl okay?" Kal followed Aki, and I continued to watch the situation below. It looked like Aiden was trying to get away, but Bertha wasn't giving up so easily. I had to do something. My man needed me. Well, you know what I mean.

I headed down towards them, catching the tail end of their conversation. B was quite enthused. "Ohhh, he's close! He's very close...I can feel him. You don't need to look far sugar. Your soul mate is somewhere in this very bar!"

"Great, I'll just go look for him then. Now."

"You don't understand!! This is very important. Ole Bertha has never seen anything like this before! So strong...He's so close! You are very lucky. You share so much in common! Even your car..."

I decided it was time. "Sorry B, this hunk's with me."

B turned around slowly, and smiled when he saw my face. "Well, well well, Jeffrey, how've you been?"

"Just fine B...you?"

"Well, sugar, I've been better. Guys can be such assholes."

"Tell me about it."

"But this fella here...he's got some wonderful things coming his way."

"Great." I looked over to Aiden "Let's go." He didn't need to be asked twice.

"Hey, Jeffrey, let me see your hand."

"Some other time B." I tugged on Aiden's arm.

"You remember what I told you kid!"

I'm sure he would. Everyone remembers Big Bertha. Aiden was happy to be safely back on the balcony. Akined was waiting for us, laughing hysterically. "So how was it Aiden?"

"I...it was something."

"Look down there!" Aki pointed, laughing, to Kal down at the bar. Travis had just bought him a drink. I shook my head.

"Looks like someone is getting some action tonight." I said

"Which is more than can be said for you." Aki chimed

"I don't think you'll be finding a guy here either Aki."

She found that amusing, as she did everything else when she was drinking. Two martini's, and Aki was gone. A few sips of one, and she's losing it, but two full martini's...look out. No sooner than I made that comment, a young blond girl approached Aki. They went off together to the dance floor. Aiden was shocked.

"But...but...what the fuck?"

I laughed. Poor Aiden. Aki was very much into her men, but surprisingly she's also into the ladies. It's probably 90/10 in favor of men for her. I did my best to explain things to him.

"You know...that does seem like Akined. She's always halfway between something."

I'm not sure what B had told Aiden about his future, but he seemed to be lost in thought. Aiden kept looking around at people...and a few times I noticed him giving me some strange looks. The time flew by, and when the lights came on, I still hadn't gotten Aiden on the dance floor.

"Okay....NO!" Aiden had stopped dead in his tracks "Someone just grabbed my ass!"

"Yeah" I said laughing "That happens."

We navigated our way through the crowd and out the doors. When Aiden asked if we should wait for the others, I reminded him that Aki and Kal are occupied at the moment. We began the short walk to White Street, chatting casually about his experiences that night. Then the conversation turned to Bertha.

"So who was that big girl who cornered me?"

"That was Big Bertha...she, I mean he, tells people their futures." We crossed on to White Street "Don't pay attention to anything he told you. He told me once that if I slept with some guy that my dick would shrivel to the size of small marble."

"What did you do?"

"I slept with the guy."


"Do you want to find out?"

He smirked. We had reached his place. "I'm glad you and Aki forced me to do this. It was fun. I don't want to do it again anytime soon, but it was fun. Thanks Jeff."

"It was nothing."

It was terribly frustrating. I said goodnight to Aiden as he disappeared behind his door. I wanted more. I wanted to know what Aiden's lips felt like. I wanted to find all the spots where I could tickle him. I wanted to show him the real me. Maybe Bertha was wrong when she told me love would come before my 21st birthday. Time was running out. She was wrong about the shrinkage after all.

I saw an old bum approaching. I was preparing to tell him I didn't have any change when he said to me "You have a good night." I walked a few steps and then stopped dead. You know they say God works in mysterious ways, but this was interesting. I fully expected that when I turned around, the old man would be gone...but he wasn't. He just kept on walking.

So would I.

To Be Continued...

Authors Note: This is the first chapter in the series. There is much more to come. If you liked this, you may want to check out my other stories here in the Nifty Archive or you can check out my website at http://www.geocities.com/mli_stories. There you can find my stories, and much more. If you'd like to send comments about this or another story please email me at mli_55@yahoo.com, I'd love to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 2

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