I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 29, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Chapter 9 I Lost a Bet - Weekend at Sir's

We started getting ready for the dinner party. I asked again if he really wanted me to be naked when I met his friends for the first time. Sir said yes, my friends would be surprised if you weren't. I asked him what he would want me to do if I started to get a hard on and he said I guess we'll both find out when that happens. I said I'll do it for you because I know you will support me when I need it. Back to the dinner plans, we made sure that plates, silverware and glasses were clean. I suggested that we take orders for spicy or sweet salmon, and what kind of dressing for the salads. That would leave less clutter on the table. Someone could also pour the first glass of wine and then leave the bottles on the table. After dinner I would have someone help me clear plates and then serve the fresh fruit for dessert. I asked if we should have coffee ready just in case anyone wanted one. Sir told me not to worry; people were used to a takeout kind of dinner at his place and not a home cooked meal. We sat outside to relax but I kept going over the menu in my head trying to get the timing down perfect. A couple of Sir's friends called to ask if they should stop on the way over to pick up food and Sir said no, this was a real sit down dinner party. I was on pins and needles. I still couldn't believe that I'd be a naked host with Sir for a party at his home. I'd be totally naked for friends of Sir, people I have never met and on top of that I'd be the only one naked. I'm sure that this was going to be a test for some of Sir's friends. I could just imagine them giving me the once over especially since I really was on display. I'd have to make an effort to socialize with all of the guys, not just the ones I knew (for all of a weekend).

I hope I'll be able to keep a conversation going while I'm naked. Will they be looking at me or my body and judging me and will that lessen how convincing I am. I'll try not to get too extreme in my views at this first meeting. I'll be polite and ask questions of everyone. Hopefully they'll be as considerate.

One last check on Sir's house and everything appears to be in order. He talks off my hand cuffs and leash and says we want to leave something for the second party. He gives me a playful slap of my ass and pushes the butt plug just to remind me it is there. Thankfully the doorbell rings and when I open the door it is Jack who enters. He hugs and kisses me and says it is good to see me again. I thank him and walk him to the bar to help with his order. Sir answers the next arrivals and points them to my direction. I introduce myself to them and ask if I can get them something to drink. They said how civilized for a party at Donald's house (Sir's real name). I tell them to forgive me if I forget their names and one of them says I'll know everyone soon enough. They head out to the patio and finally I see Ted who got me started on the journey. He waves to me, and then Chris enters the guy who shaved me. He is all over Sir; I'll have to tell him to mind himself. Michael comes in next, he was the one who I thought was my naked competition last weekend for Sir's attention but when we had a chance to talk and clear the air I had everything wrong about him. One more person must have carpooled then I almost shit right then and there.

It was Craig the boyfriend of Joe who I work with. I sensed that they had broken up this week but was not prepared to see him. Joe would cause all kinds of trouble if he found out about me. I was shaking and held onto the counter. Ted was with me and asked what my trouble was and I recounted my concerns. He told me that Craig was a real nice guy and that they had a good talk on the way to the party. He encouraged me to give him a chance. Craig finally got over to me and handed me a present. He apologized since he didn't realize who I was but after what Sir and I did to Joe last weekend and the great BJ I gave him he wanted to offer me a present.

I opened the box and it was a yellow thermos mug with a screw on top. It had "boy" written all over it. He said he thought I would appreciate it once he found out about my special beverage needs. I warily gave him a hug and thanked him. Sir came over to us as soon as he could and grabbed the mug from my hands and said he'd be right back. Of course our little group knew what was happening but I asked that we keep that to ourselves.

Sir returned and handed me my mug and thanked Craig for his gesture. I told everyone to move out onto the patio. A few more guests arrived with an occasional wary eye cast over me when I answered the door. Overall everyone was getting along quite well except for my concerns about Craig. I tried to put them aside and talk with all of Sir's friends. Every so often one of the guys from last weekend would ask me if I needed a refill as they took my mug from me.

It was time to start the grill so I could put the fish on. I had cleaned the grill before so that part was ready. I asked Sir where he kept the charcoal and he came with me into the garage. He looked in a few places and declared he must not have any. I slumped into him and said the whole evening was going to be ruined; all of his friends would say I was a failure. At this point nothing could be done. I just kept rambling on. Sir looked at me and asked if I was finished with my pity party. He asked if it was illegal to go buy a bag of charcoal. I said no, and he said I'd better go ask Craig to drive me to the store to get some and to hurry up about it. I asked if it had to be Craig and he said yes.

I found Craig and explained the dire circumstances and he said yes we could go to the store. Sir told him where it was and we slipped out of the party to Craig's car. Sir handed me my mug so I wouldn't get dehydrated on our trip. I'm getting so bold walking in public, even if it is just from Sir's front door to a car parked in front of his house. I guess I'm so frantic about getting the grill lit that I'm not thinking straight. Once in the car both Craig and I start talking at the same time, I tell him to continue. But let's drive at the same time. We head out and Craig tells me he had no idea I was Sir's boy and he didn't have a clue it was me last weekend. He grabbed my knee and said not to worry about him or Joe. They had a big falling out last weekend after the pool game at the campground. While they were still physically living together Craig had moved to the spare bedroom. They rarely saw each other and Craig was actively looking for a new place to live.

I told Craig that my main concern was Joe and if he found out I knew he would cause trouble for me at work. Craig reasoned that Joe could get into trouble as well but I said he sucked up to management so much and so well I wouldn't have a chance in a pissing contest with him. He said he would be very careful around Joe and definitely not let it slip where he was tonight. I thanked him as Craig pulled into the shopping center. Craig was going to pull into a very close parking spot he found but I asked him to park a ways from the front door pointing to my cock. He says yeah, I kind of forgot about that. I asked him to hurry on two accounts, one I'll be sitting here naked and two I'll need to get the grill fire started. He slaps my leg and says he'll be right back. I get to sit and watch people and think about them and their clothes. Such fashion choices they have made and if they only would follow nature's way and go naked. Soon I see Craig running back with a bag of charcoal and we're heading back to Sir's house. As he is driving he asks if I had any problems and said none that haven't been taken care of already.

Back at Sir's house I'm out of the car and wave to Marion the next door neighbor who says we have to come over for coffee tomorrow, unless cocktails would be better. I just have to smile at her. Craig brings the charcoal to the patio and I light the chimney so finally the fire is getting started just a little bit late. Michael has refilled my mug and tells me the chatter he has heard is that I'm doing a great job so I should keep doing what I'm doing.

I circulate among the crowd. I seem to be able to join the various conversations and Sir's friends are very welcoming. I look for Craig and ask if he'll help me with final preps for dinner and serving when I need the help. He squeezes one of my cheeks and said it would be his honor. I tell him the plan and he nods. I get the fish on the grill and set the timer. Now to make sure the rest is progressing and all seems in order. I tell Craig to start gathering the guests into the dining room as I take the fish to the kitchen. He has taken orders for the fish and salad. Soon everyone has been served and have a glass of wine or whatever they are drinking. Sir offers a toast to me and Craig for dinner and I say salute to Sir for hosting the event.

It appears that everyone is enjoying dinner, conversation has not stopped and in fact Sir's long time friends say they never expected to have a home cooked meal at his house. Craig and I clear the dishes and desert is served along with more drinks of their choice. Sir suggests that we all move back to the patio for a night cap. Craig, Michael, Ted and Chris are all astonished at how well the evening has gone. They all give me a hug for a job well done. I ask them to stay after everyone has gone so we can catch up. They all agree to do so. Sir's friends begin to leave and thank me on the way out for a great evening. Sir is smiling from ear to ear as they leave. He hugs me and plays with my butt plug a little. I've forgotten that I even have it me.

Finally it is just us from last weekend at the campground. I whisper to Craig that he has to get naked at least for the remainder of his time here. As soon as he is naked Ted, Chris and Michael say that is not fair and have pulled off their clothes. Sir looks at us and says he just wants someone to remove his boots and to get him a drink. That is done right away. First the guys all ask about the thing on my cock. Sir explains what it is and how it works in a plain matter of fact way. Nobody asks anymore but a couple of guys did ask permission and then touched it. Now that that was out of the way we all start talking about the dinner and say how great it was and how everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Somebody asked Sir about me being naked and how his friends felt about that. He said that everybody knew of his socializing likes and they wouldn't be invited back to his place if they had a problem with me being naked. He said if we went to someone else's place for a dinner party it was up to the host to let him know the protocol for the evening. Sir said I should be prepared to be naked or clothed at his friend's homes but that even if I was to be naked that I'd have to wear clothes until we had arrived.

Our chatter continued for about an hour and Sir offered his spare bedrooms for everyone.

Michael, Ted and Chris readily accepted, Craig didn't know what he should do but since he drove everyone he guessed he'd spend the night. As Sir was sorting everybody out I asked Sir if Craig could spend this one night with us in bed and he said he hoped I would insist on that.

I grabbed Craig and pulled him into Sir's bedroom and closed the door. I said it would be just the three of us for the night and he took my hand for a running leap into the bed. It ended up that Sir would fuck Craig but with all the care and compassion that I had felt. I would suck Craig and Sir until nobody had any cum left. When we finally were ready to sleep I was between Sir and Craig. Needless to say I felt many hard cocks throughout the night including mine which was straining in its confinement.

We got Sunday off to a glorious start, a couple of drinks straight from the tap and then juices were flowing all over the place. I lay in bed while first Sir and then Craig showered and cleaned up. Craig said it was his turn to cook and would get breakfast going for the crew. By the time I'd finished with my morning chores just about everyone was up. We took our food out onto the patio and ate. Craig said they would be leaving as soon as the kitchen was cleaned up. I was happy to hear that so Sir and I could spend a quite day together. I gave the guys my contact info so we could stay in touch. They all decided to carry their clothes with them to Craig's car and they would drive home that way.

When they were gone I collapsed into Sir's arms and said we are finally alone. Let's relax for a little bit before we decide what we are going to do for the rest of the day. After a short nap I woke sir. I asked him if we could go for a bike ride, just a leisurely tour around town. He said sure and I got dressed. We headed out on our bikes and I got to see the town and the parks. We stopped at a park and lay underneath a large tree; I backed up between Sir's legs and leaned back against his body. I could stay this way for a long time and told Sir that. After people watching for a while we leisurely headed back to Sir's house. As we got there I asked Marion if we could bring lunch over to her house and she said yes but that I'd better be naked. We packed up the leftovers and headed next door. She had set a place setting on her porch for us to sit. I arranged our lunch and cocktails. Marion was more concerned with the beverages. I made sure that Marion and I had plenty to drink as well as eat. As we finished I asked Marion to give me a tour of her grounds. I asked if Sir had his camera to take some pics of us around her yard. He said she would go get his camera and take the photos as I requested. I asked Marion to take a picture of Sir and I in his yard as well as I took a picture of her and Sir. I told her we'd get her copies of all of the pics and let her decide which one she would like a copy of. I told Sir that I needed to get back to his place so I could get ready to go. He herded me out of Marion's place and we walked arm in arm back to Sir home.

After we arrived at his house I said it was his choice if I spent the evening or left now. I said I could rise early enough in the morning to get back to my house and get dressed or I could leave now. We had a little bit of food for dinner and enjoyed relaxing around his home together. We watched a little TV and then he said we should get to bed if I was leaving early in the morning. I set my alarm for early in the morning.

I lay beside him as he enveloped me with his arms. I fell fast asleep with his body protecting me.

I slept soundly until my alarm woke us. I told Sir that I had to leave and would text him when I got home. He said he wouldn't sleep until he heard from me and I went down on his cock for the last time of this weekend. He shot in my mouth and of course wiped his cock on my face. In less than 45 minutes I was home. Of course I walked into my apartment naked even though Sir had given me my singlet to wear at home while bike riding.

Next: Chapter 10

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