I Love Camping

By Dude Sweet

Published on Jul 28, 2003



Ok, it was one of these father and son weekend bonding things. I was 15 and me and my dad were having a little trouble talking to each other without screaming. Well, actually, he was having trouble with talking to me without screaming, I wasn't doing that much talking with him. So he wanted us to go camping together. We used to do that a lot when I was a little kid, so I said ok. Well the ride up to Big Bear wasn't that bad. Mostly we listened to some of my CD's. He even talked to me a little without bitching at me, but I could tell he was working hard at it.

We set up our tent without too much of a problem and I gather firewood while he gets stuff organized for dinner and cleans up the area. After we eat, we just walk around a little listening to the other campsites. We when get back, it's very dark, but too early for sleeping. We play a few games of crazy eights like we used to and I down a couple of Dr. Peppers.

He heads off to bed and I tell him I'm going to walk around for a little. He tells me just don't wander off to far and heads into the tent. Well, it's too dark for any kind of real hike. All I really wanted to do was to find a quiet place to jackoff. Well, since it's dark, I don't really have to go far to find some privacy. I pull it out and jack it, standing up. It's not my favourite position, but I didn't want to sit on an anthill of anything in the dark. After I come, I take the short walk back to the tent.

It takes me forever to far asleep. First of all, I'm sleeping on the hard ground, not my comfortable bed. Second of all my dad snores. It had been so long since we spent anytime together I had forgotten about that. When I wake in the morning, he's already out of the tent. I peek out, decide it's safe and go out in my boxers only to pee.

He's already got some coffee made, he's a Starbucks addict. There's not too many people around us up yet, so I stay in my boxers and drink some OJ. I get dressed, so I can gather some more firewood. You can never have too much firewood. We eat breakfast and I decide I stink too much, grab a towel and head over to the showers.

After I shower and put on fresh boxers and my shorts, I head back to camp. Then I see two boys a little younger heading towards the showers. Darn, I wish I had still been in there. Yes, you guessed it, I'm gay. Nobody knows. But I'm not a pervert or anything, so instead of following them back into the showers I go back to camp.

Being gay is kind of lonely. I don't like girls and am scared to admit I'm gay, so I never had any girlfriends or boyfriends or anything. I guess basically I'm kind of lonely. I really wish I had someone I could talk to about it.

Anyway, back at camp, we get out a trail map and pick a good trail to the top of the big mountain, pack out lunches, load up with water and head out. Well, it's kind of funny. My dad is about to pass out from hiking up the mountain. We stops for many breaks, and finally, I feel sorry for him and tell him he doesn't have to go to the top. After resting and thinking about it, he takes a final drink, gives me his canteen and he heads back down the mountain. I'm 15, I old enough to hike by myself. So I continue up the mountain. When I get to the top, its beautiful. I can see for many miles and the air is so clean, not like the smoggy air I'm used to.

I find a nice rock to sit on and enjoy my lunch. It's so nice, peaceful and quiet, I stretch out and take a nap. Normally on a hard rock, I would be uncomfortable, but for some reason I was relaxed. I wake up with a super boner having had a pleasant dream about those two boys in the showers. I like those kind of dreams.

It's still peaceful and quiet, so I decide to enjoy the outdoors and jackoff. I strip off my shirt to sit on, pull my pants all the way down and off of one leg, so I can stretch out my legs and enjoy it. I take my time, playing with it and staring up and the very blue sky, with the white fluffy clouds floating gentle past me.

Usually when I jack, I go pretty fast, not wanting to get caught, but this time, I enjoyed it and took my sweet time. Until...

I hear laughing and look to my right. It's the two boys I was day dreaming and jacking off about. They are giggling, looking at me layed out naked, boner in hard. I try to pull my pants up, but I only have them on one leg. I finally get my left leg in and pull them up. They keep their distance a little afraid I would go postal or something. Finally with my boner put away, I just look at them and shyly say "Hi."

Well this relaxes them. They come closer. "Sorry, we weren't trying to perv on you or anything. We didn't even know you were here."

"Yeah dude, we were just surprised to see you doing what you were doing."

Oh, I love to hear their voices.

I tell them "No problem guys, it's just I'm sharing the tent with my dad and well you know, not a lot of privacy."

One of the laughs loudly, "Dude, I totally know what you mean, we've been here three days with his dad."

"Three days?" I ask. They both nod. "With no privacy?" They nod again. "And no jacking off?" There I said it. They look at each other and then nod again. Oh good. This might be cool. I laugh a little "Well, this is the first time I've ever been caught.

They smile and laugh. "You been caught before?" I ask them. A little silence.

The one guy finally says, "Yeah twice...by my mom." We all bust up laughing. I look to the other guy. He hesitates, then says, Yeah Ryan," he nods to his friend, "walked in on me last year after school. I didn't know he was in my house."

They both laugh and I join in. So they join me on the rock and eat our lunches and talk. Their names are Ryan and Terry. They are going into high school this fall. After we finish lunch, we are just sitting around. I think we are all thinking the same thing, but I'm not sure, so I ask carefully, "So, you guys want to...? You know...? It might be fun."

There is a long silence as they look at each other and somehow communicate without talking. Terry finally says "Yeah, I guess." Yea! I start to strip, they do to. I stop at my boxers, to wait for them to catch up. When we are all in our boxers, I pull mine off and stand there with my boner sticking out. Terry is next and his is not as big as mine, but it looks very nice. Ryan is not doing it until Terry pulls his boxers down for him. It's funny.

Ryan kicks his off. So we are all three standing there naked, just looking at each others boners.

Well jacking off standing up is not easy, but it was fun because we could watch each other totally doing it. Terry shoots first almost hitting Ryan and me. I come next aiming so I wont hit anybody. Ryan is still working it.

It takes him a long time, but I don't really care, cause its fun watching him.

"Want to stay naked and just rest?" I ask. Yeah they do, we all lay down looking at the sky and sometimes at each other and sometimes at each others dicks. We finally get bored and walk together down the mountain back to camp. Before we part I ask, "Want to take another hike after dinner?"

Yeah they do. I walk them to their campsite before going back to mine. I am in a good mood and that makes my dad happy.

After dinner my dad and I go over to their campsite and meet his dad. The dads, hang together and we take our flashlights and go. We have to be back before 11:00, so we have a long time. So I dare Ryan to hike with his dick out and in about two minutes, we are all walking around with our dicks out. We even walk on the street and when cars go buy, we don't put them away. We all pretty much have semi's. It's very cool.

I ask if the want to go streaking, so we do, but not on the road, we do it on a trail. We all three go all the way naked just carrying our clothes. It's fun just walking around naked. Finally I get up the courage to ask, "You guys ever jack off each other?"

"No," they say laughing. Finally Ryan asks me, "Have you?"

"Yeah man, it's the greatest feeling in the world. Getting jacked off. You just relax and somebody else does all the work for you." Well I can see they are thinking about it. So I say, "I can do you if you want."

I was surprised but Terry says "Yeah, cool, do me." So he spreads out his clothes on the ground and lays down on them. I sit on my shorts and Ryan points the flashlight as Terry's dick so we can watch. It's cool jacking him off and he really likes it. I want to lick it off him, but don't want to freak him out so I don't.

Then I get to do Ryan. He really gets into it. Then Terry does me and Ryan watches. I love it. Then we just sit around naked and talking for a while. Then I share with them my cool idea. "When we get back, you guys want to see if we can share a tent? I can sleep with you guys, or you can sleep with me?"

"Yeah, cool, but what about my dad?"

"Well, you can ask him right?"

"Yeah, ok." So we all go back to the camp. It's still only 10 o'clock, so we are back early. Nobody's at my camp, so we go to theirs where my dad is there with his dad.

Ryan says, "Can Evan sleep over?"

I look to my dad and say at the same time, "Can I sleep over with Ryan and Terry?"

The dads look at each other. My dad looks at their tent and says "Doesn't really look like there's room." We are bummed. He goes on to say "But if Jack wants to stay with me..."

Jack, Ryan's dad, says, "Yeah, sure if you're sure it's ok."

"Yea!" we cheer. So Ryan goes in his tent and gets his dads sleeping bag and pillow and we over to our camp. I take my stuff out and we go back and put it in their tent. They are just sitting at the table, drinking beer and talking quietly about the Angels and how bad they are doing lately. Boring. Joking, Ryan ask if we can have some beers. No way.

We are too excited to go to sleep, so we just walk around the camping area, talking very quietly, casue after 10 oclock it's quiet time. We get back to the camp and they are still talking and now they are smoking cigars. I didn't even know my dad smoked them. We get in the tent and just lay around.

I say to Ryan "I dare you to strip to your boxers and go out and pee."

"That's a lame dare," he says as he strips. He easily goes out and does it. Ok, it was a lame dare, but I just wanted to get dares started.

When he gets back, to make sure we keep the dares going I ask, "Ok, what's my dare?"

"Run around the tent naked," says Ryan.

"Dude, my dad's out there."

"Yeah, so what. He's never seen you naked before?"

"Yeah he has, but your dad's never seen me naked before."

Ryan replies, "Yeah, but he's seen me naked before."

"So what does that have to do with me?" I ask.

Well, why we are arguing, Terry is stripping. He unzips the tent, peeks out and pulls off his boxers and runs out around the tent naked! Damn, that is cool. Well now I have to do it. The only problem is, I have a boner!

But I strip, look out and do it anyway. The are laughing their asses off at my boner, but I kind of like it. I don't know if my dad sees me. I dive back in the tent. Terry is still naked. So after I catch my breath, me and Terry hold down Ryan and strip his boxers off. He doesn't really try to stop us.

We talk and laugh as quietly as we can. We hear the tent start to unzip from the outside. We dive to get in the sleeping bags, but there's no time. My dad sticks his head in, sees us naked and says, "Goodnight, keep the noise down, see you in the morning." By the time his head is out and Ryan's dad sticks his head in, we are sort of covered up. "Goodnight."

We all say goodnight too, glad they aren't freaked out about us naked.

Terry asks Ryan, "Do you have any lotion or anything man?"

"No, sorry man."

"You can try spit," I offer.

"Spit?" asks Terry. Hehehehe.

"I can help you if you want."

"Spit on my dick?"

I smile. "Better." I put my head near his dick. He doesn't stop me, so I put his boner in my mouth. Now this was my first time sucking a dick. I'd seen it on the internet before, but never done it. I really liked it. I'm sure he did to cause he kept saying things like "Oh, man...don't stop...this is great." He warned me before he came, but I wanted to taste someone's besides mine. It really surprised me when he came, but I loved it. And so did he.

I take my mouth away and look at him. "Thanks man, that was so...awesome."

"Your welcome. I never did that before, was it cool?"

"Yeah man, very cool. But I'm not sure I want to suck yours dude."

"That's cool, will you jack me?" I ask.

Terry says "Of course." We reposition. Ryan is so horney he's about to bust.

I say "I can suck you, while he is jacking me," I offer. Ryan quickly agrees. So we have to reposition again. So I suck Ryan's, while Terry jacks me. It's good all around. When Ryan starts shooting in my mouth, I start shooting in Terry's hand. It's good. We are all happy. We clean up, lay around naked, go out naked to pee and finally sleep naked.

Terry pokes me in the side in the morning. "I'll jack you if you suck me again."

I'm too tired or too horney to answer. I just roll on him and start sucking. His moaning and noises wake up Ryan who watches. It's funny, he practically screams when he comes. We all get out from under our sleeping bags and arrange so I can suck Ryan and Terry can jack me. But in the middle of our noisy fun we here Ryan's dad calling "Boys, time to get up."

We manage to get our boxers on before he gets to the tent. He scratches the outside. "Wake up time," he says.

"We're awake," says Ryan, zipping open the tent, and sticking his head out. He zips it back up so we can get dressed, two of our boners still horney. We all five eat breakfast together, then I have to go back to help my dad pack us up. I'm sorry to leave, this was a great experience.

In the car on the way home, after thinking about it for a long time, I say to my dad, "I'm gay dad." I can't believe I finally told him. I feel so relived.

"Ok." That's it? Ok?

"It's ok?" I ask, still not sure about what he said.

"Of course it's ok. Why would your mom or I care about a thing like that? Also, just because you messed around with those boys a little, doesn't mean you're gay." Oh, how does he know we messed around I wonder.

"Dad, I sucked their dicks. And liked it a lot."

"Well, whatever, your mom and I love you no matter who you end of liking."

"I love you too, dad."

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