I Love Todd

By RLB9044

Published on Aug 15, 2000


If you are under legal age or you find sex between males awful, sick, ugly or sinful do not read any farther.

This story is fiction and if you enjoyed it, let me know. If you don't tell me why. Email me at lee1841@prodigy.net

------------------I love Todd, part two-----------------

Todd and I spent as much time together as possible. We tried to make sure each of us shot at least twice every day. Weekdays at home, with my parents at work, allowed us plenty of time during the day. Todd and I used my little game many times. Sometimes we would try to hit just Todd's mouth and sometimes just mine. Sometimes we tried to hit each others or just our own. Todd always seemed to try to do it like we agreed upon. I wasn't so honest. Many time I tried to miss. I thought it was fun and I liked cleaning each other off after we had missed. We always ended by doing a 69 to clean our dicks. Sometimes this lead to a blow job, but most times it doesn't. We never tried to hide what we did from Jimmy. We both think Jimmy would sneak a peek once in a while as we played the game. Jimmy knew where, what and when we did things. He knew because we told him. Todd and I had talked about Jimmy knowing and sometimes seeing us. It excited both of us. I guess everyone needs to be a little kinky about something. This was Todd's and mine. Weekends were sometimes a bit of a problem. We used the theater, in the water at the beach, behind the arcade, at the park and a few times we used a public restroom at the mall. At the theater and the beach we only jacked each other off. The other places we would also suck each other. Jimmy had warned us that one day we would get caught. A couple times we almost did.

Summer was ending and our final year was about to begin. We had been back in school fewer then two weeks when trouble started. Todd and I tried to keep our feelings for each other hidden, especially while at school, but weren't too successful. Todd's car was in for repairs so the three of us decided to walk this day. We were approached by four guys who thought they were in the upper end of the jock chain in school. One of them said, "Look what we have here. Is it The Three Musketeers or The Three Amigos? No it's The Three Faggots. Are you faggots going to blow each other today?" Jimmy suckers punched him and he dropped like a lead balloon. Todd and I grabbed Jimmy. Jimmy always said, "If you want to win a fight always kick um when their down. He glared at the other three boys asking, "You got anything to say." All three held up their hands and backed away. As the rage left Jimmy's face, we released our grip. The boy on the ground had made no attempt to get up. Jimmy placed his foot on the boy's chest and said, "This is for all four of you. If any or you ever say something to or about me again I going to kick your ass." With that Jimmy removed his foot.

As Jimmy walked toward Todd and me, Todd hollered to Jimmy, "Watch out." Jimmy turned in time to block the first swing. He ducked the second, blocked the third before dropping the boy a second time. Jimmy offered his hand to help him back onto his feet. When he was standing Jimmy grabbed him by the throat and squeezed enough that you could see the discomfort he was causing. Jimmy said, "You're a stupid fuck. I was going to drop this but it seems you can't. I looked at Todd, flushed with anger but it faded quickly, as Jimmy began to speak again. "I'm not a faggot, never have been a faggot and never will be a faggot. My brother and Todd aren't faggots either. They're two guys who love each other. If you have a problem with that you better keep it to yourself. If I hear one more word, you'll have to move you hand up near your chin to scratch you nuts because that's where I'll kick um. I'll beat your ass two ways, bad and often." Jimmy released the boy and pushed him back toward his friends. "If you don't like what I'm saying and you feel froggy, leap. If you do and I get the upper hand when I'm through you'll wish that you were never born or you'd been born gay and I was on your side. When you've talked about this to your friends, and it gets back to me, the story about what happened today better ring true. If it doesn't, watch your back because, I'll be coming." Jimmy pointed his finger at each boy, asking the same question, and got the same answer from each. "Do you understand what I mean?" The answers were all, "Yes!" He told them, "Get lost." As they walked away Jimmy said, "I'm going home." Todd and I followed.

Setting at home Jimmy said, "Rod, now is the time." I answered, "Your right. I'll do it tonight. Will both of you be here in case I need you?" They both said they would. Jimmy ask, "You two want to be alone. We never said a word. We just grinned. Jimmy smiled and said, "See you later," And walked out the door. As the door shut, Todd and I raced to my room.

Todd and I had practice for over an hour exactly how I was going to tell my parents, and what I was going to say, when they arrived home. My dad arrived about five minutes before my mom. I told him I wanted to talk to them about something important. When mom arrived home dad told mom to sit down because I had important things to talk with them about. Mom wanted to get dinner started. Dad insisted mom set and just listen, telling her dinner could wait. Dad ask, "What's on your mind Rod?" I tried to tell them but couldn't get it out. I tried again and again but just couldn't say I was gay. Mom ask, "Are you in some kind of trouble?" I said. "No, I'm not in trouble. I'm gay." It came out easily this time. A burden had lifted off me but I was still embarrassed. Mom was asking if I was sure and I answered, "Positively, I'm in love with a guy." Mom said, "Your father and I have talked about this many times over the last three years. I was sure you were gay but your dad would never allow me to bring the subject up with you. He said it might just be a phase you were going through and to give you time to sort things out. Does Todd feel the same toward you?" "Yes, and Jimmy knows," I answered. When I told her Todd and Jimmy were upstairs she ask, "Would you mind if they were included in our conversion. She called them down to join us after I told her I wanted that. I ask. "How did you know it was Todd?"

Mom started. "Todd, you know what Rod told us tonight and we still have many things to say. Would you be comfortable talking about this with us?" Todd nodded his head. "Todd, have you told your parents?" Todd shook his head. "Rod. You ask me how I knew it was Todd. Adding two and two the answer I get is always Todd. I gave Jimmy a small wicked look and was thinking, if only she knew, as she continued. "You and Todd were always friendly with each other but not good friends like Todd and Jimmy were. You were left out of many things they did together. You chose to be left out. Over the last three months Jimmy has been the one left out. You go swimming, to the show, the arcade, out to eat and you've stating working out at the gym, all with Todd. Jimmy and Todd never double date anymore. Todd helps you with any chores you have to do. Todd, you hardly ever did that for Jimmy. When you two are together there's always smiles on each of your faces. Todd, you would set and listen while Rod read poetry to you. On a couple occasions I've seen you hold hands or sneak a kiss if you thought no one was looking." Mom was speaking to Jimmy and me. "Boys, when you were born, we wanted you to be healthily and you are. We wanted you too happy and you appear to be. Your dad and I have had threes years to prepare for today and we're OK with everything. We're cool about it. I'm only disappointed about one thing. I always wanted for you boys to grow up, marry and give me grand babies to love and spoil. I've had lots of time to think about this and I know it will not happen with you, Rod. But don't you worry about it. I'm OK with it now. Jimmy broke in, "Mom, I'm going to give you enough grand babies for both of us." We all laughed. When mom took Jimmy by the hand to lead him out of the kitchen, I knew dad was going to lecture us.

"Rod. Your mom left this part for me. Todd, this is as much for you as it is for Rod. In this house there will not be any open sexual contact between you two. Your mom and I aren't ignorant of gay life styles. You two aren't 18 yet and it won't be allowed if we're present. If Todd is here and you two are upstairs all doors will be open. Your bathrooms are private from each other. Why am I beating around the bush? Straight out. Keep your pecker in your pants. Keep your hands out of each others pants and off each other pecker. If Todd is leaving, you can go outside for a kiss but all rules still apply. Inside we will allow you to hold hands. You can put your arms around each other. A light kiss is all right. Even a short hug is OK. If someone other then the five of us are present, its hand off everything. Live by these few rules and everything will be fine. Break one and I will forbid Todd to come over. Dad got my mom and Jimmy as we were going out to dinner. Todd declined the offer to go with us. He was going home to tell his parents. I walked Todd to the porch. We embraced, holding a somewhat passionate kiss. We kept our hands above our waists all the time. As Todd left for home we headed to dinner.

Arriving home two hours later Todd was setting on our front porch with his face buried in his hands. He was crying and I knew why. Todd's father had called him a queer. He told Todd to get out. We all set in the family room. Mom tried to console Todd but nothing she said worked. He laid his head on my shoulder as I placed an arm around him. He took my other hand and held it. I whispered softly to Todd telling him how much I loved him and everything would turn out for the good. Mom motioned my dad and Jimmy out of the room to leave us alone. Within an hour Todd had calmed down enough that my mom could talk to him. She told Todd that he would be staying with us until things were straightened out with his father. Jimmy was to give him a pair of his PJ's. Mom would launder his clothe so they would be fresh for school tomorrow. Mom said, "Todd you sleep in Rod's room and Rod you sleep with Jimmy." I thought of protesting about that but decided it was better not to. Mom took the rest or the week off from work. The next day she visited Todd's mom telling her where he was and got some of his clothe so he could change when he needed. By Friday morning Todd was his old self again. A week later, on Saturday morning, my dad told us he and mom would probably be in and out most of the day and to be home by 5:00 as we would be having dinner then. At noon Todd and I headed to the park where we spent two hours alone

Arriving home for dinner, we sat around the table. My dad said, "Todd, I talked to your dad twice this week. Don't be surprised if you dad calls to talk to you in the near future. I think he's coming around and will be OK with you and Rod soon. After we had finished mom ask Jimmy to go to the other room with her. I knew what was coming but wondered what Todd and I had done now.

"Yesterday Jimmy skipped school and came to my office to talk. After we were finished, I took the rest of the day off to come home and talk to your mother. You still have a year of school and you need to be able to function the next day. I'm adding a new rule to the list. On school nights you will both be in bed and asleep by 11:30. Your mother and I having accepted that you're both gay. You have sexual desires just as anyone has. Your both just 17 but if I told you to leave each other alone until you're older I know you wouldn't listen. Jimmy convinced me that I was putting both of you in danger by restricting what we allowed in this house. We know what you do and we try not to think about it. By you mother and me accepting your life style and by doing so we also condone it. For us to condone we must also accept to the fullest what you also do. If you go off somewhere and were seen by the wrong people you could be hurt or even killed. If it was a police officer, you both would probably be arrested. I'm not going to let that happen." Todd and I looked at each other. We both had a good idea what was coming next. "We're going to relax a few of the rules. "You may shower together as long as it isn't too long a shower. Keep it a shower. Rod. You may start sleeping in your room again, as of tonight." Todd and I hugged and it must have lasted too long. Dad broke us up by saying, "All other rules still apply. There's a new night stand by you bed. The large drawer is private to you. What your mother shouldn't see, keep it there. Whatever happens behind closed doors remains behind those doors. Keep it private, quiet, safe and clean. The sleeping arrangements will have to be worked by you two. I've got just one more thing to say. Your mom said something the other day about Jimmy"s head being turned by a girl. I don't care how much you think you love each other. Each of you will have your head turned by someone. Even I have. The love I have for your mother makes me turn back. When your head gets turned, turn back. You're safe with each other. Don't let one stupid mistake hurt you. We love you Rod. In fact we love both of you and we don't want to lose either of you." Is everything cool with you guys?" We both nodded and said, "Thanks." We spent the rest of the evening as most families do, talking, snacking and watching TV.

At 10:00 Todd and I say goodnight and even though we could hardly contain our excitement we calmly headed for our room. What a surprise as we entered. There was a new double bed where my old twin size used to be. I said, "No sleeping bag tonight." As we set on the edge of the bed, we noticed the drawer to the night stand was open. Looking in we saw five items. Having surfed the net for nearly three months, and looked at hundreds of sites which contained pictures, stories and information about gays, we knew what each was for. The drawer contained an enema bag, mild soap, lube, a box of small plastic bags and condoms.

Todd and I had fingered each others ass hole but we didn't do it often because of the mess our hands were after you were finished. Now it would be different. Todd and I help each other undress and then went into the bathroom. We help clean the other out and cleaned up our mess. We took a quick shower and returned to the bedroom to dry off. As we lay on the bed holding, kissing and fondling each other Todd tried to insert a finger in my ass hole. He was having a hard time so he put a little lube on a finger and in it slid. He worked it for several minutes. All the time he was sucking on my dick. The combination of his working my ass and sucking my dick began to take a toll on me. I told Todd if he didn't quit soon I would not be able to hold off shooting. When I said that Todd pulled his finger out and grasp the shaft of my dick and began stroking. He was still working the head and soon I was moaning with pleasure. My body tensed and I began shooting juices only a man can deliver. Todd accepted all I gave. When I shot for the last time, Todd moved up and shared with me. Sharing had become almost expected and only on rare occasions we didn't swap jism with each other. I said, "Todd, that's three times for me today. I'm all done. Todd ask, "You don't want to try fucking?" I said, "Yes, but I want you to fuck me."

When I was totally relaxed again, Todd began to work my ass but with two fingers. The first pain started when Todd tried to stretch my ass hole. The more he worked the less the pain was and pleasure was beginning to take over. When Todd finally stopped, he ask, "Rod, how do you want to try it." I picked on my back with my legs on his shoulders. I helped Todd put on a rubber. I put lube on the rubber and then did my ass hole. I probable used too much but I knew there would be more pain and I wanted this to go as easy as possible. Todd ran his dick up and down the crack and finally positioning his dick head at my ass hole and began to push in. The pain started again as soon as his head was in. I was having trouble relaxing the muscles of my ass. Every time Todd tried to penetrate deeper, I would tense and the pain would return. When Todd was in me as far as possible, we both relax a little. Todd leaned down and began to kiss me. We held the kiss for several minutes. Todd finally pulled back and then began to slowly slide his dick out of my ass and then push deep. You'd have to call this a slow fuck. I began to find the joy in being fucked. It wasn't the physical feeling for me as much as it was looking into Todd's face and seeing the joy he was receiving. As Todd began to fuck in earnest, I almost forgot the pain. As Todd quickened his strokes, I was learning to work the muscles of my ass which increased Todd's pleasure. The pain was mostly gone and each thrust brought oh's, ah's and moans of pure pleasure. When Todd stopped and held his dick buried in my ass I felt each spasm as he shot loads of jism. As he pulled his dick from my ass he told me, "I'll take care of that. I hadn't even realized that I had started to stroke myself as we were fucking. Todd lay beside me and we kissed. He began to stroke my dick and it wasn't long and I shot. There wasn't much jism but Todd spread it on my dick and balls. He then began to lick them clean. I took his hand and did the same. When we were finished, I removed the rubber and sealed it in a plastic bag. We lay beside each other and talked about what we had just done. My ass muscles ached but I knew in time that would stop. This had been our first fuck and we weren't very good at it. We got a lot better as time went by. Todd loved fucking while I prefer sucking. We will do enough of each to keep the other happy. Todd and I showered again and returned to our bed. We held each other and fell asleep.

The following Saturday morning Todd's dad call asking him to come home. As he left, my dad could see the look of disappointment on my face. He said, "I know everything will be OK. Relax. Rod."

Three hours later Todd called asking me to come over. As I sat at the table with Todd and his dad, I thought we were reliving our talk with my dad, even when it came to new rules. Todd's dad said, "Saturday evening and all day Sunday would be spent with your families. The rest of the time you could be together. Rod, you are welcome to stay here and Todd you can stay at Rod's but try to share the time as equally as possible. Todd, because of your little sister, I have installed a lock on your bedroom door. Use it. Remember all other rules apply." When he was finished Todd ask me to go to his room. There was a new bed and a night stand. We didn't need to open the drawer to know what was inside.

Eleven years have passed and Todd and I are still in love as much as the first day when Jimmy set us up. I still tease Jimmy about being my pimp but thank him for it. Jimmy told me he had never tasted his own jism. He'd made it up trying to get me out of the mood I was in. Things went good at school the last year. Todd and Jimmy both lost a few friends but you would still see a girl hanging on Jimmies arm. Several boys, including some whom we wouldn't have ever figured, told us they were gay. All were still keeping it secret. Three even hit on Todd or me or both of us. We always said no. Jimmy didn't have to beat anyone's ass that year. We've learned many other things over time. Todd's dad and mine had several talks while Todd lived with us. John was the gay man who worked with my mom. Several times over the last couple months Mom and Dad had frank talks with John. Mom had asked John for help and advise. She had told John about Todd and what she suspected. It was probably more John's doing then Jimmies that caused my dad to have a change of heart concerning Todd and me. I had wondered how my parents knew so much about what gay guys did and needed. It turned out John had suggested the night stand with the private drawer and what it contained. He had also met with Todd's parents and mine two nights before Todd's dad called our house on Saturday morning. We met John and have developed a friendship with him. We socialize but keep it just social. Todd and I have each had our heads turned over time but we know that each of us always turns back. We know because we tell each other about it when it happens. Life is good and lots of fun. I look forward to each new day. Before I forget, Jimmy is keeping his promise to our mom. He has been married seven years and has five kids. Three girls and two boys. When I ask, "How many more?" his answer is always "Who knows." Yes the boys are twins. Good luck little brother.


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